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Three hundred and twentieth chapters become smart

Raising a young witch requires money, so Xu Yang must find the whereabouts of Hosoda Yoshiyuki and ensure that the wedding of Kamibayashi Kuro and Ohara Risa goes smoothly. Only in this way can he complete the agreement and obtain a large amount of cash to fill the expenditure hole.

Xu Yang checked the files of Yoshiyuki Hosoda. This person committed a series of explosions, assassinations, and robberies. According to the company law, he was sentenced to 590 years in prison and was a lifelong repeat offender.

This is a very dangerous person... Xu Yang secretly thought. If he is not found as soon as possible, he may burn the entire city to ashes in his own way.

As an experienced saboteur, he can make full use of all the conditions at hand to continue to create shocking news.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of more detailed information and the fact that Yoshiyuki Hosoda is good at changing his appearance, Lila was unable to accurately find this person in the vast sea of ​​people. She was not even sure whether he was in Anjiu City now. Fortunately, in a twist of events, Xu Yang

I found out that this guy had installed an implant on Cui Junyou. If I contact Lao Cui, I should be able to find more information about Hosoda Yoshiyuki.

Thinking of this, Xu Yang immediately connected the secret communication line with Cui Junyou.

"Hurry up, I have an operation in 7 minutes." Cui Junyou said loudly.

"I'm looking up a person named Yoshiyuki Hosoda..." Xu Yang flipped through the files at hand, "According to his self-report in prison, he once underwent rehabilitation at the Aizu Castle Cui Prosthetic Clinic."

"Yes, yes." Cui Junyou said, "He is an upright and upright man, who would refuse!"

"I'm looking for him, do you have any clues?"

"Well, why are you looking for him? Want to join forces to destroy Xisheng Shrine? In that case, I will fully support you. Otherwise, I will not betray him."

"Of course I want to destroy Xisheng Group, but I won't use his method."

"It's impossible for you and him to get along," Cui Junyou said. "You are a ruthless machine, and he is a prairie fire!"

"Relax...I won't hurt him, I just want to find out what he plans to do and make sure that we don't end up on opposite sides."

"Okay," Cui Junyou still trusted Xu Yang, but he wanted to help Hosoda Yoshiyuki keep the secret, "After he escaped from prison, he seemed to have gone to the back of the garbage mountain, where you can see the sewage ditch and the smelly beach.

Go and find him there, don't tell him that I said it."

"Thank you." Xu Yang expressed his deep gratitude.

"Have you seen Katsuragi Asa's new arm?" Cui Junyou sent a movable photo.

Xu Yang saw Katsuragi Qian showing off her new limbs to the camera. She had replaced her entire right arm and installed a multi-jointed, sturdy metal prosthetic hand that could be stretched and retracted at will. It was also a powerful kinetic energy shooting weapon that could be used as a continuous

The heavy machine gun continuously fires to suppress the opponent. At close range, it can transform into an arm hammer to smash enemies trying to get closer.

She knew that she could use magic power to restore the damage, but she decided to accept transformation. Xu Yang secretly thought. Everything has changed.

"Is she still used to it?" Xu Yang asked.

"She's so used to it. It's smoother than the original one. She wants to cut off her healthy left arm and replace it. I say no, she's not ready yet." Cui Junyou said loudly.

"what to prepare?"

"Give up your flesh and blood body." Cui Junyou said, "Don't rush for prosthetic transformation. You have to slowly get used to it and gradually like this feeling - walking as fast as flying, invulnerable, electric current surging in the body, vision becomes unprecedentedly sensitive, every day

Every organ can be upgraded, replacing your original body parts from scratch. What about you? Do you want to continue the transformation?"

Xu Yang subconsciously checked the prosthetic body on his body, and found that there weren't many.

The "digital mind" of the brain and the signal chip on the right wrist cooperate with each other to connect his nerves and perform brain signal conversion and data transmission and reception. Currently, the driver and brain processor are relatively new, especially the "Flying God" A 4" processor can probably be used for another 2 years without being obsolete.

Finally, there is the bionic circuit bundle located deep in his spine, which is responsible for powering other implants.

He looked at his right arm. If it was modified, there might be benefits, such as alloy armor, laser emission, enhanced memory and wisdom, constant temperature, blood filtration, invisibility, improved sleep... But the maintenance of each component is quite troublesome. Eventually, as Cui Junyou said, he will be forced to install more and more implants on his body to facilitate their cooperation.

Become something inhuman.

"Okay, I'll be waiting at any time. I'm going to work first." Cui Junyou ended the communication when he saw that Xu Yang didn't respond for a long time.

Xu Yang shook his head. He was very conservative in terms of self-transformation. After all, it is difficult to go back to transformation. It is not difficult to remove the original arm and replace it with a robotic arm. The relevant solutions are already very mature. But if you are not used to using machinery, Arm, if you want to change it back to the human hand, it will be difficult, and you have to ask Falosa to reset it back and forth.

According to the prison company's report, Xu Yang found that Yoshiyuki Hosoda had the opposite attitude. This person actively accepted a variety of transformations, whether formal or noisy, and finally successfully transformed himself into a technical killer. , able to survive in the reinforced concrete jungle of corporatism.

Yoshiyuki Hosoda was born in the 100th year of the company's calendar. At that time, the Century Pure Land system had not yet been rolled out, and the monitoring of company employees was relatively weak. According to his confession in prison, he had been listening to the pioneering intercontinental radio station since he was 12 years old. Selita's philosophy gave rise to the intention to develop freely and contribute to society. She planned to go to a nursing home and become a volunteer after graduation.

