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Chapter 281: The Way of Ascension to God

Falosa stared at Mond's body in shock. She also noticed something was wrong. Xu Yang disappeared without knowing when. Nan Gong Island was eerily silent. She was wandering in place, slashing left and right with the god-killing weapon. Everything was in vain.


She felt nervous and frightened, and the most terrifying psychic methods finally overcame her. This kind of control was extremely difficult for the witch to deal with.

Xu Yang abandoned her! Falosa was deeply afraid of this terrible fact. What would she do if there was no Xu Yang? Running around, supporting herself, walking to the opposite side of the world alone? She still

She maintained a glimmer of hope, expecting that Xu Yang would appear by her side at any time.

"It's okay." Xu Yang tried to pat her shoulder, but Falosa was still confused and confused. He looked at Mond, "If you can't remove the illusion, I can only take her away.


Mond let out a long roar, and the dragon's roar broke Farossa's confused state. Her eyes returned to clarity, and she immediately drew out the God-killing weapon with vigilance.

"Mond..." she gritted her teeth.

"Let us have an informed conversation," Mond leaned on the high platform. "Let us exchange opinions and put forward our respective demands in a friendly manner like truly intelligent and rational beings. You are also clear about the facts just now. Now,

You have absolutely no ability to defeat me."

"Soon, soon." Farosha said softly, "You will understand."

"Seven Witches Ritual, right?" Mond flexed his wings on the high platform, "You know nothing about the realm and system of the demigod stage, and you still have a god-killing weapon, just like an immature child walking into a monster in advance.


"Be more straightforward." Falosa frowned.

"Just like in the past, small lives listen to the 'Tao' in front of the truly great power." Mond spread his wings and flew into the air, slowly flying around the entire shrine. The surrounding lights and shadows changed, and the bright moon and stars lingered.

Like a dream scene, "The road to God is cruel and long, and you must sacrifice a lot in order to gain access to the true divine power."

"I know all about this," Farosha emphasized.

"Why does the Seven Witches ritual only require 7 people?"

This was enough to ask Falosa. She had never thought about this question. She only learned from ancient books that in history, the most powerful queen-level witches would use this ritual to increase their power to a level beyond the reach of magic.

Achievable realm.

"This guy..." Falosa lowered her voice and turned to Xu Yang, "..."

She was frightened by the old dragon. Xu Yang thought secretly. There is no doubt that Moonfire Mondstadt has far higher strength than them and has more profound knowledge.

"There is no better opportunity than this." Xu Yang whispered, "The other mystics just want to kill you, but Mond still has patience."

"Go on." Falosa raised her head and looked at Mond soaring in the sky.

It stopped flying and hung in the air, with its whole body shining brightly. The prisoners of the Blackfire who were scattered around the island planting trees all looked up and pointed. Mond cast illusions on them, making them focus on their work and unable to listen.

The next way to ascend to God.

"You know very well that the 'faith wish' concentrates the imagination of the witches," Mond said. "The will of the witches is connected to the stars, so it is more powerful than ordinary wishes. Their imagination of you constitutes your 'god'."

The shell', that is, the creature in which you will move, you must wear this garment until your body matches it, so that you are gradually transformed by their imagination, rather than you harnessing the power of their imagination.


"...I know." Falosa frowned, "This is the power I must get."

"But it also has terrible flaws... enough to make you fall and never get up again." Mond whispered.

"What is it?"

"Give me two fragments of the throne." Mond said, "Then I will continue."

"Despicable guy." Falosa secretly hated her.

"Wisdom is a priceless treasure." Mond stared at Falosa, "Don't you need it?"

Falosa examines the incomplete throne within the soul.

After the throne used by the last god to ascend to God is broken, there are roughly 20 fragments that can be used to cast a new throne. The more fragments, the more effective the forged throne is. But these things are in Falosa's soul.

Deep inside, it can only be handed over to her on her own initiative, but cannot be snatched away.

"You also want to become a god?" Falosa sneered, "I thought you didn't have that kind of courage."

"Indeed I don't," Mond confessed, "but I want to study and investigate the principles of the throne. You and I both know clearly that it does not belong to this world, and this world has no ability to create it."

"...Take it." Falosa took out the two shining fragments of the throne from her soul, and they floated into the sky on their own, turning into Mond's possessions.

Moon Dragon is satisfied with what he has achieved.

"The 'gods' we are talking about are not real gods," it said, "that can only be achieved by using the God's throne. There are many demigods who are weaker than the gods, that is, the ancient mystics, including external races, there are 19 in total. At the same time

, when the witches were at their peak, there were 6 witch queens who ruled their respective eras. The last queen died, and then the next witch with the potential of a queen was born. They were all getting old.

