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Chapter 383 Miracles Happen

Living the world of two people in an apartment is the most comfortable.

Pan Ruiyin sat beside the bed and opened the curtains. The light from the morning sun was particularly dazzling. It was the first time she had seen such strong sunlight. She was wearing pajamas, and behind her was Xu Yang, who was sleeping deeply.

After handing over so many seeds last night, Xu Yang was not tired at all. The only thing that ended their madness was the warning of low battery, forcing him to take a rest. A white wire connected Xu Yang to the power strip on the bedside table.

This scene made Pan Ruiyin feel particularly warm. She held her chin with one hand and looked at Xu Yang's figure. She respected Xu Yang very much. This man was bold, at least more courageous than Pan Ruiyin. He would overturn the decisions he had made in the previous twenty years.

, completely embarking on his own path, and it is definitely the most unique path. No one can replicate Xu Yang's experience, or everyone has their own life, so they also have their own different charms.

And he is also incredible, Pan Ruiyin thought to himself. What would happen if Xu Yang suddenly disappeared from the world? Farosha would immediately go crazy, behave randomly, and then be attacked by her old enemies. Farosha must have that temper.

There are many ancient opponents; and Lila will immediately shut down herself and clear the contents of the chip. Outsiders are kept in the dark, but she can see clearly - Lila, this woman, lives for Xu Yang, not

If Xu Yang is killed, she will give up Nisto Company without hesitation.

For Pan Ruiyin, doing it with Xu Yang was naturally half to get what each wanted, two or three minutes for fun, and another two or three minutes to show affection. This kind of hazy love made Pan Ruiyin feel lucky.

Even the most ignorant people will have some rational moments in their lives. In the same way, even the most emotionally dull people will occasionally have a few emotional moments throughout their lives. This is the case for Pan Ruiyin.

The sun shines through the curtains, casting her tall shadow on the ground. Her appearance is absolutely strong and oppressive, but Pan Ruiyin is a romantic person at heart.

At this moment, she felt that the speeding cars outside the window, money and real estate suddenly didn't matter anymore. A simple thought of living a good life came to her. She could let Xu Yang stay here for a lifetime. She was responsible for going out to collect rice and coming back.

No problem at all. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but laugh again, grateful that she was still a vibrant and emotional witch who had not yet been overwhelmed by routine.

So she climbed down from the bay window, shook off her pajamas, put on her apron and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Pan Ruiyin's unpleasant humming woke up Xu Yang. He opened his eyes and unplugged the charging cable. Because he is a person who likes to be well-organized, he quietly made the bed and sat on the sofa.

He felt groggy and Pan Ruiyin was too violent. So he turned on the smart screen to divert his attention.

"If you don't have legs, then buy a robotic leg; if you don't have a girlfriend, then buy a robot girlfriend!" An enthusiastic advertisement was played on the screen, and a companion AI synthetic girlfriend who could meet all people's needs was playing.

sell like hot cakes.

So this is people's future, and even family members need to find machine substitutes. Xu Yang was fascinated by Huhu, thinking that his weakness did not end until Pan Ruiyin brought him coffee and cake, and she kissed him on the face.

This triggered the fire in Xu Yang's heart again, and it wasn't until noon that work news called them both away.

"I want to escort Lila to the municipal center." Pan Ruiyin packed up his equipment, "Has she noticed it?"

"I don't know." Xu Yang checked the mailbox with Lila. They were all about business matters. Lila did not interfere in Xu Yang's life. The important information he received came from another side, "I am also here.

I am busy."

Something happened to the Shaba siblings while they were practicing magic.

Xu Yang hacked a driverless taxi and went to Aizu City, where he came to an abandoned factory used to train spells, specially prepared for the Saba siblings.

Xu Yang also disguised his identity in front of them. Only Miying knew who he really was and called Xu Yang his boss.

"Boss...that's it." Miying pointed to the spell testing field, and the two siblings, Shaba Qianxue and Shaba Jiro, were uneasy.

100 meters in front of them, an old car used to test the strength of the spell was completely blown apart, leaving metal fragments and rubber debris all over the ground.

