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Chapter two hundred and forty-two sacrificial ceremony

The poison master was patient enough. She did not rush to verify the so-called witch savior. Instead, she smiled calmly and put on her mask again.

"I will contact the other party." Poison Master said.

"Did what happened today scare you?" Du Qianqian said in a joking tone, "You were almost kidnapped by the enemy."

"I'm very sorry." The poison master bowed to Xu Yang and Du Qianqian, "Speaking of which, there is something in the self-rescuer association that I want to show you. Please come with me."

At this time, several large trucks with green fronts roared towards them. They thought they were new enemies, but later they saw a group of scavengers jumping down from above, wearing sanitation uniforms and carrying riot sticks and pistols.

"That's..." Xu Yang looked out the window at the new guys, "They don't seem to be enemies."

"Well, the ragpickers' association has a good relationship with us." Poison Master took a look and understood, "Sweet City Town is a suburb, and there is a big garbage mountain nearby. All the garbage in the city will be transported to the vicinity of the garbage mountain.

People are willing to clean up this huge mess, the garbage mountain is piling up higher and higher, and more and more people are making a living from the garbage industry. Over time, a large-scale scavenger faction has been formed."

"Years of rubbish." Xu Yang felt troubled when he thought of this.

If you want to build a new world, you have to clean up the old mountains and rivers.

"Fortunately, we live in the city." Du Qianqian said.

"Keep walking." The poison master walked through the factory.

A40 was still outside picking up trophies and did not participate in this small tour. The day was getting dark and the number of people was sparse. Xu Yang and Du Qianqian followed the poison master all the way.

They walked up a winding steel staircase. The handrails were rusty, and the beams and columns were covered with mottled marks. The entire old factory was aging from the walls to the ceiling. The steel bars expanded and contracted inside the concrete, emitting

The long sound is like walking in the stomach of a solid monster.

The poison master opened an orange security door with a label. Inside was a long and narrow workshop with 8 wide square cement columns on each side, just like the columns of an old classical hall, although it supported a hollow steel floor instead of a church.

The curved dome still conveys a solemn atmosphere.

There is an old game console at the end of the workshop, surrounded by wires and garbage.

More debris is tied to the game console with iron wires and green wires, as if wildly growing vines and fungi have entangled the damp tree stump, and if you are not careful, you will think of it as something else. The game console itself

It was completely rusted, and the game posters and stickers on the outer casing were all faded and covered by bright red rust, like a patient covered in scars.

"That's..." Xu Yang was a little confused.

Dimly, he felt a strong connection between himself and the broken game console.

"Let's get closer." The poison master walked forward.

They approached the abandoned game console. There were candles at its feet, most of which had been burned out, leaving a long red candle burning faintly.

"It was also built by people from the Scavenger Club," Poison Master said. "They were worried that the garbage dump where they lived was too messy, so they put it here temporarily. It's very quiet here."

"It's so quiet, it's like being haunted." Du Qianqian paid close attention to his surroundings, "It's too quiet."

"Sometimes, several people who worship regularly will talk to some of us about its philosophy." The poison master said, "You know, this place is prepared for a ghost."

Xu Yang said nothing.

"What ghost?" Du Qianqian asked.

"Cyber ​​ghost," the poison master explained, "a being that lives in the wires."

"What does it do?" Du Qianqian knew nothing about these things.

"A symbol of anti-corporateism emerged from the Aizu Underground City." With some awe, the poison master also stood far away from the old game console. "The news about it is spreading secretly, and some people believe it."

It is a revision agreement. After corporatism reaches its unhealthy peak, it is born from intricate wires, as if there is a self-correcting mechanism in the dark. The excessive expansion of corporatism has brought divine punishment on itself."

"Weird, but reasonable." Du Qianqian said, "I also heard about it when I was working in a bar. It's like an urban legend, and it still has its shadow, punishing evildoers everywhere."

"You haven't met Miying yet," Poison Master said. "After meeting her, many things will become clearer. She wanders in the shadows of Anjiu City, executing justice everywhere, and she will not even be tracked by the Century Pure Land! This

How terrifying that she can walk openly and openly under the supervision of the Pure Land of the Century. Apart from cyber monsters using their power to provide protection, what other answer can explain this kind of thing?"

"Do you also worship cyber monsters?" Xu Yang looked at the poison master.

"It's hard to say," Poison Master shook his head. "There is a process of recognition. Originally, I wanted to do something quite impulsive. I directly issued a call and dreamed of a hundred responses. Until just now, I broke out in a cold sweat and made a few mistakes and omissions.

It can cause so much trouble! I can’t even trust the software program in my own device, so how can I contact like-minded people? In this case, maybe I really need to seek wisdom and strength from cyber monsters.

But I don’t know what kind of tribute it likes.”

