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Chapter 467 Economic Means

"It's hard to imagine that Nisto Company can leverage other companies in Beijing from the economic aspect." Tenjoin Murasaki was very curious, "It is impossible for you to launch a second corporate war, otherwise you will put yourself on the opposite side of the citizens. But.

If you don’t force yourself, what else can you do?”

"The biggest entry point is the land," Lila explained.


"We need to build houses. If most residents live in rented houses, they will be skinned and sucked by modern landlords, and all their hard work will be taken away by the landlords; or they will try their best to buy houses, package up and sell the labor of the next few decades, and become people with huge mortgage loans.

Debt slaves are squeezed by banks and real estate companies. Then the world is unfair, not fair at all."

"That's also true... After the failure of Xin Xisheng, the large-scale land controlled by Xisheng will be yours." Tenjoin Murasaki's eyes lit up, "There are both inside and outside the city, and you have the means to solve the pollution in the suburbs and turn the suburbs into

Become a place where you are allowed to live.”

"This is a breakthrough point," Lila pointed out, "We will make full use of these lands to build at least 50 'Nisto Industrial Parks', increase the number of employees at Nisto Company by 30 to 60 times, and at the same time, relocate the Shangjing Bay Industrial Zone to

Spread out and reduce the siphon effect of Beijing on the surrounding ordinary cities."

"Let Shangjing be weakened instead of conquering Shangjing." Tenjoin Murasaki suddenly realized the big plan.

"Undoubtedly, we will create large-scale infrastructure to give residents more choices. If they want to live a decent life, they will not only have the option of going to big cities, but also have job opportunities and new homes around them. More importantly, Nisto Corporation

More than 10 to 20 million units of low-cost housing will be provided, supporting infrastructure will be provided, and the goal of home ownership will be achieved. This series of expansion will also provide a large number of jobs, so that people do not have to fight each other in chaotic areas and allow them to find regular jobs.

, improve the poverty problem.”

"Building tens of millions of houses... No matter where you plan to build them, it will have an immeasurable impact on the economy of Kyoto." Tenjoin Shino suddenly thought of the terrible consequences, "...Infrastructure is only a small problem, the northern archipelago is too narrow

Even if you buy in the suburbs, you can arrive in Shangjing within 30 minutes and enjoy Shangjing’s services. And if the supply of cheap houses is liberalized, Shangjing will lose its appeal. If no one buys houses, hundreds of real estate companies will collapse, and Shangjing’s

Land prices will fall sharply as a result, real estate traders and speculators will be doomed, and the assets of companies in Beijing will shrink significantly. They were already in economic difficulties, and now they have been dealt a fatal blow!"

"Yes, we can watch the trapeze here then."

Super big construction, big renovation!

"This is terrible! Building so many houses... not only the northern islands, but other overseas companies that have invested heavily in housing in Beijing will also be finished. How many people will be offended by this!"

"The number of people we offend is limited, but the number of people who benefit from this reform is countless," Lila said. "Everyone has their own house to live in, how much will their quality of life improve? Building a house itself is not expensive, but

It is overly tied to the services and financial attributes provided by the city. We must return the property to its normal residential attributes."

"Hiss..." Tenjoin Murasaki was deeply impressed by the miracle. Rentiers fell one by one. The sons and daughters of wealthy families and Nozomi are now real estate developers.

"It is hard to imagine that this civilization will rely on deformed housing and land prices to make money from the poor forever, instead of using advanced technology to improve people's lives. It is up to us to personally pop these huge bubbles and shadows, and this grand

The economic crisis of corporatism was triggered by us personally."

Tenjoin Murasaki understands that this is a sharp knife that can pierce the abscess of corporatism in one breath.

Everyone believes that the houses in Shangjing will only rise but not fall. All financial institutions and famous companies are bound to the interests of Shangjing Real Estate, including overseas investors. After all, the routine of purchasing land to increase its value has been tried and tested, and those who have tried it will be unable to extricate themselves.

, deliberately ignoring the obstacles it brings to the entire society. This is also called the extreme inflation of land prices in Shangjing. The entire society is dragged forward by the real estate monster, and other industries are eclipsed.

The biggest bubble in the history of this century will finally be punctured. This big tumor in society will finally be cut off. Thousands of companies that depend on it will die, and the mountain of housing prices hanging over the heads of ordinary people will collapse.

"It's so amazing." Tenjoin Murasaki came to his senses, "The army of Nisto Company can do nothing against Shangjing, but this method of pulling out the bottom of the cauldron can make Shangjing continue to bleed and the company collapses! It can also affect overseas investors. Takakaku

The executives of Jiuzhou and Tianshu Manufacturing have lots of real estate in Beijing, and now they have to shrink their properties by at least 30%."

"Yes," Lila nodded, "Besides, when the companies in Shangjing that rely on real estate appreciation go bankrupt, Nisto Company can also acquire them openly and officially enter every corner of the city, in other words, dominate Shangjing.

