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Three hundred and seventieth chapters live on the shore

A boat full of magic ingredients.

Mithril, orichalcum, eagle's heart, dragon's teeth, midnight gems... hundreds of objects containing natural magic are processed by humans in a unified manner, forged in batches like steel smelting, and finally turned into tons of magic materials with uniform texture.

Falosa has seen what the medieval Chaos Witches did. They would carefully collect and temper materials, which were far more elegant than humans' rough decomposition, and finally make them into magic items.

But humans actually do better. Everything is done with efficiency in mind. Powdered materials still contain magic power, and the effect is not reduced at all. It is also easy to package, store and transport.

In 100 years, humans have eradicated the ills that witches have been unable to overcome for thousands of years. This troubled Farossa. She once believed from the bottom of her heart that witches were the dominant race.

No matter what, it's better to steal the priceless magic materials from the ship first.

Falosa tucks the hem of her neon cloak, feeling happy in her heart. "Moonfire" Mond gave her the flame that can be used to smelt materials, but now all she lacks is raw materials.

Each time a Noble Phantasm is smelted, a witch can be strengthened. Falosa intends to create a magic item for each member of the Witch Council to make up for its shortcomings, bring into play its strengths, and increase the combat effectiveness of the Witch Council.

The steps are several times more powerful than they are now and can withstand the enemy alone, allowing Farosha to have more time and energy for training.

The green-gold glass bottles with narrow necks and wide bellies looked like treasure chests waiting to be opened in Farosha's eyes.

Standing on the roof of the solid gold building, Falosa leaned on the railing and gazed at the distant port of Anjiu City. The dark blue water slowly undulated and swayed, so neatly, like a wavy carpet, that she could still feel the connection with Clarus.

The spiritual link between the two, the giant sea descendant is swimming less than 1,500 meters outside the port, waiting for instructions from his mother.

Everything is ready.

"I want those magic materials." Falosa turned back to Xu Yang and said, "I want them now, and I want to kill people."

Contrary to her expectation, Xu Yang did not reply, but closed his eyes.

Milaya has been using her digital mind to maintain the electronic information system of the Haiyun. When she was attracted by the abnormal movement, Xu Yang also successfully hacked into the Haiyun. Every camera in the ship was under his control.

The ship's armament, electrical equipment and auxiliary facilities are all under his highest authority.

Xu Yang saw everything.

He saw a highly modified man rushing towards the shipboard information station, just to upload his consciousness to the operating system, turning it into a string of data running between circuit boards.

He saw the angel in costume reaching into the void and pulling out half of the halo, but it was covered by Tenjouin Murasaki's magic power and could not move.

He saw Mi Laiya and Lu Jing walking together, hiding deep in the cabin. Mi Laiya quietly opened a crew room and stood leaning against the door while trying to connect back to the monitoring background to observe the situation.

Xu Yang looked to the sky. A formation of 12 shuttles was approaching from the northeast. Tenjouin Murasaki should be on the ship, locking everything with her universal motion.

What role did Tianshu Zhuwu play in this?

Xu Yang reviewed the voyage log.

Milaya was a person at the core of the lighthouse. After being captured by Tianshu, she had the intention to cooperate with it. She and the entire cabin of magic materials were supposed to be sent to the Silla area to complete a certain plan.

Xu Yang observed and reported that the ship was attacked 13 hours ago. The angels who suddenly appeared hijacked the ship and took control of Milaya and Lu Jing who were accompanying the ship.

A few months ago, because of his contribution to the capture of Milaya, Lu Jing was now an official war witch under Tianshu Production, responsible for escorting goods and prisoners.

Now the Kaiyun is far away from the port and is silent on the sea. According to public reports, it is speculated that Tenjoin Shino's stopping power can last for 30 minutes.

"Kill them all," Falosa said.

"When the dust has settled, let me give it a simple and neat ending."

"Then I can only find other fun." Falosa turned around.

Xu Yang closed his eyes. As he seized control of the Haiyun, Xu Yang gradually understood the general structure of the cabin. This giant armored freighter was like a maze. The secret warehouse in the center was filled with magic materials, but he still

Several hidden dangers must be dealt with before you can start receiving treasures.

Xu Yang first found Nightmare Program and Yong Ge and locked them in a folder.

"What happened?" Yongge suddenly discovered that they could not escape from the disk space they were currently in. They were trapped in a small corner of the vast data structure and stuck in the current path.

Next to them are 26 operating system files on the left, and a set of registry files on the right. They themselves exist in the form of deeply encoded personality files, and it is difficult to leave the current disk.

