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Chapter 461 Stars

At three o'clock in the morning, it started to rain heavily.

Cold rainwater spreads across the archipelago, washing away charred machines, damaged walls and abandoned bodies, and merges into the corporate city illuminated by neon lights.

On the outskirts of Chiquan City, a star rises from the ground.

It was a very bright star that kept shining.

When it leaves the ground, its light can be seen more than ten kilometers away. It is as long as an arrow, as hot as the sun, and drags a huge white smoke. No matter how heavy the rain is, it cannot stop it.

The Xinxi Sheng troops in Chiquan City have been driven away, the factory has been completely shut down, and people need time to organize new management. The workers walked out of the huge production facilities and returned home. For the first time, they felt completely relaxed, imagining in their dreams

A tomorrow without giant companies, and this star rising from the ground illuminates their dreams.

They could also see the star rising from home, the flames rising and the light shining brightly. So the residents left the rental houses, a thousand people, ten thousand people, a hundred thousand people, they came to the street despite the rain, looked up at the star and left

The Uryu Town area rose high into the sky and let out a huge roar.

Shocked by this huge power, people stared at the star flying higher and higher. It was bright red in color, shining with light, and trailing a trail of white heat waves in the sky. They never thought that such a weapon would be on their side.


The stars sail through the sky like a moving red light.

Shengbo City, a coastal city 35 kilometers away from Shangjing, many senior officials, directors and company managers left the blocked Shangjing Bay and drove to Shengbo City to wait for an opportunity to leave, not wanting to be involved in any risks.

Luxury cars and brand-name shuttles gathered here, waiting for the large transport planes of the Neutral Transportation Company to evacuate them.

It was at this time that the stars passed over their heads, like ominous comets bringing omens of destruction. The ninjas and samurai responsible for the escort shouted loudly, and the company executives got out of their vehicles.

Their leather shoes stepped on the cold, damp steel ground, and they looked up at the stars streaking across the sky, surrounded by people vying to hold umbrellas for them.

Some people have not been transformed and their eyesight is not clear enough, so they can only see the dark red bright spots of Mohu. Others have changed their all-seeing eyes and can see clearly the essence of the star in one glance, which is a "Wind Demon" intercontinental ballistic missile.

They immediately ordered someone to turn on the news, and soon they heard a clear broadcast and heard the calm and firm voice of President Lila Nisto.

"...In view of the current intensifying confrontation..."

The stars travel alone in the sky, heading towards the distant Western Hemisphere.

The satellite of the Northern Military Industry discovered it, but did not destroy it. The computer calculated the path and found that the attack point was not in the Great Northern region.

This star will pass straight past the North Pole and take the shortest distance to the place where the star should fall.

Therefore, the satellite weapons let go of the star and continued to guard the sky.

"...The corporate war between Nisto and Xinsheng Group will regrettably continue..."

The star flies across the icy sky above the polar regions, rocket engines propelling it to an altitude of 60 kilometers.

Here, accompanying the stars is the aurora, a mixture of magical blue and pale green. It continues to fly towards Taixi, shuttling through the beautiful and dreamy light curtain, like an untimely visitor.

The atmosphere in the Arctic was thin, and people at the scientific research station received the warning, left the base, and looked up at the star sailing in the hazy light.

The eternal night will end in more than ten days, followed by the half-year-long polar day. The scientific expedition team members watched the star pierce the hazy night and aurora and fly towards the other side of the planet.

"...In order to prevent more people from needlessly bleeding and sacrificing in this war, and in order to prevent the expansion of losses on both sides..."

When the stars arrived, air raid sirens sounded shrilly in Britannia, and major cities in the Gaelic region launched emergency evacuation plans.

It's three o'clock in the morning in the northern archipelago, but it's just seven or eight o'clock in the afternoon in Britannia, which is when the nightlife has just started.

Alert text messages were sent to every Internet terminal, and all telescreen posters and consumer product advertisements turned into evacuation notices. People quickly left subways, companies, shops and hospitals, and rushed to the nearest hospital under the guidance of drones and robots.

In the nuclear war shelter, the electromagnetic protection canopy rises, and the anti-missile system enters a state of war preparation.

"...We must adopt a strategy, a strategy that, although extreme, can save more people..."

The ballistic missile defense base located in the Gale Highlands initiated a response, adopted a mid-course interception strategy, and launched anti-ballistic anti-aircraft missiles towards the star.

Xingxing has shut down its engine and is falling due to inertia, so the possibility of interception is higher at this time.

Once it dives at high speed during its descent, the interception efficiency will be greatly reduced, and it may even fall into the mainland of the jurisdiction, exploding a scar in the Britannia region.

Prepare - aim - launch.

Twelve anti-aircraft missiles shot towards the sky, trying to stop the shining red star and intercept its sub-guided warhead.

These weapons were like sharp arrows and like the sun in the night sky, launched from the far northern islands, crossed the Arctic Circle, and arrived in Britannia.

"...Nisto Company has decided to carry out a nuclear strike on the assets of the Xinxi Sheng Group located in Taixi..."


The nuclear weapon was intercepted by the anti-missile system and destroyed in the air, releasing a terrifying shock wave that illuminated the entire Britannia, as if the scorching sun had never set on this land.

The dark debris of the star fell towards the sea, and the hot wind ignited the surrounding trees, forming wildfires. The electromagnetic pulse triggered by the air burst was released over a large area, affecting coastal cities, extinguishing their lights from the night, and radiation dust slowly scattered in all directions.

