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Chapter 306 Farming

After returning from the self-rescuer association, the more Xu Yang thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became.

Due to the global recession in production and consumption, the economy continues to decline, and the unemployed continue to emerge. They will eventually be excluded from society, die in various ways, or die in wars.

Is this what happens to everyone? Work hard, then get fired one day, get raped, and then disappear.

The currently opened synthetic human factory can't help. Xu Yang mused. Most jobs have been replaced by synthetic humans. Synthetic humans and automatic production lines are producing synthetic humans. The entire new factory may only need about 100 people, with senior engineers

and artificial intelligence developers.

Most people can only work flexibly and survive in the cracks.

Xu Yang thought about the milk he bought for the little fool. 450ml cost him 30. The food crisis was imminent, so returning to agriculture now was an opportunity.

The golden branches obtained from the wasps have now grown into golden trees in the Rat Village. According to the investigation of Taiyang Biological Company, the golden branches contain the power of the Lord of the Forest, which can greatly improve soil fertility and purify soil pollution.

Then the solution also surfaced.

Use golden branches to improve the environment, invite everyone to farm, solve employment, and save famine. Although it is mid-October, you can use greenhouse cultivation to cultivate a batch of crops first, and sow winter wheat seeds at the same time.

Just do it.

If you are poor, you should do your own thing. If you are developed, you should plan for the world.

Inspired by the association of self-rescuers, Xu Yang began to design an alternative production model to corporatism, namely a cooperative enterprise.

The new area was built and has not been put into use. Most of the work is done in the top-floor office of the Shijin Building. Behind the desk, Xu Yang sits firmly, connects multiple panels and terminals, and quickly edits and generates the structure of each department of Nisto Company.

Articles of Association and Business Direction.

Taro Tanaka was invited to visit and floated at the other end of the office, watching everything with curiosity and admiration. A brand new company was being built in front of him, and everything was going very smoothly. Text, data and charts were all arranged neatly on the visual interface, and the data was in

The page slides by quickly, like a torrent.

They joined forces to establish Nisto-Tanaka Industrial Company, a high-tech enterprise. Taro Tanaka thought that was Xu Yang's ambition, but Taro Tanaka also saw a new community plan, located in the outer suburbs, and mentioned a future-oriented labor cooperative enterprise


Xu Yang drew a circle on the large wilderness area on the outskirts of Anjiu City, near the uninhabited beach.

"I thought of a high enough tone," Xu Yang carefully considered every word in the general articles of association, "to establish the most ideal new type of company."

"Idealization is generally not a good word." Taro Tanaka said.

“But we always compromise on actual actions,” Xu Yang explained. “You see, if we design an optimal system, then in practice we will establish an ordinary system, maybe with some progress.

sex. But if we design an ordinary system from the beginning, then in practice we will definitely build a backward and conservative system."

"Indeed..." Taro Tanaka thought of his own scientific and technological innovation plan. If no one wanted to pursue perfect 4th generation smart technology, then there would not even be 3rd generation smart technology today.

Xu Yang is designing two sets of things. The first is Nisto-Tanaka Industrial Company, which is a technology company that pursues innovation and focuses on technology R&D teams and automated factories, aiming to create synthetic humans.

What caught Taro Tanaka's attention was another "cooperative" charter designed by Xu Yang, which mentioned that employees directly participate in decision-making and management as self-managers of cooperatives. These communities mainly cover agriculture and primary industry.

"Corporateism is centered on entrepreneurs," Xu Yang said, "and has brought about violence, poverty, corporate wars, environmental degradation and witch slavery. It is hard to imagine that they will respect the world and our descendants."

"These avant-garde ideas you mentioned always make me nervous." Taro Tanaka was a little uneasy.

"This is not a bad thing. You see, the company we are working with is still traditional," Xu Yang said. "We will recruit a group of the most technical teams, led by you, to promote the rapid development of our technology. You will invest in it with your technology.

