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Chapter 261 Pan Ruiyi

Quiet. Matsuyama Yiyuan looked frightened. He stepped back, and Falosa stepped forward step by step. The sound of her footsteps was particularly dull, like the representative of death.

More people hurriedly ran out from the shrine. As the noise was heard here, other people who were under duress in the shrine also approached nervously, one after another wanting to know what happened. When they saw Matsuyama Yi

Yuan was knocked to the ground and there was no trace of other phase demons, so they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Each go back to your home." Xu Yang said, "Let's go quickly."

"Ah...can you..." They had other thoughts.

"No." Falosa swung the knife, and the magic power exploded on the ground, cutting Matsuyama Yiyuan into pieces.

He didn't even utter a scream, and most of his body had been beaten into a puddle of flesh. Unhappy, she swung two more knives at the corpse on the ground. The overflowing magic power was wrapped in destructive power, and Matsuyama was instantly beaten.

Yiyuan was beaten even more to pieces, and his internal organs, intestines and flesh and blood were all turned into plasma and dripping with blood.



"Wow--" When people saw Matsuyama Yiyuan being beaten to bloody pulp, their courage suddenly disappeared, and they fled down the mountain overnight, leaving the Hyakuyou Shrine in chaos.

"What's behind the crack?" Xu Yang walked to the edge of a pool of colorful colors.

"According to the text on the stone tablet that I deciphered." Falosa squatted down and observed, "It is a rocky mountain. It is considered the commanding heights on Nanggong Island and has a good view."

"Remove the threat of the phase demon. The security of other companies will be in place soon. Let's go there." Xu Yang said.

"You jump first or I jump first?" Falosa pondered.

"I'll go first." Xu Yang jumped forward, but was stopped by Falosa.

"No, I'm afraid you'll die." Falosa murmured.

"Then let's go together." Xu Yang was caught by Falosa, and his body was suspended in mid-air. He could almost feel that the crack was attracting him to enter.

"Together." Falosa leaned forward, and they jumped into the crack together and entered Nanggong Island.

——The brain is buzzing.

As soon as it landed on the ground, the beast in the cloud detected the threat and automatically lifted the wearer up. Xu Yang subconsciously dodged to the side. A phase demon had been waiting under the crack for a long time. It stretched out its terrifying claws, preparing to kill them.


Falosa fell to the ground, immediately grabbed the magic blade, stabbed hard, and cut off the phase demon's outstretched arm. It realized that these two people were not easy to mess with, and disappeared in an instant.


Xu Yang wiped his sweat and looked up to see an extremely horrifying scene. The Martinez was dragging a ferocious black beast gliding across the sky.

The Martinez itself is an extremely huge space carrier. As far as Xu Yang knows, it is 600 meters long and 400 meters wide at its widest point. It is like a small piece of land floating in the air, and it is dragging behind it

A monster that was even bigger than it. Just looking at it gave Xu Yang a strong mental shock. He had to lower his head first and let his digital mind reprocess his memory to prevent the terrifying impression from occupying all his mind. Then

Then make precise adjustments to your vision before you can finally look up again.

A huge monster like a hill, most of its body is covered with thick and deformed bones, with tens of thousands of round protrusions, like countless human faces, and its arms are extremely long, disproportionate to the size of its body.

Most of the time it hangs on both sides of the body. The most exaggerated thing is its ferocious head, which has no eyes but a huge mouth. The long and heavy sharp horns hang on both sides of the head and are connected to the bone shell of its head.

Together, it's like putting a giant helmet directly on the brain.

Dragged by the Martinez, the monster glided in the air like a zombie, constantly making sharp and terrifying screams. He had to cover his ears to slightly reduce its impact. Xu Yang stepped back, trying to stay away from it.

Compared with the mental shock, Falosa was more tolerant. She ran under the rock mountain to prevent the Martinez and the terrifying monster from discovering her, and Xu Yang followed closely behind.

Hiding behind the rocks so that he could not see the Martinez and the terrifying life in the air, Xu Yang looked around. Most of the Nanggong Island was a completely twisted dark terrain, and the surface was covered with flesh-like vines.

What should have been rocks were replaced with swollen biological organs, covered with unsightly fascia, twisting and pulsating unnaturally, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood. It would not be an exaggeration to call it a slaughterhouse.

Phase demons, large and small, are floating and wandering around the island, appearing and disappearing. The island and its surrounding seawater have sunk into a different space. As far as the eye can see, the seawater keeps falling from the edge of the world.

Now it is almost dry, leaving most of the coast exposed. There are a large number of company ships sunk on the seabed. They should have fallen in together when the mutation occurred. Now they are completely paralyzed and motionless, and the metal shell is covered with scarlet.

An unnamed object of color. The edge of the world is shrouded in colorful light, representing the temptation of nothingness, chaos and death.

