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Chapter 334 Complete solution

At 2:30 this morning, Kirino Reiyo suffered from comprehensive organ failure. At that time, A40 consulted Xu Yang's opinion, and then drove the anonymous number near the wing and asked Falosa to help.

"How did you get yourself into this state?" Falosa came to check on Kiriyo Reiyo and found that this was not a normal body at all. It had obviously gone through some mysterious ritual and was therefore dilapidated, stained and unfit for use.

Kirino Reiyo could no longer speak at this time and was silent in the darkness. She could hear the chaotic and hazy call behind the stars. The witches always return home.

Falosa used the Law of Recovery to interrupt all this, and Kirino Reiyo's physical condition was instantly restored to 3 days ago, when she could still move normally. She felt the drastic changes taking place in her body, and was inevitably a little surprised.

"You..." Kirino Reiyo observed Falosa, "This is the Law of Recovery...just like the one in the legend. Are you the ancient witch?"

"So you finally discovered it," Farosha said with a faint smile on her face, "Why are you talking about this?"

"Have you forgotten the favor we did for you?"

"..." Falosa was silent.

"It was we, Tsuneo Sakura Shrine, who presided over the ceremony of burying you in the earth."

"Sakura Witch Ning Shizhi, year 3049 in the old calendar." Falosa observed carefully, "You still remember such an ancient thing, it makes me a little nostalgic."

"I always thought it was impossible," Kirino Reiyo stared at Falosa, "but the rituals of Tsuneo Sakura Shrine really preserved you to this day. My predecessors preserved you with flowers, incense and coffins, hiding you behind history.


"They really put in a lot of effort," Falosa said, "and I also helped protect the shrine from attacks by monsters and thieves."

"'Ten miles of decay,'" Kirino Reiyo said. "This is what is recorded in the ancient books. The corpses of the invaders are all over the ditches and valleys, and the survivors regard you as an evil star."

"It will only be stronger now." Falosa looked at the gray magic power in her hand, "I am just worried about the interference of other mystics and reality manipulators. Since they can reverse what has happened, if I make too much noise in one breath, I will only

It will bring disaster to yourself.”

After a moment of silence, Kirino Reiyo said again.

"...At the beginning, Near East Tianci and I and Qisheng got married and quarreled over your ownership rights. Because the mining team of Near East Tianci found you, but it was within the jurisdiction of our giant company." Kirino Reiyo said, "In the end, the company alliance

You are sentenced to the Lighthouse Core."

"If you treat me as a commodity, you will have to pay a price," Farosha whispered, "So I have destroyed your company, and then other giant companies will not be able to escape."

"Please feel free... I am just sorry." She said, "If I had tried my best to cross the rat tide to find you earlier, you would have become our subordinate."

"Slave me? You will die first, then the big fox, then everyone in your company, then Xisheng, then the entire island, then the world, and then the starry sky." Falosa said.

Without Xu Yang, she knew she could do anything.

Sensing that Falosa's madness was growing, Kirino Reiyo remained silent and did not dare to provoke her further.

"...Answer my question first," Falosa said, "Your body is so decayed. Obviously you have given up your original form for a long time. This is not natural at all. Why on earth did you accept such a dark secret ritual?

Not the rituals of mystics and witches, but of monsters.”

"In the early days of the corporate alliance," Kirino Reiyo whispered, "a witch and a monster want to live in a corporatist world. Do you think it's easy? Have you ever seen other monsters, have you ever seen a free witch...


"Stop your messy thoughts. Just know that if you come to help us, we will build a new world where witches and monsters can raise their heads and live in the future." Falosa leaned forward, stared at Kirino Reiyo, and then took

He took out a piece of paper filled with secret text and said, "Translate it for me."

"Yes." Kirino Reiyo accepted the piece of paper and looked down at it for a while, "...I will return it to you tomorrow."

Afterwards, Kirino Reiyo closed her eyes, leaned on the seat, and calmly accepted her new life as a prisoner. Sometimes she couldn't help but think of the smart, strong and beautiful fox she had been bonded with for seven lifetimes.

Falosa checked the shackles on Kirino Reiyo, then left the shuttle and went back to sleep.

During the day, she saw Lila also arriving, with a rare smile on her face, sitting opposite Xu Yang, and eating together.

"You look extremely happy," Falosa said.

"There were no other crises before the wedding," Lila said. "I completed my mission to eliminate the possible threats posed by the seven-life relationship, Hosoda Yoshiyuki and Kirino Reiyo. Therefore, the contract fee for this security operation has been

It’s what’s in the bag.”

"Then let's calm down for the time being and feel the natural environment of the village." Xu Yang said, "This conflict is indeed a labor of love."

They put the low table in the courtyard and drank tea to rest, but they still couldn't completely relax.

Looking at each other.

"Okay, there must be something that hasn't been settled yet. Let's talk about an unsettled matter." Xu Yang said, "Farosa please go first."

"I find it difficult to completely control a woman like Kirino Reiyo. She has a very negative attitude," Falosa said. "She knows the secret text. She can help me solve a lot of things. Every tablet and manuscript requires her efforts.

Only then can she correct her mistakes. But her face is as cold as stone and her heart is as solid as ice. She doesn’t know when she will die and return to the stars.”

