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Four hundred and twentieth chapters go home

When the mother ship was engaged in a magnificent sky war, the conventional fleet covered the amphibious landing ship and desperately approached the beaches of the ocean islands. Each island was a top priority. Once the power of land-based anti-ship missiles was allowed to take effect, the huge mother ship

The ship will also be shot down like a living target.

Xia's coastline is dotted with countless radar stations, missile bases and docks. Just to prepare for this moment, Gaoge Kyushu and Tianshu Production launched 1,500 long-range rockets and more than 400 rockets in two hours.

medium-range ballistic missiles, effectively suppressing the Blackfire Revolution's approaching fleet.

"We will see the outcome tomorrow at this time." A senior military fan on the deep anonymous network explained, "If we continue to fight at this terrifying consumption, we can either go to the negotiation table in a friendly manner tomorrow and start joining forces like three good brothers.

Dealing with younger brothers like Kyoto Mugen and Daiyo Engineering, so as not to exhaust each other to death; or they will fight to the death, risk all the prospects of the company's development, empty their fortunes, and bet that they can beat their opponents to death in one breath and eat their corpses.

Survive the economic winter."

"These islands are too close to Xia and far from Taiya. This will be the difference between the winner and loser." Another military fan left a message, "Xia can dispatch twelve batches of air strikes in the same time, but the Taiya Islands can only

It can be dispatched six times. In addition, there will be heavy rain tomorrow. I don’t know which company will use climate weapons to induce it, which will affect the efficiency of the mother ship’s dispatch."

No one can know the true direction of the war. Xu Yang secretly thought.

Lu Shibo, the controller of Tianshu Pharmaceuticals, Lu Sizhou and his daughter, Zhan Sicheng, the chairman of Gaoge Jiuzhou, and Jose Alonso, the CEO of Blackfire Innovation, are the most experienced and mature entrepreneurs in the Eastern Hemisphere, with all kinds of capital support behind them.

They have ten thousand ways to avoid war, but now they are using all their strength on the ocean to compete for dominance in the Eastern Hemisphere. The winner gets everything, and the loser is devastated. However, they still put all their efforts into starting the largest corporate war in the Eastern Hemisphere, proving that things have reached a point of no return.

The point of redemption.

"All shipping is affected." Lila sent a message to Xu Yang, "Cargo throughput is expected to drop to one-twentieth of the same period, which will affect the production efficiency of the factory."

"It doesn't matter." Xu Yang replied, "We can get minerals from the moon."

Another quarter of an hour later, Ye Zi sent a message. He glanced at the address and it was from the Near East.

"Xu Yang?" Ye Zi sent, "I'm so sad."

"What's wrong?"

"I am now in a corner of the Near East, a small city called Basha Point." She sent a message. "My mother is preparing to enter the spiritual space. I can't contact her. She took away everything from me, including my company.

My money, all the assets in my name, and even my ninja are gone. I really don’t know what to do. I only have more than 20 million left with me now. I really want to go back and be with you.


"The war has broken out. Now we can't come to the northern islands." Xu Yang was reluctant to give up, but he had to tell the truth.

"How long will it last?"

"It can be as short as a few weeks, or as long as a few years."

"I miss you so much." Ye Zi opened the video, and Xu Yang saw her wearing a satin vest and long black hair, sitting on the terrace of a medium-sized hotel. The background was a small town in the Near East, with low places everywhere,

Generous houses and men and women in robes.

"Yi Zi, please wait patiently for a while." Xu Yang turned on his camera and comforted her at the same time, "When this battle is over, we will meet again."

They stared at each other through the Internet signal, and Ye Zi slowly began to shed tears.

"I will only cry in front of you." Ye Zi's tears streaked down her cheeks, "I will only cry in front of you."

"And I swear, I will definitely find you." Xu Yang felt an unspeakable emotion in his heart, "I will take you back to the northern archipelago, and then everything will be fine. Nisto Company is now very large."

"...I saw it." Ye Zi wiped away his tears and showed a weak smile, "Now it is a famous company. The locals are watching Wei October's videos and are forming a support club. I also heard that you are in

Shangjing defeated many inexplicable crystallized people, which is really amazing."

"I try my best." Xu Yang's attitude was solemn, "trying to build our own career in this world and leave our own traces."

"The homepage of Nisto Company is too simple." Ye Zi pretended to be relaxed, "Let's hire a front-end engineer to design it."

"Isn't it ugly?" Xu Yang went to Nisto's various websites and found that they were indeed the crudest ones with limited manpower and needed to expand their recruitment.

"It will take a lot of effort to find another programmer." Ye Zi smiled, "The company's homepage is like a person's face."

"Okay," Xu Yang posted a employment requirement, walked to the corner of the shuttle and sat down, looking at Ye Zi carefully, "Okay, tell me more about you... What happened after you went to the Near East?

What is it?"

the other side.

