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Chapter 483 New Order

It was a pity not to be able to witness the grand premiere. With this thought in mind, they all arrived at the scene and formed groups.

There was a 20-minute delay on the way here, and the first episode was already halfway through. It was about a mysterious girl's bond that brought the ignorant girl prince out of the secluded shrine, and the two officially entered the bizarre and huge city.

As the largest traditional cinema in Beijing, Harada Animation Cinema retains a 400-inch main screen hanging in the center of the cinema.

The surrounding stands are in a stepped style. No matter which row they sit in, people can clearly see the pleasing animation images. The supporting audio and video facilities are also top-notch, providing the best sound and light effects, lifelike colors, pleasant dubbing, and

The senses created by virtual reality technology are completely different.

"It's amazing. Why? So much money is spent on the production of an animation." Miying looked at the exquisite images on the huge screen.

"You're right," Niederreiter said, "but "Siphon!" is a new girl's love adventure in April produced by Kyoto Infinity. The story takes place in a fantasy world called 'Dream Star'.

Here, the witches chosen by God will be given a 'mission' to control the forces of nature. You will see two heroines with different personalities and special abilities 'bond' with the 'Prince', and they will travel and adventure freely together, constantly

After meeting new partners, while defeating the enemy and finding oneself, they will gradually discover the truth about 'Siphon'."

"It's amazing." The concept of Miying cannot yet understand the virtual story.

Being able to watch the premiere safely and with the support of luxurious equipment is also a blessing for animation lovers.

They quietly felt this sublime atmosphere, with more than 40,000 people enjoying a top-notch production, using all the materials. President Tenjoin Murasaki personally supervised, and six different creative AIs cooperated with 20,000 staff.

We tried our best to complete the script, storyboards, performances, animation, art, visual effects, sound and other tasks within 24 days to ensure that the premiere at the Harada Cinema was completed as scheduled.

According to real-time statistics, at least 900 million people around the world watched the premiere of "Siphon!"

On various TV stations, digital streaming media, websites, applications and social media, the total number of videos related to "Siphon!" has been played 11.2 billion times. At this time, it has naturally become the first place on all social software trend lists.

Impeccable...an event!

Miying deeply resonated with this huge atmosphere, and a hazy feeling surrounded her.

"If you want to become a human being," Miying said, "you have to try to think outside yourself and imitate other people's minds."

"Yes." Niederrett still didn't know what Miying was talking about, but followed her words.

"For fat nerds," Miying looked at the animation lovers around him, "we should try to imitate their thinking and understand them. For animation works, we should try to understand the spiritual trajectory of the protagonists in them and understand how they cope with huge life challenges.

Decisions are made before them, and shared emotions arise.”

Hearing this, Niedlet gradually understood that Miying's mental module was being upgraded.

"You want to be human?" he asked. "Humans are not good at all."


"Humans have to go to work. If you don't want to work, just turn off your phone and put it back up. If humans don't want to work, you can't just pretend to be dead until next year."

"Is the difference between synthetics and humans really so great that it's unimaginable?" Miying turned around and saw the guarded soldiers entering the passage, and thought of the soldiers who were easily torn apart by the evil beasts.

She suddenly hoped that those sharp soldiers would be successfully repaired instead of being thrown to the recycling department.

"The gap is still quite big," Niederrett sat in his original position and moved a little. "Human beings desperately want to be transformed into indestructible robots, but robots desperately want to become humans. Neither side can understand each other.


At the end of the first episode of "Siphon!", the last shot was of a super giant city under the starry sky, leaving a gorgeous silhouette in front of people, which whetted people's appetites. The visual effects and colors alone were stunning enough.

Everyone couldn't help but stand up and applaud. The loud applause lasted for more than a minute. It wasn't until the ending music played that people sat down one after another and quietly savored the shock of the elegant music to the soul.

With the emphasis that Kyoto Mugen places on "Siphon!", each episode has a completely different theme song and ending song, all using world-renowned music teams. Just thinking about the huge investment behind it, people will be secretly proud of themselves.

I have the taste to catch up with such a masterpiece.

After the ending song, it was time to enter the commercial break, and the virtual image of Wei Shiyue jumped out on the screen, and the mature and beautiful two-dimensional form caused another scream!

“Micro October!”

"October's avatar!"


“Micro October is the cutest!”

"My master is here."


"Good, good, good, good!"

"Is this...?"

Micro-October greeted everyone with a beautiful and elegant three-dimensional virtual image, and also introduced Kyoto Unlimited’s cultural strategic planning for this year, including a large number of new dramas, mobile games, anime and light novels that will be launched from now until next spring.

Everyone said it was very enjoyable, and their future cultural life was guaranteed.

"The virtual micro-October has never been seen before." Miying was very surprised, "So exaggerated and so gorgeous."

"She announced it on social media," Niederreit explained. "She said that this way, she can perform more casually, and others won't know whether she put on makeup today. Now Wei October has discovered a virtual idol.

The great thing about it is that although it may seem a little bit hyped, this model is really top-notch and has full technical capabilities. It is not comparable to ordinary two-dimensional virtual idols.”

