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Chapter 234 The Combination Ceremony

Kirino Reiyo asked to check Xu Yang’s cyber security qualifications.

Of course he has a certificate, a glittering Level 2 Neural Network Engineer Qualification Certificate, which he had stored in the cloud earlier, but now he can't show it to others because Xu Yang's name is clearly printed on it, and "

"Xu Yang" should have died in the fire and the rat tide.

Without cyber security qualifications, the entire job seems very suspicious. Even if Kirino Reiyo wants to push Xu Yang, she will not be able to gain the trust of other department personnel, which requires Xu Yang to find a way to deal with it.

Fortunately, there are remedial channels. In the previous process of fighting against Milaya, Xu Yang found the "Cameraless Gate", the largest hacker organization in the Deep Anonymous Network, bought a set of neuroviruses from them, and dealt with the personnel inside.

, now let’s talk to them about this issue by the way.

"...That's the general situation." Xu Yang was dealing with his old friend "Relay", who had a rather humorous personality.

"How was the effect of the virus last time?" the relay replied.

"It's very effective. Its effectiveness against a single person is unparalleled. It can quickly paralyze the working efficiency of the implant. Before the protective library is updated against it, it is almost invincible." Xu Yang said.

"Most people don't know how to update, or don't have the money to update." Relay received the demand document sent by Xu Yang, "If you want a qualification certificate, I happen to have a few unemployed neural network engineers here. This batch of

The brothers have spent all their money and are desperate. They are borrowing money from everywhere. They should not mind linking their certificates to your company."

"Thank you very much." Xu Yang said, "Thank you for your introduction. This money will buy you a drink."

He transferred 10,000 funds, and Relay was pleasantly surprised.

"Dude, you are too rich." He replied, "But what do you need these Level 1 and Level 2 engineer qualification certificates for?"

"I set up a network security company to investigate some companies affiliated with Kyoto Unlimited." Xu Yang did not tell the truth. After a while, he suddenly thought of some key information, "Does Wuxi Guan do anything here? I remember

You want to open source all resources and put all information on the Internet for free download, and the Kyoto Mugen anime series should also be within this scope."

"You only watch anime if you are a nerd." Relay replied, "We do have 2 or 3 hackers working there, but they are all just to make a little money and don't do much messing around. They are all monitored by Century Pure Land."

"If you are being monitored, you can't be a hacker."

"It's best to leave, but the company war is coming, and safe air tickets and ferry tickets are particularly difficult to obtain." Relay handed Xu Yang some personnel files and contact information.


"If you want to work on Kyoto Mugen, be sure to check out their Z3 Research Institute." Relay said, "They are developing the world's first-class supercomputer. Before someone figures out the quantum computer, their technology should be able to catch up.

top level."

"I will pay attention. Keep in touch, brother." Xu Yang logged out from the deep anonymous network.

After getting the contact information from the relay, Xu Yang spent 200,000 to rent the qualification certificates of four engineers. These four people are currently living around the world and have no plans to work again.

This layoff made them deeply aware of the replaceability of people. As long as they make money by labor rather than capital appreciation, they will always be far away from wealth and freedom. Therefore, one of them is in contact with painless death, and the other is giving birth.

After equipping himself with a nana processor that isolates negative emotions, one became a monk and the other decided to regain his childhood dream and start learning painting from scratch.

With these certificates attached, Xu Yang set up a virtual grassroots team and named it "New World Organization". It was a completely online shell company, virtually located on a small island in the ocean, with a registered capital of 5 million.

Funds. With such a ticket, Kirino Reiyo could hand over this business to Xu Yang. She set up an independent supervisory agency, granted the New World Agency a high degree of investigative authority, and used the company's external audit channels to facilitate

He works in secret.

The deadline is 7 days.

Xu Yang investigated intensively, looking through the vast internal logs of the "Multi-Eyed Demon" to find some traces.

During this period, Kirino Reiyo announced that he had confirmed the candidate for the eighth generation president of Kyoto Mugen.

Akita Takashi!

This is an important member of Kyoto Unlimited's overseas department with excellent abilities. He has reached the eighth generation and has become a habit. Kirino Reiyo has great authority in choosing the president, and there is basically no objection.

At the same time, a grand traditional ceremony will be held publicly, which is the union of Kirino Reiyo and the president.

This news undoubtedly re-energized the morale of Kyoto, and the gloomy prospects were instantly illuminated. In order to boost the morale of employees and investors, this ceremony will be broadcast live. Kirino Reiyo and the new president have proposed a plan

A series of dynamic reform plans intend to raise the sunken ship of Kyoto Mugen from the sea again.

