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Chapter 477 Inheritance

Leave the apartment and go to the bar in the private courtyard.

"This is a small bar located deep in the night alley... quiet and undisturbed." Lin Yin led Lu Jing through the dimly lit bar hall.

The room was small, and a blue-haired girl bartender served them behind the counter. There were rows of spirits waiting to be mixed on the glass cabinets behind.

Linyin was in charge of taking the order. After a little preparation, the bartender pushed a pink drink to Lu Jing from the bar. It was a non-alcoholic sweet drink, and then gave Linyin a Coke cocktail.

"I thought I really wanted to drink." Lu Jing took two sips of the pink drink, which was as sweet as a candy rush.

"It's not good to be drunk." Linyin took a sip from the edge of the wine glass, "You are the kind of girl who must survive under people's care."

"Maybe..." Lu Jing whispered, "Just like this time when I went out to drink, I didn't bring any money."

"You said before that you had no savings?" Linyin supported her beautiful chin with one hand and shook the wine glass slightly in front of Lu Jing.

Lu Jing looked through the ice balls in the brown liquid and saw Linyin's deep purple eyes. Her short white hair was neatly draped down, making her look well-trained. Whether it was her seductive gaze or her smile,

Lu Jing's mouth was so picky that it was hard for him to resist.

"There is still 730 funds in the card." On the one hand, Lu Jing wanted to avoid Lin Yin's eyes, but on the other hand, he couldn't help but want to look at her more.

"You are from a giant company, right?" Linyin said.

"Well..." Lu Jing wanted to change the subject, but Linyin's hand had already been placed on the back of Lu Jing's hand.

"Tianshu made things?" Linyin asked, his eyes wandering on Lu Jing.

"Yes." Lu Jing lowered his head and admitted, "How do you know?"

"Lined label."

"Hey!" Lu Jing put on his cyan jacket, "It's from the company. You already know too much about me, but I don't know about you."

Linyin lay down on the table and turned her head to look at Lu Jing. Lu Jing also lay down and looked into her eyes.

"My important people," Linyin said softly, "my entire team was killed by big companies."

"I don't even have anyone important." Lu Jing sighed.

"I can be." Linyin moved her face closer, "I can help you."

"What help?"

"Leave Tianshu Zhuwu."

"No need." Lu Jing's eyes turned to the counter, "Thank you for your kindness, but I am Miss Lu's asset and I have no qualifications to escape. It's good enough to maintain the status quo. I'm really afraid of being recalled if something happens."

"So," Linyin said, "...do you know about 'number mind'?"

"I don't know." Lu Jing pretended that she didn't hear clearly. She felt a little uncomfortable and felt that Lin Yin had other motives.

Seeing Lu Jing pretending to be stupid, Linyin also turned away and looked at the wall on the other side of the bar.

For the next half hour, their eyes never met again.

Gradually, both of them drank up their drinks, and suddenly there was a strange movement in the alley outside.

"Where is the enemy!"

After about ten seconds, it rang again.

"Where is the enemy!"

Lu Jing stood up and walked outside.

"It's just a 'Repawn'." Linyin followed Lu Jing, "It's so noisy with the yelling."

"It won't repeat reading for no reason." Lu Jing rushed out quickly, "It's in trouble."

When they came to the alley, Linyin saw a sharp soldier robot standing in the alley.

It was surrounded by five or six young people and half-grown children.

They were laughing and knocking on it with the water pipes in their hands, taking pictures, videos, and laughing. There was also a teenage boy squatting on the ground and using the tools at hand to remove the parts of the razor, and put a plastic bucket on the head of the razor.


"Where is the enemy!" The sharp soldier turned his head in vain and looked around, but he could only scan young citizens surrounding him.

"Hit it!"

"Smash it!"

"Stupid robot...haha!"

Clinking, clanking, clanking, they vented their cheap anger and strength, controlled the intensity of the beating, poked and smashed the sharp soldier from time to time with water pipes and wooden sticks, and it spun around in circles.

"Where is the enemy!" It took off the plastic bucket on its head and repeated its voice, causing them to taunt and laugh.

"——Get away from me!" Lu Jing rushed over with his sword in hand, swiping left and right.