A man named Jiang Yan walked into Shangjing. He is a programmer, thirty-six years old, bald, slightly fat, wearing a red and black plaid shirt. He was born in Xia and has been in the northern archipelago for more than ten years.

He squatted on the side of the road. The spring sunshine made him hot all over. The photochemical dust mist in the air made him uncomfortable. Jiang Yan took his old mobile phone and refreshed it repeatedly.

He was a programmer who had changed jobs several times. Everyone said that Nisto Company provided jobs, so he came, but found that there was no one who matched his major.

Until he refreshed for the last time, as fate would have it, Nisto released a position for front-end engineers.

Jiang Yan quickly sent his resume, which he had optimized dozens of times, and was confirmed in almost three seconds, inviting him to the nearest Nisto service center for an interview.

His heart was pounding, and he felt that hope and victory were beckoning to him. Only a job could support his life, and what he was about to enter was the legendary and mysterious Nestor Company.

Jiang Yan used to look down on Nisto, but this is a corporatist world, and people continue to grow through being beaten.

When he was studying, his biggest dream was to enter Jiuzhou, become a glorious giant company employee, and enjoy a lifelong job. That was what he and his classmates dreamed of most. After that, he would inevitably have a relationship with another female company employee.

A person gets married, gives birth to a company child, and then builds a prosperous company household, which has devoted its duties to the prosperity of Kyushu throughout the ages.

Then he became unemployed after graduation. The number of corporate households within Gaoge Jiuzhouguang has reached hundreds of millions. It is really difficult for outsiders like Jiang Yan to enter.

He worked as an outsourcer for Gao Ge Jiuzhou for several years. He felt like a slave. He would throw it away when it was useful and bring it back when needed. No matter how hard he worked, outsourcing was outsourcing, and temporary workers were temporary workers.

So he jumped to the Northern Islands. First he worked as a contractor for the Shenkong Group, and then officially signed the contract. Later, the Shenkong Building was bombed into the sky by a man named Mateo with seven dirty bombs. The company went bankrupt, and Jiang Yan had to find another job.

As a way out, I finally came to Enomoto Bank in Kyoto. I was a bit older. I worked hard for three months to prove myself. I was so tired that I was dizzy. I completed the project at hand and was retained.

He was really crazy at that time. He tried his best to quarrel with those who claimed to be unemployed at the age of 35 on the Internet. He used himself as an example to point out that as long as you work hard, you will become more popular as you get older!

A week ago, on the way to work, Jiang Yan was delayed for two hours at work due to the Crystal Man crisis, and was fired the same day.

Bankruptcy happened overnight. The apartment had a six-month deposit and one payment. He spent most of his savings and gave the agency seven months' rent. After leaving his job, Jiang Yan wanted to ask the agency for money, but he couldn't find it.

When I asked the landlord, he said that he was also the second landlord, so don't ask him for anything.

The basic neural circuits and data chips on his body have reached the end of their service life, and the police have been called. He was forced to borrow money for surgery to replace it to avoid being electrocuted by short-circuited electrical appliances. He also owed money and had to repay the loan every month. The result of unemployment

The chain reaction is terrifying, and all platforms are calling for funds.

Jiang Yan had thoughts of committing suicide, but it wasn't until he was kissed by a female clerk in a convenience store that he felt there was still some hope in life.


He planned to work hard for Nesto. He would work everywhere, for a bank, for a big company, for Nesto... it was all the same.

Nisto Company has an average service center every four blocks in Anjiu City. It is a distributed data base station with no reception and only a few cubicles. Each compartment has the same function, that is, to establish interaction with Nisto Company.

No matter you have any needs or want to go through any procedures, you can complete them through these service centers.

He entered one of the cubicles, applied for a job on the terminal, and verified Jiang Yan's unique biometric profile registered in the company alliance. Then the terminal gave him a set of front-end design questions, which were relatively difficult. He felt the pressure was rising.

Learned about other knowledge points such as page module wheel group, arrow function, uniform resource locator, image tag attributes, code characteristics, etc.

Jiang Yan was worried that hundreds of people were applying for the job with him, so he sped up a little, but he was also worried that his score would be too low and he would be kicked out, so he went back and checked again and again, and it took him three hours to submit.


Without any delay, the machine-readable verification answer was immediately announced that Jiang Yan had scored 97 points and entered a one-week probation period. At the same time, it was noted that this week was not to check the new employee's labor results or technical level, but to hope that the new employee would be careful.

Experience all aspects of Nisto, fully understand this company that adopts a new system, and finally decide whether to join Nisto.

What else can be said? Jiang Yan decided to go with the Nisto Company. He signed the contract on the terminal, pulled out the wiring from his wrist, injected it into the interface of the terminal, downloaded the navigation map, and guided him to the public dormitory of the Nisto Company.

Learned martial arts and became an entrepreneur.

This chapter has been completed!
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