The offensive of the Black Fire Revolution was temporarily blocked at the front line of Sato City. This large corporate city straddled the island and became a barrier to the war. Kyoto Unlimited had already deployed the two space carriers "Yokozuna" and "Orochi"

Move into the defense line, take a resolute stance to intercept, and be prepared for the possible general attack of Blackfire Innovation at any time.

Kyoto Infinite also ordered a cutting-edge high-speed mothership "Hanzo" from Dayang Engineering earlier. After one month of accelerated construction, it has been successfully completed. However, Dayang Engineering is located too far away, and it will inevitably be blackfired during delivery.

Innovative interception.

However, the sea route to the Xia region was safe, so Kirino Reiyo personally ordered the ship to be donated to Tianshu. As a sign of sincerity in joining forces to counter the Black Fire Revolution, a series of operations were carried out vigorously and resolutely.

After consolidating the frontline defense, Kirino Reiyo's attention returned to the traditional ceremony, which was also broadcast live in Nisto Industrial Park.

Xu Yang sat far away, only occasionally looking up at the live broadcast. His main attention was focused on the portable terminal in front of him, repeatedly comparing the abnormalities in the "Multi-Eyed Demon"'s operation logs on different dates. Falosa leaned against him

, Lila sat on the ground in front of the sofa, holding her knees with her hands.

Du Qianqian was sitting on the sofa on one side. She lowered her head to play with her mobile phone and kept searching on social media. There were too many people who paid no attention to privacy and disclosed their real names and faces. They dared to surf the Internet under their real names. Du Qianqian was inconvenienced.

Silently record their names and appearance characteristics, so that they can be truly ever-changing and have enough appearances to be used falsely.

Kazama Miyari let her mental body go to work, while her real body wore a dirty T-shirt and sat in front of the air conditioner with a huge watermelon in her arms. She was unkempt and depressed. Without the institute's rigid rule of 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., she could live a good life.

Day and night are reversed, and I don’t know what time is.

101, 102 and Asame were closest to the screen. They were all curious to varying degrees about this ceremony. Yoshioka Mizuro urged them to stand back to protect their eyesight. Beilei sat next to them, confused.

"Does it look like a kindergarten?" Falosa put her head in front of Xu Yang and stood between him and the terminal.

"A little bit." Xu Yang raised his head and glanced, "But there is no risk of being on the battlefield in kindergarten."

"We are just like mom and dad," Falosa said.

"Maybe, but they're a lot better than real kids."

"Yes," Falosa said, "if anyone dares to cry in front of me, he will definitely die."

While they were talking, the ceremony had already taken place.

"Look, the fox face is coming out." 102 pointed at the screen.

"You are making too much fuss," Asamu's finger swiped across the screen and refocused on the man next to Kirino Reiyo. She held the new president of Kyoto Mugen on her arm and walked step by step towards Tsuneo Sakura Shrine.

"The new president is pretty much the same as the previous one." Kazama Miyaori observed, "There are certain criteria for Kirino Reiyo to select a new president. He must be neither tall nor short, and must be in good health."

"A bit vulgar, and his expression is a bit stiff." Asamu looked at her, "He wears such thick clothes, a scarf, and dresses like an old man. Kyoto Mugen is managed by such a weirdo."

"But they are very harmonious, just like an idiom, harp, harp, something like that." 102 pondered.

"The piano and the harp are in harmony." Kazama Miyari took a large piece from the watermelon, "We can't delay our cultural lessons."

"Mr. Akita Takashi, Miss Kirino Reiyo, get married~" 102 clapped his hands, "They are going to get married in that room."

"This is the eighth marriage for Kirino Reiyo." Kazama Miyari watched as Kirino Reiyo entered the shrine holding the hand of the new president. They looked back at everyone for the last time and waved gently, "Poor tool woman, marriage

It’s all about the continuation of the company.”

"Who made the profit?" Du Qianqian raised his head and smiled, "Akita Takashi slept with a woman who had experienced many battles and had rich experience. Kirino Reiyo got a smart and capable male companion, the new president of the company."

"Ah, there are more people coming." Qianmeng saw many aircraft approaching. She adjusted the screen and switched planes. A large number of gorgeously decorated and advanced high-end business shuttles approached and landed near the shrine one after another, representing the

The powerful figures in Kyoto Mugen are also approaching.

Xu Yang couldn't help but pause his current work. He closed the lid of the terminal and observed the new characters appearing on the big screen in front of him.

"Some rich and powerful people are here." Falosa sat upright.

"The so-called people in power, if we want to control the archipelago." Xu Yang held Falosa's hand, "These are our future enemies."

This chapter has been completed!
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