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Chapter 448 Maintenance and Restoration

Show off your power at the port of Shangjing in the micro-October.

Kyoko Takahashi loaded the heavy sniper rifle in her hand. She placed the gun at the window of the Xisheng Hotel. The view here was good and she could see the whole white flying dragon.

Xisheng's military fleet suffered serious losses in the destruction of dragon fire. These surface ships lacked maintenance and were old. When they sank into the sea, they made a loud noise, as if the ship was making a mournful cry.

"Did you see the target?" The correspondent's voice sounded in Takahashi Kyoko's head. About a quarter of her brain had been replaced by machines, integrating a variety of functions.


"Permission to shoot. Authorization code HT7495." The correspondent checked the order.

Kyoko Takahashi is a member of the Kyoto Unlimited Riot Control Mobile Team. She was recalled to the capital thirty minutes ago. Mobilizing an elite witch like her requires many layers of approval.

"Yes." Takahashi Kyoko activated her power, her eyes were shining with magical light, and the texture of the flesh and the way the parts were destroyed were clearly visible.

She aimed at Wei Yueyue's beautiful neck. The precise dragon scales left the only gap there, and the striking area was extremely clear in her field of vision.

Defeat the enemy with one blow.

Kyoko Takahashi pre-reads hundreds of potential movement trajectories of Micro-October, waits patiently, breathes, and then takes the shot.


Wei Shiyue noticed the threat in the wind, slapped his tail hard in the air, turned around and tried to walk away, but was shot through the neck in an instant!

She screamed instinctively, and her huge body fell heavily toward the sea, falling into the depths of Shangjing Bay!

The burning ship illuminated the sea with flames, and thick blood was left where the ship crashed into the sea, spreading endlessly.

Screams rang out among the support group at the port. They watched in despair as Wei Shiyue was shot and fell into the sea. All the original excitement was reduced to panic and fear.

A large number of reconnaissance drones flew over the sea with the intention of salvaging Wei Shiyue, but they saw that she was dragged away by a huge creature in the sea. The drones only photographed the huge sea creature under the sea, which was the same as the one in the database called "

The Scarlet Prince's red-thorned beast is no different.

It used its huge tail to pick up the dying Wei Shiyue and drag her into the deep sea, seemingly not to hunt her, but to rescue her.

The enemies in the sea could only be handed over to the deep-water shuttle, and the mission came to an end. Kyoko Takahashi put away her sniper rifle.

"Waiting for instructions." Her tone was dull.

"Return to the command center." The correspondent conveyed the order.

Participating in battles and accepting dispatches are two things that make up Takahashi Kyoko's entire life. The unlimited medical department in Kyoto does not leave much room for her to think independently. She is also known as a model of reformed witches and a member of the mobile riot squad.

A go-getter will never rebel no matter how far he develops.

She jumped out of the window, used the huge steel wings behind her to maneuver, and spiraled back to the temporary supreme command center of the New Xisheng Group.

Taking advantage of the relationships accumulated over the years, Yuan Chaozong secretly borrowed an asset of Rose Medical Group in Shangjing and placed the command post in a neutral company area to avoid attacks by Nisto Company.

"Report," she entered the combat command room and saluted the Tenjouin gun. "The riot control mobile team Takahashi Kyoko is waiting for orders."

"Go get some sleep and recharge your batteries." Tenjouin Kirigun's eyes were fixed on the strategic map in front of him, "You and the Orochi will attack together in the morning, and the other motherships will cooperate with us."

Daytime is conducive to the air carrier dispatching multiple batches of air strikes, and the bombing efficiency during the day is far better than at night.

The strategic value of the mothership lies in this. Even if the airport is suppressed, the aerospace carrier can maintain air superiority.

"Our counterattack plan has achieved results." The staff officer reported to Tenjoin Kirigun. "Not only did it destroy the Shiroshima Bridge, it also severely damaged the Micro-October."

"Understood. You should also go and have a good rest," Tenjoin Kirigun ordered, "take turns to rest according to the schedule. Nisto Company is a group of robots. They don't need to rest, but we cannot collapse."

The staff officer saluted the Tenjo-in pear spear.

Tong Qiang sat at the table, thinking over and over again. He was ready to not sleep for forty-eight hours.

The medical officer equipped a standard emergency drone behind him to continuously provide him with support medicine, allowing him to maintain a high concentration and continuously organize counterattacks.

"The battle started in 3 hours and 39 minutes." The multi-eyed demon reported to Tenjoin Kirigun, "We lost 4 combat witches, 55 armored vehicles, 13,300 soldiers, 656 robots, 68 artillery pieces, 13 surface ships, and fighter jets.

