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Chapter three hundred and fifty first old man

Second time for Mondstadt?

Xu Yang felt something in his heart, and he was inevitably curious, but he didn't show it on his face and kept his tone calm.

"So, what was the technological civilization you saw for the first time?" he asked.

"Prosperity and development." Mond lowered his head and felt regretful. "Almost all the ancient mystics have seen that era. It is very similar to today. Production is developed, machines are used to replace manual work, and science is used to explore the world. It is inevitable that there is a feeling

, it seems that every civilization has the same development path, implying that you will also make the same mistakes, develop rapidly, encounter bottlenecks, and then be destroyed."

"If we sail to extraterrestrial planets and explore deep space, we should be able to solve many problems." Xu Yang said, "The vast universe can provide unlimited resources for development."

"Civilized races do have their own temperament," Mond said sarcastically, "You are not afraid, you are willing to sail towards madness and death, and face the abyss and fear. The old people were so afraid of the stars that they hid themselves deep in the giant tower."

"Old man? Hiding deep in the giant tower...what's the point?"

"The old people want to isolate the starry sky, so that there will no longer be witches in their race."

"Do you hate witches so much?"

"It's more of fear than disgust." Mond said, "The bodies of the old people are harder than yours and naturally more powerful, so they are not as keen on human body modification technology as you are, and they have not developed such control chips.

Things, so they cannot restrain the actions of witches and cannot suppress their growth. The old people usually can only sit back and watch the witches of the same generation become queens, exert their power, and rule the entire old civilization. So the old people enter the giant tower in batches and commit suicide.

In the starry sky, everything has a price, right? After the last witch of the old people died, they eradicated the witches, but the once prosperous civilization also collapsed, leaving the world to us. It was not until later that you gradually established


"I see……"

"The only mission of intelligent creatures is to copy their own genes," Mond said. "The old man gave up this mission and therefore perished. We all have to obey our own primitiveness and play games with the witches."

"Are there any traces of the old civilization in this world?" Xu Yang asked.

"Let's go find the giant tower." Mond didn't want to say more, "...the so-called secret text is actually the language used by the old people."

Xisheng Shrine. Xu Yang thought of the giant tower closest to him. But that landmark building is so eye-catching that it is currently blocked by the sons and daughters of Xisheng.

"...It's amazing." Xu Yang had to admit, "I really want to meet the old people and understand the reasons for the rise and fall of civilization. Thank you for your guidance."

"If Falosa's temper was half as good as yours, she would not have been hunted down and fled thousands of miles away." Mond turned around, "The old people who have survived to this day are still lingering, but they still control the endless power of their civilization.

and ancient wisdom, you will learn something from them."

Mond took Xu Yang out of the palace and walked on the city streets of the Lunar Dragon Clan. This place was essentially Xu Yang's dream world, so the citizens were all phantoms.

"The resources on the moon are very limited," Mond said, "so they can only maintain a limited life and focus on themselves. My most rebellious daughter could not accept this kind of life, so she left the moon early.


"After all, it is the moon and is not suitable for survival. We have to return to the ground in the end." Xu Yang speculated, "There will be a contradiction in being trapped on the moon."

"This is a complicated problem." Mond said, "The intelligence of most of my descendants is similar to that of protozoa. If they return to surface society, they will never be able to win in the competition. Museums, leather shops and butcher shops will be their destination.

Keeping them on the moon is a form of protection. I get tired of it sometimes, you see, I'm so busy taking care of them that I don't have time to study your human sciences."

"Everyone has their own responsibilities."

"Looking at you really reminds me of my younger self," Mond looked at Xu Yang, "a rebel with a sense of responsibility and morality. This also means that sooner or later we will become enemies."

"We still have a basis for cooperation."

"Yes, now we have a basis for cooperation, so we will definitely cooperate, but how can there be an eternal covenant in the world?" Mond's tone was indifferent, "Time flies, and now I am just an old and decaying dragon, clinging to the old and deficient, destined to stand tall.

On your opposite sides, when there are differences in interests, sooner or later we will fight each other, maybe on the moon, maybe on the ground. Until then, remember to go all out, because I will not show mercy."

Xu Yang nodded slightly. There was a strange feeling in talking to Mond.

They continued walking, and when they looked up, they saw Mondstadt's "true form", an epic dragon covering the moon. Looking up from here, they could only see Mondstadt's belly covered with white scales, reflecting the sun.