There are 40% shares in the new company.”

"What about this cooperative?" Taro Tanaka pointed to the plan, "You plan to use dozens of square kilometers of wilderness to build a cooperative in a place called Asaki Township."

Asagi Township covers an area of ​​50 square kilometers and is currently home to 2,400 people who make a living from agriculture. The arable area is very narrow and most of the area has been depleted due to pollution.

"I just gather some unemployed people to farm and openly provide self-reliant jobs."

"Right now, Anjiu City has an unemployment rate of 12%. Statistically speaking, there are 200,000 to 500,000 unemployed people, possibly more, and the number is still skyrocketing. They are either dead or on the run. What's the use?"

Xu Yang quickly showed Taro Tanaka a map of Asaki Township. These lands were far away from the urban area, polluted, and had long been abandoned. No other companies had claimed ownership of them. There were many historical divisions on them.

"This is prepared to unite them. You see, historically this was fertile farmland, and there were village ruins everywhere. In ancient times, these were farmable lands, but they were polluted." Xu Yang said.

"Yes, you also know that the land is polluted."

"We have a way to purify the earth again." Xu Yang said.

He had seen how golden branches worked in Rat Village. A small piece of golden branches could nourish dozens of hectares of land around it, and now it has successfully grown into a golden tree.

"A bunch of farmers?"

"After supporting yourself, you can look for opportunities," Xu Yang said. "The next step is to establish technical colleges and train new experts, engineers and skilled workers."


“Have you ever considered that corporatism is systematically starving and starving the poor to death,” Xu Yang said, “not giving them any opportunities for self-growth and closing mobile jobs to them. Once faced with today’s economic crisis, people will

We can only sit back and wait for death. In order to prevent this, we must start from scratch to plan a community that belongs to workers."

"But do you have any extra money?"

"This is the most important link - this is a community where people help themselves in a more active way. Through labor, they provide their own funds and labor to participate, so everyone reasonably enjoys their own rights and shares."

“A little adds up to a lot?”

"Yes, one person pays three hundred, and one thousand people is three hundred thousand. I want to recruit people to reclaim wasteland and cooperate with them. Cooperation is the core of this plan. I can unite them, coordinate from it, and help purify the land. But this cooperative

There is no 'management', because everyone is a management and they are autonomous. When deciding on public affairs, a member has one vote. Even as an advocate, I am just an ordinary equal member among them.

, it is they who are giving their labor power to farm, so I cannot possess anything beyond my fair share, and labor is equal.”


"The cooperative is owned by the people. Everyone, everyone who sees the leaflets I issued and decides to leave for Asagi Township, can work hard, earn their own living, and then openly and openly enjoy their own decision-making rights on affairs."

"I don't understand."

"So I designed two systems. One is for our entrepreneurship. This one is traditional and as clear as all scientific and technological companies. The other one is based on my vision and has an ideal color. It doesn't matter if you call it a fantasy."

Xu Yang said.

"I wish you success," Taro Tanaka said, "but what you are trying to build is an island in a corporatist world."

"When an isolated island becomes bigger and bigger, it becomes uncertain which side is the island."

After bidding farewell to Taro Tanaka, Xu Yang thought about one thing.

From the perspective of the progress of the entire civilization, are entrepreneurs necessary for a civilization?

There is no doubt that workers create physical products and mental products.

Entrepreneurs use their management, organizational and coordination abilities, but their abilities based on human consciousness lag far behind excellent artificial intelligence, let alone the advanced global logistics and production management systems.

In other words, for the healthy development of the entire civilization, entrepreneurs should have the courage to innovate themselves and withdraw from the stage of history.

But they refuse to leave. We can never expect top-down changes, and those at the top have no motivation to change.

Humans don't like entrepreneurs, and witches don't like entrepreneurs either. Instead of simply killing entrepreneurs, we have to find a way to prove an important point: humans and witches can organize production on their own without entrepreneurs.


