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Chapter 272 Dismantling

Kirino Reiyo closed his eyes and crossed his fingers.

This strategy is completely feasible.

The gun ownership rate among local residents is very high, with gun owners accounting for 46% of the total population. Excluding the young, weak, sick and disabled, at least half of the citizens carry guns. As long as they arouse some fighting spirit, even only one in 10 people are willing to innovate to the Black Fire.

If you take action, it will also cause a heavy blow to this lonely ship.

The commandos of the Black Fire Revolution are indeed elite, but one less one dies. And the city residents are like weeds that are constantly being killed, growing in the wind. No matter how much blood they shed, as long as they replace some Black Fire soldiers, they will make a lot of money.

"Let them fight, plus send out the propaganda I prepared before." Kirino Reiyo nodded. She had already designed an emergency plan for this, and now it is the time to put it to use.

As long as the Martinez is exhausted and brought down, no matter how big the loss is, it will be completely worth it. Kirino Reiyo knows how the world works. As a factor of production, labor can move around the world, so human beings cannot

Expensive and totally affordable.

New propaganda was distributed by the multi-eyed demons.

They mainly rely on the Century Pure Land. Its Internet terminal in Anjiu City was destroyed in the chaos. A ground-penetrating missile blew up the underground bunker where it was located. For this reason, the multi-eyed demon must activate the backup computer room and regain access to the Internet.

The connection of various subnets in the city keeps the Century Pure Land system operational.

Century Pure Land stores the credit codes of Anjiu City's 7.5 million residents. Just like punching marks on a pig's ear, every Anjiu City resident's file is engraved on it, covering detailed education background, criminal record and property status.

The good and the bad, the traitor and the traitor can be seen at a glance, and there is nothing to hide. Personal communication devices are also deeply bound to it, so messages can be broadcast to everyone's communication terminal in real time.

At this time, more than 3 million people are spread over 500 square kilometers of urban core land. The terrain here is complex, and giant buildings are connected to each other by corridors, shaped like a honeycomb. In the suburbs, residents of the new district can still flee and live in high-rise buildings.

It is difficult for citizens to escape. It is 50 floors above the ground. Since they cannot grab a shuttle for escape, they can only be trapped on the floor and wait for their fate.

They paused in panic, hoping that the bomb would not fall on their heads. Whenever military planes flew across the sky and blew up buildings in the distance, they inevitably felt a sense of joy in their hearts.

When the new message from Kirino Reiyo came, there was an immediate uproar among the crowd, and they shared the pictures on their mobile phone screens with each other.

"Kyoto Mugen is being attacked, and our home is in the most danger -" Kirino Reiyo's audio and video have been uploaded, showing that she is sitting in the office of the Anku City branch, with a burning city outside the window.

, as always, "I am willing to fight with everyone until the last moment! So, please, please contribute your own strength to protect our beloved homeland and the archipelago!"

Kirino Reiyo actually stayed here and did not flee? People suddenly felt a sense of respect.

Such a noble leader-like figure is determined to coexist and die with this burning city!

"Sakura Witch" Kirino Reiyo is undoubtedly the spiritual symbol of Kyoto Infinity, and her image is relatively positive. She has always been far away from the core of capital, which makes people believe that her image is very glorious.

Among the discussions and descriptions from the outside world, Kirino not only lacks actual power, but is also held hostage by wealthy families and capital within the company. Even if he wants to make reforms that are beneficial to the public, he will be hindered by conservative forces, so people tend to criticize him.

Feel sympathy.

At this time, everyone received calls and pleas signed by her personally, and their morale was boosted.


"If I respond to Kirino Reiyo-sama's call..."

"Defend the Islands!"

"Fight with the Blackfire Innovation!" Similar calls and sentiments followed.

Taking advantage of the situation, the multi-eyed demons organized defenses in various areas that were still under control, setting up defense zones one building after another, inviting citizens to register in real time to become a "guard army", and gradually organized sporadic defenses, and the scale continued.

Go big.

Even citizens who had not received the news, in line with the tendency to stick together, rushed to the crowded floors, walked through the building, picked up their guns and exchanged fire with the Black Fire Revolutionary soldiers who broke into the building. Street fighting and building fighting continued.

The explosion!

Then, he was slaughtered.

People were annihilated by bullets and flamethrowers, and civilian-level weapons and equipment were difficult to compete with the regular army. However, Kirino Reiyo's expectations were met - making the Black Fire Revolution conquer Anju City slower.

