Turn off the lights
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Chapter 299 The Way of Salvation

"The Law of Reply can't help," Xu Yang pondered, "This is a disease she has had since she was born, that is, even back to the beginning, she is still like this. The automatic doctor is mainly prepared for trauma, and it cannot treat pediatrics.


"Then we can only watch her die." Falosa said coldly.

Xu Yang said nothing and did not deny this possibility.

Farosha didn't say anything. She sat on her seat and gave 101 and 102 a look. 101 immediately took 102 back to the safe house in the Shijin Building. When they left, Farosha was still sitting in her seat, but the two

Tears flowed from eyes.

"Don't be sad..." Xu Yang helped Farosha wipe away her tears.

"Crocodile tears." Falosa's face was expressionless, and Xu Yang wiped away her tears.

"Don't worry, there is another way." Xu Yang squatted next to the poor baby, "We have to go to the hospital."

"A human hospital?" Falosa shook her head. She would never trust humans outside her own power.

"Let's be careful, I will be in contact throughout the whole process." Xu Yang began to search for open medical institutions in Anjiu City. Due to the shortage of medical supplies, only a few large hospitals are still open and can guarantee the supply of equipment and raw materials.

Falosa closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Found it." Xu Yang saw that a large hospital was still in operation, which was invested and built by the giant company Rose Medical. "Falosa, are you willing to let us make one last attempt to save this little baby?"

"Hurry up!" Falosa was dissatisfied.

Xu Yang drove the Zifeng to change direction and drive to Qiangwei Private Medical Center, which was built on top of a huge building. It was dusk at this time, and most of the departments had no lights on.

On the way, he was still trying to decide whether to enroll the baby in the pediatric or witch department. When he got to the hospital, he found out that he didn't need to worry because the pediatric department was not open at all. The website showed that there was currently only one doctor on duty in the witch department. Xu Yang tried to register, but

This person's account has been released today, and no new account has been released. The entire hospital is essentially in a semi-closed state.

Xu Yang drove the shuttle to the tarmac and took a closer look. He discovered that the medical center had been attacked by the Black Fire Revolutionary Army before. The walls were charred, the medicine cabinets were knocked down, and most of the windows were completely broken. Even the glass fragments were not cleaned.

, the security robot was knocked to the ground, but there was no one to manage or clean up. The entire medical center was deserted. The door was smashed and collapsed, making it impassable. Only a side door was left half open, which could be used to pass through. Obviously, there was no open reception to the outside world.


Do you want to switch to another company? Xu Yang was worried.

However, Rose Medical provides the best medical services in the world, and the incurable disease of the witch baby can only be cured here.

He asked Falosa to stay on the shuttle, held the incubator containing the baby in his arms, squeezed into the narrow door, and walked through the dark corridor. There was no one in the entire center.

He saw that the lights of the Witch Department were still on, so he looked for a way to go there. The entire Witch Department had been blocked. There was a whole alloy explosion-proof wall outside, blocked by an electromagnetic grid in the middle. A man in a white coat was sitting behind the grid, standing on his side.

He was fully clothed, sitting on a stool, playing stupidly on his phone, reading some humorous clips.

Xu Yang came to the window with the thermostat in his arms, knocked on the wall next to the railing, and pressed the notification button on the counter.

When the white coat heard the sound of the buzzer, he looked up, said nothing, and pointed at the electronic clock hanging behind Xu Yang's back. Xu Yang looked back and saw that it was already 17:55 in the evening, and the doctor was about to get off work.

"Emergency." Xu Yang whispered.

The white coat shook his head.

"I leave at 6 o'clock," he said. "This is a great privilege given to me by the company. Didn't you see that I didn't assign a number?"

"When will the doctor on duty arrive later?"

"No, he was originally going to come, but the war delayed him. Let's see tomorrow."

"Can you take a look at it for five minutes?" Xu Yang requested, "She is dying.

The white coat cursed quietly, then stood up and asked Xu Yang to place the incubator in front of the electromagnetic grid. The white coat glanced at the half-dead baby in the incubator and observed the prominent red marks on her skin.

"Congenital magic circuit abnormal isolation syndrome," said the white coat, "This is difficult to deal with, and it is basically useless. You can take it to the company's damage control department for write-off, and I will write you a list."

"We want to save her." Xu Yang said, "Money is not an issue."

"I didn't talk about the money," the white coat shook his head, "This surgery is very difficult, and you can easily die. Don't waste your money."

"Please." Xu Yang insisted.

The white coat looked at the baby in the box for a few seconds, then he closed the electromagnetic grid window and Xu Yang handed the incubator inside.

