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Chapter two hundred and ninety third longevity

The ancient witch made a promise to transform her into a witch, and as long as she survives, everything will be solved.

Noriko Honma firmly believes this.

Over the past century, she has resolutely promoted the company's expansion. Everyone in the world has consumed the products and services invested by Xisheng Group, and all consumer goods for about 400 million people from birth to death are provided by Xisheng's companies.

She is the biggest wealth legend in the world. The managers and technical experts who are eager to obtain investment obey her and are more pious than the believers. She was also intoxicated with this experience for a time, until her blood vessels became thin and her skin was covered with


Life and death is a big deal. As she inevitably ages, people's minds change. Internally, there are Xisheng's sons and daughters vying for power, and externally, the management of other companies have ulterior motives.

She was greatly touched by the destruction of the Martinez. There were three assassinations against her that day, but Yanagawa Fumihiko came to resolve them all. But she knew that this would not last long. Even if her health improved, she would be able to be the first to do so.

It was time to take a special flight to escape danger, but her life was in danger even if she could leave the room she was currently in.

Noriko Honma was sitting cross-legged in her tea room. She pursed her lips and looked very serious, obviously thinking about something more important.

The whole teahouse is full of Zen. Ancient paintings depicting stories of enlightened beings are hung on the white walls. The sterile courtyard is filled with purple bamboos. Small statues of Bodhisattva are placed everywhere. It is said that it can help people live forever. She has never seen the mystery in the first half of her life.

She could learn a bit, but at this point, she could only try every possibility.

She is full of fear deep in her heart. She needs to survive and become a person with a longer life span.

Death begins to chase people from the moment they are born, laying murderous intent at every stage of life.

The older a person gets, the less capable he is of this pursuit. As time passes, this pursuit becomes particularly relaxed, calm and leisurely, waiting for people to slip into the abyss.

The time has come.

Xisheng Shrine suffered some damage during the invasion, but it was quickly restored with concentrated efforts.

Wall glass, circuits, pipes, and facilities can all be restored, but Noriko Honma's confidence is difficult to rebuild. The Black Fire Innovation is not a futile mockery or blind resistance, but one that truly has the ability to affect her.


This forced her to elevate the importance of two things to the highest level.

The first thing is to gather all resources and find a way to kill the Blackfire Innovation.

The second is to complete the mysterious ritual that Ye Zi said and transform himself into a long-lived, youthful and beautiful witch.

Noriko Honma opened the business plan that Ye Zi sent to her. It was very thick and was completely written in accordance with the most advanced template. I don’t know how many people worked hard behind it.

Naturally, she didn't have time to read it, so she quickly threw the 90,000-word plan to Yanagawa Fumihiko and asked him to sort it out before giving it to her.

Yanagawa Fumihiko fulfilled his duties and gave up the dome battle at the beginning of the crisis and returned to Honma Noriko to fulfill his duty of guardianship.

He looked at the draft carefully, and then, just like filtering sewage, he erased all the empty words, diagrams and boilerplate words, and made extensive deletions on the digital mental platform in his mind, leaving only about 1,000 words in the end.

Only this part of the occult content is useful.

Noriko Honma turned her head to browse the final essence left behind.

"Why weren't there such beautiful words in the beginning?" Noriko Honma stared at the information.

The story is concise and comprehensive, but the content is detailed. It introduces the witch transformation ritual, talks about the relationship between stars, star crystals, magic power and ordinary people, and tells how this ancient secret ritual injects the power of fallen stars into people's hearts, thereby creating a new witch.

This must have been written by a very wise ancient witch who knew all kinds of secrets. Noriko Honma has seen similar records before. They are fragmented and mostly imitated by later generations. The details are unclear and not as good as what you see now. The manuscript is so exquisite and detailed.

"It's so perfect," Noriko Honma couldn't help but admire, "I really want to see this ancient witch in person. How beautiful, intelligent, and...perfect she is."

"The best part," Yanagawa Fumihiko said, "should be displayed in the most appropriate commercial format. This is also Ye Zi's intention, so as to avoid the fate of being ignored."

"Yes, Ye Zi is also a good boy." Noriko Honma's voice became weaker and weaker. She was completely moved by the wonderful prospects described in this manuscript.