As long as it lasts 24 hours until noon tomorrow, Kyoto Infinite's two space carriers will return to control the situation, and by then all the chaos will be settled.

She also received news that the New Aizu Security Company and Nisto Company in Aizu City refused to obey orders and discipline, so they would also have to clean up when the time came.

The problem with the underworld in Aizu City has always been to eliminate them and then support new agents.

When Xu Yang returned to the Shijin Building, he saw a horrifying scene. Instead of running away, people on the street were in small groups and attacking the city center of Anjiu City. This was undoubtedly an act of suicide.

Put your fate in the hands of fire and bullets.

"It's a mass message sent by the Century Pure Land System. Everyone registered in Anjiu City has received it, including me." Kazama Gongri showed it to Xu Yang, "Look, boss, the reward is really generous. Even though I was originally marked red,

But if I am willing to pick up a gun and fuck the people of the Black Fire Revolution, then I can go out normally in the future! I no longer have to worry about being arrested."

"But that will cost lives." Xu Yang shook his head, "Kyoto has no available troops, so it starts to consume the blood of ordinary people. This is not the most terrifying thing, it will give people the illusion that staying in the city will be very difficult.


"What should we do? People already believe that she will live and die with Anjiu City." Kazama Miyuri felt uneasy, "They will stay here forever, as if they have nothing to fear."

Xu Yang looked out the window worriedly. The white phosphorus bombs dropped by military aircraft previously caused spreading fires, and similar bombings will be carried out again. By that time, more people will be in danger of their lives.

Kazama Miyagi picked up his cell phone and saw that follow-up official notifications were also coming, repeatedly implying that the Black Fire Revolution's military power was very weak. As long as people worked together, they could repel it and there would be no serious danger.

Anjiu City is too huge. Only a normal control system like the Century Pure Land can decide whether millions of people will stay or go. At this level, any insidious means are very weak. Tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people are affected from birth to death.

We all rely on this system and have never thought of deviating from its guidance. Now it has become the best way to control citizens' thoughts.

Since the outbreak of the Martinez, most people have been fleeing from the city. However, after the push to the Century Pure Land, many people were affected and mistakenly believed that they could defeat the forces of the Black Fire Revolution.

This entire system must be stopped.

Xu Yang took a deep breath and began to track the signal of the Century Pure Land.

The "Pure Land of the Century" cannot be allowed to continue to fool and manipulate people.

Its original site was heavily defended, but it had become ineffective after being bombed by the Black Fire Revolution. The new backup site was relatively weak in defense. Xu Yang quickly located it deep in an air defense bunker on the outskirts of the city.

Codename "B9 Site".

He began to break through the site's firewall. It had updated the password database and was quite difficult to deal with. If Xu Yang had not relaxed his study of advanced hacking techniques, he would have been blocked at this time.

What's even more deadly is that through the external camera, Xu Yang saw that a Kyoto Infinite Security Department truck had arrived. A dozen soldiers and several network security personnel jumped out of the truck. They were also backup forces specially used to protect the new computer room.

of safety.

After they were stationed, it would be a huge difficulty to decipher the Century Pure Land. Xu Yang could only start to control those individual and scattered facilities. He first locked the entrance and exit gates. No matter how the local security controlled the vehicle, they could not control the vehicle.

Allowed to enter.

Delay for time. Xu Yang clenched his fists, the longer the delay, the better. The network defense system of the B9 site is very smart. It constantly updates the password adaptively. Each time, the cracking window is only 3 seconds for Xu Yang, and then it will

Directly refresh the entire system to prevent any form of network attack.

It's too slow. According to the current computing speed of brain processors, it is impossible to complete the crack within 3 seconds, unless...

Internet incarnation.

Xu Yang accessed the digital mind control panel and set up the return program and the administration of chemical drugs. There was still one portion of Shiwan Nitrile reserved in the nano-armor "Cloud Beast", which could wake him up from chaos and unconsciousness.

He held his breath and entrusted his brain to the equipment. His main consciousness had left his body and entered the many computer equipment in the entire building. He instantly began to use all their computing power to try to crack it again.

Nowadays, Xu Yang's will is not to control the human body, but to control the exponentially increasing number of computer devices. Once lost in this state, there is no way to return! There are many digital mind holders, but few people dare to make such an attempt.

Once annihilated in the digital signal, it is the true sense of annihilation. From this perspective, Xu Yang's behavior is somewhat groundbreaking.

