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Chapter 367 Dead Ship

The ship made by Tianshu! The first big ship since the New Year, the members of the National Defense Force were in awe of it.

A giant enterprise is the overlord of the region and cannot be compared with other large and small enterprises. Even if it is a cargo ship under its name, the standards need to be improved during reception to avoid causing conflicts in the company.

The Haiyun came through the waves.

The defense force saw a small number of synthetics working on the deck, controlled by Tianshu's "Yanshi" system, making final preparations for docking. They were constantly exchanging data with the port's information office to provide security verification.

This armored freighter also comes with 20 missile launch units, 2 torpedo devices and 6 naval guns to ensure the safety of navigation and everything is normal.

It is approaching the port of Anjiu City little by little. There are more than 700 stranded passengers at the port, with their pockets full of money, waiting to take any ship to leave Anjiu City.

The Haiyun approaching in the darkness caught their attention and made them particularly excited.

"oh oh!"

"The ship made by Tianshu!"

"A giant ship!"

The tourists were quite happy. They wanted to leave Anjiu City for various reasons. Most of them had no hope for this place and wanted to go to other places overseas to find a new life.

Xia is a good choice for them, at least better than places where white people and black people gather together. These people are very short of money and cannot afford the high air tickets, so they spend all their money just to find a way to leave the islands.

The armored freighter made by Tianshu made them feel worshipful. In front of this silver-white metal giant ship, human beings seemed so small.

The soldiers of the National Defense Force greeted the armored freighter cautiously, and squad leader Lin Yu entered the message into the system to register the arrival of the ship.

After Lila received the news, she immediately began to investigate the ship.

At this time, she was stationed in a single-family villa near the Shijin Building. All cooking utensils, bathing facilities, comfortable furniture, etc. were removed. She did not need any facilities that serve human beings. The remaining area was transformed into

The precision computer room is connected to 24 large server groups, flashing green and purple lights alternately.

These facilities are maintained by Kazama Miyari's friend Katagiri Ai. She is well versed in computer communication technology and is now employed as a technical consultant for Nisto Corporation.

Lila walks through this data center like a ghost. They can interpret the huge amount of information she collects in groups, achieve precise management, process and store data files, allowing her to accurately project her sensory magic to other areas.

With the help of information support equipment, her perception ability was further extended and she quickly scanned the Haiyun number.

It's all murderous intent.

Most structures are cut off and shielded, and an unknown force haunts the entire ship.

Her sensory magic penetrated the information layer and returned with a series of strange information, causing Lila's body to tremble rapidly. She hit the wall beside her, and her consciousness chip was filled with strange images.

Burning feathers, towering pillars of salt, rain of fire falling from the sky, giant beasts appearing from the sea, skeleton knights and golden angels... It is difficult for Lila to decipher these sudden increases in strange information.

"Do you want to see my true face?"

Lila read a faint sound, and a dressed-up girl stood staring at her in the endless dim light.

She struggled to support her body to avoid falling. New redundant files were constantly being generated in her chip. All images and videos were being copied and spread crazily, forcing her to read these strange images over and over again.

This is an information virus that spreads through observation and understanding.

Human viruses will multiply themselves, computer viruses will continue to spread, and the same goes for information viruses. They are "memes" that continue to spread, infect and trigger endless reverberations of information, which means pure chaos.

Lila realized that if she continued to observe the Haiyun, the entire data center and her own memory would be completely overwhelmed.

Apparently, a supernatural force has enveloped the entire ship, capable of causing cognitohazards.

Military units must be dispatched to investigate before the Haiyun docks. Lila secretly thought. This is a ship of a giant enterprise. It cannot be sunk at will. That means an all-out war with Tianshu. We must find out what is on the ship.

situation, and then reach contact with Tianshu Production.

"The ship is requested to slow down and inspect the lower deck of the ship." Lila sent a message to the defense forces at the port.

Defense Force sergeant Lin Yu nodded, and took three B-type synthetics and three Defense Forces onto a small motorboat, approaching the Haiyun.

It cooperated with the requirements of the port defense unit. Before entering the container terminal, the maritime signal light on the ship was lit, indicating that it was willing to accept temporary inspection. However, the Haiyun did not stop completely, but only slowed down slowly to allow the inspection ship to approach.

Lin Yu controlled the motorboat to move forward, looked back at the team members, and signaled them to be ready for battle.

The three B-type synths "Ray Soldiers" can provide a lot of firepower support. They are loaded with the citizen ordinance revised by Mayor Ohara, resolutely enforce the ordinance, arrest the lawbreakers, and fulfill their duties.

The other three Human Defense Forces are also paramilitary troops. They wear closed black armor, with ceramic bulletproof inserts on their chests, and use metal light-proof masks to cover their faces. They appear to be well-trained. They are cold equipment designed by Lila.

, ensuring sufficient deterrence against crime, embracing a full-featured main battle rifle, and being ready to respond to emergencies at any time.

When the small motorboat approached the giant ship Haiyun, Lin Yu took half of the team members to board the ship quickly and asked the other half to wait on the motorboat.

