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Chapter 312 Precision Attack

Being threatened by two ancient mystics at the same time, Falosa looked indifferent and held the god-killing weapon in her hand.

On one side, the ancient giant deer transformed by the Lord of the Forest stood majestically, walking in the air, looking down at Farosha, with eyes full of hatred, and the hard fur was covered with bright and dazzling colors of gold and green.

On the other side, the liar Mika has transformed into a woman, with a short tail raised high, and hands like claws. She keeps chanting in her mouth, constantly blessing herself with protective miracles, and her body is covered with layers of brilliance, like a crown and a veil. It was so bright that it was hard to see clearly.

Macca looked at Falosa from a distance, and saw that she was fully prepared, with no fear on her face. It was interesting to see that this witch used to be timid, conservative, and had the temperament of a young scholar who loves books, but now she can stand with a sword, as if Already prepared for battle.

Now that Farosha was in full armor, McCa could not see her micro-expressions clearly, nor could he feel the fear radiating from her body.

Could it be that she was ready to kill him? Mai Ka's heart became more and more alert. She had spoken rudely to him before, so it was impossible for her to have no trump card.

Facing unprecedented pressure, Farosha remained motionless, holding the god-killing weapon tightly in her hands. She took a deep breath, raised her hand and pressed the button on the side of the helmet to access the communication system.

"Help," she said.

After receiving Falosa's request for help, Xu Yang launched combat deployments and issued combat orders in batches. He was bound to completely eradicate all threats posed by "liar" McCa.

"I will connect you to the perceptual joint platform." Xu Yang set up a network communication node and used the network base station in Nisto Industrial Park not far underground to transmit Lila's digital perception report to Falosa, and communicated with Pan Ruiyin and Zhang Yunxi The same ones are used, and their actual combat tests show that this sharing can maximize the witch's battlefield detection efficiency.

Kazama Miyari has set aside special network modules and information panels on the witch armor used by Nisto Company, thereby achieving a multi-in-one and providing sufficient information support for frontline combatants.

From this, Xu Yang synchronized Lila's perception system with Farosha's combat strategy. Farosha's helmet was also completely closed, with the eye openings used for observing the outside and the gaps on both sides used for listening eliminated. , blocking Falosa’s own five senses.

For Farosha, the world went dark for a moment, and she was still a little scared.

And then... shine!

In an instant, Falosa realized that her angle of observing the world had changed, and her body twitched unnaturally, because she could almost see the bones and meridians of the entire world. She could finally understand how Lila usually observed the world. There are no secrets to everything, including heat, humidity, materials, air flow and pressure, volatile compounds, electromagnetic radiation, and sound waves.

Seeing a flaw in Farosha, the Lord of the Forest attacked her unprepared, and immediately sprayed a stream of green flames at her. McCa also waited for the opportunity, opened his mouth and let out a soft whistle, and two light balls appeared from behind it, and released it towards Farosha one after another. electric shock.

Falosa instantly saw the change in the area in front of her. A black death threat was marked at her feet. There were red danger zones for several feet around her. Only in the distance was the green safe zone.

She swung the god-killing weapon and protected it around her, then quickly maneuvered to avoid the bombing. Lightning bolts exploded one after another, but they were always half a step ahead of Falosa.


McCa retracted the ball of light into his claws, stretched out his fingers and pointed forward. A bolt of lightning caught Farosha, frying her whole body to black, and eye-catching sparks lit up on her armor.

But just for a moment, the recovery magic power she had reserved on her body took effect automatically, restoring Falosa and her entire body of witch armor to their original state.

It's wonderful to be shocked occasionally! Farosha put the near-death feeling of electric shock out of her mind. Xu Yang also reestablished the connection as quickly as possible, allowing her to continue to maintain this high-perception state. With the support of modern technology, it only took milliseconds before and after.

level error.

Mai Ka stood up straight and stretched one hand towards the cave wall.

"It grew with our support," McCa said. "Now it's starting to bite us again?"

The earth and rock quickly roared and twisted, and several terrifying rock puppets crawled out of it, scrambling to crawl towards Falosa. Each one was shaped like an insect, ant, or snake, with a gray color and an astonishing speed.

Doesn't high perception make up for her last shortcoming? Falosa thought secretly. She looked at the rock puppets. How fast they were and when they would pose a threat to her were all marked.

She did not attack them first, but moved back with one hand, releasing killing life towards the entire golden tree. The gray sickle-shaped magic power turned into a blade-shaped magic wave, sweeping away the entire tree in an instant.

The phantom of the Lord of the Forest let out a mournful cry. It was on the way to attack Falosa, but when its front hoof stumbled, it immediately fell forward. Looking back, it couldn't help but let out an even more frightened cry.

