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Chapter two hundred and ninety fifth adhesive

"I didn't do anything wrong, I didn't want to run away." A40 Geng Jin said.

"But at least you have to tell me first, how did you kill those people?" Xu Yang was curious.

A40 explained the ins and outs of the future in detail. After listening to Xu Yang, he immediately realized that this matter was difficult to handle. It had inadvertently killed 20 senior managers, professional managers and investors, and the company behind the deceased would not let it go.

"You still have to run quickly." Xu Yang shook his head.

"Isn't there a law or something that can help with reasoning, emergency evacuation, etc." A40 was distressed.

"Now we are not dealing with opinions, but with money." Xu Yang explained, "We can go to the Shangjing headquarters and negotiate through the company law process. But it is difficult to find a reliable law firm to represent you these days, and the company court fees are extremely high.

, the two sides are competing for financial resources, and the risk of failure is extremely high. You will still have to pay with your life, so it is better to run away."

"Hey, it's great to be a rich man. I want to be a rich man too. How can I get rich?" A40 said.

"No, you are a synthetic human, and all you need is electricity." Xu Yang said in a joking tone.

"That's true, the Hornets probably won't ask for any gifts. Okay, I'll go!" A40 prepared to leave with his bare hands.

"Your anger was lost in Aizu City, you have to get it back." Xu Yang suddenly thought of the disappearing magic sword that fell into the ground.

"A true strong man can defeat his opponent with any weapon!" A40 said very boldly, "I'll go to the poison master to get some poison first."

"Then you run away first. I'll be there soon so I can meet Miying and the others." Xu Yang nodded.

"A true warrior never stops." A40 left the Solid Gold Building and took a path to the countryside.

Xu Yang returned to the office.

With the help of Lila's vision, he could clearly see the conference room. It was very small and not many people came in person. He took his seat as soon as he arrived and then connected the brain-computer interface with a data cable to enter the virtual space and start the online meeting, saving money.

Lots of venues.

At this point, Lila ended the visual sharing and opened her data signal to Xu Yang for review, so that he could synchronize the photoelectric signals received by Lila.

The online space is wider. It is a large-scale golf course with green grass, blue sky and white clouds. There are endless beautiful scenery to enjoy. The hillsides are undulating, the cool breeze is blowing on your face, the air is extremely fresh, and there is no industrial pollution.

The smell is completely different from the taste of Anjiu City.

About 200 people from the business community were invited by Mayor Nobuhiko Ohara, including business owners from various industries such as construction, transportation, manufacturing, finance, trade, and service industries. They all played virtual golf while interacting with the virtual world.

The mayor negotiates and discusses various matters.

Lila wanted to see how realistic the online conference room was, so she went to the luxurious restaurant attached to the stadium, where she prepared scallops, lamb chops, grilled chicken and four different flavors of soufflé, as well as many different cocktails.

She poured herself a glass of red wine and shared its digital aroma with Xu Yang. The higher the degree of brain nerve modification, the more fragrant the taste. Lila could taste 99% of the wine aroma, and the program corresponding to the drink was activated.

Every line of taste code in her consciousness chip. Xu Yang was only about 20% synchronized, and there was a false grape aroma on his tongue.

Lila watched a fat man hit a golf ball away. She could only transmit her stream of consciousness in the online space and could not use magic power, so she could not detect the detailed process of this action, which gave her a sense of indifference.

Seeing everyone arriving one after another, Ohara Nobuhiko began to briefly explain the core key points of this meeting on the public communication channel.

"Maintain stability."

Focus on restoring economic development, and everything else can come second.

Therefore, it is important for people from all walks of life to put aside their old prejudices and reach consensus on various matters.

Mayor Nobuhiko Ohara was originally the core manager sent by Kyoto Mugen to control and coordinate Yasu City. After Kyoto Muji abandoned Yasu City, he continued to serve as mayor, with full authority to coordinate city affairs.

Being mayor...it's a very troublesome thing.

Xu Yang also knew that originally, this person's power came from Kyoto Unlimited, but now the situation is different, he will be pushed down if he is not careful.

If he angers the citizens, he will be killed by the revolting citizens.

If an entrepreneur in the city is angered, he will be replaced by a new agent.

If Xisheng and outside capital are angered, he will be assassinated.

Xu Yang also wanted to see what kind of strategy the mayor would make. If he didn't do well, Xu Yang would also find a way to replace him.

Right now, the fate of the entire city is related to this meeting and the mayor's every move.

The first is to determine Ohara Nobuhiko's own responsibilities. Since the city operates independently, he decided to establish an integrated Anjiu City Public Management Company to be responsible for the overall operation of the city and ensure the construction of a company city that is livable for citizens, has advanced technology and prosperous assets, and is oriented to

Build in the future.

The mayor has no money, so he has streamlined his staff. The powers and responsibilities of his public administration agency are very limited. It provides services based on the principle of minimizing the management agency. It will not support too many public managers, and each functional department will be split and sold to other parties.

The company undertakes the contracting.

Immediately afterwards, Ohara Nobuhiko greatly praised the entrepreneurs present, and planned to split the area of ​​​​the city that originally belonged to Kyoto Mugen, and divide and trade it to major business owners for construction.