Then, the white coat pressed a few buttons on the console nearby, and the four sleeping nurse synths were activated. They walked out of the hidden door in the wall, pulled out the operating table and medical testing equipment, turned on the shadowless lamp, and

Man in white coat prepares surgical instruments.

When they were almost ready, the white coat restarted the electromagnetic grid window and increased the power of the invisible energy shield to avoid being shot. Then he put on medical protective clothing, took the incubator to the sterile room inside for surgery, and isolated the inside and outside.

The metal door curtain opened, and there was a bright red "Under Surgery" indicator light on it.

Then there was no movement.

Xu Yang asked Falosa to wait on the shuttle. Falosa was very quiet. Xu Yang guessed that she was anxious, but she didn't show it. Xu Yang suddenly discovered something important and made a mistake while he was busy. He forgot to remind the white coat that the baby could be used.

I had laser injections on my eyes, but it was too late. I could only hope that the white coat had more experience and could avoid risks.

About half an hour later, at 6:30 in the afternoon, sweating profusely in his white coat, he took out the incubator and took it out of the closed grille window.

"My condolences." The white coat's tone was low and regretful, "It was almost, just a little bit."

Xu Yang looked at the incubator and saw that the witch baby died quietly.

"Almost, can you do it again if you want?" Xu Yang raised his head.


"Can you wait for 5 minutes?" Xu Yang said hurriedly, "Just 5 minutes, please, please don't move around, you must stay here, definitely!"

The white coat stood there, watching Xu Yang run out and walk through the dark hospital. A few minutes later, Xu Yang took the incubator back.

The white coat lowered his head and saw the witch baby shaking slightly in the incubator.

"Ah." He took the box as if sleepwalking, without saying a word.

"Be careful, she will shoot lasers with her eyes." Xu Yang said.

"Oh." The white coat muttered a few scriptures, then turned around and carried the box into the operating room respectfully.

He called out the four nurse robots again, closed the door curtain, and turned on the operating light again.

After 50 minutes, the man in the white coat slowly took out the incubator and placed it on the counter on the other side of the grille window. It also contained a large package of milk powder, a box of nutritional supplements and a can of new medicine.

"This should be used until the age of 2." The white coat pointed to the medicinal powder, "Take it once when you are 1 year old, and twice when you are 2 years old. Use this machine to pay, a total of 21,000, which can be divided into 24 installments, and you can open it.


Xu Yang paid the money and looked at the incubator. The witch baby's skin became rosy, her breathing became rhythmic, and all the weird red scars disappeared.

He thought of the unspoken rules of corporate hospitals, held an unnamed cash card in his hand, and transferred some money into it.

"Thank you, is there anything else I should pay attention to?" Xu Yang shook hands with the white coat and quietly passed the bearer cash card to the doctor's hand.

The white coat raised its sleeves, slipped the cash card back, and gave it back to Xu Yang.

"I'm a doctor!" said the white coat.

He turned on the electromagnetic grid, sat back in his chair, and looked at his phone.

Xu Yang carried the incubator back and returned to the shuttle.

Seeing that the little baby was still alive, Falosa slowly walked to the box and put her fingers close to the transparent glass, as if she wanted to touch her through a layer of space.

"Is she safe?" Falosa asked.

Xu Yang glanced at the reading on the health panel of the box.

"Safe." Xu Yang said.

Falosa opened the box and looked at the baby again and again.

Xu Yang opened her eyelids and shot a red laser from her eyes, piercing the hatch of the Zifeng.

"What are you doing?" Falosa slapped Xu Yang's hand away, "I slept well."

"Relax." Xu Yang ran to the console, and Farosha repaired the damaged areas of the hatch cover, including the large pits on the floor that had been etched by acid.

They just looked at the little baby with laser eyes for a long time in silence, and she breathed evenly.

Xu Yang told Falosa about the situation of the baby's parents.

"These two humans are not qualified, let us raise her." Farosha declared solemnly.

"This is a child who escaped death." Xu Yang squatted next to her and looked at her. "A witch who was saved by humans. Her growth is accompanied by many expectations. Even for these new generations, we must change the status quo and build

A beautiful world where they can live happily."

"She doesn't have a name?"

"I didn't have time to get up."

"Let's name it. Shall we raise her? How about we raise her just like parents raise a daughter?" Falosa said, "We want to be the best mother and the best father, and raise the most outstanding child."

Daughter, come out."

"I'm not ready yet." Xu Yang felt bad, "Let's do it later."

"Sit next to me." Farosha asked him to sit down next to her.

"What's wrong?"

Falosa held Xu Yang's hand, leaned back and closed her eyes.

"I miss my mother," she said.

This chapter has been completed!
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