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Chapter 395 Immortality

Du Qianqian looked at her in fear, leaning against the cold sarcophagus, feeling that his heart was about to stop.

Her body was like a balloon with a needle stuck in it. She collapsed at an extremely fast speed and sat in front of the coffin.

"Are you Wei October?" Du Qianqian's voice stammered.

She nodded, and then ordered Du Qianqian to be quiet.

Du Qianqian couldn't take his eyes off the object he had transformed. Her body was a dragon, a beautiful white dragon. No wonder some people like dragons. Such a beautiful, vigorous and elegant creature looked so beautiful on this dirty land.

Out of place.

Wei Shiyue's physical appearance is even more heroic, with long silver-white hair combed into a neat single braid, eyes as bright as blood, a dull face, and a cold expression, as if his attention is never on Du Qianqian, completely noble and incompetent


She is tall, with a thin top and no peaks. Pan Ruiyin is a very large cup, Du Qianqian is a medium cup, and the mid-teen is a small to medium cup. When Du Qianqian lowered his eyes, he saw her clearly visible figure.

She had huge abdominal muscles and was only wearing a simple animal skin skirt from the waist down. She was not wearing any shoes and her bare white feet were visible. She looked wild and unforgettable.

"Change back to how you were before." Wei Shiyue ordered.

"Oh." Du Qianqian had to change back to his original shape. He looked down at his simple clothes and felt ashamed in front of the Moon Princess.

"How did you find this place?" Wei Shiyue pressed. She raised her right hand and the moonlight flickered, revealing a large silver-edged ax in her hand. "I made the seal. I was watching you as soon as you came in.


It turned out that those people at the entrance were killed with such an axe. Du Qianqian looked nervous and nervous, fearing that his small body would be split into two by the axe if he blinked.

"I thought there was something valuable here." Du Qianqian raised his hands, feeling uneasy.

"There are indeed valuable things here." Wei Yueyue jumped to Du Qianqian's side, turned around and kicked the lid of the sarcophagus away. Only then did Du Qianqian see the contents of the coffin, which contained a mummy wearing a yellow robe and a crown.

, with a ravine on his chest, it seems that he was also hacked to death by Wei Shiyue.

"Is that Li Yan?" Du Qianqian observed carefully.

"I came in three years ago." Wei Shiyue put the ax on his shoulder, "I also found the art of immortality."

So she is still alive in this cemetery. Du Qianqian thought to himself. People outside will go crazy when they know this news.

"Did you just cut all the way in? Is Li Yan good?" Du Qianqian opened his eyes wide and couldn't help but ask questions one after another, "What does the dead dragon outside have to do with you? Shouldn't that be you?"

"Speak less." Wei Shiyue scolded, but Du Qian did not dare to speak out even though he was angry.

Wei Shiyue has a beautiful appearance and an oppressive personality. Du Qianqian secretly sighed. Being an idol is too tacky, being a warrior is too wasteful, and being a dragon princess is just right.

Obviously Weiyueyue is good at a variety of spells. Du Qianqian saw that she could easily summon runes in the air to form moon miracles. It seemed that Weiyueyue had developed her own spells, and each one of them was like an arm. She

She continued to cast spell after spell in the air, nurturing her own soul and body, as if healing her wounds.

"Who do you work for?" Wei October asked.

"I am an explorer and a free mercenary." Du Qianqian explained quickly, fearing that he would get into trouble if he said the wrong thing.

"There have been people coming in before you." Wei October said, "Most of them were scared away, and those who went too far were killed. But you are different from others. You are the first witch to break into the cave."

"I must be very courageous." Du Qianqian couldn't help but boast.

"Don't be naughty, your magic power is transformation? Try to become like me." Wei October ordered.

"I can't do it." Du Qianqian lied, "I can only transform into a very limited number of images... I can't transform into anything I want."

"Huh." Wei Shiyue sat on the ground, "How is the situation outside? Tell the truth."

"We are fighting." Du Qianqian briefly introduced what was happening outside, and told Wei October how fiercely the war was unfolding and how the rebels fought desperately against the modern entertainment company.

"How could they fight so bravely without me?" Wei Shiyue sneered.

Du Qianqian was stunned for a moment.

That's absolutely not the case. Without the existence of Wei Shiyue, the rebels seemed to have been drained of their souls and had no intention of fighting. But when Du Qianqian reappeared in Wei Shiyue, they all became fearless warriors again. This shows that Wei Shi

In their eyes, the moon is simply a spiritual pillar, like a god.

But if I explain it like this, I will inevitably mention the experience of becoming Micro October. And this experience is not perfect. I made such an exaggerated laugh. If I was discovered by Micro October, I am afraid I will have to eat something on my forehead.

Big axe.

"They will definitely be very excited if you go back." Du Qianqian said hurriedly.

"It's too dangerous." Wei Shiyue looked at the dark stone palace, "I want to avoid the limelight here. This cemetery is a good shelter. Just cover the coffin and don't look at Li Yan's skeleton."


She wants to stay here? But the situation cannot be delayed. Du Qianqian secretly thought.

The man named Enkai from Youai Company said that if it was delayed for too long, the rebels would be destroyed by the counterattack of Modern Entertainment Company, and would even be unable to recover. If Wei Yueyue stayed in the cave of King Shiyin, the rebels would be doomed.

Thinking of this, Du Qianqian felt surprised again.

Why do I miss this rebel army? Is it because I think of the villagers who were massacred?

Human life is inherently despicable, and in troubled times, it is no different than pigs and dogs. Ideal meanings, flesh and blood relationships are all trampled in the soil and shattered under the gun. Cheap emotions! Du Qianqian warned himself again.