Lila silently observed everything about them in the data center. During Lila's detection, the entire ship was shrouded in a strange shimmering light, making it impossible to discern the real information. If the reconnaissance equipment at the port was used for detection, the entire ship would be

And it is shrouded in the curtain of the model lake generated by the information jamming device.

"Debrief the situation," she ordered.

"There are some synthetic sailors on the deck, all of whom have Tianshu Work badges. There is nothing unusual." Lin Yu reported, "We are now moving inside the freighter, and we haven't seen the captain yet."

"Let him come out."

"The transponder on the ship...well...we're trying it, they're standing in the back."

Lila couldn't see what Lin Yu called "behind", but she felt that the Haiyun had become a dead ship, lifeless, as if there was no living thing, and everything seemed strange.

"Continue to report," she said.

"There are... strange symbols on these cargo boxes, and there is a lot of colored dust, which is very dazzling. I want to see if I can record it with law enforcement glasses-"

Suddenly, Lin Yu interrupted communication without warning.

He was finished. Lila contacted the other SADF soldiers and B-synths on the launch.

"Debrief the situation," she said.

"Captain Lin has gone up... we don't know. Ah! He's here, and he asked us to go up too, saying it was an emergency."

"Ignore it! Leave the Haiyun quickly!" Lila immediately gave the order.


At this moment, the entire Haiyun suddenly accelerated its speed and suddenly set off a huge wave, pushing the small motorboat to bump in the waves.

Lila noticed that the Defense Force soldiers on the ship lost contact one by one, including the B-type synthesizers, which were like bubbles being popped and losing sound.

The Haiyun slowly docked at the dock.

Passengers waiting to leave at the port stood up one after another. As the Haiyun completely arrived, they finally found a suitable ship.

A dark shadow appeared on the side of the ship.

Then, they fell into a state of hesitation one by one.



"..." In an instant, they all turned into zombies, like a group of puppets, all moving in unison.

In Lila's perception, all 720 people on the dock have turned into empty bodies, and their behavior is stiff and dull. At this time, new ships, vehicles and people are constantly entering the port of Anjiu City, and they will all be killed by the mysterious things on the ship.

Power swallows.

This lifeless ship will destroy everything.

"Please leave the port area personnel as soon as possible!" Lila set the port of Anjiu City as a no-entry area, immediately dispatched more defense force soldiers to block the port, issued a high-level alert, and prevented all sailing ships from docking.

Various media outlets also followed up on the news.

"Shocking news! Nisto Company blocked the port of Anjiu City late at night!"

"Anjiu Port may be attacked maliciously! Is it related to Tianshu Artifacts?"

"Latest order from Ms. Lila Nisto: All citizens, for any purpose, are not allowed to approach Port Anju!"

Xu Yang was awakened in the middle of the night.

"What?" he contacted Lila.

"A strange ship has arrived at the port of Anjiu City." Lila said, "It is full of unknown power. We must be prepared for battle."

"Convene a meeting." Xu Yang frowned, "We have to solve it in the shortest possible time."

In the port, Yongge is trying his best to pretend that he is under control.

Because other passengers were looking up blankly, he had to look up at the gorgeous woman wearing a black tights on the side of the ship. Next to her stood a dressed-up girl, her whole body shrouded in a hallucinatory shimmer, which made her

He couldn't see any actual sight.

"Come aboard," the dressed-up girl announced, "you will all join our sanctuary."

Yongge could only bite the bullet and act like he was being manipulated, not daring to act rashly or even breathing freely.

He is a flowing consciousness file, similar to a machine mind. He knows that others around him have been mind-controlled, so he can only act in a low-key manner and pretend that he is no different from others.

"These humans have encountered the magic that controls the mind..." The nightmare program whispered in Yongge's heart, "Without my help, you will never be able to escape. They can kill you instantly, don't do anything stupid, I don't want to die in a

In the idiot’s consciousness.”

"Shut up." Yong Ge secretly said.

Damn Yoshiyuki Hosoda, if he hadn't betrayed him, he would still be a carefree "technical expert" in Aizu City, enjoying a free life.

He tried his best to imitate the behavior of others, and walked step by step on the Shanghai Yun with rigid steps like everyone else. The entire freighter had now become a devil's cave.

They walked back and suddenly saw an embarrassed girl running up from the lower deck desperately. She had a Tianshu Manufacturing badge hanging around her neck, with Land Mirror's name printed on it. As she ran, she shouted at them: "

Don't come near!"

She released a ray of magical power like a colorful phantom light, using it as a protective barrier, and then threw herself towards the side of the ship, intending to jump into the sea to survive, but in an instant, a loud noise exploded in Yongge's ears, and before he could clearly distinguish what happened,

Before anything happened, the girl had been caught by the girl in costume.

As a result, her protective magic was dispelled and she was forced to turn her head.

In an instant, the girl also lost her mind like these hundreds of passengers.

"Forever Milaiah," she said.

This chapter has been completed!
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