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Chapter 288 Happy City

The remaining Black Fire army was defeated, but Katsuragi Ao was seriously injured.

The gangsters in the three streets and five districts of Aizu City all like to decorate their bodies with iron. They are rich in experience. Together, they simply carried Katsuragi Aa into a white medical truck, put half of her body in a freezer, and used the latest technology to freeze it.

A good driver drove it directly to the front line of the airport and took it to Aizu City to install the robotic arm.

Soon, Katsuragi Asa was sent to Cui Junyou's prosthetic clinic. Lao Cui was not good at his craftsmanship, and besides having a bad temper, he couldn't find any faults.

At first, everyone thought that Lao Cui would be sitting in his private operating room as before. He would stare directly at the terminal, make all kinds of weird expressions, or record his manic babble with no meaning on his mobile phone. No.

During the surgery, he tried his best to curse corporatism, day after day and night, until it became routine.

As a result, it came to nothing today.

Where can this Cui Junyou go? The gang members murmured. They thought that Lao Cui would always stay in his room. After all, he is just an annoying little old man with no social activities and no relatives. He is under the first-level surveillance of the Century Pure Land.

On the list, the company alliance has also checked him in the past, so he lives in seclusion.

But a terrible thing happened, and Katsuragi Asa was brought here, but Cui Junyou was not there.

The gang immediately started spinning around like headless flies, there was no need to delay this matter.

The Invisible Guards were defeated, but not without success. They shattered Katsuragi Aa's dominant hand. Even if it were delayed a little longer, the best opportunity for treatment might be missed, and she might have to be disabled for the rest of her life.

So Katsuragi Asa's men started yelling and chasing around like rabid dogs. They almost turned the entire medical center upside down and smashed it with bats and crowbars. They were furious.


"do not do that!"

"Be careful -" Cui Junyou's apprentices and assistants heard the noise and were forced to pause from the operation. They left the ongoing operation, put down the patient's stumps and spare organs, and hurriedly opened the door and went out. They managed to calm the patient down with some words.

A bunch of irritable guys.

"Master Cui is going that way." Niederreiter, the smartest among them, quickly pointed out the direction.

Cui Junyou was so depressed that he went out for a walk.

He pulled a Sichuan Bell motorcycle from the clinic, got on it, and rushed into Anjiu City. The horsepower was maxed out, speeding along the wide six-lane main line, easily avoiding the burning wreckage of armed vehicles.

Citizens stopped from time to time along the way to look at this slightly crazy old man. He was holding the frame of the bicycle with one hand and waving crazily towards the city streets on both sides with the other hand, shouting: "Free! Free!"


It seemed like this was the happiest day of his life. He was enjoying the high speed of the motorcycle and the strong wind blowing on his face, as if it wanted to smooth out his wrinkles.

He looked at the scene in front of him, and his mind was filled with scenes from the past golden age of corporatism. At one time, everyone was very confident and full of fighting spirit. They devoted themselves to the big rocket of corporatism as fuel. With a whoosh, the rocket took off into the sky, and then

They discovered that the direction of the rocket was opposite to the direction of the fuel. Then they left a mess and ashes all over the world. Everyone who worked for the company seemed to be guilty of original sin.

But now he has redeemed himself, racing wildly in a free city without surveillance systems and corporate armies, enjoying moments of freedom and carnival on his motorcycle.

"The people from the clinic are looking for you." Xu Yang contacted Lao Cui.

"Go to hell!" Cui Junyou yelled into the headset, "Grandpa, I'm retiring!"

This was the first time in ten years that he didn't have to be aggressive and bickering with rats in the underground city. He could finally breathe the air above ground freely.

This damn century pure land, the surveillance system chased him out like a mouse, forcing Cui Junyou to move again and again. It wasn't until Xu Yang gave him a sum of money to return to Huicheng District to start a business that his sinking life had some hope.


Now this day has reached the most promising moment... freedom!

The people of Anjiu City beat away the Black Fire and deleted the citizen information of Century Pure Land. The corporate dogs of Kyoto Unlimited could only escape one by one!

The bastards have finally been kicked out of this city. The company can no longer unscrupulously monitor everyone's residence, relatives and online accounts. He can speak freely and walk freely on the streets.

This is so enjoyable!

The depressing Anjiu City has never made people want to smile so much.

He never thought that such a day would come. The more manic he behaved, the more it meant that he had doubts deep down in his heart and believed that corporateism was invincible.

Now he was so arrogant that he finally drove his motorcycle to Fengdie Square in Anjiu City. This was the place where he was first arrested. He was arrested for secretly trading unregistered black prosthetics here and received three sticks.

Fine 700.

"I'm free!" Cui Junyou shouted.

His response echoed in the air on the street. Cui Junyou raised his hands. The past adventures and struggles were like lamps and flames when he was recalled. All the sacrifices made him reverberate freely at this moment. It made him feel that life was so happy, the sun was shining on his shoulders, and the past was calm.

"It sounds very happy." Xu Yang could also feel the joy in Cui Junyou's tone.

"Of course." Cui Junyou took a deep breath and felt the fresh air on the surface, "...I still have to thank you. Without you, I would have died long ago, and I wouldn't be able to wait for this day."