78, 8 armed helicopters, and 14 shuttles of various types. The enemy is expected to lose 1,020 synths, accounting for 36% to 40% of the total number of enemy synths."

"The battle is in our favor." The staff officer's eyes lit up. "Nisto Company lacks missiles and space-based weapons. They rely entirely on their witches to fight the synthetic troops. They are almost depleting their wealth."

Tenjouin Kirigun is a master of air-to-ship tactics. By referring to and reviewing the air-to-ship duel between Xia and Blackfire, he now has a new understanding of the tactical application of motherships, which is now suitable for use against Nisto Corporation.


"Things will turn around after dawn." Tong Gun started to make plans, preparing to put the three precious air carriers in his hand into the battle. "What time is the sunrise today?"

"6:11 in the morning." The multi-eyed demon reported.

"The dawn of dawn." Tenjouin Tongqian lowered his head and quickly polished his tactical model, constantly asking the multi-eyed demon to help optimize the strategy, making sure that the airship had the final say.

Wait a moment——

Maybe the other party is waiting for them to send out the space carrier.

Tenjoin Tongqian thought of the key.

The witch's power blew out the vital signs of more than 7,000 people in the NCER base in an instant. If such power was used on the mothership, the ship would lose control and fall to the ground.

There is no need to rush to a decisive battle. Nisto Company is a poor, late-comer company with low technical level, and one synthetic man is missing. The New Xisheng Group has a strong financial background and can definitely afford it. They are fully capable of recruiting a six-man army from the northern archipelago.

An army of 100,000 people can be replenished no matter how much losses it suffers.

"It is also a wise choice to defend the capital," the staff officer also made the same suggestion. "When their troops are beaten to death in front of the permanent fortifications, and the factory is completely destroyed by satellite weapons, Nisto Company will be defeated."


"What to do with the NCER base?" The old staff officer shook his head, "The nuclear weapons are in their hands."

"They dare not launch."

"Chiquan City has begun to recover."

"We can send the mothership." The other commanders discussed the rationality of various plans. Tenjouin Kirigun chose the useful ones from their words and listened.

1.7%. He glanced at the multi-eyed demon system service. Are the odds of winning really so low?

How about exchanging the mothership for the ancient witch?

At the moment when the mothership is attacked, let Tenjouin Murasaki use Wanxiang Zhixing to lock everything in the field. In that case, the user of the magic can be found... Is this the only hope?

The sliding glass door opened quickly, and a junior staff officer hurried over to hand over the latest changes to the Tenjo-in Kiri gunner.

After glancing at the latest battle report, his expression changed accordingly.

No, no...

Disastrous news continues to spread.

First, the White Island Bridge is intact!

The latest battlefield reconnaissance footage reveals the condition of the bridge, which appears to have been completely untouched! The Air Force bombing campaign was like a dream! Traffic continued to flow, and Nisto blocked the bridge for fifteen minutes before closing it down.

The bridge is completely repaired. What kind of engineering capability is this? Doesn’t it take time to communicate with the original construction unit... The repair is exactly the same as before!

Second, Micro-October was unscathed!

The dragon transformed back into a human form and easily took the latest video clip to show her concerned fans that she was not seriously injured. But not only was she not seriously injured, she couldn't even see any trace of injury! How could this happen?

Powerful medical ability, or is this an immortal dragon whose fatal sniper shot by Kyoko Takahashi only caused pain for a few minutes?

Third, there is a constant supply of synthetic humans from Nisto Company!

Xin Xisheng used electromagnetic signatures to identify synthetics. Many of the synthetics that were previously confirmed to be killed rejoined the battle in the next round of battle, as if being killed was just an illusion and machine misjudgment! They turned around in the back and then came back again.

Rush fiercely onto the battlefield, looking for enemies! More of the outer positions of Shangjing have been completely captured. At this rate, they will besiege the city in a few hours! The frontal pressure on the battlefield is increasing instead of decreasing!

"Nisto Company needs at least 20,000 to 30,000 synthetic soldiers to carry out such a continuous offensive." The staff lamented, "Or maybe their logistics and maintenance capabilities far exceed ours!"

These news were simply unbelievable. Tenjouin Tongqiang turned to look at the battle plans he had set, and now he had no choice but to overturn them all.

Resilience. The enemy they are currently fighting is not a regular company at all...

Are you really ready to fight against a supreme witch, or even a queen-level witch?

Tenjoin Kirigun closed his eyes and gave his tense nerves a few seconds to rest.


One of his orders will determine the entire group and the fate of tens of millions of people. Tenjouin Kirigami secretly said. This is the heavy responsibility of the supreme commander. It is said that Lila Nestor is a robot, that is really happy.

