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Chapter 265 Burning

The most terrifying battle has broken out, and the entire Nanggong Island was drowned by the sound of gunfire and the explosion of bullets. Yama let out an astonishing howl, and its body was covered with chains, one end of which was tied to the end of the Martinez, just like that. Being dragged through the sky.

The entire space carrier did not stop moving because it entered the battle, but continued to drag Yan Mo at the top of the sky, as if it was taking it out of this world. Its attention was completely focused on dragging Yan Mo. That is its top priority.

"Space tide." Falosa suddenly realized what the Martinez wanted to do, "a very random disturbance, just like the rise and fall of the tide. Once the tidal conditions reach the most suitable time, no matter how small the crack is, it will Expanded ten thousand times.”

Xu Yang couldn't help but think of the reality controller onboard the Martinez, whose ability was to open a gap through the world. It turned out that during the war, she used this method to absorb most of the firepower projected by the Koshima, and thus obtained Victory in naval battles.

"That is to say," Xu Yang hurriedly climbed up the stone platform and led Farosha towards the ancient rock wall and sacrificial platform at the sealing point. "Once the space tide reaches the right time, the witch can open a gap large enough to Take Yama out?"

"That's why they keep gliding in the sky... just like stirring a basin of water with your hands," Falosa looked up and observed, "With the size of Yama and this space carrier, their movement will pull the entire The structure of space eventually induces space tides to form large waves. When the time is perfect, even an ordinary high-level witch can tear open a super-large crack."

"But they didn't succeed, it's been so many days." Xu Yang ran quickly, and Falosa was a little tired, so he turned around and picked her up, charging towards the altar in one breath.

"Because they are fools, idiots." Falosa put her head on Xu Yang's neck, "The randomness of space tides is very high. If a supreme witch comes to control the opening and closing of the world's cracks, it should be very easy. It was easy to take Yama away. But the witch in their company is far from that strong, so they can only keep trying their luck and be trapped on Nanguji Island."

"Gives us a rare opportunity." Xu Yang sat in front of the altar, carefully prepared, opened the spell book in the memory archive, looked for the chapter about the Moon Sacrifice, and began to recite the full text in a low voice.

If the 2,200-word memorial text were given to a wizard apprentice, it would take several weeks to memorize it completely, but there would be no problem if it were stored in the brain processor. He knew every footnote and contextual detail in the book. , can be easily recited in full.

As the sacrificial words were recited, the entire Moon Silver Altar began to glow slightly. The altar itself was connected to the moonfire "Mond" and became the only communication channel.

Pan Ruiyin had to withstand the pressure. Falosa secretly thought. She looked at the sky. Pan Ruiyin was flying at high speed in the sky, surrounded by dangers. The Martinez spit out more fighter jets from its belly to chase her. The well-trained Blackfire pilots flew the fighter jets They formed a formation to pursue and intercept Pan Ruiyin, using all their aerial combat skills to reduce her movement space and room for counterattack.

In the end, Pan Ruiyin was surrounded by seven heavy fighter jets and it was completely impossible to escape. If she made an emergency landing and returned to the ground at a high speed, she should be able to survive, but she knew that she had a task that she must complete and could not just escape.

She maneuvered at high speeds in the air, exhausting all means, excessively consuming energy, and her armor continuously alarmed, and there was a risk of overload and stalling at any time. But what she felt in her heart was not fear, but unprecedented courage.

Never back down!

Faced with Pan Ruiyin, who was unable to deal with it in a short time, one of the fighter jets received an order from the mothership and prepared to turn back and bomb the sealing point. Sensing its movement, Pan Ruiyin simply stopped running and spun towards one of the fighter jets, with the steel behind him

The wings accelerated again, and the engine reached maximum performance. She hit the "Air Overlord" like a black arrow directly, piercing it directly!

The pilot and the fighter plane disintegrated in the air and turned into a burning fireball. Pan Ruiyin passed through the fighter plane and spun in the air to regain her balance. There were many scars on her armor and many external structures were completely shattered. She overcame her dizziness, and the other fighters could not.

Do not cancel the action of separating the formation and start to surround her again.

More bullets began to capture Pan Ruiyin's body shuttle in the air. The high-speed kinetic energy bullets and the floating cannon fire from the mothership were extremely deadly. She only felt her right arm go cold, and then she saw her right arm disappear from under the elbow, and the lightning

Sparks flickered and blood splattered. It happened so fast that I didn't even see what broke my right hand.

The remaining six heavy-duty fighter jets reorganized into a formation, far apart from each other and at different heights, precisely blocking all of Pan Ruiyin's paths.

Pan Ruiyin sneered contemptuously. She knew that she already had someone more powerful and worthy of following.

Then... fight to the death!

Looking at Pan Ruiyin who was at the end of the road in the distance, Falosa nodded secretly. Among the tools she had obtained so far, Pan Ruiyin seemed to be too easy to use.

At this time, the Moon Silver Altar was already filled with moonlight-like radiance. After Xu Yang silently recited the last sentence of the sacrificial verse, a striking white light lit up from the altar, and the virtual image of the giant dragon slowly rose from the altar.

This dragon head virtual image is majestic enough, with frost-like scales, gorgeous horns, and eyes burning with pale fire that is constantly beating.

"Who is summoning the Moonfire?" "Moonfire" Mond's phantom whispered majestically.

