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Chapter 354 Disciples

The miracle happened.

"What is this?" Qianxue was covered in sweat and couldn't help but whisper.

"As I said before," Miying knelt beside Qianxue and put his arm around her shoulders, "This is a power that needs to be kept secret. Once you see it, you have to swear to keep it secret."

"I know..." Qianxue nodded vigorously, "I understand!"

"You can't continue to survive here. You must be prepared to leave. If you fall into the hands of the company and reveal the news about today's ceremony, everyone will suffer."

"We trash people have nothing, so what's the point of staying here." Chiyuki Saba gritted his teeth and stood up, "Jiro... pack our things, we will follow our benefactor from now on!"

Jiro Shida was a tall, thin boy who had suffered a lot of pain. He felt his right leg hard, and now he felt that the pain was gone and his health had returned.

He realized that all of this was indeed worthy of the word "miracle", and he felt infinite gratitude and surprise, but things happened in such a hurry that he couldn't even say a word.

So Jiro just got up silently, hurriedly packed up all the garbage in the shabby house, and prepared to leave. All valuable things had been donated to the poison master.

Miying walked out of the shack, and Hosoda Yoshiyuki sat far away, silently looking at the desolate woodland. The weak sunlight shone on him, almost giving him an unreal feeling.

When Yoshiyuki Hosoda saw that Jiro's leg was healed, he couldn't help but stand up and repeatedly compare the before and after images on the internal view panel. Unless a senior surgeon and a full set of medical equipment were brought in during this period, the wound would never be cured.

So perfect.

"So these are all..." Yoshiyuki Hosoda said with difficulty, "..."

"Yes, I fulfill the will of the cyber monster and listen to its guidance at all times." Miying said coldly, "Now I want to take them away."

"Take them to fight, take them to complete secret missions." Yoshiyuki Hosoda couldn't help but sarcastically said, "This is what you will do, use people."

"No." Miying shook his head, "I want to take them to receive education so that they have complete personality and strong strength."

"What kind of strength can they have? Can they be reformed?" Yoshiyuki Hosoda really couldn't see what potential the siblings in this garbage dump could have. They were born weak and malnourished.

"You won't understand." Miying said, "Since I want to leave, there is no one in the self-rescuer association who can compete with you, so now I will officially expel you and go find a life somewhere else, fine.

Tian Yixing!”

"You are cruel." Hosoda Yoshiyuki sneered, "As soon as I leave the self-savior association, I will be targeted by spies, mercenaries and hackers. You want me to die."

"If you don't leave, you will die now." Miying put his hand on the hilt of Yingsha's sword, "This ion sword will split you in two, it will be ruthless."

Yoshiyuki Hosoda was naturally dissatisfied when his brain implant was hacked and he was kicked out of the Self-Rescuer Association.

But he was an extremely optimistic person, and there was no place in the world that he could not go to! So he turned around and strode away from the woodland where the self-rescuers formed an association.

He heard about the existence of Nisto Cooperative Company and went on foot to investigate.

Along the way, he was careful to avoid being tracked. At the same time, he felt in an awkward situation.

He had no money at all and couldn't use body softener to maintain the synthetic muscle fibers in his arms. His modification was strong enough to carry a car, but without the synthetic fibers to cushion it, the weight of the car would crush his arms.

Pressure explosion, this is the limitation of human body.

The ammunition is getting less and less, and the missiles and guns in his body need maintenance.

At the beginning, he helped Kirino Reise to go to the former residence of the sacred forest to survive and die. Afterwards, Kirino Reise completely disappeared, and it was not known who got the advantage of her special protection card and supplementary card. This made Yoshiyuki Hosoda very depressed and lost the opportunity to escape from the islands.

He sighed secretly.

Influenced by the image of heroes in popular anime, Yoshiyuki Hosoda always wanted to become a hero when he was a child, helping others and helping those in need.

When he grew up, he realized that he was the one who needed help.

After walking for dozens of miles, Hosoda Yoshiyuki visited the Nisto Cooperative Company in Asaki Township. Everything here made him feel novel. Because he didn't want to cause trouble, he just wandered far away from the warning area guarded by B-type synthetics.

"A bunch of people farming..." Yoshiyuki Hosoda observed the signs outside the park.

They transformed the landform, re-cultivated the old land, and carried out concentrated production based on the land conditions, market demand and agricultural machinery level.

The Nisto Cooperative Company was established to solve the food problem, and it did a good job. Yoshiyuki Hosoda looked around and saw that the vast fields had been leveled, and there were green "tree towers" at intervals.

The building has a natural crystal-like luster, with no details visible at all. A simple sign is printed on it, pointing out that it is beneficial to the growth of surrounding crops.

Crops with short growth cycles and cold resistance are being cultivated. Yoshiyuki Hosoda saw many men and women, wearing uniforms, healthy and decent, maintaining the farm like real professional mechanics, driving large machines of amazing size, and monitoring the condition of crops from the air.

The drone uses high-precision photography to identify pest problems, treating agriculture as a mechanized, modern and intelligent thing.

Tons of spinach, cabbage and potatoes are being harvested and transported to the city. Cooperation has been reached with large enterprises such as Tianji Logistics Company, and giant shuttles are roaring up and down to deliver the harvested products to the city.

Very professional... Yoshiyuki Hosoda said secretly.

Farming was originally regarded as a laborious matter, but after so many modernizations, its original value has been highlighted and it has become one of the most socially significant things - feeding people and saving everyone from famine.

Hosoda Yoshiyuki stopped and was speechless for a long time. After these few months of development, the wasteland has become completely new.

