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Chapter four hundred and eighty fifth true knower

Lu Jing was polite. She bowed to the Taoists and lowered her head to listen to their instructions.

"...What Ms. Lu said is true. This woman has good bones and is very talented..." Liu Tianshi spoke slowly. As a virtuous and capable practitioner, every note he uttered was like a cruel blow to Lu Jing's heart.

A hard knock made her unable to concentrate.

"According to Miss Lu's wishes," Shi Qing explained, "Master Liu will use immortal magic to correct the untuned parts of your heart."

"I love the company." Lu Jing emphasized weakly.

"You didn't pass the test. If you have opinions about the company, just talk about it. It'll be fine." Shi Qing said.

Lu Jing's body trembled.

"What about the digital mind?" she asked.

"Here." Shi Qing patted the gold box at his hand. The solid shell was covered with gorgeous patterns, and auspicious clouds and animals were spread all over it, which meant it was extremely precious.

Lu Jing looked carefully and found that it was much bigger than he thought. It was at least as wide as a person's entire chest. The digital mind was a valuable item and needed to be protected at all times.

Liu Tianshi would not do anything outrageous. Lu Jing comforted himself. As long as he could get a digital mind, everything would be easy. Linyin could also become a super hacker, and it would be easy to enter the Sea of ​​Xilis, even if he could save or take away Cyber.

Not to mention monsters and ghosts, how cool would that be?

"I follow Miss Lu's arrangement." Lu Jing said softly, "If God doesn't take what he wants, he will take the blame."

"...This woman understands the righteousness..." Liu Tianshi turned around and walked on the rock floor.

Lu Jing noticed that his walking was windy and he could cross the entire corridor at will. It was very reasonable for practitioners to live in seclusion in Youxuan Cave for hundreds of years.

Under the command of Shi Qing, Lu Jing was taken away by four armored soldiers in despair. They were as silent as statues when standing guard, and their discipline was stricter than other companies. For this reason, Lu Jing sometimes felt that they were not human beings.

The phone vibrated, and Lu Jing picked it up to look at it.

"Lu Jing?" Linyin sent a message.

"." Lu Jing replied full stop.

"Good boy, come out and play."

"Something's wrong." Lu Jing was upset and turned off her phone. She thought about all the things in the past and present. She seemed to be lacking in mentality. She was not very resolute. She was not as decisive as the outstanding witches in the company.

, not to mention as smart and strong as Miss Lu Sizhou.

In fact, Lu Jing didn't like Linyin always calling her a good girl. Lu Jing kept his integrity, was sensible, respected the company's laws, and acted according to the instructions in the employee handbook. Why shouldn't he do that?

"...Using thunder to remove evil spirits from the chest can stop greed and lies..." Liu Tianshi took Lu Jing to the underground dojo, where formations had been piled up with mysterious materials, incense burners were complete, and smoke and candles were available.

Lu Jing has liked such occasions since she was a child. She feels calm and solemn. Liu Tianshi is sitting on a high seat, waiting to teach the children below.

"Miss Lu hopes that you can become the most powerful witch in Xia." Shi Qing stood at the entrance of the room, urging Lu Jing to move forward, asking her to sit in the center of the formation, with ancient spells written everywhere.

Lu Jing felt that the atmosphere of the entire room around him was constantly changing. Sometimes it was surrounded by fairy mist, and his mind was calm, and sometimes it was filled with gloomy wind and gloomy clouds. In other words, the two were essentially one and the same, both of which were difficult for ordinary people to understand.

This is his chance. Lu Jing thought silently.

Lu Jing took half a step forward, while Liu Tianshi sat on the chair and waited patiently.

"What are you still hesitating about?" Shi Qing urged, "Have you forgotten that this is what Miss Lu meant?"

"I know - but..."

"But what?" Shi Qing pressed.

"I feel... strange." Lu Jing confessed, "Why, why do I have to obey orders? Since when... is it because I am a witch? So I don't have the right to say no?"

Bad boy. Bad boy. Lu Jing scolded himself quietly.

It had been a long time since Shi Qing had heard his subordinate witch dare to raise such a provocative voice. She completely despised the power of heaven and regarded the rules and regulations as nothing.

Its expression changed intelligently, and it looked towards Liu Tianshi as if asking for help. Liu Tianshi was a very civilized and polite practitioner. At this time, he just remained silent, spending every minute in regulating his breath and meditating, and was unwilling to get involved in mundane things.


