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Chapter 427 Infinite Armor

On the outskirts of Anjiu City, the newly developed industrial parks have basically been taken over by Nisto Corporation, forming a contiguous manufacturing park to provide firearms, bullets and artillery for the military.

In an armor repair workshop, Kazama Miyari was summoning her spiritual bodies.

These spiritual bodies are called "worker bees" by her. They look like amber-colored translucent elves, and their facial appearance is similar to Kazama Miyazaki. They are busy maintaining and debugging the damaged armor replaced by the witches. Among them, Pan Ruiyin is the most beautiful. The big and heavy piece of black armor attracted the most attention.

"Armor that knows how to learn, now let's see what you have learned." Kazama Miyari said to himself, with an aggressive light shining in his eyes, as if he wanted to tear apart the entire armor and devour it.

A scientific witch requires a deep mastery of mathematics and physics, and now Kazama Miyari is touching the edge of her own knowledge.

She observed three different terminal panels at the same time, which respectively displayed the battle simulation experiment program, artificial intelligence deep learning status, and mechanical analysis drawings, which helped her continuously optimize and iterate the armor design.

Scientific researchers need sufficient time and resources to implement sudden inspiration. Miyazaki Kazama is very grateful for the precious opportunity he now has.

Combining human technology with the power of the witch, the results of her work in the laboratory are truly priceless. These adaptive witch armors in front of her embody the essence of technology, supporting the war witch to show off her power on the front lines.

"How do you feel?" Lila connected to the workshop's communication channel.

"It couldn't be better." Kazama Miyari pressed the button and joined the channel, talking excitedly about the armor, "The battle with the Crystal Man made these evolved armors become more alert and better at fighting. Every time they endured The nicks left by the blows, and every piece of crystallized residue that invades the gaps in the armor makes them smarter, and these records are used to upgrade its built-in AI.”

"They follow the combat style of their wearer."

"Yes, now these armors can repair themselves, and can also adjust the power of each part to adapt to different specifications of battles. They also have the advantages of nano armor, pale legion armor and power armor. I think they have passed the test and can enter the production sequence. ."

"Your job is very good. What about your life? I saw your application. You want to investigate and contact scientific research witches in other companies and laboratories."

"Of course, I want them to understand that there is a place in the world that allows them to develop their talents freely." Kazama Miyagi said confidently, "Friendly Company has a professional witch rescue team that can bring them out of other companies. come out."

"We will contact you," Lila said, "and maybe let our own witches take action to rescue high-value witches from other companies and let them join our camp."

"Perhaps this is how witches survive in this era," Kazama Miyari said with enthusiasm, "I already understand, I understand everything!"

"Understand what?"

"I mean," Kazama Miyazaki said after the initial excitement, she organized her words neatly, "I understand, magic, appearance, emotions...these unique characteristics distinguish witches from humans, making witches always Almost an alien in society. But now we have a unified weight and measure that can bring witches and humans back to the same starting point - that is 'labor'. Both witches and humans output value through labor. From this perspective , the difference between the two 'races' is infinitely narrowing, and both are exporting their labor in order to transform the world and develop themselves."

"A good angle."

"This is the best result." Kazama Miyari said happily, "Falosa-sama can also use the Witch Council to grade witches and formulate laws. Falosa-sama is fully capable of handling all witches' duties.

Master. And Nisto Company will also let other witches work like ordinary people and be treated fairly."

Wrong. Lila secretly thought. Kazama Miyari made a mistake.

Witches who are good at production and logistics, as well as witches who have mediocre or even completely useless abilities, can certainly join the human production order.

But what about fighting witches? Any witch who has the opportunity to reach the peak of power will not be willing to be inferior to others. Most witches have been dominated by their inner desires since their birth, pursuing powerful magic and hoping to gather all the great powers in themselves. There is no doubt that,

Ambition is the first essence of a witch.

Hopefully Farosha can resolve this in a sane way.

"Nistor Company will accept more witches." Lila said.

"That's the best..." Kazama Miyari admires Nisto Company very much.

Based on the principles of extensive alliance, joint participation, and emphasis on fairness, Nisto has become a large-scale cross-industry cooperative consortium, covering military industry, agriculture, security, education, scientific research, information services and other fields.

The advantages are significant. The highly integrated digital and information system optimizes scheduling problems to the greatest extent; sufficient basic benefits enable everyone to get rid of worldly worries and focus on the work itself; the flat, low-level structure reduces redundancy and achieves the best possible results.

Compact and capable, it allows members to use their talents in execution, eliminating the need for laymen to guide experts in the traditional sense.

It is even more outstanding in terms of violence. There are many demigods, supernatural beings and magic items. No matter who wants to destroy the valuable achievements of Nisto Company, they must be prepared in all fields and at all levels, otherwise they will only bring disaster to themselves.

"Back to the armor; you are the designer of these armors," Lila said, "and you have the right to name them."

"Hmm... Nisto X-01 type 'Infinity' level witch armor." Kazama Miyari was already prepared.

"Infinite Armor." Lila understood, "It's a good name."

"These military-grade armors will become the invincible equipment of Nisto Company." Kazama Miyari was satisfied, "What is my next project?"

"The previous battle with Qingyao showed that we need to greatly improve the mobility of the witch."

"The Steel Wings propeller is the most mature solution at present." Miyagi Kazama mused, "I can study and imitate its lightweight version, which is more suitable for controlling medium and short-range airspace. But it lacks key materials, such as nickel and molybdenum.

