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Chapter 451: Yokozuna

After a night of bloody chaos, all companies of modest size were aware of the situation.

The battle report is shocking. Nisto Company has dealt a heavy blow to New Xisheng, causing the brand value of New Xisheng to shrink rapidly. The stock trend has been declining. In exchanges on all continents, investors have reduced their holdings of New Xisheng's assets, making their financial

The losses exceeded 400 billion, which was equivalent to Xin Xisheng's losses on the battlefield.

The well-known Enomoto Bank, a subsidiary of New Xisheng, even experienced a cash run. People in Beijing frantically withdraw their funds. No bank can bear such a large withdrawal wave, and Enomoto Bank is no exception.

Now the bank is in trouble, trying to close building entrances and control the flow of funds in its accounts while issuing feeble denunciations of Nisto.

Within the jurisdiction of Tianshu Zhiwu, Guangnan Prefecture.

In the private resting area on the upper floor of the building, a sapphire robot walked towards the sleeping cabin and gently woke its owner. With an almost silent electronic hum, the hatch cover opened, and Lu Sizhou sat up from the cabin.

Wearing only close-fitting gauze clothes, she was as light as nothing. Sufficient sleep and high-quality robot services kept her in good spirits.

In order to run Xia's giant enterprise, she must be constantly prepared, full of energy, and maintain perfect physiological conditions.

Lu Sizhou looked at the time, but it was only seven in the morning.

"One hour ahead of schedule." Lu Sizhou leaned on the side of the cabin and looked at the sapphire machine that woke him up.

"Nisto Company has declared war on the New Xisheng Group," the machine puppet reported loyally. Another of its kind came over docilely, holding the jade tray steady in both hands and preparing morning utensils for Lu Sizhou.

"A small-scale military adventure?" Lu Sizhou stood up to freshen up.

"Comprehensive corporate war." Qingyu Machine Puppet reported, "All military forces raided."

Lu Sizhou thought about it for a while, and the affairs of Nisto Company were included in her list of priorities.

She had dealt with Nisto Company several times and could not say she had a favorable impression of them, but she was deeply impressed by their efficiency and armed strength.

Just like the action in Silla, Wei Shiyue finally joined Nisto Company to serve its interests, which made Lu Sizhou feel like pulling a chestnut out of the fire for the first time in his life.

Lu Sizhou looked at herself in the mirror. She was always dissatisfied with herself. She was not even close to being a good person for Tianshu.

"We will intervene after our battle on the Pendulum Islands is over," Lu Sizhou adjusted his makeup. "It will take a lot of effort for Nisto Company to defeat Xin Xisheng."

"I'm afraid it's too late, Miss Lu." The Sapphire Machine Puppet hesitated for a moment and told the truth, "Nisto Company has surrounded Beijing."

"It's suspected of being reckless," Lu Sizhou's movements continued unabated, "Placing the troops in such a dangerous place, they will be destroyed by the Orochi."

"...The Orochi was unable to avoid the battle." Qingyu Jipuppet whispered, "The NCER nuclear weapons base was captured, the surface fleet in Shangjing Bay was burned, and the Kojima was also attacked. The situation is unknown. Xin Xisheng's conventional troops are even more...

The losses were heavy and the fighting was fierce."

Lu Sizhou looked at the mirror with a strange expression on his face, which even the Sapphire Machine Puppet had never seen before.

She strolled to the floor-to-ceiling windows and watched the dawn light shining between the high-rise buildings in Guangnan Mansion, reflecting thousands of bright spots on the sides of the buildings. The architectural style of Tianshu Building refers to the concept of the unity of nature and man, and the natural landscape and modern

The architecture and craftsmanship complement each other, and there are gardens, terraces and modern gardens everywhere, making it more vibrant than the traditional corporate city.

There are also military shuttles whizzing through the sky, patrolling the sky, maintaining security, and ensuring that the war in the Eastern Hemisphere will not affect the daily life of Guangnan Mansion.

"According to this progress, New Xisheng Group will surrender within seven days." Lu Sizhou was thinking a lot. Unlike Xia, the northern archipelago is not vast and deep. Once the core hub is severely damaged, the company will be unable to survive.

"Judging from the information stolen by spies," Qingyu Jipuppet said, "Xin Xisheng's management has been shaken."

"What's Gaoge Jiuzhou's attitude?" Lu Sizhou turned his head.

"I can't speculate on their opinions." Qingyu Jigu said cautiously, "But I think they should consider this an opportunity, an opportunity to expel Xisheng's forces from Xia once and for all."

Expelling Xisheng. Lu Sizhou nodded.

The shrewd Noriko Honma also exerted capital influence on Xia's two giant companies in the early years, and internally created a group bound to Xisheng's interests. In order to fully grasp the power, Lu Sizhou has been suppressing their development, and now he has the future.

Reasons for their complete eradication.

If you show favor to Xin Xisheng at this time, it will only encourage their arrogance. Lu Sizhou thought. But is Nisto Company a suitable partner?

Maybe there really is a chance.