"Big changes have also taken place in Micro-October..." Miying looked at it carefully for a while, but before he could see it all, a red light started to light up on his body, "I'm going to charge, there are only 40 minutes left."

"Let's go. Anyway, we've watched the first episode. You can watch the replays and live broadcasts of the rest." Niederreit pressed his forehead, creating a miniature virtual screen in front of his eyes that only he could see.

, after confirming the transmission quality, he took Miying away without any worries.

After hearing the news, Lu Jing and Lin Yin also left the theater.

"Go to the Solid Gold Building?" Linyin suggested, "It's nicer there than our shabby apartment." Others had no objection.

The four of them went to the unattended train station in Shangjing together. The night view of Shangjing was colorful and the lights illuminated the night sky. It was a man-made miracle city in itself, and they felt insignificant while walking in it. When they arrived at the station, a car loaded with two generations of

Smart ticket vending machines are responsible for selling tickets.

"Welcome to the intercity train service!" the smart ticket vending machine explained, "Going to Anjiu City, three people, 450 funds, please swipe your card here."

There are four of us. Niederreit wanted to emphasize this, but he still looked at Miying with Lu Jing and Linyin.

"You can put this housekeeping robot in your suitcase and take it with you." The ticket vending machine saw this and said happily.

Even after many modifications and upgrades, and having experienced hundreds of battles, Miying's factory code is still a housekeeping synth.

Considering Miying's "emotion", they couldn't help but hurry up and smooth things over.

"...Miying can lie on the mat made of our knees!" Lu Jing said hurriedly.

"Yes! I can hang on the railing and sit in my seat." Niederrett was also very anxious.

"Sit on the empty seats." Linyin disagreed, "It's almost past 12 o'clock now. How can there be so many people taking the bus in the middle of the night? There must be many empty seats."

"Put me in the luggage area." Miying said, "Please."

Just when they were hesitating, a white intercity train drove in front of them, and passengers rushed on board.

Because they respected Miying's decision, everyone had to put her in the large luggage room in the middle of the train.

She was sitting in the middle of a pile of giant boxes, and beside her there were some pale and unpainted synths huddled in the corner. They sat side by side with the huge metal boxes, paying no attention to Miying's appearance.

Miying walked in front of these unconscious synthetic humans over and over again.

There are various styles, each of which can meet the needs of private security, companionship, and dangerous work. They maintain a neat and uniform sitting posture, hug their knees, and reduce the space they occupy.

"You are luggage." Miying squatted in front of them, "You know, you are luggage?"

"..." The synthesized people said nothing.

When the flight attendant entered the compartment, Miying took the initiative to imitate the appearance of other synths, sitting in the corner and hugging his knees to avoid being folded by him. He walked in and walked around, and when he saw nothing unusual, he left on his own.


"I want to become a human being." Miying repeated it as he got off the car.

Lu Jing and Lin Yin were not conscious yet, but Niedleit felt that something had awakened in the depths of Miying.

Niederreiter had to find a way to avoid the worst outcome.

"Ah... take a rest for a while, Miying." Niedelaite said hurriedly, "It is also a human ability to put everything aside temporarily."

"Yeah." Miying nodded.

Returning to the parking apron on the top floor of the Shijin Building, Linyin stepped out of the autonomous taxi and entered the office.

She soon heard a very violent noise, and she quickly called to Lu Jing behind her, telling her not to come near.

"What's wrong..." Lu Jing lowered his voice.

"A good boy cannot listen to noise." Linyin bent down and quietly approached Xu Yang's room. She found that he was with a certain woman and his voice was not quiet.

Rinne asked them to stand back a little.

After noticing the arrival, the movement in the room became much quieter.

Linyin felt that her heart was beating so fast. This was a collision of powerful force and vigorous life.

"Is it haunted?" Lu Jingshang had no idea.

"I'll teach you later." Linyin walked out with her hands behind her back, "Let's find another place to rest tonight."

She returned to the rooftop and leaned against the bulletproof glass guardrail at the edge of the tarmac, looking at the city in the night wind. She lowered her head and suddenly saw the screen light up.

The digital mind has been sent to the office. Lu Jing was happy at first, thinking that it could be used to help Linyin, and then her expression became serious again.

Also arriving at the same time was a new order conveyed by Lu Sizhou to Lu Jing, requiring her to receive it personally.

Once the matter involves Miss Lu, it will be very troublesome. Lu Jing sighed secretly. But he has no choice. Essentially, he is Miss Lu's asset.

However, Lu Jing didn't want to change this. From the moment he thought of Lu Sizhou, Lu Jing knew that he had a lot of responsibilities, and there was no way he could disobey him.

Lu Jing, loves his own life, loves Tianshu products, loves Miss Lu, eternity, no end, no doubts.

"Ah, good boy, just now..." Lin Lin walked towards Lu Jing with a smile.

"I have something to do." Lu Jing turned and left, with a frightening indifference.

Linyin's outstretched hand stopped in mid-air. She put it back behind her and returned to the house with a heavy heart.

People have their own troubles, and familiar dilemmas are everywhere. Lin Yin lowered his head, treating the noise on the other side of the floor as the background sound, and drank a swig of Coke.

This chapter has been completed!
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