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Chapter 275 Blood Red Sea Descendants

As soon as she arrived at Aizu Castle, Falosa went straight towards the Rat Witch.

Lila supervises their meeting, and Farossa makes no secret of her joy, becoming more and more interested in Sally's current situation.

God is a projection, an illusion.

In ancient times, the powerful beings walking on the earth were admired by everyone, and these ideas were concentrated on the worshippers, so that they formed a phantom.

The phantom and the essence continue to fit together, and in the end they are indistinguishable from each other, just like an ape putting on new clothes. Although it is just a monkey, it also has practical effects, and finally merges with the original body, some of which merge into one, and some of which replace it.

Some are replaced...

Just like Sally, she never looked like this before. Today, Sally is tall, plush, and brave. Where did that little mouse witch, who was thin and small, with black skin and yellow eyes, and glared at the camera, go?

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Sally was frightened by Falosa's gaze. She felt like a big watermelon in the field, and Falosa was very thirsty.

"You have become completely different." Farosha was very happy. "You used to be much cuter than this."

"Their calls have been echoing in my heart," Sally felt confused. "They want me to save them and take them out of the ditches and holes. I answer the call of every rat man. I want to protect everyone. I

Every time I respond, I change a little bit."

"Don't serve them, they will only disappoint you." Farosha was persuasive, "Let them devote all their resources to you. When they are hungry, they will find something to eat on their own."

"They have nothing to give me." Sally felt regretful. "They are my compatriots. I have a responsibility. I should..."

"There are never responsibilities or things you want to do." Falosa said softly, "Those are illusions and a means to enslave you. Believe in your own needs and obey your own desires. Don't do it for the sake of the majority.

Your appeal has turned you beyond all recognition, and look at how ugly those rat men's fantasies have turned you into."

"I...ugly?" Sally felt confused. Her face became long and pointed, barbs grew on her tail, her body was stooped, and she had sharp teeth. But she never felt that she was ugly, because mice don't grow long.

Is it like this?

"It's okay," Falosa comforted her, "Although you are ugly, I still like you because you are a special individual among witches. Come on, I will teach you how to use your new power."

"Do you think I'm ugly?" Sally turned to Lila, who was silent.

"I don't know." Lila actually felt that Sally was not good-looking now, but she couldn't say it.

Back in the industrial park, Falosa showed Sally how to combine divine power and magic. The combination of the two is extremely mysterious.

Magic power is stored in the magic circuit in the body, and divine power is stored in the soul. Sally can clearly feel these two distinct forces, and their natures are very different from each other.

But... they can be combined. Under the guidance of Falosa, Sally spliced ​​these two powers together.

In an instant, as if wires were connected, sparks burst out, and when the magic and divine power came together, overloaded energy also burst out, and Sally's body instantly began to tremble.

"It's...it's going to explode!" Sally whined, using her strong tail to support the ground.

Lila saw light emanating from under Sally's skin. Sally was now like a transparent balloon filled with light bulbs. The dark green light and the jumping pale electric light were constantly intertwined, making a harsh and terrifying sound.

"She will die!" Lila immediately ordered Falosa to stop.

"But as long as she survives it, she will..." Falosa smiled.


Sally's body was torn into pieces by the surge of energy, leaving a pool of flesh and blood in the center of the field, with blood splattering.

Falosa raised her hand to release the law of recovery, and Sally recovered immediately, but she was lying on the ground, her tail twitching continuously, and she was in great pain.

"What have you done?" Lila frowned, "I won't allow you to torture her like this."

"She's awakened. This is the fastest way." Falosa murmured.

Of course, there is indeed an element of fun.

I saw the burning divine fire blooming in Sally's eyes. She kept panting. After being restored, Sally unconsciously combined the divine power with the magic power, but this time it was far more stable than the last time. She instinctively realized that

I did it wrong once, so I successfully avoided the wrong technique.

Now the two promote each other, and the divine power is more refined and extensive, which can be used to support the release of magic power, allowing it to display its power more frequently. The magic power has its own unique properties, allowing her to display abstract divine power in a more concrete way.

"Come on." Falosa led her towards the depths of the industrial park, "I know there is a place that is best for you to use your enhanced power. You will help me end this disaster."

Sally had a fresh impression of the memory of being blown to pieces just now. She followed Farosha fearfully, and there was a faint tendency to follow Farosha.

"Don't be afraid, come to me." Lila was worried that Sally would be dominated by Falosa, so she took the initiative to hold Sally's hand, or paw.

"..." Sally said nothing, her eyes still fixed on Falosa.

"You can't stop me." Falosa turned back and smiled at Lila.

"I don't need to stop you." Lila showed a contemptuous expression, "You are not perfect, and your own shortcomings will eventually defeat you."

"No," Falosha whispered, "I am more perfect than ever."

