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Four hundred and fiftieth chapters desire for revenge

After regaining his correct memory, Tenjoin Murasaki was furious and filled with resentment.

How dare they?

I am a ruler witch who comes from a famous family, but I have been disturbed by my mind! This feeling of being fooled is like thousands of ants eating my heart.

For this she wants revenge.

Tenjoin Murasaki has an extraordinary talent and has never received training. However, her several breakthroughs were extremely smooth and she became the ruler without any obstacles. Even so, she has no intention of fighting and has always deliberately concealed her identity as a witch. She was a heavyweight when she was young.

A home girl, she read comics, watched videos, and played games from morning to night, and later worked in the Kyoto Mugen Animation Production Department for 60 years.

Although she is powerful, Murasaki does not want to use her stop magic power to do anything, nor does she want to participate in any world topics, but she is still being used to this extent! This is intolerable. Originally, "Siphon!" was released today.

film, the original work is now missing.

...And that Tenjouin Kirigami, I am seventy years older than him! I actually interacted with him back and forth!

Thinking of this, Tenjoin Murasaki almost felt self-loathing.

She decided to blockade Xisheng Shrine.

Murasaki accumulates magic power in her hands. She realizes the difference in the nature of magic power more easily than other witches. Because her magic power has the property of "stopping", it is not easy to make them operate, so she can mobilize magic power faster than others.

Much slower.

It took about ten seconds for the magic power to be dispatched and reach sufficient quality. It looked like cotton wool and was as gray as fog, which was enough to destroy all movement.

Immediately afterwards, she opened her palm and released it downwards, instantly leveling the entire Xisheng Shrine!

In an instant, all life and machine power from the tea room on the top floor to the machine room in the basement came to a halt.

This makes this noisy shrine quieter, so that no one will be disturbed.

Tenjoin Murasaki is thinking about countermeasures and sorting out her memories.

What a shame... I was flirting with that lecherous bastard Tong Qiang, running around for a young witch like Minamoto Minamoto, quarreling with the family elders, and tying Kyoto Mugen to Shin Kisei's chariot and letting them take the fox into custody.

Face... When she thinks of what she has done these days, Tenjouin Murasaki feels extremely ashamed and must take revenge on them!

The formidable and glamorous Xisheng Group is a thing of the past, leaving behind the descendants with weak natures who squandered the huge legacy of Noriko Honma.

These nasty and selfish things made Tenjoin Murasaki extremely angry.

"People in this room." Tenjouin Murasaki shouted to the quantum warriors, iron guards, ninjas hiding in the dark, and the witches of the Nisto Task Force, "seize these 30 minutes! This is your life."

It’s been the quietest half hour...let me reflect, reflect!”

Then Tenjoin Murasaki walked away and began to clean up the mess.

The quietest 30 minutes of my life! This is true...I can't move.

Everyone's thoughts are trapped in the small space of the brain, and they cannot move their arms, legs or feet at all.

Absolute stillness, judging from the situation, seems to eliminate the concept of "movement". It cannot change its position and can only stay in place.

The people in the tea room who were blown away by the shock wave also remained stationary in the air. The blood flowing out of the wounds on their torsos was sticky. It was obvious that the wounds were open due to heavy bleeding that could cause death, but there was still no blood dripping out.

It’s so painful! It’s scarier than stopping time. Qian Meng secretly thought.

She still maintained a half-kneeling shooting position, holding the small-caliber sniper rifle in her hand, trying to kill the quantum warrior.

Qianmeng's muscles were completely relaxed, as if her body was evenly placed in a metal mold, exactly the same as the outline of her body. She couldn't move at all, and only her thoughts could wander aimlessly.

Fortunately, Tenjoin Murasaki's stopping power lasts for 30 minutes at most, so there is still a glimmer of hope. If this desperate state of stillness continues forever, Asame may go crazy.

Since the style is long combat range, Qianmeng is at the very edge of the teahouse and can clearly see the situation in the entire area.

The private sanatorium built by Noriko Honma, which she invested heavily in, has become a chaotic battlefield. She saw more than a dozen metal bullets being frozen in flight. She really didn't know whether the bullets would continue to fly after the stopping magic disappeared. Judging from their trajectories,

Once a real hit is made, several bullet holes will be made in 102's witch armor. 102 has endured too much!

There was also Mizuro Yoshioka. The ink she released enveloped a security guard holding a submachine gun, completely covering his entire face and upper body.

The man had the opportunity to wipe the ink from his respiratory tract, but now he was forced to remain in this delicate and terrifying state, dying bit by bit in extremely painful and tragic suffocation.

That guy also has a father and a mother, so pitiful. Qianmeng suddenly thought of this. Due to the conflict, they had to fight to the death here.

Where did this profound conflict originate?

She felt the hatred and anger in each other. Both sides of the war had a deep hatred and had every reason to put the other party to death. Now they were frozen, and the distorted and hateful expressions on the faces of the company people became more and more obvious.