"Let all units prepare to cooperate with the air carrier." Tenjouin Kirigun issued the order, "We will fight a beautiful counterattack after sunrise."

On the other side, Chiquan City.

A mechanic named Matsuda got off work and dragged his tired body back to his small rental house, living in a single room of 8 square meters.

Matsuda got into bed and fell asleep, sleeping deeply. The date of salary payment was still far away, so he was extremely frugal.

He is a contract worker at Iwaki Heavy Industries, with a base salary of 1,300, and a performance bonus of 2,500 depending on the mood of his supervisor. These numbers are swirling in his mind, and he dreams of having a good meal.

He was sleeping deeply. The destruction of the NCER base did not wake him up. The counterattack of the Iwaki Heavy Industries Security Department did not wake him up. Only the ringtone of a broken cell phone made him eject from the bed.

The message was exactly the same, always.

Go back and work overtime.

His heart was in terrible pain, but the red warning still drove him on the road like a reminder. His credibility points were extremely precious, and once the points were deducted, he would face the risk of unemployment and starvation.

His steps were frivolous, and he saw a large number of armored personnel carriers and shuttles moving quickly along the way. When he arrived at the workshop, he saw that what was sent for repair this time was not an ordinary machine, but a terrifying "Inugami"-class BATO-5 combat


Most of its body was blown apart. Who did it? How? Matsuda knew nothing. He only knew that there must be a war. It was a corporate war. Ordinary rebels were not a thing at all. They had already distributed leaflets and established communities.

It was taken down at that time.

As a screw, Matsuda is the lowest-level worker. The New Xisheng Group is pressing on Iwaki Heavy Industries, Iwaki Heavy Industries is pressing on the labor dispatch company, and the labor dispatch company is pressing on him.

When it came to repairing this "Inugami", he felt dizzy and felt that his body was not much different from that of this robot. He struggled to lift the impact wrench and cooperated with the members of the team, working hard without complaint, while the others were silent and dull.

They divided their work to repair different areas of this combat robot. It was very cold outside and the workshop was extremely hot.

Within five minutes, Matsuda fell to the ground like a wooden board.

A worker helped him up, and Matsuda confessed his hunger in a low voice. Another worker with a dark face took out a bar of nutritional ointment from his pocket and handed it to him.

A white package of nutritional cream is produced by a local bottling factory, with the Nisto Cooperative trademark printed on the corner, indicating that most of the nutritional ingredients come from the agricultural products of the Nisto Cooperative company.

The Nisto Cooperative is one of the few companies that continues to provide food within the island, which has stabilized the price of food. From low-priced nutritional pastes to expensive restaurants, they are always on the supplier list.

"Don't eat it." Another worker Digu said, "It was the Nisto Company that destroyed this robot. We are at war with the Nisto Company, and eating a piece of it is tantamount to staking the enemy."

Ignoring his advice, Matsuda stuffed the nutritional paste into his mouth. The pale nutritional paste was bland and tasteless, but he felt full, his hands were no longer trembling, and his legs were a little stronger. It was great. The ones with the Nisto trademark were better than other nutritional pastes.

The paste is delicious.

Nisto Corporation…

He looked at the robot in front of him.

For weeks, mythical stories have circulated among the laborers. After joining Nisto Company, people received generous treatment and lived a dignified life. The days of being used as consumables were gone forever.

Every time he heard such news, he felt panicked, as if he was walking in a dark tunnel and suddenly a gap opened in the wall and there was a little light.

He looked down at the "Inugami" robot in front of him.

After three hours of arduous overhaul, the combat robot was repaired. It started moving again and walked out of the factory with the machine guns in its arms. As a repaired robot, it would soon return to the battlefield. It was said that it was going to recapture the NCER base.

Before he could take a breath, the second robot was brought in, and Matsuda realized that he would die from exhaustion here.

Staying up late working until after five o'clock, Matsuda's eyes were already red. He worked harder than others. The robot repaired quickly, but Matsuda knew that it would fall soon after it entered the battlefield. This was also the case. It was said that it took a few minutes to join the battle.

Then he lay down on his back.

No one was accountable, and the overtime was about to end. He heard the alarm. Nisto Company was threatening Chiquan City, and the factory was being evacuated. Manpower and machines were being transferred to other places to continue working. While he blended into the crowd, he removed himself from the crowd.

The screws and cable coils stolen from the "Inugami" were quietly thrown into the corner. This was too dangerous, and he didn't know where he got the courage.

But regardless of surveillance and trial, he would rather be destroyed together with the company!

This chapter has been completed!
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