This is the modern version of horse racing, Xu Yang secretly thought. Selling land is a traditional art of local governing bodies. It must be tasted. By selling urban land to win over core industrial and commercial entrepreneurs, one can stabilize one's position instantly.


Xu Yang planned to operate peacefully in Anjiu City and develop slowly. It would be good to have land available. He and Lila discussed it and booked 1,000 acres of suburban land worth 170 million to develop their own industrial productivity.

Build guns and ships. This area corresponds to the underground expansion space of Aizu City. When the upper and lower connections are opened and integrated, it will be a brand new city made in heaven, which can provide countless people with a peaceful life.

"That's when we barely entered the category of big companies," Lila said.

"Indeed... we need more money and resources. Blackfire Innovation is also recruiting witches all over the world, and at the same time bringing new space carriers into the sky. Their army expansion will be as fast as a snowball."

Although Lila found seabed oil nearby, it cannot be developed yet. Xu Yang needs absolute superior economic strength and military units, otherwise it can only be sealed up forever.

If there is no money, other capital must be invited to share dividends and influence decision-making. Without force, the entire industry will be robbed.

In other words, to achieve something big, more money, a larger private army and a more powerful gathering of witches are needed. If Xu Yang can handle the last bit by himself, he will have to bring back more than 50 little witches in a while.

In the following meeting, Ohara Nobuhiko successfully secured the support of business owners, and then he dared to contact a group of citizen representatives to go online to meet their various demands.

Because Nobuhiko Ohara was afraid of being killed by citizens and replaced by entrepreneurs, he had to meet the needs of all parties like a watchmaker. At this juncture of turmoil, he also spoke for the citizens and suggested that everyone make appropriate concessions that benefit the people.

, we will make further calculations in the future.

About 400 citizen representatives accessed the online meeting and bustled into the virtual scene to advocate for the interests of the people they represented.

Several groups of people discussed this matter for several rounds, and finally came up with several similar results.

One is to introduce public election, tenure and replacement mechanisms for urban public managers to reduce the growth of corruption in public management.

The second is to establish a city's labor association and consumer association. The former represents the crowd and entrepreneurs to negotiate working hours and working environment, and organizes large-scale work stoppages. The latter represents consumers, accepts and gives feedback on consumer product issues,

Introduce a transparent evaluation mechanism at the municipal level.

The third is to set up an area on the outskirts of Anjiu City and establish a pilot site for decorporatism, trying to build a new social form so that people can have a peaceful place away from companies.

After a long period of compromise and quarrels, all parties ended the preliminary game. The capital, the private sector and the mayor reached an agreement on these large-scale matters, and every participant got results that were in line with their psychological expectations.

Nobuhiko Ohara really acted as a pipe of adhesive, holding Anku City together with a population of 6 million above ground and 300,000 underground, minimizing the risk of a second civil strife and overcoming this black fire crisis.

Keep moving forward towards tomorrow.

In about 1 to 2 weeks, the production and social order can be restored to the pre-war level, which is rare and valuable for such a level of destruction.

Many people didn't bother them too much and went offline to look for food one after another. Virtual food can't fill their stomachs.

There are still some members of the overseas observation team who have provided the disaster-stricken residents of Anjiu City with a very new and advanced concept: children's loans.

Under this loan model, both men and women can donate their genetic information, which will be collected by their experimenters, frozen and shipped to a professional fertility center in Taipei, where their genetic information will be further analyzed by professional mothers.

reproduce and then grow in a unified organization.

The population and witches produced through this model will become the assets of the lending company. They have the greatest power to take over their life and death, and their life safety will not be guaranteed. Accordingly, citizens who provide genetic information can get 10~20

Thousands of low-interest loans.

This is very attractive to those who do not have time to fall in love, but want to have offspring, and those who are in urgent need of money. The company has conducted pilot projects in some areas in other continents, and the response has been very good and unprecedentedly enthusiastic. Biological and genetic information is traded every day.

of men and women have crossed the threshold.

If you raise your children and hand them over to corporate social labor, not only will the children suffer, but you will also have to pay huge maintenance fees. And if you sell your offspring to a lending company, although the children will also suffer, you will be able to alleviate your immediate needs and make a steady profit.

This is also very attractive to many citizens in Anjiu City who are at risk of having their supply cut off.

"Corporatism stinks, I feel disgusted just standing here. They must adopt virtual online meetings because they are afraid of assassins. There must be someone who is eager to bring a bomb to restart everything." Lila said.

"We are relatively weak, so we can only mix with them temporarily now, and we can settle the accounts later."

The doomsday fire rain is coming quickly, and they will have no choice when the time comes. Lila thought silently. Then we will leave their bodies behind and build a new world in the ashes.

"I was chatting with Du Qianqian before, and she said that a person's life is only worth 2 million, but now the company can buy a brand new employee for hundreds of thousands," Xu Yang said.

"What are they doing?" Lila pondered, "There are more and more people."

"Population is like interests, like a cushion. I heard that some companies are conducting closed experiments. If the birth population can be controlled, the company can formulate planned consumption just like planned production, allowing a large number of specific people to specialize in consumption, and

Their production risk hedging. And…”


"Human augmentation technology is very advanced. Every commercial implant and every human body modification surgery has gone through at least 10,000 in-vivo installation tests before entering the market."

This chapter has been completed!
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