"Mond," Falosa pressed her hands on the altar, "I want to take this small island that has fallen into the gap as my own. I ask you to rush here quickly, destroy this ship, and re-seal this monster.

This should be something you've done before."

"Yes." Mond nodded slowly, "I was the one who sealed Yama under the summons of a mortal."

"I represent the future witch god." Falosa put one hand on her chest with a serious look on her face, "I invite you to come and solve the problems we encounter."

"Farootha," Mond whispered, "oh, how long it has been since the moon witnessed your birth..."

"No time for small talk, old dragon," Falosa said, "I would like to owe you a favor, so come quickly and clean up the mess here."

Mond's shadow disappeared on the altar.

"Is it angry with you?" Xu Yang observed.

"It agreed." Falosa looked at the chaotic void outside Nanggong Island, "The old dragon is trying to get here from his own domain."

At the same time, the second wave of attacks sent by the Martinez had also arrived. Zhang Yunxi led the remaining task forces to fight back. They used the huge rock wall and the high point of the altar where Xu Yang and Falosa were currently standing as a basis.

At the core, build a crossfire point and try to defend from a high position.

A large number of commandos parachuted from the air and space carrier, preparing to seize the altar. Several black drones flew over at high speed to clear the way for these infantry. They continued to project missiles in the direction of Xu Yang and the others, and used rockets and napalm bombs to clear the way.

, directly plowed the bare rock platform again, blasting Zhang Yunxi and her team members to pieces, leaving only residual limbs and broken arms, and blood flowed into rivers.

——Then everything returned to the starting point. When the commandos of the Black Fire Revolution passed through the gate, they saw that the high platform, altar, rock wall and those enemies were all intact, but the expressions on both sides were equally amazed.

"This..." Zhang Yunxi's hand was shaking so much that she couldn't hold the trigger. She still remembered that she tried her best to dodge, but was still torn apart by the bomb. The pain in every inch of her bones and nerves was extremely clear, but now she stood on the same spot, unscathed.

"Lesson 2: Death becomes very difficult around me." Falosa sneered, "Now guard this place carefully and don't let the enemy come to me."

Zhang Yunxi clenched her fists, shouted, quickly crouched behind the bunker, and fired continuously at the climbing enemies. The other special forces members around her also entered an almost crazy state, unable to understand what was happening now.

All I know is to keep attacking and keep fighting!

On the Martinez mothership, the commander and the witch have discovered what happened at the sealing point. No matter what kind of attack, they have been neutralized. What should they do?

Yama let out an angry roar, feeling that the flames of the moon that had subdued it thousands of years ago were returning.

"We don't have time, let's open the crack." Commander Blackfire said solemnly.

"Yes." The witch quickly rushed out of the command center and went up to the end of the bridge. The staff next to her offered precious potions. She took all the potions and released her magic power. In front of the entire space carrier, a line of vertical lights appeared.

The cracks are opening with difficulty and barely taking shape.

The space structure around Nanmiya Island was extremely unstable, which greatly increased the difficulty. She gritted her teeth and released it with all her strength.

"It is an honor to join this desperate expedition with you!" the commander announced, "We will fire towards destiny, as always, even if it costs our lives! Martinez, attack with all hands!"

A loud siren sounded throughout the air carrier, and all personnel boarded the fighter planes. The remaining 16 escort fighter jets all launched an attack and took turns taking off from the two runways in the hangar and deck.

Pan Ruiyin was also shot and killed during repeated sieges. Her body was beaten to the ground like a rag, and there was no trace of her human form. The six heavy fighter jets received the signal from the mothership, rejoined the other fighters, and headed towards

Dive in the direction of the seal point.

"Full ammo saturation attack! Blast them until they die!"

"The Black Fire Revolution will win!" roars and roars rang out in the communication channel one after another.

Seeing another wave of attacks coming towards her, Falosa stood forward coldly.

Now that things have reached this point, it’s time to play your trump card.

She opened her hands and used the divine power in her soul to drive her own magic. She became more proficient in mobilizing divine power, and the intensity of her magic continued to increase and strengthen.

Beyond the critical point, a qualitative change will occur.

"Be careful." The gray light lit up in her hands at the same time, which was more dazzling than ever before. "I will use the law of killing to kill all life here!"

This is Farosha's most destructive blow so far!

On the other side, in Bibo City.

The management gave the order for all employees to evacuate, and Rollo was packing his luggage.

"The Martinez can't come back," he said. "The Wasp...if we stay any longer, we will be caught by the Kyoto Mugen people."

"Failed?" Huang Weng was lying on the sofa. She suddenly felt aggrieved, "We lost?"

"This is war," Rollo said. "In war there are always winners and losers."

"Why did you join the Blackfire Innovation?" Wasp raised her head, "The evil forces will be destroyed by the decent ones."

"I was a butcher on the battlefield," Rollo sneered, "...but after demobilization, I turned into a company dog. Why should we obey, why should we listen to bullshit rules, why...why should we bow our heads? Hiss...so I

To join the battle of Blackfire..."

"I heard that the people in the Invisible Guard are monsters." Wasp couldn't help but sit up.

"Monster..." Rollo took off his steel glove, and a blazing black flame burst out from the arm tube. It was as tangible as a human hand, but it kept jumping, "Burning - wasp - we are burning


This chapter has been completed!
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