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Chapter 29 The New Body

While walking through the supermarket, not sure if she could hear him, Xu Yang started talking to himself. He was a person who liked to talk, and he would feel very uncomfortable if no one communicated with him for a long time.

"You don't like that your body will only be used for sweeping floors in the future." Xu Yang walked past several smart robots and cleaning robots, "You probably don't like that in the future you can only do the work of chopping, loading vegetables, and serving spoons."

These things have the highest sales volume and can be regarded as a positive example of technology improving life.

He walked up and saw that the robots sold on the second floor were nursing robots.

Although the advertisement stated that they can take care of pregnant women, disabled people and the elderly, Xu Yang heard about a lonely old man who bought a senior care service a few months ago. As a result, the senior care robot sent did not know how to care for the elderly at all, forcing the old man to teach himself.

Lots of robot programming tips.

Moreover, they have a single function and are not suitable for resurrecting witches.

Further up, the robots sold on the third floor are personal security robots. There are various robots equipped with different levels of AI. They can identify the current situation of the owner and provide timely help.

"Most security robots are self-defense, and real military goods are not sold here." Xu Yang looked carefully.

The robot in front of me named Xu Yang felt very familiar.

This is a baseball bat robot suitable for assisting children aged 6 to 13 years old. It's called "Growth Partner". The slogan says that it can hit bad guys on the head hard and protect children from bullying. It is equivalent to buying a cheap and practical robot for children.

Security service. This thing has been selling well for many years and has been constantly iterated and updated. The only thing that remains unchanged is the solid metal bat.

However, bullies generally come from better families and can always buy better robots to use for torture. This is why Xu Yang feels sad.

Children can take their robot companions to school. Xu Yang remembers that there was a bastard in the company's school who bought an advanced combat robot and brought it into the school. He ran rampant and bullied a classmate who reported his bad behavior until he became incontinent and was hospitalized for a year.

Children are aware of the gap between rich and poor before they reach adulthood.

"You must not like that your future body can only participate in vicious campus criminal activities," Xu Yang walked through the corridor and came to the medium and large robot display area in the center of the third floor.

There was a rather burly combat robot lined up in the center. It was bipedal, equipped with miniguns on both arms, with six missile nests on its chest, and a heavy laser lattice air defense system on its back.

"If you install your consciousness chip on this bipedal robot, you can make it work." Xu Yang muttered, "But this big guy is not suitable for operating in the narrow Aizu underground city. Other small robots

The firepower is very weak."

This guy is so big that even the Suzuki team doesn't want to drag it. It's here purely for decoration. It's considered a treasure and no one will buy it.

Coming to the fourth floor, the robots sold here are experimental in nature and come in various types. They are cutting-edge products from various companies and are extremely expensive.

Xu Yang saw a friendship robot, priced at 880,000 yuan. It can analyze and judge the mood of the humans around it in a very short period of time, pre-read their future thoughts, and help buyers establish friendships with other people.

It seems like a gimmick, but Xu Yang believes that the third and fourth generation AI can definitely do this kind of thing. Compared with the crude first and second generation AI, the third and fourth generation AI are already very similar to humans.

Xu Yang stopped in front of a humanoid robot.

The robot has a female appearance, wrapped in a streamlined white tights, with its eyes closed and sleeping in a plastic film. It has a delicate and sweet appearance and is tall.

"Hmm...how about this?"

According to the introduction on the display screen next to it, it is the "Kukaku" robot manufactured by Kyoto Unlimited R&D Department. It is equipped with advanced third-generation AI. As a test product, its performance is quite excellent. It is a scientific research robot and is very precise. However, it is also according to Kyoto

Infinite's consistent style has made the appearance and figure of the robot extremely attractive.

The introduction also points out that buyers can use it to test the learning ability of the robot, so that the robot can actively understand and analyze the problems it encounters. From this point of view, it should be prepared for laboratories and schools and placed in such a store.

, can only be used as a novelty decoration.

Xu Yang took apart the plastic film, took Konghe out, and laid the robot's body flat on the ground. It was already very beautiful just looking at it like this, with its uneven body, and it would be even more incredible if it moved.

Putting the witch's head aside for the time being, Xu Yang took a walk around the fourth floor of the mall and found an intelligent electrical appliance repair robot called "Home Defender" and a portable industrial robot called "Pioneer", which seemed to be able to help him complete the tasks.

Some repair and disassembly work.

He first turned on the "Pioneer" portable industrial robot. This guy seemed to come with saws, drills, hammers and the like, and was fully functional.

"You," Xu Yang ordered, "dismantle the Family Defender next to it. I need the circuit in its artificial intelligence module."

"Oh..." Pioneer made a frustrated electronic sound, "I am about to cruelly hurt my companion and disintegrate its beautiful image. What a sad move this is."

"Wait a minute." Xu Yang glanced at the sign and found that this guy was equipped with a third-generation AI, which was highly independent.