Asamu was injected with the "rare factor" produced by Kyoto Mugen Z10 Research Institute. She was a specially bred witch. The rare factor can greatly increase the chance of a powerful witch appearing in babies. Other witches bred in the same batch as her are

They were eliminated between the ages of six and twelve because their magic power was not good enough and researchers needed to recover the rare factors.

After being rescued, escaping, receiving training, and now fully armed on the roof of Xisheng Shrine, Qianmeng has also traveled a long road, and now she is particularly awake.

She clearly knows the answer. This conflict has gone beyond ordinary corporate battles over interests and involves fundamental differences in philosophy.

Some people are just instinctively opposed to corporatism!

There is a type of people who consciously reject this system that benefits only a very small number of people, hate secular norms, strongly resist profit-seeking values, resolutely help all disadvantaged weaklings, end unconscious collusion with companies, and embark on a resolute resistance

path, ending the privileges of vested interests, the goal of fighting is to find a path in the hopeless darkness——

While Qianmeng was thinking about these things that made her a little excited, she saw 101 jumping back to the tea room.

101 was surprised to find that everyone was frozen, and the expressions on everyone's faces were extremely subtle. It was difficult to make some subtle expressions. After the movements were blocked, all they could do was make their eyebrows tremble or make the expressions on their faces.

The muscles move slightly.

Qian Meng never thought that walking around could be a source of superiority. Now she could only watch with jealousy as 101 enjoyed the precious right to move freely in the tea room and became the only great and free person here.

When 101 was walking, Qianmeng saw Miying still lying on the ground, holding the ion sword forward with his right hand, in a posture of waiting for an opportunity. It was the more patient one in the field, because it had a mechanical mind, so it was nothing special.

It feels like it just enters a low-power operating mode.

101's footsteps finally stopped next to the powerful Quantum Warrior. It held the "Shilou Pill" in its hand and was ready to fight. Its steps were steady and its posture was fierce, but it could not launch an attack no matter what.

No matter how powerful the beast is, it is now extremely fragile, like a funny naughty boy in front of 101.

101 forcefully pulled out the Shilou Pill from the Quantum Warrior's hand.

She waved this heavy, powerful and cutting-edge technological weapon in the air. The Divine Sword Shiroumaru has now completely become 101's treasure, and it makes a pleasant buzzing sound as it flies through the air.

This is the most suitable weapon for 101. The secret passage of Qianmeng. The extremely sharp Shilou Maru, a deadly magic weapon tailor-made by Xisheng Company for its samurai. Combined with the magic power of teleportation, it is enough to make 101 a top killer, not to mention invincible.

There are no flaws at all!

She observed carefully, what would 101 do with Shilou Wan?

I saw 101 aiming the shokulou pill at the Quantum Warrior's head. It couldn't move, and the color of the light tubes in its eyes flickered violently.

"Fight me." It can also emit an electronically synthesized voice when the body is stopped.

101 never wavered, slashed the sword with force, and cut off the Quantum Warrior's head.

Madoka Asame stared at all this with wide eyes. The martial arts of the Quantum Warrior were worthless now!

101 nodded slightly and took the Shilou Pill as his own.

On the other side, Tenjoin Murasaki walked to the high-rise terrace of Kisei Shrine and summoned the family's shuttle to provide support.

She discerned the cause and effect from her own memory, collected all the details, and now must carefully consider her position in this war.

It's impossible to help Xin Xisheng Group anymore. I haven't stooped to that level yet.

It may be a better plan to cooperate with Nisto Company and strive for an opportunity for open and honest cooperation.

The appearance of Lu Jing in the tea room shows that Nisto Company is not alone. It still has external support and is in a state of forming a wide range of allies.

Full communication is needed...Fully respect each other's positions, the other party has both beliefs and strategies, and cooperation can be achieved as long as the interests are clearly explained.

Thinking of this, Tenjoin Murasaki contacted Lila Nestor.

"Ms. Nisto." Tenjoin Murasaki initiated the communication, "Due to some personal conflicts, I have decided to leave the New Xisheng Group and instead assist you. Now I am at Xisheng Shrine and have a conflict with your task force.

, but no harm was caused to them.”

"Xisheng Shrine is our target." Lila responded quickly.

"Yes, I have frozen everything and minimized the risk of occupying it. As the new president of Kyoto Unlimited, I would like to express to you that I am sincere in cooperating, and I also hope that Nisto Company will ensure my safety."

"I already know." Lila understood, "Now let us join hands to clear out and completely occupy Xisheng Shrine."

Now, only one last question remains.

An unsolved question lingers in the mind of Tenjoin Murasaki.

Holding the last glimmer of hope, Tenjoin Murasaki asked her last question.

"Are you serious that you don't watch any anime?" she asked softly.

"Don't look," Lila said.

This chapter has been completed!
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