She let out a long sigh and said nothing. Instead, she pursed her lips and read the essence of the thousand words left behind. It was no longer an ink mark on the LCD screen, but a piece of paper that could put her in contact with the terrible evil of death. The beasts are isolated.

What kind of temptation is hotter than this?

Noriko Honma must try her best to survive. The world is changing with each passing day. Today's entrepreneurs are far less smart and capable than she was when she was young. If she is given another 20 years to live, she can push corporatism to a new level.

"Death will not be able to knock me down in the end," Noriko Honma let out a long breath, "I will personally press it to the ground and put the shackles on it... Even the laws of biology must be conquered. This is the original intention of the establishment of the Corporate Alliance. We slew the witches and silenced the mystics, and now I will take great strides to conquer death itself."

"Yes, ma'am." Yanagawa Fumihiko agreed.

"So," said Noriko Honma, "how did you go about what you were told to do?"

Yanagawa Fumihiko nodded.

"It's done," he said.

As early as the very beginning, when Zi Zi brought this news, Noriko Honma had already arranged for Yanagawa Fumihiko to follow and investigate Zi Zi's condition, as well as the mysterious witch mentioned by Zi Zi.

Yanagawa Fumihiko shrewdly observed the leaves coming and going, every move, he saw everything, and he did everything so cleverly that he could not be discovered.

"The solid gold building in Anjiu City." Yanagawa Fumihiko said, "The ancient witch is there."

"According to what she wrote in this ceremony," Noriko Honma said, "all we want is her, and we can prepare other ritual tools."

"Yes." Yanagawa Fumihiko agreed, "Then we just need to kidnap her."

"But that is a witch after all, a particularly dangerous witch," Noriko Honma said, "so we have to be prepared to deal with her as a qualified ancient mystic, and make a hundredfold effort to deal with her."

"I will go and assemble our most powerful fighting force." Yanagawa Fumihiko kowtowed to Noriko Honma and said, "Please rest assured, you will definitely gain immortality."

"Yes." Noriko Honma nodded slightly.


Yanagawa Fumihiko felt a little afraid. He felt the endless ferocious energy from Noriko Honma, which was more terrifying than a powerful enemy in a hundred battles. She did not have rich personal emotions, and all distracting thoughts were swept away by determination and willpower.

This is why Yanagawa Fumihiko loves her so much, she is the strongest and most beautiful woman he has ever seen...

As long as Noriko Honma survives, she can lead the increasingly divided Xisheng Group to wipe out the Black Fire rebellion on the Taiya Islands and once again prove the powerful superiority of corporatism.

So they recalled Ye Zi from Taixi Continent and asked her to continue contacting the ancient witches, which should be finalized within a week. At the same time, they also summoned elite witches at home and abroad, hired powerful private armies, and invited ancient mystics to intervene.

All preparations are just for longevity.

Noriko Honma must live no matter what, and anyone who disobeys this will be punished by heaven.

On the other side, Xu Yang and Lila are working on things at the same time. Because both of them can multi-task, they are both dual-threaded.

Naturally, every experience is different. Lila can heat and cool, increase discharge, and install metal grinding tools, making new discoveries every time. If Lila's sensitivity is increased, the body's water consumption will also increase significantly.


In addition, Xu Yang and Lila can use data cables to connect each other's brain-computer interfaces and share each other's most profound emotions. In digital emotions, they can easily see each other's most profound and sincere rational nature.

This is why their synchronization is very high, which not only brings physical experience, but also helps each other rediscover their inner selves.

Lila loves Xu Yang without asking for anything in return, but it is not an empty sacrifice. She can find reciprocal love from Xu Yang's psychological structure. Xu Yang is also the same, often unable to control himself, and melting into Lila's heart and soul

in temperature.

"Lila will always be the master's." She leaned in Xu Yang's arms, closed her eyes tightly, and enjoyed the peace and beauty at this moment. "Lila will also work tirelessly for the master in the future."

This sense of happiness makes people feel like time goes by slowly.

"The email is here." Xu Yang suddenly saw a new notification in Lila's mailbox, "It's from the company alliance."

"Corporate Alliance?" Lila checked the email originator, who came from the Corporate Alliance headquarters in Xintai Xizhou Greenland City.

This chapter has been completed!
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