Metropolitan area.”

"That's even more powerful than Kyoto Mugen in its heyday!" Tenjouin Murasaki listened with rapt attention, "Kyoto Mugen didn't dare to say before that he could go to war with these famous families in Kyoto, local gangsters and real estate companies. It was just mutual benefit with them.

Like you who can make drastic changes and have the courage to destroy financial traps without fear of offending anyone! Everyone here’s wealth is related to real estate and land, and they have to work hard to keep housing prices high, and they will never let their own cow

Injured... but you want to drain their blood and win everything without bloodshed."

"Rents have dropped, land prices have dropped, real estate has been loosened, residents' lives have improved, and Kyoto Mugen's future long-term prosperity is guaranteed." Lila explained, "Everyone gets off work at five o'clock and has money on their cards. Only then can Kyoto Mugen's business have sales, and citizens

We must be full of energy every day, have enough leisure time, be in a happy mood, have a promising income, and have a hopeful life in order to enjoy entertainment products to the fullest."

Everyone's new life. Tenjouin Murasaki nodded frequently.

"Yes, there are fewer and fewer people coming to Comic Exhibition, or there are fewer and fewer young people." Tenjoin Murasaki sighed with emotion, "I think this is our last chance. The company's problem is its consumption power.

Synthetic people can't buy things, ordinary people can't pay for it, and people's money is tied up in debts and houses. The society is lifeless, and they don't know what exploration and innovation are, and they will eventually encounter a real great destruction. All of these are

It’s a theme drawn repeatedly by cartoonists. I dare not even look at it in real life, but you have to solve the problem with your own hands.”

"We have limited energy and cannot advance all plans at once." Lila confessed, "What I have disclosed so far is only part of a series of ambitious transformations of Nisto Company. In fact, we are still growing, and we will unite more and more people.

People, gather collective strength, and increase their knowledge in various industries. When our cooperative members reach 100,000, 1 million, 10 million, 100 million, we will have the confidence to innovate the world, lead the entire civilization to get rid of corporatism, and move into the next era with high spirits.


"Fortunately, I am a witch and I have enough time to wait for me to see all this happen." Tenjoin Murasaki said with a smile, "There are things as grand as this in the comics I have read. I really didn't expect it."

The grand narrative is interesting, but Tenjoin Murasaki wants to see people from various real estate companies in Beijing jumping off buildings in turn. Besides, since she knows this inside story, it is also the biggest opportunity for her.

She chatted with Lila for a while, and then went to have a drink and meet her partners.

"This is a partner of Nisto Company." Lila took Tenjoin Shino to find Xu Yang.

"Hello, Miss Tenjoin. My surname is Xu." Xu Yang shook hands with Zi Nai and saw the commemorative T-shirt in her red coat. He remembered that this movie was in Niederreit's Blu-ray collection, "This is

"Knight DIA"."

"Yes! Here's to you, Mr. Xu!" Tenjoin Murasaki was glad that there were knowledgeable people here. She sat at the bar and enjoyed the delicious drink.

These people at Nisto Company are really amazing. Tenjouin Murasaki looked at them. It is clear that selling the real estate they acquired will make them rich and free, and they will retire with success, yet they are still here trying to expand their scale and interfere with the historical process and world trends.

When they complete the construction, 50 Nisto Industrial Parks, industrial production capacity explodes, and 50,000 "Repawns" are released, as well as nuclear weapons, killing winds, airships, dragons, war witches, scientific research witches, and a stable Eastern Hemisphere

One tyrant!

As for myself, I just want to animate "Siphon!" as soon as possible. I'll have to check out the fox head later and push the manuscript hard. I heard that these two didn't get shot, so I'm really grateful for not killing them. Tenjoin Murasaki put a hand on the table.

Lying down, he flicked the round-mouthed wine glass in front of him with his fingers, and bubbles floated out of the silver liquid.

Next to her, Lila kept sending and receiving messages. She was actually busy and looked tired, and she would need to recharge her batteries soon.

Seeing Lila's battery running low, Tenjouin Murasaki felt deep sympathy.

"Nisto Company is still very short of manpower," she said. "It lacks people who are knowledgeable in all aspects and can do a little bit of everything to help Miss Nisto. It is best to have business talents, and the most important thing is to be able to

Trust me, is this the kind of person Xu Jun is?"

"Almost." Xu Yang drank half a glass of wine, "I can only do my best. Fortunately, I have a friend who meets the conditions you mentioned and just came back today."

"Take me to meet you?" Tenjouin Murasaki became interested, "Who is it? When I first arrived, I saw you guys preparing to pick up the plane."

Putting down the cup, Xu Yang took Tenjoin Shino to the apron. Not long after, an orange-red shuttle roared and landed on the middle parking platform of Xisheng Shrine.

"I'm back!" Kojima Yezi jumped off the shuttle.

This chapter has been completed!
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