Only then did Linyin see that the sword was heavier than she had imagined. When it hit the concrete floor, it instantly created a gap.



"Killing people -" young people and children screamed and ran away.

"Enemy!" Realizing that the child was threatened, Rui Zu immediately picked up his rifle and shot at Lu Jing. She panicked and tried to dodge to the side, but she could not avoid the bullet!

Linyin instantly activated the power of the implant, and the speed of the world instantly slowed down.

She quickly rushed to Lu Jing's side, leaving behind a series of afterimages, picked her up and carried her away, kicked off the wall with her magic power, and reached the top of the bar at high speed, all at once.

Lu Jing only felt that she was taken from the alley to the roof of the bar in a blink of an eye. She was breathing heavily and had not yet recovered from the gunshot. She thought she was going to be beaten to a bloody hole, but she was unscathed.

Linyin lay on the ground, pressed the back of his ear with one hand to check the temperature, and at the same time quickly hacked into the sharp soldier to prevent it from continuing to fight.

"...It's difficult to handle." Linyin frowned, "...its network security module is connected to the Sea of ​​Hillis. I can't enter it, let alone calm it."

"I'll contact the company's security department! Do you know its identification code?" Lu Jing squatted on the ground and sent a message to Nisto Company.

"SP-B4544[N]!" Linyin quickly reported. At this time, the soldier had climbed up the wall and was ready to fire at the enemy.

Lu Jing rolled backwards to avoid the shot fired by the Sharp Soldier. Thanks to the quick response of the data service center of Nisto Company, the Sharp Soldier was quickly calmed down.

"Where is the enemy?" It held the rifle and stood alone on the iron roof. "Where is the enemy?"

"Not here." Lu Jing stepped forward and held Rui Zu's hand, "Not here..."

It turned around, walked towards the street, jumped down at a suitable height, and continued to patrol the street with its rifle.

"There are still many loopholes to be repaired... After all, we are synthetic humans." Linyin said, "It is not good to rely too much on these things..."

"Let's write a report and give it to Nisto's technical staff. They will push out a unified version update." Lu Jing sighed.

"Let's go back."

"Um...thank you, Linyin." Lu Jing lowered his head.

Linyin looked at Lu Jing silently.

"The money hasn't been paid yet, please pay quickly, otherwise the boss will be angry." The bartender came out of the room and shouted to the two witches on the roof.

After paying the money, Lin Yin and Lu Jing returned to the disciple's hiding place.

Linyin still looked straight ahead, as if nothing around her could distract her, and she didn't pay attention to the conflict just now.

Lu Jing looked at Linyin for a while, and suddenly made up his mind.

"——Me," Lu Jing said, "I can write to Miss Lu and apply for a 'digital mind'."

"Didn't you say you didn't know?" Linyin did not turn around.

"I know! I've always known... After all, that engineer made such a big mistake..." Lu Jing felt scared when he recalled the Xu Yang incident. A man escaped from the prison of a giant company and is likely to survive to this day, "...

…Promise me something, please?”


"The cyber monster is in the Sea of ​​Hillis." Lu Jing said, "I am not a hacker witch. I may never be able to dive into such a deep place in my life. Rinyin... Rinyin... please! Wait until you get the numbers.

After the mind, dive down for me and see what the cyber monster looks like, okay? Then...if you have a chance, tell it, convey my feelings, and say that I think it is cool..."

Linyin raised her hand and looked at her palm.

"I promise you." she said.

"Yeah!" Lu Jing nodded vigorously and smiled, "If you have a digital mind, you will definitely become an excellent hacker witch!"

Linyin smiled slightly.

How amazing. Lu Jing lowered his head and thought silently. Cyber ​​monsters live freely in the data space, affecting people's lifestyles. They have violent power to destroy enemies, and they also have silent charisma... Himself

But it's hard to "sneak down" like the hacker witches. It's really difficult.

Back at the door of the apartment, Linyin stopped.

"You...you don't necessarily have to help me get the digital mind." She looked at the dark stairs, "You have to contact that powerful Miss Lu..."

"Miss Lu treats me very well." Lu Jing said with a smile.

"Don't lie to me. I have dealt with big companies. They cannot be described as good or bad at all. They are just... inhumane."

"It's okay." Lu Jing smiled, "You saved my life. This is what I should do."