"It takes a little effort," Xu Yang said.

The ground used to be a place where Cui Junyou didn't dare to come because there were surveillance cameras everywhere. Now he boldly enters the city like a real human being, a man with his head held high and his chest high. He is a human being, and the people who build the city are also human beings. After all,

Someone forcibly lifted some people up and kicked others into the underground city.

But those days are over. Cui Junyou proudly stretched out his aging arms and waved his fist towards the sky. The giant buildings divided the gray sky, and the sun refracted unreal light, as pink as cherry blossoms.

"I am free, and I want to live my own life, no one can care!" Cui Junyou murmured, "The whole city is free. We have died so many times to get it, and we fought such a fierce battle in one breath.


"Don't relax too much. There are still many Blackfire spies and soldiers scattered in the city." Xu Yang warned, "as well as the space carrier."

"Martinez? It..." Cui Junyou stopped talking because the pale pink sun was blocked.

The giant snake, a giant steel snake about 2 kilometers long, streaked across the sky, dragging out a black trail, like a whip hanging from the sky, condescending, ready to torture the ground at any time.

Cui Junyou rubbed his eyes, and slowly spewed out white or cherry blossom-painted light fighter jets and shuttles from both sides of the giant snake, like flowers spreading out thousands of spores, and dozens of war witches on their backs.

He flew away from the giant steel snake with individual flying equipment and dispersed throughout the city.

The giant snake itself is painted in dark purple and dark green, and the paint is staggered on its segmented body, dyeing it into a violent and dangerous monster.

Kyoto Unlimited's "Orochi" has arrived. The ace mothership that has been in service for 9 years has been assembled at the Shangjing Shipyard. It has gathered the efforts of military industry practitioners from giant companies and has amazing combat power.

The citizens of Anjiu City were originally immersed in the joyful atmosphere of surviving the disaster. The moment the giant ship appeared in their sight, they stopped what they were doing and stared at how it entered the city.

The joyful atmosphere that had permeated the whole city suddenly disappeared. Everyone's joy and energy were suddenly clamped down, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on them, and it was immediately extinguished. All dreams and beauty were smashed to pieces.

The logical model of the past began to be reconstructed, and people quietly started to put on the psychological shackles that they had finally taken off.

The Orochi slowed down and taxied, approaching the Kyoto Unlimited branch in Anku City, connecting the bridge to the roof of the building. Thousands of well-trained and resolute company personnel ran down from the top. Accompanying them were professional ninjas and high-ranking officers.

The warriors and mechanical sumo wrestlers, who are Kyoto's unlimited reserve force, were brought into Anku City by the Orochi to prepare for the restoration of order.

Their division of labor is clear. The soldiers have just retreated from the front line. They are silent and efficient, plundering and exterminating the remaining Black Fire Revolutionary soldiers everywhere. The company people are responsible for liquidating the damaged assets and tracking down the criminals who previously harmed the company's assets.

The Orochi arrived only 2 hours later than the scheduled noon, and an ice-like majesty towered over the city, chilling people to the bone.

"Both motherships are back." Xu Yang said, "...you should go back to Aizu City first."

Cui Junyou looked at the other people in Fengdie Square. People no longer enjoyed the free atmosphere, but unconsciously showed a faint smile, which represented that they were peaceful and gentle, would not lose their temper, were easy to control, and were citizens with good character.

Previously, some avant-garde artists, college students and citizen militia teamed up to climb to the top of the city's eye-catching landmark building, hung a huge banner and wrote two lines of slogans to encourage people around the world to unite. Now they are rushing back to the top of the building.

, drag the banner back before anyone comes to check, so as not to have to meet in prison in the future.

Cui Junyou swallowed and scratched his hair uneasily. He turned on his phone and saw the message from the clinic urging him to go back to perform surgery on Katsuragi Asa. He suddenly realized that the best and safest place for him was in that noisy underground city.

, this thought made him feel hopeless.

After so many people have died and the corporate war has been going on for so long, nothing has changed? Cui Junyou's eyes turned red, he got back on the motorcycle, turned around and drove towards Aizu City, cursing, the engine of the motorcycle not stopping all the way.

The ground made a dry sound, like a sick person.

"What does this count?" Cui Junyou was still connected to Xu Yang's communication channel. He was very irritable and incoherent. "This doesn't count. I am the biggest coward in the world. I can't do anything but tinker with the things in my hands.

Live! What a damn thing that shakes the tree!"

"Both the company and the giant ship can be defeated." Xu Yang said solemnly, "Before then, you can't be discouraged. We are not far away from victory."

Cui Junyou drove through an intersection. The hanging Century Pure Land panel flashed a few times and came online. The camera looked to him like a sharp knife poking his eyes. He didn't dare to look at it. He put on a black mask and pulled it down.

The hat went back as if it was running away.

He lowered his voice and kept venting his inner grievances to Xu Yang. Xu Yang patiently listened to what he said, which was both true and false. Cui Junyou was deeply grateful.

In the end, Cui Junyou just said quietly: "Don't blame me for making it look so ugly. I know it's important to be patient. But I'm already 50, how long can I wait?"

This chapter has been completed!
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