His parents were both non-staff construction workers at Xisheng Real Estate Group. They suffered from severe heart disease due to overwork and owed nearly 600,000 yuan in loans. However, they could not escape the fate of death. The debt was passed down from generation to generation and fell on Yoshiyuki Hosoda.

In order to pay off the debt, he had to terminate his studies and follow the same path as his parents and became a construction worker.

At first, his parents were construction workers, and the owner of the company was Shen Lin Ximei.

Later, he himself became a construction worker, and the owner of the company was changed to Kuro Kambayashi.

These things made his mentality even more distorted. At the same time, he discovered during a sleepless night that he had the same heart disease as his parents, so he borrowed another 400,000 yuan in loan sharks, underwent prosthetic surgery, and replaced himself with the cheapest one. The metal heart finally escapes the prey of death.

Bearing a huge loan that he could never repay in his lifetime, Hosoda Yoshiyuki felt endless resentment.

He took a desperate risk and found an opportunity to attack Kuro Kambayashi. After he succeeded, he fled and fled to various cities in the northern archipelago, constantly attacking company assets. He used all the funds he obtained to transform himself and further strengthen his combat effectiveness, causing harm to the corporatist world. A total of 180 million capital losses were incurred.

Yoshiyuki Hosoda was captured five years ago and eventually escaped during the Blackfire siege.

Kamibayashi Kuro was seriously injured by Hosoda Yoshiyuki more than ten years ago. Now that he heard that this evil star had escaped from prison, he was immediately frightened. In addition to inviting Nisto Company to protect his wedding, he also hired mercenaries from all over. Capture Hosoda Yoshiyuki.

Then, we must find him before the killer hired by Xi Sheng. Xu Yang secretly thought. Only by understanding Hosoda Yoshiyuki's situation and plans can he complete this commission.

He was like a prairie fire. Xu Yang remembered Cui Junyou's description again. It would be very troublesome if handled improperly, and this matter needed to be considered slowly.

At this moment, Xu Yang received a message from Sanae Yamano, asking him to see the most troublesome young witch.

"This is it..." Sanae Yamano led Xu Yang to the 11th floor.

The little fool pressed his face against the glass, carefully observing the entire company city, standing barefoot on the window sill, motionless.

"How did she get here?" Xu Yang was surprised.

"I'm really sorry - I believed she came up the stairs. I also thought she wouldn't leave the young witch dormitory on the lower floor, and I still can't find her." Sanae Yamano said with an apologetic tone, "Let such a young child

Appearing in such a dangerous area, please forgive me for my dereliction of duty!"

"It's hard to communicate with her," Xu Yang said.

"I'm sorry, I will study hard..." Sanae Yamano looked frightened. The little fool was completely different from all the patients and cubs she had ever seen.

Yamano Sanae walked to the little fool and tried to pick her up, but the little fool seemed very resistant. The invisible force like a wall of air appeared again, pushing Yamano Sanae out. Yamano Sanae looked at Xu Yang nervously, and kept saying


Xu Yang walked towards the little fool. Because he had fed the little fool with a bottle before, he held the little fool in his arms very skillfully. Relatively speaking, she didn't resist much, and she sat down on Xu Yang's seat easily.

On his arms, he pointed at the sky outside.

Looking in the direction of the little fool's finger, Xu Yang raised his head and saw a large amount of smoke emitted by industrial production floating in the air. The light of the sunset merged with them to form colorful lights, like large splashes of colorful paint.

Blooming on the sky curtain.

"Come on." the little fool said, then he climbed onto his shoulder with all his hands and feet, and leaned sideways close to Xu Yang's hood.

"She seems more willing to follow you." Sanae Yamano breathed a sigh of relief, "Ah... By the way, will she put pressure on you by standing on top of you like this?"

"When one day my shoulders can no longer bear her weight, she will go down by herself." Xu Yang said, "For now, let me take her around."

"Yes, thank you very much..." Sanae Yamano bowed to Xu Yang. Except for the little fool, she can handle other children. However, she heard that there is a baby witch who releases lasers when she opens her eyes. She has not yet

Having seen it with my own eyes, I had no idea how tricky it would be.

"Ji." The little fool pointed in the direction of the restaurant.

Xu Yang came to the restaurant, and the members of the Witch Council were relieved of the tiring work of taking care of the young witch and returned to their original state of happily playing together in the activity room.

He prepared milk powder for the little fool, and 102 came over curiously.

"Why doesn't she look smart?" 102 said.

"When she grows up and can undergo implant surgery, let's try to improve her intelligence." Xu Yang said, "What about you? Have you ever tried using your own magic power to strengthen your brain and become smarter?


"I've always been smart!" 102 clenched his fists.

However, 102 still kept Xu Yang’s words in mind.

The magic power of 102 is part-strengthening. If it reaches the brain, it may indeed enhance brain power.

In the middle of the night, 102 didn't sleep well and tried hard to use magic power to strengthen his brain.

Turn, turn... guide the magic power to surge through the circuit, pass through the neck, and reach the inside of the forehead.

Use your own wisdom!

102 is becoming more and more inspired, and one unprecedented idea after another pops up in his mind.

Why are you so smart... 102 is complacent.

An idea passed through her mind, causing her to sit up from the bed.

Oops, I was defrauded of 990,000 by Du Qianqian!

This chapter has been completed!
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