The Shechang siblings looked at the man whom Miying called "the boss" with a guilty conscience. They knew nothing about Xu Yang's real existence. They only knew that the boss was a man with great hands and eyes, and they were in awe of him.

"Try again." Xu Yang ordered.

Chiyuki Saba's mental power is stronger than that of her younger brother. She released the spell, and the moon's light condensed to form a light knife with substantial lethality. It quickly formed in the air in front of her, then flew out and hit the wall hundreds of meters away.

The surface is still destructive, leaving a vertical crack mark.

The spell training is quite effective. Xu Yang secretly thought. He selected a small number of spells for them to practice, and they mastered them quite quickly.

The four spells currently provided include powerful healing, moon blade, summoning moon fire weapons and bright light blinding. They are all simple spells among moon spells. They are recommended for beginners to practice in the original text, and they can be used in a short time.

Internal control.

"Do you want to continue learning, or what should I do?" Xu Yang asked.

Shiba Jiro started to speak but stopped.

"...We want to go back to the garbage dump." Chiyuki Saba expressed the idea for her younger brother, "Well... now we feel that we have learned the miraculous magic of healing, and we want to go back to help everyone treat diseases... Recently, it seems that our hometown has

I’m also hiring people from the company to see me, but it’s too expensive.”

"If you do it in front of the public, it will cause trouble." Xu Yang said.

"It must have been used secretly!" Chiyuki Saba said hurriedly.

"I'm very sorry!" Sheba Jiro quickly apologized to Xu Yang, "This is just a superficial idea, and I have never thought of putting it into practice! Please forgive me!"

He is a very cautious young child. Xu Yang mused. It just so happens that the spread of magic must be done with great caution, because it will be coveted and plundered by other forces. At present, we can only let the Shachang siblings conduct test exercises first.

He looked at the completely destroyed car wreckage again. This proved that ordinary people can master simple miracles after a month of training. With the support of modern industrial technology, it is completely feasible to form a wizard army through training courses, which can greatly improve human beings' abilities.

combat effectiveness.

There are naturally some tricky points. First of all, all kinds of witchcraft and miracles were designed by ancient mystics. It is inevitable that you will be affected by them in the process of using them, and you may even become their believers.

There is also the issue of the character of the caster. If the spell falls into the hands of villains, it will also cause bloodshed and crisis.

Now that Xu Yang has the ability to decide whether to spread the spell book, he needs to conduct more tests on the spell before making corresponding arrangements.

"Let's go to the garbage dump." Xu Yang made up his mind to let them save lives and heal the wounded in practice. While saving lives, he also cultivated their correct mentality and concepts.

The natural goodwill in people's hearts needs to be protected, otherwise it will collapse into something completely opposite.

When they went to pack their things and prepare to leave, Xu Yang asked Miying alone.

"What do you think of these siblings?" Xu Yang asked.

"They are both very cautious and introverted, and my sister is a little better," Miying said. "I taught them how to behave in a low-key manner, and they have mastered it very well so far. They did not attract anyone's attention during training. For this reason, they even gave up.

If you don’t have the opportunity to go to school, choose to learn knowledge on your own.”

"Are you going to Silla?"

"Yes." Miying nodded, "I'm considering whether to take them with me. They train extra hard. They just want to master a few more miracles and be useful in complex environments. They don't want to become a burden."

"It's better to let them stay in Aizu City and train on their own territory, the risk will be smaller." Xu Yang said, "When they are successful in their studies, they can go out and become famous."

"Understood." Miying nodded.

They came to the garbage mountain on the outskirts of Anjiu City. Domestic garbage was piled high, and scattered homemade shabby houses were scattered underneath. They were like solitary mushrooms parasitic on the roots of trees, living on negligible nutrients.

As soon as Xu Yang, Miying, and the four brothers from Shechang arrived, they saw a black medical shuttle parked in the center of the waste pickers' association. Two company people in black uniforms were coming out of a shack. They all wore

He wears black sunglasses and has the badge of Stag Medical Company on his chest.

The leader of the scavengers limped behind them, looking uneasy.

"You've all checked it out," said the leader of the scavengers, "come to a conclusion."