"The alliance of companies fought south and north and almost defeated all the Mysteries," Xu Yang lamented, "But once the company was weak, all the Mysteries came back."

"How should I put it," the poison master said, "I hope you will maintain some respect for the cyber monster. Although I don't understand it, it must have nothing to do with the ancient mystics. The two have completely different forms of existence and conceptual values.


"Okay, let's not talk anymore," Xu Yang observed the broken game console, "With this kind of thing, people's ideas cannot be conveyed to them."

"Many people believe that this is okay," Poison Master pointed to the sundries and candles tied to the game console, as if they echoed each other in a mysterious form. "There are some fans of secret codes who originally followed ancient mysteries, but now they are starting to

Follow the mysteries of technologization.”

"Not necessarily," Xu Yang said, "I think CyberGhost is more modern. It will carry a subnet on the deep anonymous network to accommodate messages, where people can create discussion threads and leave messages."

"How could you possibly know what it wants to do?" Poison Master shook his head, "I'm sorry, although you showed a lot of novel things today, I don't think you can be recognized by the cyber monster."

A40 walked around the club but couldn't find anyone. Finally, it came to check the secret location. It opened the security door and strode in.

"Boss!" it said, "Miying just sent me a message. She won't be back until 1 o'clock tomorrow morning."

"We can't stay that late." Xu Yang looked at the time. It was now 4:30 in the afternoon. "Let's go, A40, follow us into the city."

"Yes!" A40 saluted Xu Yang.

They returned to the laboratory on the ground floor. The poison master gave Xu Yang 2 extra bottles of black poison, a total of 4 bottles of deadly poison. Just collecting it felt very risky. There is no cure for poisons made with magic power, and technological means have not yet been developed.

It is powerful enough to completely analyze the working principle of "magic power", and it is unable to cure this weird poison.

"Scary." Du Qianqian observed the bottles of poison.

"It's okay, although these poisons are very dangerous, as long as they are stored properly," the poison master said happily, "The production of poisons and the proper storage of poisons are two sides of the same coin. Only when you have experience in both can you be called

'Poison Master'."

"I believe in your level. Then, say hello to Miying for us." Xu Yang said.

"Definitely." Poison Master joked, "Ah, if the Cyber ​​Demon Ghost Shadow tells that adult about you, maybe it will reward you with a faster Internet speed."

"I wish I could." Xu Yang said goodbye to the poison master, "Goodbye."

"Please walk slowly." Poison Master bowed to them.

She organized a group of self-rescuers to clean up the mess, dragged the damaged vehicles to the factory walls, put the bodies into body bags, and sent them to the waste incineration power plant operated by the company to exchange for money.

In the early morning, Miying jumped back to the self-rescuer association with a black package.

She came to the basement where the wreckage was disposed of. The bathtub had been cleaned. Miying placed the package on the table and opened it. Inside was a human head.

Miying turned on the light and prepared to take pictures.

The poison master's room was next door. She was awakened by the light and turned over to the basement.

"Who is this?" The poison master looked at the head. A man's expression was stiff and stunned. He seemed to have died in an instant. The broken neck was melted and cut off by a high-energy laser.

"This is a counterfeit medicine dealer," Miying said. "134 families were ruined by him. The families of the dead and patients gathered together, raised 670,000 yuan, and asked for revenge. Their will formed resentment, and resentment summoned people.

The shadow of the cyber monster."

"Someone came here in the afternoon," the poison master said. "A mysterious man wearing a mask and a red raincoat, and a witch. They took A40 away."

"Oh." Miying took a picture of the severed head.

"Do you know him?"

"He is the cyber monster." Miying sent the photo to his employer, indicating that the revenge mission was completed.

The poison master's movements froze.

"What?" She opened her mouth.

"The A40 will only listen to the cyber monsters." Miying said, "If it were anyone else's words, it would just fight to the death."

The poison master retreated to the operating table, lowered his head, and it took a long time to recover from the news.

"——It's so amazing," Poison Master took a deep breath, "I never thought of such a thing, Cyber ​​Demon Ghost——he and the people around him are... amazing."

"I am his shadow." Miying drew out his ion sword and "Shadow Kill", the high-energy ion beam emitted a faint blue light, "He sent me and A40 to this city. Everything we do can be regarded as his will."

an extension of.”

The poison master picked up his phone and connected to the Deep Anonymous Network. Sure enough, he saw a new discussion thread, pointing to the newly created message area of ​​Cyber ​​Demon Ghost.

She looked up and could hear some faint movement through the floor. People in the secret room were still dancing and worshiping the old game console.

Poison Master shook her head and picked up the secret code Xu Yang left for her.

"Then which savior will this string of codes lead me to?" She smiled helplessly, "It can't be a demon or something."

This chapter has been completed!
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