"The permissions we hacked have been restored, and there are experts controlling the entire ship." Nightmare Program observed the situation, "Keep your voice down, you guy... I don't want to become a [DATA EXPUNGED]."

"You bastard..." Yongge saw that the situation was not good, but he could not make any progress. There was no chance of free movement. They would be deleted every time the system was maintained and updated.

Xu Yang was able to find them easily because they left mental files wherever they went. These files looked like complete gibberish to others, but Xu Yang had used an Internet avatar to generate similar files and recognized them clearly.

, knowing that it is a subconscious document generated by the digitalized mind.

Therefore, when Xu Yang found that some partitions on the disk were adding new files, he could search according to the picture and find the directory where they were hiding.

After eliminating the risk of them causing trouble, Xu Yang felt relieved and let 101 teleport to find Miying and take her to the cabin to carry out the mission.

"The order is to deal with Milaya and the angels and clear the obstacles for us." 101 ordered Miying.

"Are they sinful?" Miying asked.

"It's the enemy." 101 said.

Our enemies are all evil, unless you think we are not the righteous party. 101 thought in his heart, but did not say it out loud.

Miying nodded slightly and prepared to take action.

She was teleported to the depths of the cabin by 101, and then 101 returned alone, preparing to take a big bag to hold magic materials, leaving behind the shadow-seeking operation.

With Shadow Kill in hand, covered with a plastic mask and a black superfiber cloak, Miying is confident that he can solve all problems.

Along the way, she saw several synthesizers controlled by the Yanshi system. Under the influence of Tenjoin Murasaki's stopping magic power, they were scrubbing the corridor, but they just stood still, like exquisite sculptures.

They are controlled by humans and used to perform hard labor. Miying walked quickly through these synthetic humans, and the stiff movements of their kind reminded Miying of the time when he was not awakened.

What is the relationship between synthetics and humans? Are they just commodities and tools that work for humans? Miying wants to discuss this issue with Niedlet after the mission is over.

On the other side, Milaya also successfully connected to the surveillance system and was observing the surrounding scene, waiting for an opportunity. She did not know that all the video content had been replaced by Xu Yang, and the pictures she saw were all illusions, specially designed to confuse her.

It would be great if she was not a witch. Milaya was sitting in the crew quarters, patiently waiting for the victim to take the bait. Judging from the "surveillance footage" she currently has, she was very safe. No one else had boarded the ship yet, but she knew

It was only a matter of time that Tenjoin Murasaki locked the ship's movement, and only a fool would miss this opportunity.

"Dilnai will take away my magic power." Milaya sat on the metal floor, took out a glass bottle of orange soda from the living cabinet, and asked Lu Jing to help her open it, "This is my biggest dream - to no longer be a


"Okay." Lu Jing was in a daze, and to fulfill Milaya's will, even speaking needed to be controlled by Milaya.

Through the orange liquid in the soda bottle, Milaya saw Lu Jing's innocent face. She didn't know anything. Tianshu didn't treat them harshly, and Lu Jing respected her, which made Milaya feel a little hesitant.

, Lu Jing is a very rare witch with a great kindness.

But she still has to serve Dirnai. The goddess of New Taixi will give extremely high rewards to those who are loyal.

It would be nice if she was not a witch. She could avoid all kinds of threats, oppression and pain. Milaya looked at the landing mirror. What exactly is a witch? Apart from being able to control people's hearts with her eyes, she is not particularly outstanding.

A place where she can disappear into the crowds of the busy city at any time. She is no different from ordinary human women. She can laugh, make trouble, like watching movies, and raising cats.

Dilnai said that if he served her, it would strip Milaia of her magic power and turn her into an ordinary angel, living in paradise.

It would be nice to be able to reach the shore alive. Milaya thought to herself.

Footsteps. When Milaya heard the movement, she first checked the surveillance cameras in the surrounding area. Everything was normal, but the sound made her feel butterflies in her heart, so she opened the door and looked outside.

She made eye contact with a female synthesizer.

Milaya saw the cold optical devices behind her bionic eyes and subconsciously raised her pistol to shoot.


The trigger was pulled and the ion sword was swung at the same time, the high-energy sword blade cut through the door panel, instantly forcing Milaya back. The bullet hit Miying's body, destroying the alloy skeleton, but it was not serious.

Before Mi Laiya commanded Lu Jing, Mi Ying rushed over and slashed open Mi Laiya's chest with his sword. Everything from her right shoulder to left rib was burned and destroyed by the energy blade. Mi Laiya screamed,

He staggered back two steps and passed out.

Miying rushed forward again, but was already grabbed by Lu Jing.

This chapter has been completed!
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