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Chapter 38 The same dream

"There is a bathroom here." Xu Yang pointed to the cubicle in the corner of the small room, "There is electricity in the block, and the water heater should be working. I don't know about the rest."

"You have to help me." Falosa observed for a moment, "I don't know what a 'water heater' is. It seems that you and us take baths in a different way."

"How did you do it?"

"First set up a copper pot with firewood to boil hot water. After the water boils, pour it into the tub and add it in batches. Pile some charcoal fire under the tub to keep it warm, and then go in to wash."

"It's like cooking someone."

"Progress has been made here, a thousand years of progress," Falosa said. "Show me the new tricks you have learned."

Xu Yang walked into the bathroom of the apartment room. The wall was covered with gray tiles. The floor was tilted towards the southwest corner to facilitate drainage. There was a square smart waterproof panel on the wall that controlled the water temperature, water volume and water outlet strength. There were showers at every angle.

He pressed a few buttons to increase the water temperature and taught Farosa how to use the shower head. She couldn't put it down because it could dispense hot water evenly at the touch of a button.

Falosa leaned against the bathroom wall, the water gurgled, and the mist rose, filling the bathroom and staining the mirror.

"Only lovers can be so open," Xu Yang said, "but our relationship is far inferior to that."

"Are you asking me to admit something?"

"No, but I admire you very much," Xu Yang chose his words carefully, "You have magic power, memories of ancient times and a dangerous personality."

"My personality is dangerous?"

"It's the frontal danger, the right kind of terror, that makes me happy."

"What about my beauty?"

"To be honest, in this era where beauty and sculpting machines are everywhere, the value of face and body shape has been seriously devalued. So, what do you admire about me?"

Falosa's expression became more and more subtle.

"Turn it off," Falosa ordered.

Xu Yang stopped the water, and Falosa pushed Xu Yang out and stared at him.

"If you want to know why I fall in love with you, you have to know some secrets about my past." Falosa said softly, "Do you want to hear it?"


"I was born in a conservative village in the Aquilia region," Falosa slowly told. "My mother was very beautiful, until one night during a thunderstorm, she took in a homeless man.

My mother coveted it so much that she acted beyond her will."

"I see..." Xu Yang looked into her eyes, unable to distinguish happiness, anger, sorrow, or joy from her expression.

"The scary part is still to come. From then on, the homeless man came to the door repeatedly, until one day she ran out of reason, broke his head with a broom and drove him away. After that, my mother spent 10 months of extreme suffering.

gave birth to me."


"Then I was proven to be a witch, and I showed some abilities early on," Farosha stroked Xu Yang's face, "You know how scary that would be."

"Kill and Recover."

Xu Yang didn't dare to move, and Farosha had endless feelings about her past.

"I enjoy it. More and more animals die and are resurrected by me. I have no idea what impact this will have on my mother. No one wants to remarry my mother and raise a child like me who can threaten life and death.

My mother was afraid that I would be stolen by the council or slaughtered by hunters, so she found a homeless man and hoped that he could help raise me. So they got married, and I have such a pair of parents. Kiss me now, Xu Yang."

Xu Yang kissed her lips, and she closed her eyes for a long time before continuing to speak quietly.

"The tramp's nature is hard to change. He made my mother suffer during the day and at night. She taught me to lie and run away every dusk. After five years of beatings and torture by my father, my mother finally went crazy. She served as the role in this marriage.

A tool to be dominated, her long hair was cut off, her fingers were stiff, her body was stooped, and her face was wrinkled. Oh, maybe she had endured it for 5 years, and she didn’t let it go until she saw that I had successfully mastered lying and escaping.

She collapsed on her own. She was in pain and rolling on the ground. I watched how she was in a daze, screaming, beaten, and abused. This was not surprising at all. In one night, she let me do it, and I ended my father's violence and my mother's pain.



"I blew up their heads, and then used the two skills I learned - I said I wasn't the one who killed them, and then I ran out of the village while others weren't paying attention. I ran very fast that night, so fast.


Xu Yang was silent for a moment, Farosha lay on him, listened to his heartbeat, and then kissed his cheek.

"So..." Falosa whispered, "I'm good at lying and running away. I'm afraid of brutal and rude people like my father, and even more afraid that I will go crazy like my mother. So... I want to ask you something,

Do you think I’m a normal person?”

Her heartbeat was also very fast. Xu Yang held Falosa in his arms.

