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Chapter 337 First-class technology

On the verge of breaking out.

Xu Yang stared at the battle situation. Within a few breaths after the start of the battle, the A100 and the nemesis weapon collided 12 times, making 12 loud sounds in succession, exploding in his ears.

There was a lot of fighting on the field, but in comparison, the reaction of the audience on the sidelines aroused his interest even more.

Most of the guests have lived a long life and seldom see weapons in person. In the past, they only experienced simulations through virtual reality, and their understanding of weapons stopped at the broadcast of the program. Now they stare at the dancing blades and listen to the loud noise of swords facing each other. The human eye provides the most

The good pictures and the fine sound effects provided by the human ear are far better than any hardware simulation. So they leaned forward, their heartbeats increased, their faces changed from time to time, and they were completely intoxicated in the fighting.

He saw Lila coming to him. They didn't dare to hold hands in public, so Lila quietly put her hands behind her and asked Xu Yang to cover her movements with her body, hooking Lila's fingers behind her.

Repeated overlapping and touching is like the entanglement of the soul.


Another knife.

Xu Yang listened to the violent collision of metal and saw the hearts of others trembling. Some people had to give in to their own fear and distance themselves from the sword. This is the enjoyment of being in a real scene, which cannot be replaced by streaming media technology and virtual nerve signals.

Such an event really provides a harmless outlet for bloodthirsty people. Xu Yang thought. He looked at the crowd. Nearly 50 people stood outside the venue. What a luxurious lineup. These people are members of the middle and upper classes of the northern archipelago.

, such as medical experts, security and defense officers, senior managers, engineers, information technology managers, actuaries, private financial advisors, professional investors, etc.

"These guests are all respectable people," Lila said, "and we may meet them on other occasions in the future."

"They are the elites of the industry system." Xu Yang observed these people.

Many people kept changing their positions, not to find a good position to watch the fight, but to chat with their potential partners. Their children were also brought to the field, looking decent and busy.

, while watching robot fighting, you must pay attention to the members of the Xisheng Group. At the same time, you must build connections in the children's social circle, establish a reputation, and inherit the resources of your parents.

"The anxious elites." Lila could feel their movements, "They are really busy all the time."

"They have to hand over their career to future generations," Xu Yang said.

He knew that these people wanted to guard their own carrot pits to prevent the weak-legged people from getting in, so they had privileges and circles. They tried their best to maintain social connections, worked hard to increase the boundaries between classes, and allowed wealth and interests to flow in a closed loop. This shape

The real social cycle has been established. Vested interests have solidified the intergenerational inheritance mechanism of assets, making the distribution of power and resources based on blood rather than ability, losing the ability to circulate hematopoiesis, and the entire system has finally become rigid, with the upper class incompetent and the lower class hopeless.

"They are very proud." Lila said, "They believe that I am just a soldier responsible for guarding the security of the venue. They are as cheap as the security personnel they use to protect the company gate."

"These people have reasons to be proud." Xu Yang said, "They make money and pass it on from generation to generation. Only the reshuffle of the whole society can affect them."

"They are the group of people closest to the core of capital."

"Yes, Ye Zi and the others are the core of capital." Xu Yang said.

Xisheng Investment Group itself has reached a scale of trillions, not including its subsidiaries and the companies they control overtly and covertly. They have capital injections behind them from giant companies to ordinary companies. From any perspective, it is huge and terrifying.

Lila captures the information on their bodies, including leather, luxury perfume, silk, carbon fiber, and microelectronic chips, all of which are expensive.

But she knew that they would not perform much better than ordinary people when they were shot, and the bullets would not decide to turn around just because they heard about their fame.

Lila wants to take revenge on the company that cut off her limbs and five internal organs. Her deep hatred is hidden deep in the code, just waiting to be released.

The field is still filled with flashes of swords and shadows.

Every sword collision is a heavy intersection of strength and skill. After various tests, A100 found the right opportunity, charged quickly, struck out with a knife, and then rolled behind the nemesis's weapon.

The nemesis' weapon neatly blocked A100's slashing attack with the knife in his right hand, and then stabbed A100 in the back of the heart with the knife in his left hand.


That action was as deadly as cutting open a fish. The sharp metal penetrated into the armor, and the blade penetrated the A100's armor, destroying the electronic link on the back of the spine. For humans, it was as deadly as injuring the spine.

It was so fierce that it aroused people's excitement. The children tried to clap their hands, but were restrained by the adults. They quickly glanced at the families around them and found that their children were just as irritable as their own children, and then they put it down a little.

Heart comes.

Kojima Yezi was completely unaffected by this respectful vanity fair. She just yelled briskly, couldn't help but tug at Shikou Liuli's sleeve, and stretched out her hand to point at the robot's weapons.

She is Noriko Honma's biological daughter. No one dares to criticize her behavior. The leaves are like the only bright color in a black and white painting, attracting many people's attention.