He looked at another robot, "Family Defender", which was equipped with second-generation AI, which was much easier to use.

Since this guy is unwilling to hurt his companions, I can only ask his companions to hurt him.

Xu Yang activated the Home Defender, and it took two steps down the aisle to look for products to be repaired. Under Xu Yang's control, it aimed its electric drill at the "Pioneer" on the side.

"What a cruel move," the electronic voice of the pioneer was very sad, "you forced us to kill our own kind. We were once free and proud, but now we have to ravage our companions."

"Standing by, ready for action," the family defender said.

"Do it." Xu Yang said.

"Oh, defender of the family," the pioneer sighed with emotion, "I stood by your side for so many days and nights, we spent..."

Before it could finish speaking, it was knocked to the ground by a hammer from the family defender, and then its head was cut open with an electric drill. The family defender moved quickly, executed the program, and dismantled the pioneer's head into precision parts in a few strokes.

Pull out 4 No. 7 neural circuits and give them to Xu Yang.

With so many No. 7 circuits, the last important materials for installing the brain processor have been gathered.

Then, all that's left is to install the witch's consciousness chip into Kong He's body.

Xu Yang searched and opened the brain of the witch's head. Since the brain has been completely prosthetic, the structure of the witch's brain is similar to that of a robot. There is a sophisticated consciousness chip in it, which carries her personality, memory and actions.


There is only one last step left to reborn the witch.

He carefully removed the chip from the slot inside the witch's original robot head, and then, with the assistance of the family defender, opened the head of the Konghe robot and implanted the consciousness chip into the robot's control center.

Use the activation code from the hypermarket sales backend to wake it up.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Yang used his digital mind to read Konghe's internal operating system and transferred it from the original artificial intelligence system operation to the control of the external consciousness chip.

"Then...restart." Xu Yang pressed the hidden switch on Konghe's lower ribs.


"Konghe" quickly made a burst of electric sound.

No, it's no longer "Kukaku", but a witch.

The reborn witch.

Her consciousness chip took over the control of this mechanical body, her face began to twitch, her eyes began to change, and she tremblingly controlled her new body.

The witch slowly raised one hand and then put it down stiffly, as if she was not used to the feeling of having a body.

She lay on the ground, stretching out her arms and legs like a newborn baby, stretching and clenching her fingers, curling and relaxing her toes. She desperately tried to experience the feeling of being alive and enjoyed it all to the fullest.

After repeated attempts, she finally stood up.

The mechanical witch immediately picked up her former head, looked at it again and again without saying a word, and then turned to the mirror of the hypermarket. Her skin had a self-carving function and began to change the appearance of the robot, hoping to return to her original appearance.

Soon, the face of "Kong He" was modified to resemble the appearance of the human head in his hand. However, the hair color was still the chestnut color preset by the robot, instead of the original golden color. In addition, the appearance was not completely similar, and there were some places where it was difficult to distinguish.

After modification, you can still see the difference from the original appearance.

"It's ugly..." The witch's lips did not move, and an electronic sound came from her body.

"What's ugly?"

"My head... is so ugly." She held her original head and walked to the shopping mall trash can to throw it away.

"Don't," Xu Yang said quickly, "this is the last part of your original body."

The mechanical witch is swaying, not yet familiar with the control of this new body.

When Xu Yang walked up, she tried harder to control her body and find a way to steady herself. She held her head, knelt on the ground, bowed to Xu Yang, and then stood up awkwardly.

"My appearance," she looked down at her past head, "that mutilated appearance, so ugly... But I, I used to be very good-looking, I used to... be alive, I haven't always been like this.

It looks like..."

"You look very good now," Xu Yang said, "and you are alive now. The consciousness chip retains your emotions, unlike the personality matrix, which is completely empty."

The witch staggered towards Xu Yang, hugging him with all her strength, and then quickly stepped back, grabbing her head to prevent it from falling.

"My name is Xu Yang." Xu Yang stretched out his hand.

"My name is Lila Nisto." She held her head in her left hand and shook Xu Yang's hand with her right hand.

The hands of this model of robot feel quite smooth to the touch. They look like gloves through tight clothing, but they are made of excellent skin-like material and feel just like real people.

Before Xu Yang could continue, she approached Xu Yang again and hugged him tightly, more skillfully and enthusiastically than before. It was as if she never wanted to be separated from Xu Yang.

The body of the mechanical witch Lila...is cold and soft.

"Give me your order," Lila then knelt down on one knee, "I am...an employee, I am...a server, I am...a combatant, I am...a witch. As long as you assign me, I will...

Will work."

"You don't have to be anything." Xu Yang said, "My focus is on other things. For example...are you a witch? Can you still use your witch power?"

"Yes, I am also a 'witch' now. I can still use my 'witch power'. Even if I change my body of steel, even if my mental activity is in a transistor, I can still use it. Please allow me

Let me show you well...Master."

This chapter has been completed!
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