"You are a normal person. If anyone thinks you are crazy, that is their own problem." Xu Yang whispered.

"You need it," Farosha tried with her hands, "How do you feel now? Is this the right thing to do?"


Xu Yang closed his eyes.

Time seems to slow down when I'm with Farosha.

For the first time since leaving the company until now, Xu Yang has a strong feeling of being needed. He has a hundred ways to deny his own value, but one thing is unquestionable now, that is, Farosha needs his existence.

And he can't leave her easily now.

After being deeply comforted by Farosha, they all fell asleep.

He didn't know how long he rested, but when he opened his eyes, he saw Falosa resting next to him.

Even though Falosa was completely responsible for what happened just now, just the memory of it feels extremely precious.

Xu Yang looked at her delicate face and recalled the first time he saw Falosa. When she was wearing the luxurious clothes she was buried in in the coffin, she looked like an ancient princess in an oil painting.

Mysterious, strange, sometimes vicious and cunning, sometimes innocent and gentle. Xu Yang is not sure about Falosa's temperament. There is no doubt that her past has shaped her complex character. Something huge happened 1,000 years ago, and Fa Luosha will

Rosa was buried in that dark mausoleum, immortal and immortal, until now.

Their current way of getting along makes him feel very comfortable. Both parties maintain a distance, and occasionally get intimate, and they do whatever they want without worrying about the consequences.

Falosa opened her eyes and saw Xu Yang.

"Is it still night?" Falosa saw the darkness outside the window.

"There is no sun underground.

"Yeah, I forgot again."

"how are you feeling?"

"It's good to have a good rest." Farosha sat up. "I used to sleep alone. This is the first time I'm sleeping with a man."

"What happened since then?" Xu Yang was in a daze. Perhaps because of the closer relationship, he couldn't help but want to know more about Falosa.

Falosa showed a cute expression.

"I became a servant of God," she said with a smile. "I spent a long time in the church. The witches gathered under the protection of God. At that time, the church monopolized most books and knowledge and wanted help.

To grow, we must seek the support of bishops. Secular lords usually object to the territory being filled with witches to prevent their rule from being shaken, and each church becomes our refuge relatively speaking."

"and after?"

"Later... I was jealous for various reasons. I spent most of my time on the run. I met many witch hunters. Sometimes my relationship with God was close, and sometimes I was alienated... Later I couldn't do it either.

Not a big deal."

"You must have been famous back then."

"People can't understand what I'm doing," Farosha stroked Xu Yang gently, "I scare easily."

Far more than just frightening. Xu Yang sighed secretly. The first ability is to reverse everything back to its original appearance, and the second ability is massacre without a bottom line. If Falosa falls into madness, let alone one or two people and

If one or two cities are destroyed, the entire planet and civilization may be wiped out.

"You were sealed into that tomb at a very young age."

"what do you want to say?"

"You probably haven't experienced much in the world." Xu Yang looked at Falosa's young face, but what he got was an extremely contemptuous response from her.

"Not much?" Falosa sneered, "The things I have experienced are much more exciting than a mediocre life of human beings, especially the era you live in now, which is empty, weak, vulgar, where people hurt each other, and witches

How can you survive a deformed life and encounter truly wonderful things in an era like this? Everyone is so weak."

"You are right." Xu Yang said.

"I thought you would refute me."

"I don't know. I've always been indifferent. I don't like changing other people's ideas."

"You've obviously been changing other people's minds."

"Did I force them to do it, or were they inspired and changed spontaneously?"

"Look, you're doing this again. What you're doing now is trying to change my mind... So, do you like this?"

Falosa scratched Xu Yang's chest with her nails, almost bleeding.

"You know how to do this?" Xu Yang's hair stood on end.

"Let you have a long memory." Farosha leaned forward and licked the place where she scratched Xu Yang, "How is it? Does it hurt?"

"You're like a cat."

"I like getting along with you." Falosa kissed Xu Yang's cheek, "I have never had such an opportunity to fully reveal myself to a person. This is also the first time I have told others about my parents."

"I can feel us getting closer."

"Oh, Xu Yang, it seems that no matter what I do, you will never hate me, and no matter what I do, you will forgive me, is that true? Will you obey me unconditionally? Will you tolerate me unconditionally? Tell me the answer

.You must love me without any bottom line, and then I will love you without any bottom line."

Xu Yang felt hot all over and could hear his own heartbeat.

This chapter has been completed!
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