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Chapter three hundred and eighty fifth death is no doubt

The mayor's speech began.

Nobuhiko Ohara delivered a speech in an infectious tone. He congratulated the citizens on their brilliant achievements in the past six months. After so many troubles, natural disasters and mysterious incidents, Anku City still survived and will now become a real city.

Autonomous city, establishing the first city council!

"oh oh!"

"Great!" People couldn't help cheering, feeling proud to be citizens of Anjiu City.

When the mayor was giving a speech, Pan Ruiyin couldn't help but stand up, walked aside, and scanned the entire square from a distance, trying to find where the anti-witch assassins Lila mentioned were.

In her opinion, everyone actually looks like an assassin.

The enemy must have sneaked in. Pan Ruiyin thought secretly. With so many citizens present, how could it be possible to find out? There is no control system as convenient as the Century Pure Land.

People on the continental joint service are also worried about assassinations, so they actively protect the square. There are high-speed cameras and surveillance probes everywhere, and sniper drones fill the sky. No matter what happens, they will subdue the attackers as soon as possible.

Lila watched the speech process carefully. Mayor Nobuhiko Ohara was sitting in a seat at the back of the center of the square, watching the candidate's speech with some other confidants.

According to the serial number, after the first five candidates finished their declarations, it was Lila's turn to take the stage.

"Are you ready?" Katsuragi Qian turned to look at Lila and gave her an encouraging look, "Come on!"

"Yeah." Lila raised her head and looked at the mayor. Ohara Nobuhiko's eyes were not good. He did not want Nisto Company to become the actual controller of Anjiu City.

Who will have the last laugh? Lila thought to herself.

Lila took the stage and greeted the citizens. Then she introduced her ideas and announced to the citizens how she would promote fairness and justice in the city after becoming a councillor.

Her cold and fair voice impressed people, not at all the bombast of other candidates.

"...So." Lila concluded, "I believe that some things cannot be transferred to a purely profit-oriented corporate system. They must be supported by public forces, built by people, and shared by people. Public undertakings such as law, military industry,

Education, medical care, food, housing, environmental protection... Businesses like this support people's basic lives. In the future, Nisto will boldly march into these fields, and we must shoulder all major social responsibilities..."

"The new arms dealer!"

"The cold enforcer!"


“We don’t want garbage-like things!” Sharp voices of opposition rang out from the citizens. They were probably professional opponents bribed by competitors, using high-pitched amplification devices and using the most targeted words.

Driven by these high-pitched and loud sounds, people can't help but feel disgusted in their hearts.

Thinking of the negative public opinion about Nisto Company, the attitude of the public towards Lila took a turn for the worse. Even though they did not know the details, they were affected by public sentiment and started to cheer and boo.

Seeing the excitement in the audience, Mayor Nobuhiko Ohara quickly stepped forward.

"Please calm down, citizens!" Ohara Nobuhiko stretched out his hand to ask everyone not to get excited, "Nisto Company has ensured the safety of the city for four months so far. Since this quarter, our criminal incident rate has dropped by 70%.

This is all thanks to Ms. Lila Nisto.”

"Thank you for your support." Lila nodded to Nobuhiko Ohara, then stretched out her hand to shake his hand.

"Ah, thank you..." Nobuhiko Ohara also shook hands with Lila.

Bang! Bang!

Several gunshots rang out in succession, and bullets whizzed by.

"The world belongs to humans!"

"Destroy the witch rule!"

"We don't want a witch councilor!" The anti-witch killer who had been lurking for a long time jumped out of the crowd and began to assassinate Lila. The mayor beside her was also caught in the gunfire.

Mayor Nobuhiko Ohara screamed several times as bullets hit him. His shield belt took effect and a blue shield lit up on his body. However, the shield was quickly broken and he was shot several times.

Lila immediately stepped back, and the bullet hit her body, making a metal shattering sound.


The citizens at the scene shouted and chaos immediately broke out. The security personnel of the Intercontinental Joint Secret Service Company acted instantly and quickly captured seven killers. Most of them were cybernetics and synthetics. No one could escape smoothly and they were all killed.

to control and arrest.

"Destroy the witch!"

"Wake up! Everyone! We don't want a witch!"

"Kill the witch! Arrest the witch! Don't arrest us!" Even if they were arrested, the assassins still shouted and promoted their ideas. What they feared most was the erosion of human civilization by the witch.

Seeing that Lila was shot and retreated, Pan Ruiyin quickly flew to Lila and helped her up.

Nobuhiko Ohara fell to the ground, with blood holes appearing all over his body. He was bleeding constantly. His head and neck were penetrated, leaving only a bit of skin connected to his body, lying alone on the ground.

The emergency drone floated over, scanned him and determined the fact of his death.

Nobuhiko Ohara, Mayor of Anku City, died.

Risa Ohara and her husband Kamibayashi Kuro ran out of the municipal center quickly. Risa Ohara looked at her father's dead body in horror and couldn't help but wailed. She bought her father's shield-generating belt herself. She didn't expect it to be so unbearable.

Use it, or the assassin's firepower is too strong.

Kuro Kambayashi was even more furious and quickly pulled the continental joint service personnel around him to hold him accountable.

Lila stood there and let Pan Ruiyin leave under the cover of Katsuragi Asa to avoid causing trouble. She stayed at the scene, accepted all the necessary inquiries without missing a beat, and faced Ohara Nobuhiko's aggressive men sternly.

"My body needs repairing." Lila pointed to the part of her body where she was shot.

"Hurry, call for maintenance personnel." Kuro Kambayashi urged. Immediately afterwards, his assistant brought him a stack of files on the attackers. He couldn't help but read through them carefully, wanting to know their backgrounds, and found that they were all Internet intruders.

