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Chapter 365 Yongge

"Roar!" the deer-antlered tiger roared.

It found that the electronic shackles on its body were no longer effective, so it struggled hard, broke the iron rope, and escaped from the cage in one fell swoop.

Sudden changes caused the robot to lose control and become wild! It slapped the sales robot next to it.

It shrank back in fear and shouted for help.

"The tiger is out!"


"It's so scary!" A dozen nearby customers were still grabbing clothes in the glass stall. When they turned their heads and saw the huge tiger suddenly appearing, they were frightened out of their wits and ran wildly outside.

The ferocious beast comes out of its cage and chooses people to devour.

"Fuck you!" In order to protect the child behind him, a man quickly opened the flamethrower on his right palm and sprayed a stream of flames at the antlered tiger. The flames were like tongues, igniting the tiger's fur, and it suddenly burst into flames and wrapped around.

The severe pain made it even more angry.

"Roar——" The deer-antlered tiger rushed towards the man furiously, trying to tear him into pieces.

"Wow!" Screams rang out repeatedly. With such weight and sharp claws, no one could survive.

Pan Ruiyin kicked the ground hard, and used the reaction force to rush out, spinning in the air and hitting the back of the antlered tiger hard like a solid cannonball.


With a loud cracking sound, the antlered tiger's entire crest broke, and with a scream, Pan Ruiyin stepped on the sole of his foot!

The tiger fell to the ground, not even having the strength to hold its head up. It opened its mouth and let out a low whine.


"That's..." People were stunned as they looked at this horrific scene.

Pan Ruiyin pulled out the blood-stained combat boots from the tiger's body and looked at the crowd around her. She was already prepared. She took out the Nisto Company work badge hidden in the individual soldier's carrying equipment, hung it on her chest, and registered it.

A fake identity.

This is Nisto!

"so amazing……"


"No wonder it's so powerful!" People couldn't help but marvel. They had doubts at first, but now they are in awe.

Nisto Company has contracted the defense projects of the entire Anju City. The scale of both paramilitary forces and public security personnel continues to expand, and it is now a star enterprise both on the surface and underground.

"Thank you for your help!" The personnel of the social security company came to express their thanks quickly. If something happened within their defense jurisdiction, it would be equivalent to a serious breach of contract, and the compensation would be doubled.

"Don't let your guard down, everyone leave the scene!" Pan Ruiyin spoke through a voice changer. She sounded like a rough man, which was in line with the first impression left by her armor.

Nisto Company also has such elite soldiers, who are as powerful as soldiers in power armor! They couldn't help but admire them and cast their eyes on the dead tiger.

Pan Ruiyin turned around and retreated. Xu Yang asked someone to pay attention to the dead tiger and bought it at a cheap price. Then he took Pan Ruiyin and the little fool to evacuate the scene so that no one would be distracted.

They came to the Apple Orchard Food Canning Factory. After it was incorporated, it was basically a large-scale nutritional paste manufacturing base, providing people with cheap food. In the office here, Xu Yang continued to track the subsequent events.

"...Unknown hackers affected the normal trading activities of a food street owned by Green Ridge Company and caused commercial chaos." A spokesman for the Social Security Company explained to a reporter from Corner House Media.

Behind them, a ferocious-looking old soldier watched all this in silence. He was the former president of the social security workers. People called him "Khan" and he seemed to be dissatisfied with the security services provided by his successors.

After all, if they don't step up their game, the local security supply will be monopolized by Nisto.

"Social Security Company has always provided cheap and reliable security services to the residents of Anku City and Aizu City," the reporter asked, "but this incident shows that your company lacks the technical ability to resist hackers. Does this mean that we should fully connect to Nice?"

The security provided by the trust company and Shin-Aizu Security Company? After all, these two companies can still provide sufficient security personnel."

"In fact, we implemented emergency preparedness." The spokesperson explained, "We arrived at the scene as soon as possible and did not give the hacker more opportunities to cause damage. We will find the hacker as soon as possible."

"Is it related to cyber monsters?"

"It's still under investigation," the spokesman said.

Xu Yang conveniently forwarded the information about the food court hacker, so that everyone could be notified in real time and follow the clues. Then he silently accessed the network terminal of the Green Ridge trading platform. The network security personnel of the Green Ridge company were upgrading the firewall suite.

Xu Yang slipped in and searched for information before they finished updating.

Judging from the system self-inspection log, the other party set the operation in batches and set the product prices on the entire street to free. The camera did not capture much effective information, and the other party should have blended into the crowd and escaped.