"That child needs to be hospitalized for two months," the company man said, "and subscribe to a silver medical package. And those of you who suffer from radiation sickness need to develop a separate medical plan."

"What?" the leader of the scavengers yelled, then pointed to the mountain of garbage behind them. "Do you see it? Can you see it?"

"Yes, you are very poor." The company man said in an unpleasant and rough tone, "Everyone can see this... But that's it, if you stay here, you can only wait for death."

"We have spent a lot of money!" The leader of the scavengers sounded particularly uncomfortable. "We have spent...a lot of money."

"You have received the best service from us. To be honest, it is better to find another place to live." The two company people walked back and boarded the medical shuttle. It slowly took off and flew outward.

Saba Chiyuki and Saba Jiro appeared, but they did not let the frowning scavenger leader relax. He just continued to sigh.

The strategy is obvious. Xu Yang secretly thought. Cities have gathered the best resources, making housing prices high, while suburbs have become harsh and desolate, plagued by corporate pollution. Real estate developers hope that the suburbs will become even more uninhabitable so that all outsiders can move into the city.

The purpose of buying a house.

"Try every possible way to make us spend money..." the scavenger leader cursed, "...the doctors are all heartless liars."

"Does the advertisement say they will help?" Xu Yang glanced at the shuttle that was leaving.

"All advertisements are lies." The scavenger leader almost cursed, "Whoever believes in commercial advertisements is a fool. All they want is the money in our pockets..."

He glanced at Xu Yang and others coldly, and led them to the back room. A half-year-old child with a broken head was lying on a simple rusty iron bed, completely unconscious, and the room was dark as hell.

"Ah..." Shaba Chiyuki glanced at his brother, exchanged glances, and both thought of using magic to treat him.

Xu Yang took the leader of the scavengers out of the hut and asked his siblings to secretly use magic to treat the injured child.

"Is that child important?" Xu Yang led the scavenger leader out, hoping to get as far away as possible.

"The smartest child," he said, "has loved reading since he was a child. He can't get enough of reading. He does some test questions and gets full marks. He is best at mathematics and can read and write... This is the first time for us to have such a

Smart child, maybe the radiation has changed the genes, no one knows. But rolling down the garbage mountain is the same as Jiro Saba... Hey, Jiro Saba, how come I don't seem to be hurt."

"I know them, they are very lucky." Xu Yang said, "They survived a disaster."

"I hope that child will survive the disaster." The leader of the scavengers sighed, "It's too difficult. The poor people don't have their own intellectuals."

"What's the meaning?"

"Intellectuals," the leader of the scavengers looked up at the sun. Today's sunshine was particularly bright, which made him have some extra fantasies. "They have knowledge and culture. You can understand it without me telling you, but the only person they work for is the company."

, and in the process became a puppet of the company. Poor people have no access to education. Even if they are lucky enough to be educated and have a certificate, in the end they still want to make money, make money, and will not think about helping people of the same background.

Even though you are ashamed to tell others about your background...it's often like this."

"Is such that."

"These poor families in this remote area will only be annoying and avoid people." The leader of the waste pickers said in a depressed tone. He himself gave up everything and came to work in the garbage village. "Without my own intellectuals, I live in a state of confusion.

Among them, we can only place our hope in the occasional kindness of some people, as if we are waiting for gods to come down to earth. What can we say!"

"Children named Shechang are different. They will all come back to the garbage dump." Xu Yang comforted.

"...Show me those pictures of the little witch." The leader of the scavengers frowned, "You promised."

Xu Yang found the broken projector of the Scavenger Association and projected the recent images of La Madusa and other young witches picked up from the garbage dump. They all looked particularly healthy.

"You don't look like you've been bullied." The leader of the scavengers could tell and couldn't help but smile, "...Thank you very much."

He turned around and saw the child walking out of the shack. The wound on his head had healed for some time, and he was as surprised as the expression on the scavenger leader's face.

"Ah...ah..." The leader of the scavengers limped toward the child, his voice trembling.

Xu Yang looked at the oppressive and towering garbage piles around him. Sooner or later, they would have to be removed from the ground. This is why they continue to expand their power.

Until it is possible to move the mountains.

This chapter has been completed!
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