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Chapter 279 Unsheathed

This matter fell squarely on Lila's shoulders, as she was the only one who could quickly locate and identify the location of the god-killing weapon in a complex environment.

Lila entered the ruins of the dome arena with a sniper rifle, A40. The other samurai and trapped entrepreneurs had already left, and they should have been moved to safer places one after another. She spread her sensory magic to look for Sylphy The god-killing weapons left behind.

The sharp blade was lying in the aisle, wrapped in linen, as if forgotten. She climbed the stairs and picked up this mysterious weapon with a ruthless evil spirit in the middle of the aisle. The entire weapon was a masterpiece of medieval casting techniques and mysticism. work.

It is difficult to refuse this weapon, and it is even harder to transfer this weapon to Falosa, but it is indeed hers. Sylphy almost risked her life to carry it to this day, and Lila has not kept it as her own. There are reasons.

She turned the god-killing weapon slightly in her hand, recorded the parameters, lines and marks on each side of it, confirmed its quality, then wrapped it around her back and left the scene briskly, completely away from the dome arena.

Even so, Lila still had the urge to humiliate Farosha.

"How are you? Little princess?" Lila returned to the building holding the god-killing weapon, "It must feel good to be surrounded by the world."

"..." Falosa's expression remained unchanged, and she stretched out her hand, "Give it to me."

Lila handed the god-killing weapon to Falosa. She pulled the god-killing weapon out of its restraints. The blade vibrated violently and made a series of rapid chirps, as if she was delighted by the return of its former master.

"This is part of my true power." Farosha held the handle of the knife with one hand and the blade with the other, raising it upwards, looking directly at the blade with bright eyes, her expression kept changing, from the beginning The excitement became more and more solemn.

Xu Yang noticed that Falosa's temperament had changed, but at the same time she became more nervous.

"What's wrong?" Xu Yang asked.

"Once this sword is struck, the world will change again." Falosa carried the god-killing weapon behind her back. "Its attack will cause waves again just like my awakening shocked the world."

"If you can control its power, maybe you can reduce the impact." Xu Yang thought.

"There is no turning back," Lila said. "Because of you, we have spent too much energy on the god-killing weapon. If it is not effective, it means that many of our efforts will become meaningless. So you We must attack.”

Draw the sword.

Falosa took a deep breath.

She waved the blade lightly in the air, and even the smallest slash caused the air to tear, leaving a void scar visible to the naked eye.

"Weapons that are so powerful should not be used lightly." Falosa pointed the knife in the direction of Yama, "...and once used, we must do our best and leave no consequences."

"Get rid of Yama and then discuss future arrangements." Xu Yang understood, "We don't have time."

On the other side, in the port area of ​​Anjiu City, Yama has beaten Clarus II, the Great Seaborn, to the point of dying. It was only made particularly strong by Sally using the law of growth, but its experience and combat awareness are at a disadvantage, let alone Maybe he is Yama's opponent today.

At this time, Yama's body was wrapped with a thick shell of ghosts, and countless souls bound by the monster's curse were screaming and wailing on its skin, symbolizing the unfortunate fate of all the victims in its massacre. It roared loudly and killed Clarus II. The shell of the port was torn apart, everything in the port had been wiped out by the battle between the two giant monsters, and all facilities and ships were destroyed.

"...Weak beast." Yama straightened up its body as tall as a mountain from the ground. Its face was ferocious, as if its skin had been stripped off, it was terrifying and ugly, and every time it breathed out, it exhaled a nightmare-like aura of death.

"Roar——" Clarus II lay on the ground, blood dripping from his scales.

Yama longed to taste the flesh and blood of this sea descendant, but it also sensed the appearance of a terrifying enemy.

"It's you again." Yan Mo saw Falosa. She and a witch in black armor suddenly appeared about half a kilometer away from him at the same time. They should have arrived using teleportation magic, "...Interesting..."

It raised its head high and looked down at Farosha.

"I will make you my eternal slave for thousands of years," Yama said, "and you will be a competent slave in my stomach."