"If you are serious about this," Du Qianqian whispered, "don't you care about the rebel soldiers fighting with you?"

"They pursue me just like the fans in front of the camera pursue me." Wei October sat beside the coffin, sharpening her big ax with a moonstone, "They have no idea who I am."

"I came here to make money." Du Qianqian was confused, "Do you know where I can get money?"

"Li Gaoping is rich." Wei Shiyue sneered, "Go to Yidu City and kill him. You must be rich. He also has an old space carrier parked at the port to serve as the last line. But we have no troops and no

If you have enough war witches, it will be good if you can defend Yaoyin Mountain. If Amberley sends his troops south, he will only cause himself a lot of trouble."

If we have the troops and the witches to fight, we can kill Li Gaoping and kill this billionaire plutocrat. Du Qianqian secretly said.

"I know who can..." Du Qianqian said quickly, "I know! I know who can send troops out at this time! They are all elite soldiers and generals, and they are all very powerful witches! As long as the price is high enough, I can guarantee that they will

It has the most powerful fighting force in the world!"

"Say." Wei Shiyue urged.

"Nisto Company!" Du Qianqian mentioned the name of the company and couldn't help but puff up his chest, "As long as you pay enough, Nisto Company can help you fulfill any wish! Even to unify Silla!"

Wei Shiyue thought seriously for a while.

"I've never heard of this company," she said.

"But I have dealt with them a lot," Du Qianqian said with a smile, "Please let me go as a messenger to ensure your satisfaction."

"Let's talk about it." Wei Shiyue said calmly, "This kind of cooperation requires a lot of price."

She doesn't seem to be particularly enthusiastic about unifying Silla. Du Qianqian secretly said.

Facing the unpredictable Moon Princess, she could only be cautious and dare not say another word.

"Take out the things." Wei Shiyue continued, "I don't want to reach out and grab it."

Du Qianqian lamented in his heart and had no choice but to take out the purified water and nutritional ointment he had brought with him on this trip and give them to Wei Shiyue.

When he actually came into contact with her, Du Qianqian discovered that her body seemed to be translucent and was still in the process of some kind of transformation.

"What did you come to the ground for?" Du Qianqian asked.

"Unify the world." Wei October said simply.


"Unify the world, didn't you hear me?" Wei Shiyue raised his ax while taking nutritional ointment, "I will gather the troops on the ground, fire at the moon, and kill my arrogant and selfish father, who is the most powerful person in the world.

A shameless, vicious bastard, a sentimental and despicable monster, as long as it is alive, I will not be able to rest easily."

"Haah..." Du Qianqian murmured, "That's too difficult."

"Human beings are weird and weak, and they can't see the truth of things." Wei Shiyue said in a condescending tone, "They can occasionally reproduce some good things, such as weapons used to kill dragons. But generally

On the road, they are exhausted, divided, jealous, distrustful of each other, and insult each other. This is the confidence for me to conquer the human world. What about you? Have you ever seen my performance? How much do you know about me?"

"No, I don't know." Du Qianqian felt guilty, "I only know Weiyue... the princess of the moon and so on."

"So you haven't seen my career performances," Wei October smiled. "My fans say I have the most beautiful legs in the world, my performances are shocking, and my album sales exceeded 500

Wan, the performances were all sold out, but that was a long time ago. In the idol industry, winter turns to spring, and prosperity comes in an instant."

Du Qianqian secretly compared it. Compared with the bright and energetic Wei October, Du Qianqian was like a rat from the gutter! He was thin and shriveled.

"You are very good-looking." Du Qianqian admitted, "Really, very scary, this kind of..."

Excellent and beautiful, she seemed to be shining. She was just a witch from a poor peasant family, while Wei Shiyue was the moon princess, a descendant of a powerful dragon, who came to the mortal world to experience life. Du Qianqian was gripped by this idea

Heartbroken, breathless.

"It's true, everyone admits it." Wei Shiyue said in a serious tone, "But people are not familiar with what kind of person I am at all. The same goes for the rebels. They know nothing about my true thoughts. Most people only think that 'He

It's a cool thing to fight side by side with a dragon. Okay, I still have to practice. Don't move around here. When I regain my strength, I will lead you out of this cave. You are too brave to come here.

It’s so big that it also delays my recovery of strength.”

Du Qianqian didn't dare to speak anymore, so he sat deep in the stone chamber and silently watched Wei Yueyue's practice. She glanced at the coffin again, as if she could have a vision of Li Yan studying the art of immortality alone in the tomb. Everything was just cheap. It's slightly October.

This is a cemetery that has been plundered by Micro October. The magic of immortality and the freedom of wealth are far away from Du Qianqian.

Being forced to stay at the bottom of the cave by Wei Shizhi and a half made Du Qianqian miss the Solid Gold Building especially. Going home... I really want to go home.

Wei Shiyue is a strong and confident woman. It is hard to imagine who can conquer her. What is even more terrifying is that she has a kind of self-confidence that cannot be bought with money. No matter how rich Du Qianqian is, he cannot become like Wei Shiyue. Confidence is something you are born with.

A noble and prominent person like her will shine and become the center of attention wherever she goes. Du Qianqian thought. But she can only be a weird, marginalized shapeshifter, relying on other people's appearance to survive. She must keep transforming. ,After all, who needs Du Qianqian’s original appearance?

Du Qianqian found the last bottle of mineral water from her pocket, unscrewed the cap, and poured it into her stomach to ensure that she would not be thirsty for a while. Then she poured the remaining half of the bottle of water on her head. Go up and cover up the tears that burst from your eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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