, like dust among stars.

Then, everything fell silent.

In the Hisense Hotel in Lundenim, Kana Kurokawa is enjoying a moment of tranquility in the giant private bathroom.

She watched the night view of Lundenim through the entire floor-to-ceiling glass window. This was her first real rest since the start of the company war.

She felt the smart screen beside her flicker, and a strange mosaic image appeared suddenly, then disappeared instantly.

"Hacker?" Kurokawa Kana asked the Domoku Demon's extension in Lundenim.

"A Fengmo-50 intercontinental ballistic missile exploded due to interception in the Gale area. This 40-ton missile carried three nuclear warheads, each warhead weighing 400 kilograms." Domokumo reported.

"Who hit him?"

"Nisto claims responsibility for this incident."

Kurokawa Kana climbed out of the bathtub and changed into clothes.

The Gale area is located in northern Britannia and has a rugged terrain. The New Xisheng Group has deployed many industries near Gale, including a large number of oil drilling platforms in the adjacent sea areas, as well as military bunkers located inside the mountainous area.

"Where did they get the nuclear bomb?"

"NCER Base."

"Why can Nesto be used?" Kurokawa Kana tried to maintain his composure.

"The Xisheng Shrine has the physical key that can open the nuclear arsenal, and it has the highest authority over the nuclear arsenal."

"No, people in the NCER base can lock the silo." Kurokawa Kana murmured, "I know the base has been lost, but they have 10,000 ways to permanently deactivate the base, including self-destruction... Yes, management

There are traitors in the hierarchy, and they left the NCER base intact to the Nestor Company. It’s ridiculous, what did the Nestor Company promise them?”

"All NCER base personnel died instantly, and they had no chance to lock the launcher."

"Can you say that again?"

"NCER base personnel were all killed instantly." The multi-eyed demon repeated.

"How?" Kurokawa Kana frowned.

"I don't know." The multi-eyed demon told the truth, and then it received another invitation to communicate, "Simon Truth, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Rose Medicine, is calling you."

"Come in." Kurokawa Kana felt uneasy.

"...In view of the formal pressure," Truth informed Kurokawa Kana, "our company will exercise the highest legal authority granted by the company alliance to acquire all the properties of the New Xisheng Group in the Britannia region to avoid failure.

It is necessary to get involved in corporate wars."

"Nisto's actions are a provocation to you." Kurokawa Kana responded restrainedly.

"We will demand compensation from Nisto. But we also ask you to accept our offer and leave Britannia."

"Are you just willing to take the loss? They launched a nuclear bomb." Kurokawa Kana whispered.

"Listen, to make a long story short -" Truss finished his words, "we can launch a nuclear counterattack and defeat the Nestor Company, but there is no reason for the Britannia Company army to get involved in this war. Expedition to the northern archipelago is for us

It's meaningless. Why go across the ocean to fight against the northern archipelago and turn the northern archipelago into scorched earth? What will the Brittanians gain? This has long been beyond just indiscriminate bombing of a certain area.

It’s time to resolve things.”

"You can wash away the shame."

"No, no... this intercepted nuclear bomb has caused our Rose Medical health services to be out of stock, especially anti-radiation pills. The performance in the next 24 hours is enough for all our employees to take a day off."

"It only takes a professional submarine force to blockade the northern archipelago." Kurokawa Kana said quickly, "Then Nisto Company will surrender and Shinkisheng is still on the table."

"Madam," Truth tried to make the woman accept the reality, "I still advise you to leave Lundenim as soon as possible and go to other areas to clean up the industry. Other giant companies will also forcibly acquire Xinxi Sheng's industry for the same reason.

thereby avoiding security risks."

They used this excuse to swallow up New Xisheng's industry in Taixizhou. Kurokawa Kana knew it well. Now every Taixizhou company can use this reason to incorporate New Xisheng. For them, New Xisheng has become

Fat as close as a foot,

Even if they want to fight back against Nisto, they will first acquire and annex Xin Xisheng.

It's a game where the big fish eats the small fish. Will you find yourself on the weak side one day?

"We do not accept the acquisition of New Xisheng's assets for security reasons." Kana Kurokawa came to his senses and told Truth, "As long as I send out a communication, New Xisheng will have a reason to continue to exist in Taixi. You guys

We can give up on those acquisitions."

"Although I don't know who you will contact, I am waiting for good news." Truss ended the communication.

Kurokawa Kana's enthusiasm waned and she walked towards the glass curtain wall.

She could see the past appearance of Noriko Honma from her face. People said that she looked exactly like Noriko Honma when she was young, with long sleeves, good dancing, and graceful appearance.

She turned on her phone and checked for the fateful message.

Two hours ago, the "Digital Ark" technical team assembled the most powerful group of hackers to create an attack, but still failed to break through Nisto's network security defenses.

What kind of monster is guarding there?

Being defeated by such a small company. Kurokawa Kana sat down on the sofa. Or rather, Nisto Company had already become extremely powerful, and it was only now that it was firing on all cylinders.

The eye-shaped housekeeping robot brought a glass of red wine to Kurokawa Kana. She shook the wine gently in the glass and drank it in one gulp. Then she pulled the line out of the socket behind her ear, connected it to the terminal, and initiated a request to Nisto Company.

Invitation to correspondence.

"Ms. Lila Nisto," she said, "New Xisheng Group surrenders to you in this war."

This chapter has been completed!
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