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Chapter 372: Assault on the ship

Lu Sizhou witnessed the sky full of meteors and saw the illusion of an angel at the port being shattered by starlight. This information made her think that the situation was still escalating.

"It is recommended to leave Anjiu City as soon as possible until the supernatural phenomena disappear." The artificial intelligence "governor" reported.

Lu Sizhou adjusted its bellicosity to the highest level.

"It is recommended to launch nine hydrogen bombs against Anjiu City immediately to eliminate threats to the survival of human civilization." Artificial intelligence report.

"In that case, there will be nothing left." Lu Sizhou turned around, knowing that he could not leave easily.

She often heard that strange things happened frequently in Anjiu City, and she saw it today. Studying things to achieve knowledge is the core concept of Tianshu Zhiwu, and Lu Sizhou must figure out what happened.

Moreover, she wants to control the overall situation.

"Contact Kirino Reiyo." Lu Sizhou wanted to communicate with the current acting president of Kyoto Mugen.


The message was sent to Qisheng Yuan, and she responded immediately. As a big monster, she didn't need to sleep for a long time, and she stayed up late drawing the manuscript of "Siphon!" and didn't even bother to watch the meteor storm.

Lu Sizhou is a high-ranking figure created by Tianshu and cannot be neglected.

"We need to second your company's reality controller, Tenjoin Murasaki." Lu Sizhou got straight to the point, "Of course, we will pay a very generous remuneration."

Tenjoin Murasaki...

"No problem." Qisheng Yuan hesitated for a while, but chose to agree. After all, Kyoto Unlimited needs every fund now, "Please allow me to transfer your communication link to the Tenjoin family."

Due to the loss of power in Kyoto Mugen, it is difficult for Nansei Marriage to impress Tenjouin Murasaki. Murasaki only continued to stay in Kyoto Mugen out of her passion for animation production, and even refused to animate "Siphon!" of Nansei Marriage. But Nansei Marriage cannot be outside.

Showing dejection in front of others.

When Tenjoin Murasaki got up in her pajamas, she received a message from Lu Sizhou.

"Miss Tenjoin," Lu Sizhou said, "I need you to use your magic power to intervene in the mysterious attack on the port of Anjiu City."

"Use Wanxiang Zhixing to lock all creatures in the port?" Tenjouin Murasaki pondered, "...No problem at all."

Lu Sizhou was planning on the shuttle.

"...When the time is right," she said, "stop everything and we will take over."

"Need our fleet?"

"If there is, of course it would be best." Lu Sizhou said, "We can then capture every valuable person."

At this time, Xu Yang piloted the Innovation and slowly descended in altitude.

The severe cold at high altitude and the lack of oxygen made it difficult for organisms to stay for a long time. Those few minutes just now were quite difficult. The nano-armored "Beast in the Cloud" endured too much for him.

"We cannot return to Anjiu City directly," Xu Yang informed Lila, "Such a large astronomical anomaly must have additional detectors launched. I will drive the Innovation to take a slight detour and turn back in about 15 minutes."

"Understood." Lila said.

Xu Yang turned around and observed Falosa. She was squinting her eyes and fighting against mental sleepiness.

The wails of witches from all over the world were still echoing in Falosa's mind. She curled up in her seat, and her consciousness was solving three things at the same time. First, she had to digest these prayers, and secondly, she had to figure out how to torture and kill the intruder.

To defeat the enemy, you must finally relax part of your energy to rest, so as to achieve rotation.

She kept looking for the most comfortable position. She was very tired from making her New Year's wish. She closed her eyes and fought for every minute to rest.

"All this won't end so soon, will it?" Falosa rested her tense nerves, but she was still thinking about everything on the ground. She wanted to enjoy the joy of ravaging her enemies.

"Yes, we still have to send armed forces to attack Angel and Milaya and kill them." Xu Yang continued to try to hack into the Haiyun. As the signal gradually recovered, his attempt gradually took effect. There were one or two corner cameras.

Being controlled by him makes it easier for him to outline the various structures of the Haiyun and send relevant information to Lila.

"Without me, conventional armed forces can't do it at all." Farosha laughed.

"But we still have to rely on synthetics." Xu Yang said seriously, "We can't afford the price of any witch being controlled by Milaya's mind. You also saw those citizens and soldiers of the Defense Force. They are in Milaya."

There is no chance in front of me."

"...Yes." Falosa pressed her forehead, "When my spirit recovers a little, I will kill everything on the ship."

"Speaking of restoring strength, are the methods we used before still applicable to you?"

"What do you think?" Falosa opened her eyes.

At this time, Lila is deploying a combat plan.

The meteor storm diverted people's attention, allowing Lila to deal with the Haiyun calmly.