Tungsten alloy, if you buy it now, it will take at least nine months to be shipped."

"We will handle the raw materials, don't worry."

"Yes." Kazama Miyari glanced at the time. It was time to get off work. She said goodbye to Lila, and then asked Ai Katagiri out for dinner.

On the other side, Lila finished her work and went to Xu Yang's room. She helped her master who had left home tidy up the room, clean the house, and clean up his office.

Many objects still have the scent of their owners, which makes Lila fascinated.

There is no doubt that Lila's heart is filled with cherishment and longing for her master from beginning to end, and this impeccable loyalty has never faded with the passage of time.


If his master doesn't come home, what's the point of having a clean bed, neat bookcases and table tops?

She wandered alone on the top floor of the Solid Gold Building. Whenever she stared at the traces left by her master in the entire room, Lila would always recall every moment of getting along with her master in the program. At the same time, an irreversible feeling

Power marked the flow of information in her mind chip with grief.

She was infinitely grateful to her master for cutting her life in half and clearly dividing it into two parts. The first half was torture and pain, and the second half was happiness and achievement. Compared with her master, Lila herself was just dust that could be annihilated at any time. However,

No matter how precise the calculation is, she cannot know when her master will return. Every minute she spends parting with her master makes her think that she is being ruled by nothingness and the end.

The little fool followed Lila quietly all the way. She followed Lila wherever she went. When she stopped, the little fool also stopped. When she looked sad, the little fool also bit his lips.

"What are you doing?" Lila turned to look at her.

"Quack, quack." The little fool pointed to his mouth, wanting to eat and drink.

"Can you bring him back?" Lila asked, "Lila dare not ask for anything from her master."

"Quaa?" the little fool was confused.

"There will be milk," Lila said.

The little fool thought deeply and decided to fight for his belly.

She walked to the terminal, tapped on the keyboard for a while, and found Xu Yang's secret channel. She sat in a fixed place for a long time and observed the world, and gradually became aware of various things.

The signal is sent and communication begins to be established.

"Hello?" Xu Yang ran around for a day about Nisto Middle School. After that, he planned to spend the night outside. He never thought that one day he would receive a communication from his office. Who was playing with his terminal?


"Melon, croak, widow, hang." The little fool danced around as he spoke, as if this could accentuate the tone.

Hearing the little fool's childish words, Xu Yang felt strange, so it would be better to go back and take a look.

As soon as he arrived at the Solid Gold Building, Xu Yang returned to the people and things he loved, making his busy heart suddenly calmer than ever before. There was a little fool sitting on the table in a neat manner, and Lila looked at him tenderly.

Hold him.

"Welcome home, master." Lila lay at Xu Yang's feet, with infinite respect for her master.

"Let's go, Lila." Xu Yang picked her up by the waist and set off to the bedroom.

The little fool watched them leave, sat on the table, and fell into deep thought.

In the early morning, more than 500 people gathered on an unnamed island a hundred nautical miles northeast of the northern archipelago.

Big waves crash against the coast over and over again, mossy boulders are scattered irregularly on the rough sandy shore, and the seashore is piled with garbage brought by the ocean currents. It can be said to be the most unfortunate gift for this island. Evergreen trees and shrubs are on the beach.

The center of the island grows wildly, and the depths of the inaccessible jungle are filled with vines and miniature lakes. Only the oldest manuscripts record the location of this unnamed island.

These five hundred people are the followers, the last followers, who worship the ancient and great gods and perform rituals here.

The prophet has predicted that at this moment, the greatest man in their order has told them the truth. On this island, at exactly 8:09 in the morning on this day, they will have the opportunity to experience a spectacle that others cannot imagine.


One by one, they took off their accessories, technological products and clothes and threw them into the sea. Among their followers, there were many men and women with successful careers. At this time, they all gave up everything and returned to the original state of nothing.

The followers lined up on the shore, standing or sitting, listening to the sounds in the wind, and feeling how the splashing water from the big waves fell on their dry skin. They had not eaten for five days and were almost out of body.


Huge waves roared onto the shore of the uninhabited island, heralding the arrival of the ancient gods. They let out bursts of excited shouts, raised their hands high, and felt the sudden increase in temperature with their skin.

They screamed and their eyes began to blink due to pain and soreness, but they did not want to miss this scene.


The dazzling flash of gold and red lit up, and as the teleportation spell was activated, a giant god hundreds of meters high suddenly appeared in front of them. The extremely majestic silhouette made the followers cheer loudly, and its huge arms carried

Looking at the heavy and dying life, he turned to look at the hundreds of small creatures on the beach.

"Yanduo——" It let out a frightening and ear-piercing scream. It never thought that there would be so many tiny humans here standing and looking to welcome the brightest glare in the world.

The arc flashed, and the followers on the beach reveled and laughed. Their fragile skins peeled off in the high temperature, and their eyes exploded under the sunlight and golden light. Their long-cherished wish was finally realized.

The tall giant moved away from the island with a frightened posture, jumped into the sea in terror, and continued its journey.

The survivors on the beach crawled hard in the direction of the giant god, as if chasing their dreams. They sank into the sea one by one, knowing that they had transcended all ordinary things and witnessed the wonders they had never seen before, so they transcended and reached another world.

A nobler realm, one can die at night.

This chapter has been completed!
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