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Chapter three hundred and seventy-eight of the followers of the villain

One step, two steps, 102 was summoned to Falosa.

When 102 saw Falosa, 102 was impressed.

Her body leaned forward unconsciously, looking intently at everything in front of her.

Farosa was lying on her back in the bathtub in the secret room. She leaned back and leaned on the flat rock strips beside the pool. The air was hot and filled with mist. Farosa was looming in the bath. She gently used her hands to Gently fan away the flying spring mist, and at the same time look at 102 with gentle gaze.

102 blushed, completely amazed by Falosa. She was not sure whether she should look at Lady Falosa like this, but she couldn't look away, as if it was some kind of disrespectful expression.

If a person has a glorious and passionate goal, he will also have fighting spirit in difficult situations. The noble Lord Farosha is such a being worthy of 102's physical and mental following, so 102 was captured at once, and when Farosha stretched out his hand to call her ,102 also walked slowly to the side of the pool, as if he didn't want to break the holy environment.

It was here that she saw the Broken Army Spear placed aside, with shining points of light lingering on it, mainly purple and blood red. The purple light was like magic power falling from the sky, and the red light was like a bloody weapon.

"Your weapon," Falosa said, "I have turned it into a magical weapon, entwined with my blessings and ancient spells. I refer to the miracles in the spell book, and with the help of the moonlight fire, I use The magical materials give it new abilities."

With his heart pounding, 102 picked up his brand-new army-breaking spear. The whole gun was huge and heavy, requiring both hands to hold it. The blade and barrel were like man-eating beasts, ready to cause destruction at any time. There were many numbers carved on the side of it. A secret symbol containing power was cast by Falosa herself with magical materials. In this way, technical weapons can also be strengthened by magic.

"Once you infuse magic into it, its true form will be released," Falosa said. "It will protect you, and it will make you invincible."

102 did as he was told, closed his eyes, and felt that this weapon had become a storage device that could absorb and store magic power, and he could easily pour magic power into it.

After she injected magic power, the brilliance on the gun shone brightly again, and a strong aura of power surrounded 102, like a magic cloak or invisible armor, and her own aura jumped to a higher level.

102's heart is racing, and she just wants to find some terrifying opponent to fight. The brand-new magic weapon has made her strength beyond the limit of her potential, enough to more than double her combat effectiveness.

Farosha walked out of the pool and even shouted 102, blushing and heartbeating.

"You have grown tall and strong," Farosha said. "It seems like just yesterday, you were so slender, short and aggressive. I am very satisfied with your growth, 102. Then, I will definitely remember your vows in the future. ?"

"I...I obey Falosa, the God of Witches." 102 said quickly.

"Go." Farosha smiled, "I wish you the best."

102 slipped out covered in sweat, hurriedly unzipped the zipper of the rubber coat, ran to the corridor outside with the Broken Army Spear in his arms, ran downstairs, and returned to his dormitory.

So all this is traceable and easy to control. What can they understand? Falosa thought secretly, and then closed the entrance to the secret room.

Lila had finished her meeting with Lu Sizhou at this time, returned to the Shijin Building, and saw 101 discussing the changes in 102 with Xu Yang.

"What Falosa did was very bad," Lila said. "The harm to the young witch is immeasurable."

"But we must obey Master Falosa." 101 was about to cry, "Otherwise we will only age prematurely and die. Only Master Falosa's power can reset our death countdown."

Xu Yang and Lila looked at each other. They knew there was a way, but they couldn't say it clearly.

101 has a smart mind. When he saw the two people acting like this, he immediately reacted.

Ascension technology.

Relying on the machine, their consciousness is separated from the current body and injected into the mechanical body. In that case, they can enjoy life freely without becoming a puppet attached to Falosa.

The price is that the magic circuit is fixed and cannot be promoted further. Unless she encounters an adventure like Lila, she will spend the rest of her life in the high-level witch stage.

How to choose is still a difficult problem. 101 can only remain silent.

Lila thought for a moment. Xu Yang reminded her that she had to strengthen her connections with other people, otherwise she would become a ruthless machine that monitors everything.

"Don't worry." She said, "I'll go talk to 102."

"Thank you." 101 bowed to Lila.

After Lila left, 101 folded his hands on his chest and looked at Xu Yang.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Xu Yang said.

"You seem to be very good at taking care of witches." 101 said, "Ms. Lila and Mistress Farossa are all indebted to you for taking care of them."


"Do you know where I can make clothes of the same style?" 101 pointed to the black one-piece gelcoat that was tight due to her growth.