If the media were all gathered around the port, everything would be troublesome, and every detail would be a headline. Thanks to the astronomical wonders conjured by Farosha, those annoying reporters chasing hot topics are now gone.

Multiple "Mastiff" infantry combat vehicles were mobilized from various areas of the city, carrying a large number of B-type synthetics. In addition, they were accompanied by two medium-sized riot control shuttles, carrying 24 Nisto Legion soldiers.

The Nistor Corps is the most elite and capable force under Lila. The powerful soldiers she has selected and recruited in the past six months are all gathered here. Many members are from the Bird Corps, and the rest are from other security companies and mercenary organizations, all with military backgrounds.

, the combat power far exceeds that of the National Defense Force soldiers and ordinary security personnel.

"Lieutenant Elody, report the situation." Lila ordered.

Elody is a capable soldier who, like Lila, was born in Qianhu Electronics. Since the company was defeated by the awakened Frost Giant clan, Elody had to leave the company and travel around the world to find a reliable security company to work for.

When Elodie saw Lila's resume, she realized that this was a good opportunity. She came to Anjiu City with the mentality of giving it a try. She scored high in all the armed tests and was appointed by Lila to the Nisto Legion.

chief officer.

"Everyone is here," Elleti reported neatly, "60 B-S, 24 LG, 16 IC, 6 trucks, 2 reconnaissance aircraft, 2 RCS, we will arrive at the port area in 30 seconds."

Due to confidentiality requirements, she used the old military symbols of Qianhu Electronics to refer to key information, which made Lila feel familiar, as if she had returned to her early days of service, where professional efficiency was the top priority.

"Once in place, stand by and launch an assault within one minute," Lila said.

Her words convinced Elodie.

This is the first time Elody has seen a commander as neat and efficient as Lila. She mobilizes soldiers just like moving chess pieces. She can quickly put all military units in place and organize everyone to move towards the overall optimal solution.

Under the guidance of Ms. Lila, be ready to win at any time!

Elody's heart was filled with carnival-like joy, and she hugged the main battle rifle in her hand tightly.

The remaining legionnaires in the cabin are not afraid of war and death, but they are afraid of beautiful and crazy war madmen like Elodie, and even more afraid of the president Lila Nestor who rarely reveals her true identity.

Lila's orders were as precise as a scalpel, always cutting off their doubts, leaving only unconditional obedience.

The Nistor Corps moved forward, and the riot control shuttle was equipped with 5 cannons of different calibers, a multiple rocket pod launcher and 4 guided missiles.

Under the shuttle, the tracks of multiple "Mastiff" infantry fighting vehicles rolled forward, running over the road. Small-caliber energy cannons pointed straight ahead, and floating cannons and missile launch nests were hidden in the rear.

The legions were well-armed and the soldiers were elite and capable. All citizens who were lucky enough to see the military appearance along the way were in awe.

In order to subdue the mysterious threat in the port, the Nistor Legion was mobilized in full force, preparing to wipe out all enemies with maximum firepower.

Soon, Elodie led the Nestor Legion to the port area and surrounded the Haiyun.

"Mental control witches are a threat; large and highly destructive mysterious creatures are a threat." Lila ordered, "Synths attack in waves. Human units remain hidden and do not board the ship."

"Roger that; attack!" Elodie ordered from the air.

On the ground, B-type synthetics jumped from the infantry fighting vehicles, raised their main battle rifles and attacked forward.

The 60 B-type "Right Soldiers" were divided into 4 groups. Each group was equipped with additional individual anti-armor rockets, fully automatic grenade launchers and Gauss kinetic energy rifles. The infantry fighting vehicles behind them were guided by automatic fire control devices.

Adjust the muzzle to provide long-range firepower at any time.

This is a hunt for supernatural forces! Elody secretly thought, she monitored the situation in the port area through the observation post. Humans can use space-based weapons and over-the-horizon strikes to crush witches instantly, and most witches cannot withstand long-range firepower.

Carpet bombing, the company has experienced one witch rampage after another for centuries, all ending in the witch's defeat, death and capture.

So, what is the difference between an angel who can sing and wield a flaming sword and a witch who possesses several ancient treasures? Human beings have killed countless powerful enemies in history, and there is no shortage of such a prey.

Blast that angel into the sea...dissect her corpse and display it in a museum! Elodie showed a bloodthirsty smile.

Pressure from all sides drove the ship deeper into the sea.

The angel in costume who was kneeling in the middle of the cabin and praying stood up silently. Now she must cover the entire ship's departure.

Her will captured the scene outside, where the fearless synthetics were charging towards the Haiyun.

This makes angels hate it.

If you can't defeat Farosha, why can't you crush these metals? Angel secretly said.

This chapter has been completed!
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