Once you leave your physical body and become a digital life composed of computers connected together, the speed of performing computing tasks will skyrocket. The running speed of a single brain processor is incomparable to the matrix core composed of various computer terminals in the building.

Then - breakthrough!

Even if Xu Yang has made many attempts, he must be cautious, and the time left for him is very short.

After breaking into the core code base of Century Pure Land, the set return program only had less than a quarter of a second left. At this moment, the only thing Xu Yang could do was to issue low-level commands from the internal level of the machine:

Cut off the Internet, clear the system, and format the entire system.

The network security personnel sent by Kyoto Infinity finally broke through the annoying access control, ran in the rain, and returned to the computer room. They saw that the data of 7.5 million residents of Anjiu City was disappearing rapidly. Countless lines of records entwining their life's whereabouts were lost in the blink of an eye. The entire software system

It was also deleted and fell into huge chaos.

Such a huge amount of data could not be recovered. They could only watch as the disks plugged into the panel were formatted one by one. The documents and logs on the server, including the necessary running files of Century Pure Land itself, were destroyed. Thousands of screens were damaged.

Escape into darkness, like a dead black wall.


After returning to the human body from the form of digital life, Xu Yang felt a splitting headache.

In his earlier work, his data processing volume was also huge, but compared with his work in digital life forms, it was nothing to mention. What's more, this was the first time he used Internet avatars to solve practical problems, and his methods were crude.

He even felt that he had forgotten something in the terminal of the building and had to go in to get it back next time.

"My, my..." Kazama Miyazaki was stunned.

"What?" Xu Yang felt extremely tired, put his hands on his knees, and exhaled deeply.

"It's gone -" Kazama Gongri showed Xu Yang her credit code, "It's empty, the whole page... is gone - where did it go? My -"

"It left." Xu Yang looked out the window tiredly.

"It's... so unexpected." Kazama Miyari was speechless for a moment, and she kept gasping for air.

She looked down at the page on her phone. It was gone. The data monitoring system that had been around her since she was born was disintegrated, like a collar wrapped around her neck being torn apart.

Fengjian Gong looked at Xu Yang with relief and couldn't help but smile. This was the happiest moment in her life.

On the other side, the Dome Demon is still forwarding the document that Kirino Reiyo requested it to send to all the residents of Anjiu City, encouraging them to fight to the death against the Black Fire Revolution. However, its largest interface to complete this work - the Century Pure Land, at least in

The part in Anjiu City has been completely offline.

"Sorry," the multi-eyed demon reported to Kirino Reiyo, "I cannot complete the task. The Century Pure Land system is not responding."

"..." Kirino Reiyo twisted his fingers uneasily. Without the Pure Land of the Century, people would run wild like wild dogs and animals, and all kinds of crazy things would happen.

She once felt that she was holding a thread in her hand, and at the other end of the thread were the lives of billions of humans. As long as she pulled it, countless people would make various actions according to her wishes, but the situation now was completely different. In an instant, countless slaves

The tiny figures were scattered on the ground.

In Kyoto's infinitely carefully sewn information network, Anku City is as dazzling as a black spot. The Pure Land of the Century is spread all over the major corporate cities in the northern archipelago, but Aku City is missing.

Even if we win this war and then introduce the Century Pure Land to Anjiu City...how fierce will the backlash be at that time? Anyone who has seen the sun will never succumb to such a system again. Those citizens seem to be particularly difficult to deal with overnight.


She looked through the reports on the company's intranet and found that only those company people with hard interests in Kyoto Mugen were still fighting to the death. The rest of the citizens seemed to realize that they had the right to stay away from this war that was not theirs. They might have escaped.

, or surrender to the Blackfire Innovation, but few people are really willing to butt their heads against fighter jets.

Xu Yang had a big job and needed a rest, so he communicated with Lila.

"Master... we have fallen out with Kyoto Infinity." Lila replied, "They originally tried to recruit us to join the war, but I could only refuse."

"This is correct." Xu Yang said tiredly, "Keep Aizu City. No matter how the situation changes, Aizu City will be our most important territory."

Looking at the various witches in the Solid Gold Building, they all look good. 101 has recovered from traumatic stress, 102 has been cured, Yoshioka Mizuki is patrolling, Asamu is reading the latest consultation, Kazama Miyari is also there,

Hmm? It seems like one is missing.

This chapter has been completed!
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