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Chapter 389 The first stop

"Miss Lu's order to us is to negotiate with Weiyueyue." Linghuo said in a serious tone, "Now, we can only change our plan to express our condolences to Weiyueyue."

"Dragon, what a powerful dragon..." 102 couldn't help but say.

"Modern Entertainment is the most powerful enterprise in Silla." Song Chaoxun said confidently, "We will unify the entire Silla."

102 wanted to send the information she heard back to the northern archipelago for adults to make a comprehensive judgment, but she didn’t have an internet connection, so she had to ask Song Chaoxun.

"Do I have to download that software to access the Internet?" 102 said, "What is that software for?"

“The software has prepared 24 dedicated health website hotlines,” Song Chaoxun said.

"Only 24? Why so few?" 102 was puzzled.

"It's just like traffic rules," Song Chaoxun explained to her, "Since it's acceptable for drivers to only drive on wide highways, why can't it be accepted for netizens to only visit healthy websites, all for the sake of safety. We only had 18 last year.

, it is getting better and better now.”

"What about the deep anonymous network?" 102 asked. Under Xu Yang's influence, they have all learned to enter the depths of the network.

"What is that?" Song Chaoxun looked surprised.

OMG! 102 is in trouble.

"Take us to meet Mr. Li Gaoping." Linghuo said, "Miss Lu asked me to convey some important news."

"Yes." Song Chaoxun led them the way.

When we reached the 120th floor of the building, Song Chaoxun was no longer qualified to enter, nor were the Nisto company escorts. They were all intercepted by Silla's mechanical soldiers. Only Linghuo and its entourage could go up to see the chairman.

102 had to find a place with unobstructed Internet access to transmit the news she learned in Silla.

"Where are you going?" 101 looked at 102 and walked out.

"Use your brain." 102 came to the terrace, turned left and right, and came to a comprehensive leisure area.

She saw a few surprisingly beautiful boys, about 12 to 16 years old, who were as beautiful as girls. They were watching Kyoto Unlimited's seasonal drama, which was considered a new start. The scale was quite unconventional, and it was not like a health network at all.

They chatted loudly on the sofa about crude topics and drew stamps, and a sweet smell filled the air.

She saw a service robot arrive with a large dinner plate filled with fresh salmon sashimi, sea urchin sushi, lobster and seafood platter, and two bottles of wine.

102 knew he was in the right place.

When the robot put down the plate, 102 followed it back and found its way to the restaurant on this floor. In the bright and clean operating table, a female chef from the northern archipelago was preparing beef, and a Mr. Miaoshou robot was wiping the sink.

"Sorry! Nice to see you! Can I connect to my hometown's Internet here?" 102 asked.

"There is an interface on the wall of the staff restaurant, and the Internet speed is slow." The female chef did not raise her head, busy processing the high-quality Wagyu beef to the best taste. It seems that this is not the first time she has answered this kind of question.

"Thank you!" 102 followed the network wiring, found the interface on this floor, plugged in the mobile phone data cable, and sure enough, was connected to the wide area network service.

She quickly sneaked into the deep anonymous network, found the site hosted by Xu Yang, downloaded a breaking software to her phone, and then quickly disconnected and left.

According to the method Lila had agreed with them before, 102 used breaking software to forward the information she collected using a two-layer password.

That's it! Smart 102 secret passage. By the way, there is another team. Du Qianqian and the others don't know what they will do in Silla.

When 102 went back, he found that the spirit fire had gone downstairs. Its face had no expression function and always maintained a state of smiling. 102 could not tell whether it was in a good or bad mood.

"We rest for a day and a half, and then go to Xingping North Road to attend the funeral in October." Linghuo said, "It is said that there are many gangs and warlords on the road. Once we leave Yidu City, the risk factor will increase exponentially. I would like to help you escort me."


"Yes!" 102 said happily.

On the other side, Xu Yang was resting in the secret room. In order to relieve Farosha's secret anger, he had to stay in the secret room. It would probably take a few days of insecurity to coax her back to health. He needed to take care of Farosha's emotions.

, Falosa is of course the most difficult witch to appease in the world, and even Xu Yang needs to exercise caution to avoid inducing various forms of nameless anger in her.

He tied the stockings on Farosha and cleaned the stained neon cloak. Farosha turned to read ancient books. Although she became the God of Witches, she did not have a systematic practice method. She could only read the deeds of the ancient queens.

Based on those descriptions, we can speculate, try and imitate, hoping to experiment with some effective new abilities.

After Xu Yang used his digital mind to connect the information, he received the message from 102 back to the Real Gold Building.

Is Micro October dead?

Xu Yang was naturally troubled when he heard the news.

The daughter that the old dragon cherished so much died on the earth, how could he tell it! Mond must have been heartbroken, and his prejudice against the world on the ground has increased.

"What are you doing? Concentrate." Falosa stepped on the part Xu Yang used to shoot fish.

"Miyue Yue...Mond's daughter." Xu Yang said, "died in the war."

"Who is she fighting with?" Falosa was curious.

"It is said that she joined the rebel army and attacked Hyundai Entertainment Company." Xu Yang couldn't find much information. "Silla is currently under control. I don't know much about it. People outside can only imagine the lives of Silla people."

"Dragon Girl is dead, boring news." She said while flipping through the book, "Is there anything exciting?"

"Today there are speeches by civilian candidates." Xu Yang turned on the smart screen in the room.

"... 99% of the citizens of Anjiu City are trapped in an endless cycle of futility!" Social activist Taku Watanabe gave a live speech on the street to win votes. "Wages are increasing, but prices are also increasing, so no matter how hard you work, you have to work every day.