Light provides energy to the city, just like day.

Xu Yang still wanted to continue talking to Mond, but Mond's belly suddenly split open, and his mountain-like body disintegrated inch by inch. A large crack appeared in the center, and finally fell apart like a popped bubble, replaced by

It is a childish face that covers the entire sky.


The long voice echoed in the dream, piercing every corner of the long dream. With this cry, Mond's body shook violently and could break at any time.

"...When Falosa finishes her ascension to the gods," Mond said before disappearing, "bring her to me, and we will continue negotiations in the Moonlight Garden to formally establish a truly powerful extraordinary alliance..."

Immediately afterwards, the entire dream disappeared without a trace.

Xu Yang woke up and saw the little fool sitting on the edge of the bed, holding up her empty milk bottle.

He rubbed his eyes and got up to prepare milk powder for her. The little fool liked to follow Xu Yang. She could easily climb onto Xu Yang's shoulders, pick up the filled milk bottle, and enjoy her food.

When he is not in the Solid Gold Building, the little fool will sit in a fixed place and look at the scenery of the entire Anjiu City. He can often sit there for a whole day without talking to anyone. Even if Sanae Yamano moves her away, she will

She crawled back to her original position without eating or drinking. Only when Xu Yang came back would she start eating and drinking something.

The little fool may be the only witch who is not afraid of Falosa. On the contrary, she has an attitude of indifference, contempt and even pity towards Falosa. The other witches all miss the lost Falosa fiercely, but the little fool also disagrees.

"Quick." After the little fool had finished drinking, she stuffed the empty milk bottle into her small backpack, and then looked around with her indifferent and detached eyes.

Xu Yang sat with his back against the headboard of the bed, looking through the recent company operations.

The order volume of Nisto-Tanaka Company is increasing day by day, and the results are astonishingly good. Last month, a total of 140 B-type synths were sold, basically all of which were sold to Xisheng Defense Company, with a turnover of more than 70 million.

It was from these large purchases that Xu Yang figured out the rebellious will of Xisheng's children, so he suggested that Falosa perform various actions during the ceremony.

This month's sales are also at a high level. 200 B-type synths have been sold so far. Huge amounts of funds are being gathered, and he will put them into reproduction and further expand the production scale.

Now, Nisto Industrial Park has led to economic prosperity in the surrounding areas.

Where there are factories, supporting facilities are operating, and other large and small businesses have settled in, making the factory area gradually become a prosperous place. It is so prominent in the depressed economic environment that it has been reported in the newspapers, and Kadoya Media called it "technology changes the world"

of model.

In this way, by next spring, the production capacity should reach more than 500 B-type synths per month, with about 17 units manufactured daily, providing more combat power. With one more synth going to the battlefield, one less ordinary person will be dragged away from home.

Go to the battlefield and fill in the lines.

Xu Yang looked through the report and found that the only one currently limiting production capacity was Blackfire's innovative hunter-killer ship.

They wander the waters around the northern archipelago, hunting transport ships. Currently, they are not at war with the Blackfire Revolution, but their presence affects the confidence of shipping companies, causing them to reduce the scale of transportation, essentially creating a certain degree of embargo.


Only by weakening the influence of the Blackfire Revolution can the northern archipelago truly realize economic recovery. As an archipelago, local food and energy are dependent on imports.

Fortunately, after several months of operation, Nisto Cooperative Company has also been launched online. It is currently piloting development in Asagi Township to expand branch development in agriculture and try its best to avoid famine.

Under the current technical conditions and production conditions, "farmers" have become a historical term. They are replaced by specialized agricultural workers who use sophisticated and advanced agricultural production machines and raise funds to purchase agricultural robots. Agriculture will realize automatic processes like industry.

At the same time, as a cooperative system, a certain degree of labor self-organization has been completed.

The Nisto Cooperation Company brought together a large group of people with labor force, knowledge and skills, and accomplished so many things. The most difficult thing was the first step. The pioneers in the first two weeks showed amazing courage and fought without the Internet.

, the initial home was built in a harsh environment with backward infrastructure. Fortunately, now that the scale has increased, living conditions have completely improved.

This is entirely a victory for humanity.

Another one that plays a major role is the "Golden Bough".

This chapter has been completed!
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