The members of the witch organization couldn't help but feel furious, "These thugs! Guys who shoot indiscriminately, are the witches all bad people? Why do they attack like this! Where is their bottom line! They harmed good people by mistake!"

The death of his father-in-law caused deep pain to Kuro Kambayashi. Since the separation of Xisheng's children, Kuroo Kambayashi felt even more uneasy and became more and more afraid of such emergencies.

This kind of attack also reminds me of Hosoda Yoshiyuki's surprise attack on him. Security work is always unpredictable.

"Human beings are so hostile to witches, and you have also seen the declarations of the anti-witch organizations on the Internet." Lila said, "In the future, I will let my lieutenant appear in public on my behalf."

Risa Ohara looked at Lila Nestor in surprise and watched her leave the scene step by step.

"It was Lila who killed me." Risa Ohara murmured, "It was her. She hired someone to kill my father. She is the only beneficiary."

"Don't talk nonsense! Wasn't Lila also shot? It's just because she has a mechanical body, so she's fine." Kuro Kambayashi was very uneasy, "Come on, Risa, the municipal center is not safe, and the people from the Zhou Lianqiu are also there.

Food for trash.”

"Chip." Ohara Risa turned her head, "dig out the assassin's memory chip and you will know how Lila bribed them. Hurry! Before she does anything!"

The agents of the Intercontinental Joint Secret Service Company followed the emergency response procedures. They first dug out the brains and chips of the seven attackers and examined them carefully.

"We will find out who is behind this," they promised, "and we will never let the murderer go unpunished."

Lila sat on the riot control shuttle and left with Elodie and Pan Ruiyin.

Pan Ruiyin was very happy to see Mayor Nobuhiko Ohara being shot to death randomly.

"You arranged it." Pan Ruiyin couldn't help but say, "The killing was great."

"Wrong," Lila said, "I didn't arrange it. I don't know them at all. Didn't you see that I was also shot? They are really just a group of like-minded anti-witch 'righteous men'. It's very simple. They

What I did was entirely for justice, to prevent Anjiu City from falling into the hands of the witch. They don’t want me to become a council member."

"You can shoot the mayor!" Pan Ruiyin lowered his voice.

"It's great that you think so." Lila nodded, "They fought with silenced weapons, homemade pistols and gunpowder hidden in their bodies. It was those stray bullets and dense, chaotic shooting that killed the mayor."

"What if the mayor is fake? A substitute?" Pan Ruiyin was even more troubled, "What if he copied it consciously?"

"It's a real person here," Lila said. "If it's a dummy, I will see it. As for consciousness copying, there are no facilities with sufficient qualifications locally, and he has never left the city in his life."

"Yes..." Pan Ruiyin nodded.

Lila turned her head and looked at the prosperous city of Anjiu. The mayor was dead, but the establishment of the parliament was what everyone expected, and people would not stop trying. People from all walks of life needed members of the legislative council to formulate laws and rebuild the order of the independent city-state.

"Let's go back," Lila said. "Ohara Risa will inherit her father's resources, but she does not have a strong network of connections like her father, and she is too young. In order to avoid becoming a puppet, she urgently needs the support of Nisto Company.


"Then, you will definitely become a member of parliament?" Pan Ruiyin's eyes lit up.

"Whether I am elected or not, it doesn't matter from the beginning." Lila said, "Do you remember what I told you? Katsuragi Asa is definitely a council member, and all 300,000 people in Aizu City will vote for her. She

There, I am there, there is not much difference, Anjiu City has always been our thing."

"I see!" Pan Ruiyin nodded repeatedly, "Then Anjiu City will be peaceful and prosperous from now on?"

"There are two sides to the matter," Lila said in a calm tone, as if she was looking at everything from a higher level. "It's hard to explain how to get rid of company executives and replace them with corrupt politicians. Even the most optimistic people have to admit that because of education, external forces

, extraordinary mystery, various historical factors, and what can be done at each stage is limited. So we just use this platform to do our own things, including scientific research, trade, and recruiting talents."

"That's not bad!" Pan Ruiyin felt excited when he heard it. He suddenly understood. At the same time, he couldn't help but think about it. Why did the uncertain Farosa become the God of Witches instead of the smart and reasonable Lila?

Pan Ruiyin has only one problem left...

The people from the Intercontinental Joint Secret Service reacted very quickly, and the attack was controlled in the blink of an eye, four to five seconds at most. But why did the mayor get hit with more guns than Lila? How did they pour fire on the mayor?

However, she knew that Lila would not have an answer to this question, and that the done deal was not worth lingering on.

"The Joint Intercontinental Service is no longer welcome now," Lila said. "More orders will be transferred to us. Work hard, you took too much vacation."

"Okay." Pan Ruiyin nodded, "It's time to go to work."

Lila closed her eyes, her heart still.

On the other side, at the murder scene.

A Joint Intercontinental Service agent finished cleaning up the scene and then went to use the restroom at the Civic Center.

When he came out, his appearance had changed into that of a cleaner. He nodded and bowed to the hurried clerks, then left through the back door, got on a garbage truck, and headed for the suburbs.

When he arrived in the suburbs, he quietly transformed into a tattooed street urchin and walked into the city.

"I think you are ready to go to Silla." Lila's voice sounded from his earphones, "It's a good shot."

"Uh-huh." Du Qianqian smiled.

Falosa gave her her own magic item, a gun, which has no sound or appearance, but can kill people.

Du Qianqian called it the "King of Phantoms".

This chapter has been completed!
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