It can only meet the most basic survival needs. Entrepreneurs who tell lies make you believe that you are worth that little salary, and at the same time, you will be laughed at by the other 1% of social winners... History has reached the most unhealthy and chaotic state.

Stage! Choose me to become a councillor, and the city will change tomorrow!"

"This fool is still talking about 'history'." Falosa sneered, "Modern people don't know the meaning of history at all."

"They don't know what it's like to be buried in the earth for a thousand years," Xu Yang said.

"The most ironic thing is," Falosa ignored Xu Yang's ridicule, "people with limited lifespans still try to discuss 'eternity', 'history', and 'time'. Where do they have the qualifications and confidence to discuss these things that have no beginning and no end?"

To summarize and demonstrate the concepts, they can only take a gander and make nihilistic judgments. Only I and other immortals are qualified to make some judgments on these topics. Like what he said, "History has reached a certain stage"... It is really the stupidest thing.

The first gear."

"There is currently no way to prove that you are smarter than the average person." Xu Yang said.

"Why, does everyone think so?" Falosa frowned, "Do you think I'm not very smart?"

"I didn't say that." Xu Yang felt amused, "What do you think?"

"...I now suspect that the arrogance of the little witches has its roots." Farosha whispered, "They are like wolves that cannot be fed. I gave them treasures, but it only fueled their arrogance.

, no sense of awe.”

"The human heart is unpredictable, and the witch's thoughts are even more difficult to understand."

"... Let's see if they can make some decent achievements." Farosha said with contempt, "They are useless."

"We will know." Xu Yang nodded.

Du Qianqian is also going to Silla to make a lot of money.

She joins Nestor Corporation's secret task force, working under the name the Birds.

This team is led by Kongtai and includes 50 well-trained mercenaries of the Asuka Regiment, plus the experienced Yoshioka Mizuro, the eager to get rich Du Qianqian, the righteous Miying, the capable of bombing Hosoda Yoshiyuki and the


Lila made careful arrangements and used their personalities to check and balance each other, Du Qianqian was greedy and aggressive, Kong Tai was steady and sophisticated, Yoshioka Suise acted steadily, and Miying was a strong deterrent.

Sure enough, when Du Qianqian saw Yoshioka Mizuro walking with him, his face dropped.

"Why are you..." Du Qianqian was manipulated by Yoshioka Miuse when he raided the Apple Orchard Food Filling Factory, but Yoshioka Miuse refused to give in.

"That's the thing, I don't know either." Yoshioka Mizuro said with a smile, "The reason why I go with you is to prevent you from getting into trouble."

Du Qianqian felt anxious in his heart.

If you don't do something extraordinary, how can you make 300 million in one breath! But there is no way, Lila's order must be taken seriously.

She can only act with these die-hards who are the most boring in her eyes. The first task is to establish a line with various forces in the Silla area and find a way to spread the influence of Nisto Company here. Other tasks include investigating the Moon Princess Micro-Ten

Yue, found Cui Junyou's wife and daughter in Silla, etc.

Du Qianqian chooses the right image.

She discovered that Blackfire Innovation published a news report about some heroic soldiers who died on the battlefield, including an elite airborne assault soldier named Pedro Piar who died in the battle. The picture showed him being burned to death.

The mutilated body is more or less a usable object of observation.

"Pedro Piar...Pedro Piar..." Du Qianqian muttered silently.

In an instant, she transformed into the appearance of this elite commando, wearing a jet-black mercenary uniform, a black fire mask, an armed belt and a holster, with only her eyes exposed.

She nodded secretly, satisfied with the appearance. Then she went out to say hello to the others to prevent them from accidentally shooting Du Qianqian. Du Qianqian was really fed up with being injured by inexplicable things.

They took a cargo ship to the Xingpyeong South Province area in Silla, and then split up after docking.

Entrusted by Cui Junyou, Niederite wanted to find Lao Cui's family to see if he could bring the mother and daughter back to Anjiu City to attack with Miying.

Kong Tai found a suitable place to camp and built a temporary camp to store supplies.

"I'm going to make money." Du Qianqian reported to Kong Tai.

"Let Yoshioka Suise accompany you." Kongtai looked at the wilderness of Silla with a telescope, "This countryside has been robbed by bandits and is not very safe. You go and have a look around and contact us at any time. We will see if we can communicate with the local forces.

Let’s strike up a conversation.”

"Are there modern entertainment companies or rebel forces here?" Yoshioka Mizuiro asked.

"They are all bandits, warlords and mercenaries. Silla has been torn apart. Except for Yidu City, everything is in chaos." Kong Tai reminded.

"We are more ruthless than them." Du Qianqian sneered.

"Be careful." Yoshioka Mizuro warned.

Yoshioka Suise and Du Qianqian were walking in the countryside of Silla, and soon they saw a small supermarket on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by several self-built cement buildings. About a dozen houses were destroyed by the bombing, forming devastated rubble.

District, the war caused extremely severe damage to the countryside of Silla.

Some villagers with sallow complexions tried to grow vegetables on the ridges between the rubble. The temperature is not high now, and only snowdrifts can be seen.

A truck came from a distance and crossed the bumpy road. Many thugs wearing leather jackets, black mercenary coats, and skull masks jumped out from it. They came in small groups, unloaded the goods from the back of the truck, and moved in.

The small supermarket seemed to regard it as a stronghold, and the survivors around them were quite afraid of them.

"The first stop on the journey to get rich." Du Qianqian whistled, "Let's rob the robbers."

This chapter has been completed!
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