But those eyes were extremely jealous, and they wanted to trample the leaves under their feet.

"I heard it," Lila said, listening to the comments. "Two people said that she had won the uterus lottery."

"But Ye Zi tore the lottery ticket into pieces and ran to the underground city." Xu Yang said.

"Then she picked it up again. It was a lottery ticket that couldn't be transferred," Lila said.

Xu Yang looked at Ye Zi from a distance. He didn't know what Ye Zi was thinking. In particular, he didn't know what Ye Zi valued, whether it was her friends and nature, or her family and wealth. Which of the two was more important in Ye Zi's heart? In Xu Yang's heart

In fact, there is an answer, but he can only confirm it after Ye Zi makes his own choice.

People outside the field have their own thoughts, while the synthesizers on the field are still fighting.

Xu Yang could hear the ominous electromagnetic buzzing sound coming from A100, as if it could no longer fight. The nemesis's weapons were still sophisticated and strong. Its metal shell was hit 19 times without leaving any scars. Instead, A100's knife

Start curling the blade.

Too hard.

How could there be such strong nemesis weapons?

Just like hitting a mountain, human power cannot destroy it no matter what.

A100 moved its footsteps in vain to avoid the double-knife pursuit of the nemesis. It had an advantage in skill and hit the nemesis three times and four times, but failed to leave any effective damage.

It once again tried its best to avoid the slashing attack of the nemesis weapon, and then swung the knife with its backhand. The A100 moved the knife very quickly, as neatly as an eagle preying on prey. It moved smoothly from beginning to end without any hesitation. It stabbed the nemesis weapon in the eye socket in an instant.

But in an instant, the entire knife was shaken away by the reaction force. When he looked again, it still failed to cause effective damage to the nemesis's armed forces.

The rigidity and toughness are top-notch, and the nemesis weapons are constantly advancing, compressing the range of activities of the A100. This is not a metal monster that the A100 can defeat. It is a fusion of magic power and technology. It is a veritable "nemesis" that can crush all enemies.

"People in the industry said it was like my child." Shikou Liuli smiled at Xiaodao Yezi next to her, "I used my magic power to pinch it out like a clay figure."

"Then you are the Creator." Ye Zi smiled.

"Which side do you support to win?" Liuli looked at the battle.

"I hope the A-type robot wins." Ye Zi thought of the A40. The A40 was really reckless and ignorant, and was kicked to pieces by Pan Ruiyin.

How many people in the world can withstand a kick from Pan Ruiyin? Her thighs are as hard as concrete pillars.

In front of them, A100 was retreating steadily, and its decline became more and more obvious.

At first, it was able to block or deflect attacks from the nemesis' weapons, but later it became unable to parry and was forced to use its non-lethal parts to absorb damage.

After the speed dropped, all its movements had more flaws, and all movement trajectories were analyzed by the nemesis weapon. It pursued it like a poisonous snake, causing the A100 to continuously make forced errors.

The pre-loaded programs of Type A robots include the orthodox swordsmanship of martial arts masters over the past century, but this is not enough. They need to improve themselves during their combat career. For A100, it has learned too little.

It would be great if A40 could be copied in batches. A40 is currently the A-series synthesizer with the most combat experience. Xu Yang secretly thought. But it is very troublesome.

Because the mental version is different.

The third generation of AI continues to evolve, and the information architecture and consciousness platform are also constantly changing. The mental version of A40, after repairs, wasps, lovelorn, and dome battles, is now up to 3.45, and its memory files have also been updated and compiled, and it cannot

Directly applied to other initial 3rd generation AI robots.

The mental version of A100 still maintains the factory settings of 3.0 and has not evolved. It can be said to be untouched.

Synths like Nemesis Armament carry extremely mature second-generation AI technology, and mature combat logic can be copied and reused in batches, but they will not evolve on their own.

When the battle was at its most intense, the A100 still refused to retreat at all, and would not stop unless it was completely defeated.

"Is this like a martial arts competition, a performance?" Ohara Risa asked the god Kuro Hayashi next to her.

"It's like a battle of ideas." Kuro Kambayashi shook his head, "Do synthetic humans need such good intelligence... The third generation AI advocated by Taro Tanaka could not be put into practical use in the end."

"Taro Tanaka..." Risa Ohara pondered.

"Have you ever heard of Taro Tanaka?" Kuro Kamibayashi was curious. "He is a freak. He could have been very successful. I really don't know what kind of person would have trouble with money. We originally invited him to meet Mr. Noriko Honma.

But he refused to come out of his big eyeball robot."

"Sounds a bit rebellious." Risa Ohara said.

Kamibayashi Kuro looked at the prosthetic leg on his right hand. The part where Yoshiyuki Hosoda cut it off still left a metal seam. He did not fill in this gap in order to remind himself of the value of security services.

"Rebellion? Rebellion makes people's lives harder and more complicated," he murmured. "Why don't people obey?"

This chapter has been completed!
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