Lila Nisto is someone to work with. She is prudent and wise. Lu Sizhou has had business meetings with her before and has a very good impression of her.

Because it is involved in the corporate war, Tianshu Manufacturing is unable to intervene in the situation on the archipelago, and Nisto Corporation is in a state of defeat. Under this situation, it should show goodwill to the potential winners, at least not worsen the relationship with them.

...The prestige of Xisheng Investment Group has been rampant in the Eastern Hemisphere for a long time, and it is boring to look at it now. This may be the day to completely pull out its withered vines. Without Noriko Honma, the remaining children of Xisheng

In Lu Sizhou's eyes, he was no match at all.

And she also has a good relationship with Nisto.

"Did Lu Jing still fail the loyalty test?" Lu Sizhou asked another sapphire machine puppet.

"The written test is almost perfect, and the psychological measurement report is unqualified." Qingyu Machine Puppet reported, "It is already a C grade."

"Then let this third-class witch bring gifts to the northern archipelago and arrive before noon. Maybe she can catch up with the end of the battle." Lu Sizhou read the detailed report, "They are advancing too fast and really don't give us a chance to sneak in every opportunity."

Ah. And the so-called ancient witch..."

They have not yet won a decisive victory against the Blackfire Innovation on the battlefield, all because of that "Wasp".

A new type of "Son of Phantom Light" witch codenamed T01 is majestic on the battlefield, probably because of the reality of Wasp's command. Even though T01's own magic power is not worth mentioning, the troops that engage with it still suffer a defeat effect that is close to the law of cause and effect.

The ancient witch confronts the command reality. Lu Sizhou secretly thought. Which side will win?

"The situation of the Orochi and Konjima is already clear." Lu Sizhou asked, "What about the Yokozuna?"

"The latest report -" the Jade Machine Puppet collected information, "it was intercepted! It was intercepted by a witch... single-handedly!"

On the other side, above the sea, with the blue sky as the background, the powerful Yokozuna is approaching Anku City.

This heavy space carrier is famous for its armor thickness. By sacrificing movement speed, it has achieved superior material strength than other carriers.

Now the Yokozuna is slowly slowing down. In the distance, a witch with a black armor and a ghost face is holding a big gun and staring at her. She is wearing steel wings and confronts the giant space carrier alone.

"Feel free to challenge me!" Pan Ruiyin swung the star-chasing spear in his hand and said loudly, "You will never be able to cross here!"

Encountering the ghostly and powerful fighting witch, the Yokozuna's energy main gun immediately moved slowly, aimed at Pan Ruiyin's figure, and locked onto it.

"The laser main gun is ready to fire." The fire controller reported to the captain, "The hit rate is limited! Only 1.7%."

"Destroy her with firepower from all over the ship," the captain ordered.

All the joysticks on the console were turned, and the dense array of artillery platforms and missile launchers on the Yokozuna roared together. Thousands of burning lights flew out from the ship and shot towards Pan Ruiyin.

This includes the terrifying offensive of the laser main cannon. Following an ominous buzzing sound, a super-giant red beam of light shoots towards Pan Ruiyin. It can easily destroy permanent fortifications or shoot down space vehicles. The destructive power is amazing!

Pan Ruiyin quickly drove the steel wings to sweep downwards, and at the same time threw the star-chasing spear in his hand towards the Yokozuna.

Regardless of where her spear hit, she approached the sea. Missiles and artillery fire exploded on the sea behind her, causing huge waves to hit the sky!

The seawater roared and exploded continuously, driving Pan Ruiyin to the bottom of the seawater. The explosion lasted for half a minute. Pan Ruiyin could only flee in panic in the sea, shivering, and was pushed by the surging sea waves. His body was swaying, and the explosion of an empty ship

A full blow is so powerful!

By the time the series of deafening explosions ended, the sea was covered with broken shell casings and gunpowder.

Pan Ruiyin passed through the smelly sea water and returned to the top. She looked up at the Yokozuna and saw her star-chasing gun stuck on the bow of the ship. She immediately raised her hand to recall the gun, only to see the gun stuck in the Yokozuna's alloy

A two-meter-diameter bombardment crater was left on the armor surface, but the hull itself was not damaged.

Most of the surface battleships that were supposed to assist the airships in the attack were destroyed by Micro October, and the remaining ones were unable to escort. Only the Yokozuna was left to deal with Pan Ruiyin alone on the sea.

Continue to attack, if you can find an opportunity, Pan Ruiyin gritted his teeth, held the star-chasing spear in his hand, jumped out of the sea, used the steel wings to drive his body to the fragile bottom of the space, and threw the spear towards the loud and moving engine compartment!


There was another heavy blow, and the tip of the spear penetrated the metal shell, causing some cracks. She quickly recalled the spear and prepared to stab it again.

Unable to open this big can, Pan Ruiyin was extremely worried.

Until the loud roar of the dragon rang out from the sky... It was October! Seeing the reinforcements coming, Pan Ruiyin regained his morale and swung his spear upward to kill!

This chapter has been completed!
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