Speaking of the witch's return to the stars, Falosa couldn't help but look up at the sky. Ah, if you want to take away things beyond the stars, it will take some effort.

When a witch is dying, she will hear the sky calling. Falosa knew this in ancient times. But can only a dead witch see the stars? She never believes that she must be alive.

When you arrive, go and see it in person and see what it's like there.

"Qisheng Yuan is drawing a new comic." Lila said, "As long as you show Kirino Reiyo the new comic she drew, her mood will definitely improve. Then we can have a formal conversation with her."

"Kirino Reiyo is a witch who has been cut off from social ties," Xu Yang said. "She has been using a false identity to move around. Now that she has left the company and the seven-life relationship, she is like a basic atom floating around. It is inevitable that she will feel depressed.

.So Farosha, just make friends with her."

"I'm better at making enemies than making friends," Falosa said, "Why don't you go on your own."

"I don't like her," Xu Yang said, "Maybe it's because of the long-term contact activities, I feel that she is very sinister. In comparison, Qishengyuan seems to be easier to get along with."

"They cannot adapt to the changes of the times," Lila said. "Their ability to control the company continues to decline. Existences like the Tenjoin family and Xisheng Capital are threatening their status every moment. I think they also

We had already anticipated this day of disintegration, but Yama's intrusion accelerated everything."

"So, what is bothering Lila?" Xu Yang asked.

Lila lowered her head and confessed her confusion.

"Am I cold?" she said. "Does everyone think I'm particularly cold?"

"Yes, you are the coldest thing in the world." Falosa said.

"What you've said lately is a bit off," Xu Yang pondered, "I heard that when the Black Fire invaded, you forced the witches to guard the Solid Gold Building, even though it was under attack."

"That's your property," Lila said.

"If you just blindly preserve assets, people will suffer losses." Xu Yang said.

"Yes... this is what troubles Lila. She can't feel the meaning of people's existence." Lila lowered her head, "Maybe it's because of the progress of magic power. What is the difference between the living and the dead, and what is the difference between objects? Lila

La can no longer be distinguished. They are all numbers, made up of materials and momentum."

"You are like an idiot." Farosha mocked in a cheerful tone, "Yes, this is your future. If you are lucky enough to become the Supreme and the Queen, you will not leave any love behind, and will only become a surveillance camera.

The universal machine of the entire world, you will make human beings live in fear, because every move they make cannot escape your observation. Moreover, you have escaped the constraints of the starry sky and are already living on a chip. You will not rot for thousands of years, which is better than anything else.

Secret ritual. The rule of the New Witch Council really needs talents like you. Why haven’t you discovered this advantage of yours before?”

Falosa's words made Lila even more distressed.

This is the only way to face the extraordinary. Lila thought silently. When she was a low-level witch or a high-level witch, she would not have had this experience at all. Once she was promoted to a ruler, she noticed that the magic power was greatly enhanced, and the lines of the entire city

The texture is clearly visible.

What about the future...

What frightens Lila is not the power itself, but the fact that she knows that one day she will put her master under the cold gaze of awareness and deconstruction, and that moment is when she completely loses her heart.

"Have you ever looked at me?" Xu Yang asked, "Well, you used your magic power to check me."

Xu Yang's words directly brought out Lila's deepest fear. Lila quickly stood up and prepared to walk out. She was afraid of checking the owner's condition. If she saw him clearly, she didn't know what would happen.

Will the situation dissolve the infinite respect for the master?

"You must have checked Falosa." Xu Yang said, "Before the check, I didn't like her; after the check, it's still the same."

"What? Did you really see something on me?" Falosa felt funny.

"Yes," Lila stopped and turned around, "Every cell, have you forgotten? When we met on the first day, I knew your skin was over a thousand years old."

"The ancient cherry blossoms of Tsukozakura Shrine protect my body." Falosa said, "I think that thing can also be used to make new artifacts, or treasure phantoms, or, as they promised, they can turn people into

Super samurai stuff.”

"We'll talk about that later." Xu Yang said, "Come on, Lila, look at me and use your magic power to scan me."

Lila was stunned for a moment.

She wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I will no longer know the master." She said sadly, "If you know too much, you will not be happy."

"Do you like the body or the soul inside?" Xu Yang felt funny.

"Hurry up." Falosa said, "lose your admiration and then withdraw from this stage. Xu Yang will only have me."

Lila released her magic power and scanned Xu Yang carefully.

This was indeed the first time that she had completely unleashed the power of perception on Xu Yang, using the power of perception to search him from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. It was so clear and clear that all the data had been generated and archived in Lila's chip.

Then she felt that she liked her master more...

Because Xu Yang is actually a very simple person, there is no part that can be deconstructed, what you see is what you get, the appearance is the same.

She also knows how to deal with her indifference now.

If there is a lack of emotional connection, then take the initiative to strengthen it and start caring about everyone around you from now on. For Lila, it is natural to start caring about the master first.

"Master's special needs," Lila could detect, she got close to Xu Yang, "As always, please allow Lila to help the master manage and take full responsibility. Lila likes the master like this, forever... forever!"

This chapter has been completed!
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