"Shut up!" Falosa clenched the god-killing weapon. It has other names, "Overturning Blade" or "Devilis". Its most primitive slash can effectively destroy various forms of divinity. It is a powerful weapon specially designed to restrain extraordinary beings.

And once it is attached to the divine power of the Supreme Witch of Falosa, it becomes a magic transmitter with infinite destructive power. Its material is strong enough to bear more than half of her pure magic power.

Yan Mo opened his bloody mouth, and an evil light ball that was even larger than before suddenly appeared from his mouth, quickly swallowing up the countless dead souls in his body, turning it into endless bursting energy, and then shot towards Falosa with all his strength. Shoot out.

A harsh sound of power surged, and a black evil beam of light pierced towards Falosa. 101 immediately jumped away. This battle was still too high for her.

"Goodbye, monster." Falosa showed a cold smile.

She swung the god-killing weapon with great force, and the entire weapon bloomed into its true form in an instant. The death evil energy that was enough to kill gods turned into a substantial horizontal blade wave, and more than half of Falosa's energy was gathered in this blade wave. Magic power, so its range increased sharply again, covering almost half of the entire square, almost as wide as Yama's body!


The god-killing blade wave collided with the evil light cannon and wiped out the laser in an instant. Almost in the blink of an eye, it passed through all the power released by Yama, and also cut its original body up and down, splitting it into two!

"Roar——" Yama was in great pain and let out an earth-shattering howl of pain! Its entire body instantly cracked and disintegrated. After the shell where the demonic power gathered was destroyed, it burned by itself in the sun and kept wailing. It has been since ancient times. The countless suffering souls that had been devoured so far were all released from the deepest part of the body, and were able to dissipate safely without being trapped. These scattered ghosts shimmered slightly in the air, expressing their sincere gratitude to Falosa.

"Ouch!" Clarus II smelled the motherly breath and howled at Falosa.

Falosa looked up at the giant scarlet sea creature. It seemed a bit too big now.

"I can't support you." Falosa released the law of recovery on it, and restored it to the state of a small sea descendant, and the injuries suffered in the battle with Yama were also restored.

When Clarus II saw that his vision suddenly changed from being condescending to the previous one, he needed to look up at human buildings, he suddenly became frightened, screamed in annoyance and nervousness, and quickly jumped off the edge of the port and swam back into the sea.

101 reappeared in Hong Kong and hurriedly took Falosa away before her image could be recorded.

When Clarus II was fighting with Yama, the aftermath of the battle was so dangerous that the photography helicopters high in the city also hurriedly left. When they finally sped back, they could only see the burning remains of Yama.

Both drivers and members of the media were shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

Yama is dead!

"Oh my God!"

"That sea-born killed Yama!"

"How terrifying!" They couldn't help but start to revere the largest blood-red sea descendant in history from the bottom of their hearts. It was almost like a nightmare, or the rebirth of legendary sea gods and monsters, which would bring huge waves and disasters to the land!

But now this giant sea creature with blood-colored scales has become the city's patron saint who defeated Yama, and a shrine needs to be built to worship and express gratitude.

On the other side, Sylphy came to the airport. Due to the previous fight between A40 and other elite warriors, many troops stationed by the Black Fire Revolution were repelled. Sylphy walked into the terminal hall and found a suitable place to lie down and rest.

, she knew that Qiyin would send someone to pick her up, and her fate would continue in Qiyin. She still had to continue waiting, believing that day would come one day.

That way, everything ends for the best.

"Ah, you should release all the rich people." A40 saw Sylphy coming and hurried over to ask.

At this time, Sylphy had fallen into a deep sleep and was difficult to wake up, so it could only look at the group of warriors behind it.

"It's not good, the rich people seem to be devoured by the witch." A40 felt uneasy, "What should we do next?"

"They are the ones we want to protect. They will be held accountable if they go back." The battle robot Galadit was startled.

Even so, they did not dare to disturb Sylphy rashly, for fear of being lost in it.

"Don't be nervous. I have encountered similar things. The person being protected suddenly died," A40 pondered, "But I am still strong and alive until now, so there must be a way!"

This chapter has been completed!
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