Xu Yang pressed his head. The situation was ten thousand times worse than imagined. Nangong Island had fallen into such a strange place, and the Martinez and the huge monster were somehow connected.

"Pan Ruiyin is still alive." Falosa checked the oath mark in her soul, "I really don't know how she survived in such a gloomy place."

"You said before that you would use the sand of stars to consolidate Nanggong Island?" Xu Yang looked everywhere, as if he had crawled into some kind of larger beast, moving in its smelly and disgusting stomach.

"It's very useful." Falosa took out the Star Sand, poured out a few particles from the bottle, and slapped it on the ground. In an instant, the ugly appearance of the small piece of land faded, and the original green flowers and plants of Nangong Island disappeared.

Come out and say, "Look, we still have hope."

"Unless we can kill the Martinez overhead and the monster it is pulling." Xu Yang raised his head.

This is a completely impossible thing. The advanced space carrier Martinez cannot do it alone. The unknown life form it pulls is even more sinister and huge, and it must have mastered all kinds of difficult things.

The ability to sense cannot be easily eliminated. According to the current information, it should be the "Yama" mentioned by Matsuyama Yiyuan, and it has been sealed on Nangu Island for a long time.

It fell into the space rift together with Nanmiyajima, which is not difficult to understand, but what did the Martinez come in again? And it didn't fight it, but shuttled through the sky like a livestock.

"Then find Pan Ruiyin first and take her away." Falosa stood up and looked around, "When I become a god, I will kill all the nasty things."

Xu Yang scanned the surrounding environment. It was already a different space, so the traces of each signal access point were quite obvious. He tried to search for devices with signal sending and receiving functions on the island, and some of them were still moving.

"I found some equipment." Xu Yang checked the signal list, "But I can't send a message to them. The signal environment here is too crude, and it is easy to be captured by the mothership above."

"Let's go there carefully and find the nearest one." Falosa thought for a moment.

"The closest one is in the mountain." Xu Yang looked at the distorted terrain. The rocky mountain seemed to have been hit by a meteor in the middle. A deep cavity appeared with four signal points buried in it. It seemed worthy of further study.

"..." Falosa raised her head from her hiding place and glanced at the huge Martinez in the sky and the Yama it was pulling. It seemed that it had been spinning in circles in the air and was unable to leave smoothly.

Putting her mind away, Falosa followed Xu Yang into the cave. He turned on the lighting on the beast in the cloud. After the light was sufficient, red scars could be seen everywhere on the rock wall, as intricate as human blood vessels, from color to outline. All quite weird.

"Who is it?" A rude cry came from the front of the cave.

Falosa said nothing, and moved forward to harvest life. Anyway, if she killed the wrong person, she could just pull him up again later. A gray light flashed in her palm, and the sickle-shaped magic power swept forward, with desperate screams and pieces of meat spraying on the ground. The sound rang out, and everyone in the passage was killed instantly.

She galloped forward, surrounded by blood and mess. Even if she hid in a rock crevice, she could not avoid the power of harvesting life. There were corpses all over the ground, some in bulk and some in bags.

Xu Yang used the shoulder lamp on his armor to illuminate a black fire-innovated security suit, with pieces of meat carefully stacked inside.

"The man who revolutionized Black Fire." Xu Yang knelt down on one knee and checked the sign, "He is also a crew member of the Martinez."

While they were talking, a girl with braids and brown hair approached in horror holding a shotgun. She was wearing a uniform with a Kyoto Unlimited Sakura label. She was shocked to see the people of the Black Fire Revolution being slaughtered all over the ground.

"You, you..." She was nervous and trembling.

"It's okay, don't be nervous, where is Pan Ruiyin?" Xu Yang comforted, "We are her friends."

"...She's inside." The girl was terrified.

"Lead the way, or become a corpse." Falosa threatened.

She turned around, dripping with sweat, and led them into the depths of the dark passage, where there was a semicircular pit, similar to a temporary shelter, where several demoralized security personnel stayed.

Here Xu Yang saw Pan Ruiyin. Most of her body was in pieces, and the battle witch's stomach was completely disintegrated. When she saw Xu Yang, she was a little surprised, but her expression gradually became gentle.

"You guys..." Pan Ruiyin murmured.

"I came here specially to save you." Xu Yang squatted next to Pan Ruiyin.

"It's meaningless." Pan Ruiyin looked gloomy, "It's too late. We have run out of ammunition and food... Neither the Martinez nor the Yama are opponents we can defeat... My body... My broken body has already Can't afford any fight."

"How many days ago was the injury?" Xu Yang asked.

"Five days ago." Pan Ruiyin sighed.

Farosha unleashes the Law of Restoration.

Pan Ruiyin immediately climbed up from the rock.

"Come on," she said, "Fight them!"

This chapter has been completed!
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