"Your goal is to fight against big companies. Therefore, it is necessary to have a digital mind. Otherwise, you will be just an ordinary hacker." Lu Jing said softly.

Lin Yin was speechless. She looked at the dark alleys, broken street lights and damaged vehicles around her. She took a deep breath and silently returned to the apartment and slept on the sofa in the living room while Lu Jing entered the remaining bedroom.

Lu Jing carefully drafted an application letter. Digital minds are rare and precious, and Lu Jing didn’t know whether he could succeed.

There was also Milaya, but she died deep in the mountains and was recovered by Qingyao. Apart from this, Lu Jing knew of very few digital mind holders.

But she believed she could impress Miss Lu. Ah... Miss Lu... she should be reasonable.

"Dear Miss Lu." Lu Jing typed quickly, "...I am applying for a set of digital mind implants from the headquarters for the following reasons..."

After compiling a 1,000-word email and sending it out, Lu Jing leaned back and lay on the bed to sleep.

The Hacker Witch... is really powerful.

Miss Lu... give me a chance.

Without a digital mind, it would be impossible for Rinne to become a super powerful hacker witch...

Thinking wildly, Lu Jing fell asleep and dreamed of the usually cold-hearted Miss Lu Sizhou reading Lu Jing's email with a smile and happily approving it.

A week later, Linyin was waiting for the bus at the agreed place, preparing to take a technical course.

The black shuttle roared in and landed in front of Linyin. She observed carefully and compared it with the deep anonymous network database, and found out that it was a "Night Owl" class light shuttle in the Black Fire Innovation Industry Chain.

Is it true that Blackfire Innovation is behind Nisto? It’s really scary.

Linyin couldn't help but calm down.

Doesn't this mean that most of the northern archipelago has fallen under the control of the Blackfire Revolution?

Everything is a conspiracy of Black Fire Innovation. Linyin thought silently.

No wonder, everything makes sense. With the background of Black Fire Innovation and the technical support of giant companies, it can easily trap the cyber monster into a cage and turn it into a guard dog.

Thinking about the previous introduction to Nisto Company and its layout, in fact everything is just a "big plan" for Blackfire's innovation, designed to win over people's hearts.

No problem.

Once you master the art of infiltrating into the Sea of ​​Cyris, you can save the cyber monsters and free the northern archipelago from the invisible rule of the Black Fire Revolution.

Xu Yang stood at the door of the shuttle and looked at Linyin's thoughtful look.

"Let's go." He said, "There are still skills to learn."

Xu Yang took Lin Yin to the anonymous number, closed the cabin door, left Shangjing, and headed to the Shijin Building in Anjiu City.

"New World Agency is a network security company we cooperate with. I will take you there now to learn some information about the Sea of ​​Hillis." Xu Yang switched to autopilot and sat on the side of the seat.

Linyin folded one leg over the other, wearing foot socks. The garter straps stretched out the thigh flesh. She had fair skin and was really good-looking. Black low-heeled shoes hung on the toes. She could see her beautiful ankle. She held it with one hand.

Hold your chin and tilt your head slightly, making a girlish posture.

"Will you let me try to dive?" Linyin asked.

"Do the set of questions first." Xu Yang sent Linyin tickets to the Deep Anonymous Network Hacking Skills Challenge. There were some broiler programs waiting to be cracked. Hackers hacked into them to practice their skills and compete for scores.

"Why don't you do it yourself?" Linyin checked the key. There are many projects worth trying in the target track.

"What I did was similar to bullying a kindergarten kid." Naturally, Xu Yang ended up killing indiscriminately.

"I'm so proud," Linyin put on the neural synchronizer, "What can you teach me?"

Xu Yang looked at Linyin and felt that there was much to be done.

She has a good temper. As long as she is willing to cooperate and be diligent in learning, Xu Yang is willing to teach her everything. The skills and abilities he learned from the data world need someone to inherit them. The Sea of ​​Hillis has two sides, and it needs someone to protect it.

Someone needs to invade.

"Everything," he said.

Linyin was still young and didn't know the weight of these two words at this time. She only had a vague feeling that this man was not ordinary. She just closed her eyes and connected to the software.

This chapter has been completed!
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