When they arrived at the location scheduled by Farosha, they were the reservoir and dock at the bottom of the industrial park. In the vast sea water, the strong sea people were playing. When they felt the aura of Farosha approaching, they immediately gathered around and let out excited howls.


The sea descendants are the descendants of the ancient god Olsen'an. Ever since she killed and ate the gods, Falosa has had a strong aura of god in her body, and she is also respected by these sea descendants with weak bloodline.

"It's you." Farossa pointed at one of the red-scaled sea descendants.

"Ouch!" The sea creature climbed onto the shore and let out a hoarse roar.

Previously, when she was rescuing Yan Duo and the Innovation was shattered, Falosa had asked all the sea descendants to split up and search for the wreckage of the Innovation. The other sea descendants were all stupid and confused. Only this sea descendant found the fragments of the Innovation in time.

, she had an impression of this creature from then on, and decided to pay special attention to it.

"Mix your biological enhancement magic power with divine power, and then give it." Falosa touched the Red Sea descendant's head.

"...I'll try." Sally said calmly.

She began to combine the power of two different systems, gathering the divine power formed by countless rat people's fantasies and even fantasies, as well as her own magic power. After the two merged, it exploded like firewood, doubling its power.

Then... release!

The deified magic power penetrated this sea creature, green light shone, and its size quickly grew in size. It was originally about 3 to 4 meters long, just like a small car, but now it has grown greatly, bulging rapidly, its muscles are strong, and its frame has expanded, reaching

10 meters in length.

"Stop." Falosa asked Sally to stop.

"Roar!" The large sea creature roared. The sound was rumbling, and could even cover the movement on the ground. It was not adapted to the enlarged and powerful trunk, and began to re-tame its limbs, struggling and flapping.

"Scarlet noble young master." Falosa raised her lips, "It's not enough."

She kicked it, drove it back into the water, and let it swim outside the industrial park. It was swimming in the deep sea. Its brothers and sisters who were originally bigger than it only dared to move away quickly, not wanting to disturb its existence.

"Continue." Falosa urged Sally, "I want to control it to defeat Yama. It must be big enough. It must be bigger."

"I'll try." Sally also wanted to know what kind of miracles would happen after mixing her own magic and divine power.

The law of great growth!

Outside the glass dome in the industrial park that isolates the sea water, the size of the sea creature has grown even more. It has surged and roared in the sea, causing tsunamis and vortexes. Its body has grown to 60 meters long! It almost collided in one go.

It will destroy the industrial park!

"Huh...huh..." Sally collapsed on the ground, her power exhausted. She felt like a dry well from which nothing could be pumped out.

"Look, cute little mouse, this is what you can do." Falosa put her hands on Sally's shoulders, forcing her to raise her head and look into Falosa's eyes, "You are very tired because of your magical power.

It's exhausted, so you must start broadcasting again to harvest the wishes of the rat people, so that your divine power will gradually recover. Now, let's go."

Sally took a deep breath and watched Falosa go away.

"Do you really want to be Falosa's next pet?" Lila frowned and observed.

"Pet? She...she didn't say anything wrong." Sally said softly.

Falosa came to the edge of the glass and looked at the Gigantamax sea creature.

It has grown extremely excessively. Because it is nourished by the magic power soaked in divine power, it also carries a bit of the divinity that has been passed on. At this time, it looks even more violent and swift. It completely belongs to the ranks of mythical life, but ignore the limbs.

Abnormal rat hair on the skin.

"Come on." Falosa murmured, "I name you after the ancient sea descendants: Clarus II, you are the rebirth of the ancient sea descendants in this era. In the past, you were the most powerful warriors of the gods.

clan, now you are my most loyal darling."

Clarus II swims in the sea and makes low, low-frequency roars. He is completely the top overlord in the deep sea.

"Fight for your matriarch." Farossa pointed to the sea. "There, in the city, are my enemies. Eat it up."

"Roar!" Clarus II swam upward and his body quickly rose out of the sea.


The third-party media company flying a helicopter high above the city was still observing the distant view of the burning city, taking pictures of the terrifying figure of Yama from a high position. In the blink of an eye, a huge blood-scale sea monster climbed up from the port with a clear target.

Go away!

"This is what happened!"

"Look! The largest sea descendant in history! At least 50 meters long?"

"It and Yama are fighting! Who will win?"

Yama devoured the souls of countless dead people in the city, and when he saw the large challenger crawling towards him angrily from the seaside, he let out a terrifying roar.

As early as in ancient times, Yama had fought with monsters in the deep sea. Now that he encountered such a challenge, he immediately condensed the evil light cannon in his mouth, preparing to kill this reckless sea-born.

"Can your big baby beat Yama?" Lila questioned.

"I want to let it fight Yama for a few rounds to weaken its combat effectiveness. It has sucked a lot of souls and is not as easy to deal with before." Falosa smiled, "And we... come on, Lila, help me.

Is it okay to snatch the god-killing weapons from the dome?"

This chapter has been completed!
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