Miraculously, a large number of redundant files were left in the system, similar to the effect of Xu Yang's original use of the Internet avatar, which produced a large amount of subconscious coding, which means that this hacker may also be able to enter cyberspace.

Another hacker...Xu Yang secretly said that network security issues are rampant, and every company should come up with new network security plans. This offensive and defensive battle is very close and cannot be ignored.

"Boss, congratulations on getting rich." Relay sent New Year greetings. To Wuxiang Guan, the generous Xu Yang was considered a big benefactor.

"Is there any big news recently in terms of network security?" Xu Yang asked.

"Of course, various companies are preparing to launch a new network security solution. It is jointly designed by giant companies such as Lighthouse Core, Rainforest All Things, Northern Military Industry, Gods Tomorrow, and Near East Tianci. It is called 'Sea of ​​Hillis'

', also called 'XLS System', is a brand-new network security solution, which means that all traditional hacker methods will be ineffective. There have been too many network security system accidents recently, and they had to launch this cross-era network security solution in advance.

Security technology."

"What is the specific operating mechanism?" Xu Yang pondered, and then made his judgment, "Companies are preparing to establish advanced local area networks, completely beggar their neighbors, and shut down unlimited communication services?"

"You are absolutely right. This is the core concept of Sea of ​​Hillis," the relay replied. "All electronic devices will work in the lonely sea. No external means can enter. No. All keys will be

Get updates, and I can guarantee that when this system is all online and running, every hacker will be out of a job."

This is difficult to handle. Xu Yang secretly thought. If all giant companies upgrade their security systems to the so-called "Sea of ​​Hillis", they will no longer be able to use their hacking skills as before.

"But based on your tone," Xu Yang replied, "it doesn't seem to be nervous at all. Does the Wuxi Guan have countermeasures?"

"Of course," the relay said, "Boss Todd hacked a prototype of Sea of ​​Cylis from the laboratory at the core of the lighthouse, and plans to share it with everyone at the Global Hacker Conference in March so that everyone can keep up.

The pace of the times."

"Then I can't miss this meeting."

"Ha, I will send you the access key at the end of January. How can giant companies stop brave hackers? We will sail on the Sea of ​​Hillis until a fair and open free network is established." Relay posted.

made a smiley emoticon.

Sea of ​​Hillis...Xu Yang pondered. This means that companies will hide their core databases in secret structures. Only the cyber spirit that truly gives up the body can sneak into it and find the secrets.

The war between network security and hackers is destined to escalate. We cannot lag behind the times and must keep up with the latest progress.

On the other side, in the streets of Aizu City, Miying received a reward and was preparing to capture this food court thief.

"I know someone who can help us solve it." Yoshiyuki Hosoda mused.

"Where are you going?" Miying said.

"A fellow prisoner, he can help us." Hosoda Yoshiyuki said, "Many skilled thieves who escaped from prison are now wandering around. I know one of them, and he should be in Aizu Castle."

"It's best not to cause trouble." Miying warned.

"Oh, I have to be careful." Hosoda Yoshiyuki said.

He left his hiding place and began to contact his former brother. The other person was codenamed "Yongge". He was not a living creature. To be precise, he was a flowing personality code. He lived in a robot body and could devour and seize other robots and electronic devices at will.

, has reached the pinnacle of digitization of consciousness and is a technological powerhouse, and has been guilty of many crimes because of this.

"Hosoda Yoshiyuki?" Yonge's electronically coded voice came.

"You have changed your body again." Yoshiyuki Hosoda hid deep in the alley and responded calmly, "You really can't take any time off."

"It's great to see you still alive outside," Yongge sighed, "I never thought that degenerate people like us could be reunited. Hehe, with trouble, bounty, and a dark past on our shoulders, even if we were arrested,

You have to work for the prison company until you become a free man."

"It's all over. I want to take you to meet some people and do some legitimate work. When you meet them, be sure to be honest and tell them about your abilities and experience." Yoshiyuki Hosoda said, "...they all

They are nice people, and I don’t want you to embarrass me. Can you maintain your life now?”

"Ha." Yongge said with contempt, "I am a technical expert. Technical experts can certainly make a living. You really underestimate me."

"Then what have you done recently?" Yoshiyuki Hosoda felt that he was particularly excited, as if he had hit a stamp, and he was very restless.

"Recently, I bought a set of energy batteries and a box of sushi for free, messed up a food court, caused an overload and fried the transformer box. These are very simple things, you can see my masterpiece when you turn on the news


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