Life - was brutally deprived. A total of seven life-grabbing demonic fronts passed through one after another, ruthlessly stripping away the life energy along the way. The entire golden tree was cut off by the magic power, and the golden leaves fell off rapidly, and pieces of deathly silence continued to scatter on the ground. The entire tree

The golden tree decayed and withered, withered and shrank, and the surrounding mushroom land also rapidly decayed, casting a gray shadow in an instant.

The rat witch Sally was the only one left at the top of the golden tree. She received the news from Xu Yang that Mai Ka might be coming, and asked the rat tribe to abandon their village and retreat to the side of the industrial park for safety. Now she lies on the

Observing from the tree, she saw Falosa releasing ruthless killings, so she raised her hand and unfolded the Great Law of Growth. A shining green light appeared in front of her, almost forming a barrier, offsetting the gray killings. The two entangled and fought, and both became invisible.


"Come down and help." Falosa said coldly.

Sally shook her head. Only the high branch she was standing on in the entire golden tree was still healthy. She looked coldly at the liar Mika at the end of the grotto. The cat and the mouse looked at each other, one showing greed based on appetite, and the other showing greed.

One side's gaze contains determination and unyieldingness.

"We only have this hole left." Sally's whole body was shining with a different color of light, combining divine power with her magical power. Her second power, the giant electromagnetic pulse, was now beginning to charge.

Electromagnetic pulses can interfere with and destroy electronic equipment and are usually harmless to living organisms. However, after Sally's extreme amplification, dense, strong-frequency high-energy electromagnetic radiation is enough to cause strong ablation and even complete disintegration of living organisms.

By destroying the golden tree to weaken the phantom of the forest lord, Falosa turned around and swung her sword forcefully at the large number of rock monsters summoned by Maikar.

God-killing weapon!

As Falosa swung her sword, an extremely sharp blade struck at the rock monster. Its power was so powerful that it caused a violent explosion the moment it hit the rock. The fatal shock wave exploded instantly, killing most of the rock monsters.

It was blown up and down, and the ground was covered with rubble and cracks!

The more you know, the calmer you will be.

At first, according to the reconnaissance system shared by Lila, the interpretable information in just a small area was complicated enough to dazzle Farosha. However, as the battle progressed, Lila continued to optimize the configuration and eliminate useless information. She originally used perception

The magic power and the mental chip work together to monitor the entire city. Now we are focusing on detecting the small area of ​​​​the golden tree, which is more accurate and can transmit in real time.

After improvement, Falosa no longer felt that this way of perception was cumbersome, and quickly mastered this way of interpreting the battlefield. She evolved towards a transcendent existence, and her mind was already sophisticated.

It is not one person fighting, but the most efficient attack with the help of the entire system.

She unleashed the Law of Killing on Mai Ka, and the magic power hit the protection around Mai Ka, only weakening part of the protective miracle.

"You have really become difficult to deal with." Michael sneered.

It chirped softly, causing the ground to rumble, as if an invisible giant monster was rising rapidly deep underground.

Falosa saw the unstable readings on the ground in front of her changing dramatically and quickly backed away.


With a loud noise, the ground surface in front of us quickly cracked, and countless cracks appeared in the black rock. Strong heat flow surged from it, and the molten magma under the earth's crust continued to erupt, pouring flames in all directions!

Law of recovery! Falosa tried to repair the crack, and the crack on the surface instantly recovered, but was blasted through by the next round of high-temperature magma roaring out.

She can only quickly release magic power and continuously restore various areas, but the lava flow summoned by McCa comes from the depths of the planet, which is beyond what Falosa can control.

The ground was constantly being destroyed... Falosa moved back to avoid being swallowed by the large crack that suddenly opened. If she fell into the abyss, she would be unable to recover.

"If you can persist like this..." Michael chuckled. Not only did it transform the site into a torrent of magma, it also continued to release lightning at Falosa, allowing her to maneuver, repair herself and restore the landscape at the same time, forcing her to fall into a dilemma. In a painful situation, Farosha could not even stand firmly, let alone threaten Mika with a frontal attack.

Under the influence of Mai Ka's powerful miracle, the entire Haiyuan Cave became extremely unstable. The broken rock beneath his feet exploded inch by inch. Countless fire pillars rose into the sky, and then turned into high-temperature lava flows and fell from the sky, creating a merciless rain of fire.

The thin rock roof was pierced by flying rocks, with numerous cracks and rattling sounds. It could not withstand the pressure of sea water. The entire cave could be submerged by the sea at any time, swallowed by the magma erupting under the feet and the sea water pouring from the top.

Falosa was trying her best to support her. The phantom of the forest lord felt the sorrow of the destroyed trees and remained silent, staring at Falosa coldly, waiting for the moment when she gave up her strength.

With such a demigod phantom threatening from the side and rear, Falosa was never able to attack with all her strength.

Suddenly, Mai Ka saw a flash of light from one side, and a witch carrying two heavy-armored witches teleported over.

An all-out battle begins.

This chapter has been completed!
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