People are in a constant game, and the individual's ability to play is very weak, so he will lose to the system and the world. As long as people unite, their bargaining power will increase significantly.

Xu Yang thought of the city meeting in Anjiu City, where citizen representatives reached many conditions that were beneficial to the citizens. The core key was that the citizen army had guns and organizations at the time, which greatly increased their value in being united.

To this day, the size of the citizen army during the Black Fire Siege has been greatly reduced. People are leaving the temporary army one after another and applying for jobs each. This citizen army will disintegrate over time. At that time, the citizens will no longer want to talk to the mayor.

Bargaining is extremely difficult.

Uniting people is the focus of everything, but Xu Yang still needs some time to complete. He has to figure something out...

Is the golden tree of the Lord of the Forest useful?

He went to the bottom of Aizu City, far away from the crowd, took out the old Shushu communicator, and found his way to the Mouse Village.

When he walked through the gap in the rock, he felt that his eyes were dazzled by the golden light. After several months of growth, a golden tree, a bright and huge golden tree, rose from the ground, caged with its lush, shining golden branches and leaves.

Covering the earth, the top has penetrated the original gaps in the cave, almost causing the risk of the rat cave collapsing.

"Golden tree," the white mouse man Guan Wanchang crawled out to see Xu Yang. He slowly straightened up. His complexion was better than before, probably because of improved nutrition. "Did you see it? The golden tree you gave us has changed us.

The fate of the rat tribe.

"So...unbelievable..." Xu Yang stared at the golden tree. It was so vast and strong that it had already crowded out the original rat village. The rat people lived on all levels of the complex branches. He looked at it.

The wererats were walking up and down the trees, and many were running around.

Rat people are naturally good at climbing and crawling, so that's okay.

Around the golden tree, there are super-large mushrooms growing densely. The scientific name of the mushroom bred by Shu Village is called fluorescent mushroom. It originally emits a faint light, but now it is completely obscured by the strong light of the golden tree.

It's brighter here than on the ground!

Last month, Rat Village produced a total of 150 tons of bacterial isolates, dozens of times more than in the past. Half of it was consumed and stored by rat mouths, and most of it was carried by rat people on their shoulders to the Nisto Industrial Park, where it was packaged and shipped to the apple orchard.

Nutritional paste canning factory.

The Apple Orchard factory was originally guarded by Chainsaw Angels and used to produce nutritional creams containing human ingredients. Now it has been completely restored, supplied, and newly upgraded to use orphans as raw materials to make nutritional creams.

In addition, the thick skin of these mushrooms can also be used to weave cloth and is also used as a raw material for some clothing factories.

In return for the transaction, the mouse village secretly purchased some materials to improve life, including furniture, daily necessities, medicines and simple electrical appliances. Some smart white-haired mice were also freed from manual labor and began to seek to educate the new mouse people.


The rat people are still hated, so they do not appear in public. Many residents of Aizu City have no idea that the clothes they wear and the nutritional cream they eat are provided by the rat people. However, they do participate in the production and life of Aizu City, invisibly.

In the entire supply and consumption system, it becomes a part of civilization.

Only in this way can reconciliation be achieved. Xu Yang secretly said. Exchange, trade, and finally, slowly opening up.

Xu Yang wanted to continue investigating in the rat village, but Guan Wanchang first took Xu Yang to Sally's resting place, which was on the highest crown of the golden tree. Sally was lying among the bright golden branches and leaves, looking very weak.

"What's wrong?" Xu Yang asked with concern.

"It's nothing." Sally tried to explain, but she looked very bad, her hair was dull, and her body was shrunken.

"You can tell me anything if you have anything." Xu Yang comforted her.

Sally's big, cloudy eyes began to shed tears.

"My compatriots are being killed." Sally was worried. "I hear their screams every night. They are crying, crying - they are being hunted by a cat, very close to us.

The place."

This chapter has been completed!
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