After reaching the queen level, in order to achieve longevity and strength, the second witch queen Delria Daedlak finally designed the Seven Witches ritual, making her the 20th being with demigod power. I think this is what you want.

Things to do."

"Everyone wants to get the power of faith." Falosa frowned, "Is there anything cheaper than this?"

"Blindly sucking dew drops will eventually turn you into something neither human nor ghost. We have all seen similar things," Mond said. "An ordinary woman turns into a multi-limbed meat mountain. A cute...

The mouse girl turned into a huge giant rat."

"How do you know... about the Rat Witch?" Xu Yang was suspicious.

"The birth of this kind of distortion often needs to be covered up, otherwise it will be visible at a glance." Mond's tone was profound, "We are always paying attention to new people joining the advanced game."

"Sally just swallowed the dew drops alive." Falosa pressed her forehead, "What a fool."

"Through the ritual of the seven witches, the dewdrops created by the witch are more pure and not made up of messy thoughts. But this also poses the second problem: What is you?"

"you mean……"

"The visions in the impurity dew drops are very fragmented, so they will transform life into strange shapes, but it will not affect the autonomous consciousness of life." Mond said, "However, the visions created by the seven witches' rituals are different. They are concentrated and extremely strong.

, will make you into a true witch god, but this witch god will in turn devour Falosa de Aquila."

"..." Falosa was silent.

"In other words," Mond's tone was contemptuous, "your personality will be overwritten by the 'Witch God' imagined by the seven witches. This was also the fate of the queens in the past. They were prosperous for a while, but they lost themselves. Every time

A queen's temperament changes drastically. If you are willing to sacrifice your personality in exchange for power, then that is your decision."

Falosa said nothing.

"Then how to avoid it?" Xu Yang asked for her.

"It's not difficult," Mond's luster dissipated and he fell back to the high platform. "She knows what to do. After all, she knows a lot of tricks. All I have to do is reveal this last threshold to her.

, once she crosses over, she will enter a higher level of competition. Of course, even if she performs the ritual of the Seven Witches, her divine power is far weaker than any of the ancient mystics currently in service. After all, dozens of people before your existence

Century, we have already begun to pursue power."

"Yes, I made a mistake." Farossa murmured, "Now I know what I have to do to avoid the worst ending - the will of the seven witches belongs to seven people. If they do anything to me,

The impression is completely unified, and the powerful witch god created will cover me. But if they do not have a consistent concept of my temperament, will and strategy, then the 'clothes' created will not cover me, but will be covered by me.

The subjective will to merge these separated ideas.”

"A clever lady." Mond nodded.

Falosa looked solemn.

"I have to, I have to go back." Falosa felt frustrated. "You know, I have to give gifts to the little witches. I have to help them comb their hair, cut their nails, and make breakfast. Break their impressions and make them think

All kinds of different reveries, so that the ritual of the Seven Witches can be performed correctly. It's - it's so annoying!"

"You should have shown kindness to them long ago." Xu Yang said. One of Falosa's characteristics is that she doesn't care about other people's emotions. If this opportunity allows her to show some kindness, it will indeed greatly change her image.


"This door leads to where you came from." Mond summoned a moonsilver portal, "You can go home at any time."

Falosa left the god-killing weapon on Nanggong Island, hurriedly passed through the portal, and returned to the Solid Gold Building, preparing to give the witches a new surprise full of love.

"This weapon... doesn't matter?" Xu Yang picked up the god-killing weapon.

"It's very hot, if you know what I mean." Mond said, "I don't want to take it with me. As early as when it was made a thousand years ago, the reborn Edith declared it a handy weapon.

Weapons and tried to snatch them."

"'Edis' is another ancient mystic."

These ancient powerful beings are obviously difficult to deal with. Xu Yang secretly thought that we need to be careful at all times.

"It's best to stay away from its threat. Edith is obsessed with the god-killing weapon." Mond agreed, "How about you? Mortal, if you do me some favors, I can show you how to make progress in the mysticism of the moon, so that

You make spells, potions and equipment yourself."

"I can try, what kind of trouble is it?"

"It all stems from one of my most rebellious daughters," Mond said sadly. "She would rather go to the ground to join the colorful world of corporatism than stay with her old father. In order to prove her fighting spirit, she even

I set a password for my smart terminal. What kind of heartless daughter would do that? Or do children always become rebellious when they reach a certain age?"

"I will try what I can do." Xu Yang agreed to help, "But, next time, there is still a burning city that needs help."

This chapter has been completed!
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