He looked at the sign again, which detailed the company's philosophy, which is to get rid of the exploitation of entrepreneurs through extensive cooperation of workers and conduct self-organized production so that today's large-scale unemployed can get jobs and escape poverty.

At present, in addition to 5,000 agricultural workers, the Nisto cooperative company also has nearly 2,000 people engaged in support work such as medical and health care, mineral extraction, textiles, building maintenance, and engineering design. Due to their common needs, the company is still in full swing

We are preparing to open educational facilities locally, intending to stay away from the value indoctrination of corporatism and teach real science to future generations.

He carefully examines the future plans of the Nisto Partnership.

It will continue to expand, spreading all over the wilderness around Anjiu City, and eventually it will be like a chain link, faintly surrounding Anjiu City, and may even be connected with the scavenger associations in the garbage mountains and the self-rescuer associations in the outer suburban jungles.

If Hosoda Yoshiyuki hadn't been carrying a reward at this time, he would have really wanted to put on their uniform and walk among them. He has excellent dusting skills at construction sites, and can also drive excavators and giant tower cranes. These are just a few of the things he can do.

After ten years of cooking skills, shooting and killing people is just a helpless act.

He also wants to desperately correct their mistakes. You don't need to think about it to know that there must be conflicts between old members and new members, conflicts between hardworking people and lazy people, and conflicts in voting decisions. But if he is inside, he will definitely be a

The strictest supervisor to prevent them from making mistakes.

However, there is no turning back. His hands are stained with the blood of entrepreneurs. If he walks among them, he will definitely cause trouble for them.

Yoshiyuki Hosoda just watched from a distance.

He clenched his fists, and his anger was gradually melting away, replaced by a more indifferent and restrained state of mind.

In the evening, Yoshiyuki Hosoda killed 15 mercenaries in a ramen shop and collected ammunition and supplies from them. He felt that he had been hacked during the battle, but in the end he found that the hacker had not succeeded.

Yoshiyuki Hosoda checked the diary report and couldn't help but be surprised.

It turned out that when he was hacked, the Trojan horse program in his head locked his access port and used advanced key tools to restrict the hacker's input. The hostile hacker was unable to succeed for a while, and was eventually killed by Yoshiyuki Hosoda.

...Now I owe my life to the cyber monster.

When the security team arrived, Yoshiyuki Hosoda was stunned for a moment and did not fight back, because these sergeants were all wearing the uniforms of the Nisto Company, which was the parent company of the entire Nisto system. He did not want to make an enemy of them, so he stabbed him on his waist.

The energy tank on top was filled with a battery and flew away quickly.

After walking around in a circle and running back to the Self-Rescuer Association, he couldn't help but sigh. He had thought wrong before. The world is so big that there is actually no place for him.

He wanted to go in to drink beer, eat free food, and maybe find a few girls who let themselves go. Only after leaving the self-rescuer association would he miss such a good place to raise people. But he was stopped by Miying at the gate.


"What are you doing?" she said.

"Can the cyber monster give me a way?" Yoshiyuki Hosoda stood on the dirt.

"You have to walk your own path," Miying said, "Cyber ​​demons don't need worship, nor do they need servants."

"No, I am a warrior." Hosoda Yoshiyuki said, "Oh, if the cyber monster is a thunder, I am more or less a string of firecrackers."

"Then come." Miying turned around, "There happens to be a kind-hearted prosthetic doctor coming. He will help people in the association repair and replace cheap implants for free."

"There have never been any kind-hearted prosthetic doctors, they are all a group of black-hearted traffickers." Yoshiyuki Hosoda said.

"His name is Niederrett, and his teacher is Cui Junyou." Miying said.

"Okay." Yoshiyuki Hosoda followed, "Help me fix it too."

They came to the downstairs of Poison Master's distribution terminal. Brother and sister Chiyuki Sheda and Jiro Sheda wanted to withdraw from the club, so they wanted to get back some of their previous donated shares. The artificial intelligence was calculating how much content they should get back, because they were

I stayed here for 3 days and ate a lot.

"We should leave together after a while." Miying said, "Everyone, maybe Niederrat will also leave with us. We have to transfer our base to Aizu City, where we will study, train and rest, waiting for instructions.


"Then there are five of us, and we are an organization." Hosoda Yoshiyuki said.

"The organization must have a name." Miying pondered.

"I know what the name is," Yoshiyuki Hosoda said, "'Disciple.'"

On the other side, in the Solid Gold Building.

Xu Yang saw that the dispute on Miying's side was almost over and nodded secretly.

The wizard's spell book is still in his hand, and he must find someone to teach it, but he cannot act rashly. The Sheda sisters can first conduct secret study and training to explore the possibility of inheriting witchcraft, and they must also learn about witchcraft.

Conduct experiments using techniques and perform experimental analysis on the miracles recorded in the book, thus achieving the effect of combining theory with practice.

The book records the three major series of the moon, the sun and the ocean, and forty-eight kinds of miracles, which can have various impacts on the world. Moreover, they are spells banned by the company alliance, so they cannot be taught hastily. Suitable seedlings must be found for cultivation.

This incident also reminded Xu Yang to pay careful attention to his identity as a cyber monster. If he is not handled properly, it will become a twisted sect and affect his life.

On December 30th, one week after the ceremony, Falosa was lying in the middle of Nanggong Island, wet and covered in orange jelly-like glue. The ceremony ended. There was no big change in her appearance, and she looked more and more out of thin air.

A colorful cloak, only the traces of transformation on the body will take time to fade.

The witches walked to her cautiously.

"Call Xu Yang." Falosa said weakly, "I have something important to tell him."

This chapter has been completed!
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