When did the two of them grow so tall? Only then did Xu Yang realize that 101 and 102 had both grown to nearly 1.7 meters, and their looks had also grown. They were more beautiful than before, with smooth brown hair and beautiful eyes. They were more similar to the girls before.

The shapes vary greatly.

"Let's measure it first." Xu Yang took 101 to measure body data and conduct medical examinations.

On the other side, Lila first went to Du Qianqian to verify the psychological measurement report she took over.

"You recorded a lot of things," Lila said.

"I am following your orders." Du Qianqian reported honestly, "Now I know what kind of people you are. They are like mirrors, and they help me understand what kind of person I should be."

"Get ready, there are a lot of things I need your help with," Lila said.

"I want to make big money." Du Qianqian said, "tens of millions, hundreds of millions. I want to be rich and free in one fell swoop."

"Why, don't you like working hard and making money?"

"It's impossible to save money for a lifetime if you rely on wages." Du Qianqian said, "We are strong! Strong people should use strong methods to make money."

Lila analyzed it for a moment.

"Our next mission is in Silla, where there are many rich people," she said. "When you go to Silla, just focus on collecting money."

"I want to earn hundreds of millions back." Since Du Qianqian met Xu Yang, he has gradually developed a very twisted obsession with wealth.

"It's up to you how much money you can make," Lila said. "If the lack of money is a hole in your heart, just fill it with countless dollars."

Du Qianqian couldn't help but laugh and was immediately immersed in the fantasy of becoming a super rich man.

After reading the psychological measurement report recorded by Du Qianqian, Lila went to visit 102.

Compared with Du Qianqian, 102 has extremely low material needs. Her dormitory is very clean, with only one bed, one water dispenser, and not even a terminal. She is lying on the quilt now, like a small piece of wood.


Lila gently held 102 in her arms. Her sensory magic could capture every detail of 102, including their cells that grew and divided abnormally. These children of phantom light were artificial witches transformed by the Black Fire. Every day they lived,

It's a miracle.

"Tell me what you're worried about," Lila said.

"I'm afraid that Lady Falosa... is a big bad guy." 102 whispered, "In that case, we... wouldn't we be helping a big bad guy all the time. But I don't understand, she is too good, she will shine."

"It's terrible to fall into the hands of an all-powerful person," Lila said. "It means that every choice is meaningless in front of the other person, and that person's private purpose will become the goal of everyone's struggle. But there is no way.

Rosa is far from omnipotent."

"Hey." 102 put his head against Lila's shoulder to make her feel better.

"Young witches like you are the most worthy of care." Lila closed her eyes, "What you need is care, you need games suitable for children, you need a lot of reading, and you need role models worth following. These are not what Farosha can provide.

Yes, fortunately we don’t have to revolve around her all the time in our lives.”

"Hi." 102 thinks it makes sense.

"Falosa has become weaker," Lila said. "She used to be alone and free. Now she has her own organization - of course, the master and I created it, but she often mistakenly thinks it is her own.

——In this way, she will have some concerns. She has changed from a prodigal and a gambler to a conservative rich man, and treats you as her assets. But as long as you express some disobedience, Farosha will change.

And doubt yourself.

"Really, really?"

"Everything Falosa has done to you, you can return to her and have the same impact on her." Lila stroked 102's hair with her hand, and she could tell her from the frequency of 102's heartbeat and eyelash trembling.

’s thoughts.

"Okay." 102 started to use her brain. To be honest, she didn't really want to do this, but Farosha actually did that to Chainsaw Angel, and she wanted revenge for this.

While thinking about it, Lila discovered that 102 had completely changed, like a real little superman, not only with amazing strength and unlimited physique, but also with extraordinary wisdom.

"...I understand." 102 nodded, "Just do it."

She got off the bed and tied the Broken Army Spear to her back with an armed belt.

Lila observed this magical weapon. If it were put on the battlefield, it would probably be able to provide the firepower equivalent to several armored divisions. Considering the power of the 102 as a single soldier, it could become a weapon that would scare all forces.

"I want to become the strongest witch." 102 made a V gesture to Lila.

What Lila was thinking about at this moment was how she made two V gestures to her master. It would be great if her master had more time to spend with her during the day.

Unfortunately, Xu Yang is a very independent person. He lives according to his nature and will never devote all his time to one person or one thing.

Later in the evening, Falosa asked the seven witches to gather around her. Except for 102, she asked them to state what kind of magic items they wanted. Thousands of kilograms of magic materials were stolen from the Haiyun, and they must be distributed properly.

Just put it to use.

This chapter has been completed!
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