The entire Tianshu Manufacturing office fell into darkness, the huge power supply device was shut down, and the entire building instantly sank into darkness, but within a few seconds, everything returned to light.

"Hacker!" Shi Qing immediately increased the strength of his firewall.

"...evil heretics..." Liu Tianshi raised his eyes and looked around. Lu Jing guessed that he was using his super computing power to hunt down enemies.

Is it Linyin?

Lu Jing was just surprised now and didn't like Linyin interrupting everything by making her own decisions.

But she was also afraid of what she might encounter next. Lu Jing's heart was pounding and she suddenly walked out quickly.

"The office was attacked!" Lu Jing walked out, "I have to protect Liu Tianshi's safety! The other party may be armed!"

After all, Shi Qing was just a sapphire machine puppet. It couldn't tell what was strange about Lu Jing's words in a short period of time. It looked at Liu Tianshi in the center of the room. The Taoist's power was fully turned on, the fans around him were whirring, and the Taoist robes were vibrating wildly.

The light in his eyes radiated like colorful glass, and he had already found the location of the attacker and connected to the infinite data battlefield.

Run, Lu Jing, run! Lu Jing thought silently, lie once and be a bad boy once. She ran to the previous office and opened the box containing the digital mind. Inside was a set of precision-packaged

The kit, covering brain processors, subcutaneous data chipsets, high-number neural circuits and bionic neural bundles, allows one to more easily enter the digital signal space.

Linyin... Lu Jing thought dimly in his mind. If he gives it to Linyin, he can help her...

She turned on her phone and found that Linyin had sent her more messages.

"How are you?"

"Are you in any danger?"

"Do you need help?"

These messages were sent by Linyin before the online confrontation with Liu Tianshi. When Liu Tianshi started to take action, Linyin stopped sending messages.

Lu Jing was at a loss when he thought that Linyin would encounter difficulties. Linyin got involved in the situation to help Lu Jing, but Lu Jing had no reason to leave at all!

On the other side, Linyin feared that Lu Jing would be harmed, so she took the initiative to hack into the Beijing office of Tianshu Manufacturing and turned off the power supply line according to the method she was familiar with. However, the other party responded very quickly and restored all power supply in an instant.

Technical experts came to fight back and followed the clues left by Lin Yin to pursue them.

The other party used a signal attack method that was completely unfamiliar to Lin Yin, and its encoding was unfamiliar enough, as if the system used came from another civilization.

Linyin wanted to escape with the help of Anonymous's equipment, but was afraid that Lu Jing was still in danger, so she struggled to hold on. As a last resort, she sent a message to Xu Yang for help.

"Can I borrow... Nisto Company's Sea of ​​Silis? To use it to fend off a very mysterious attacker."

"Okay." Xu Yang was surprised when he received the message, but he also wanted to know who the so-called mysterious attacker was.

For Liu Tianshi, his situation changed rapidly.

The efficiency of his spiritual consciousness and digital signal conversion is a hundred times higher than that of ordinary people, and his beliefs are thorough and clear, without any stagnation. As he takes action, the sinister people who try to disturb the office will naturally be unable to withstand it.

But in an instant, the content of his signal picture suddenly changed, and he had fallen into a giant orange-red sea, standing on the edge.

In the middle of the lonely sea, a huge beast surged, shaped like a wingless Kunpeng, and its breath was full of multi-dimensional data. If he wanted to cross this huge sea to continue searching and annihilating his opponents, Liu Tianshi had the power to spare, but he was unwilling to take such a big risk.


not to mention……

So majestic.

This was Liu Tianshi's first time seeing the Sea of ​​Hillis system.

If you know everything, you can do everything. Liu Tianshi sat cross-legged in a corner of the digital space, silently meditating, thinking that he had created something for himself.

When the practitioners came into contact with the modern technology provided by Tianshu, they realized that the classics that they had been unable to understand in the first half of their lives actually contained knowledge that only industrial civilization had the opportunity to develop. No wonder they could only study the classics in the past.

The ancient writings were at a loss and yielded no results, but now that I am in the Internet world, I can verify what I think in my heart.

The digital image of Xu Yang was swimming in the Sea of ​​Hillis. He was really surprised to see such an "intruder" at this time.

The opponent entered the Sea of ​​Hillis in a completely different manner. He did not incarnate digital consciousness, but took out a part of his extensive consciousness. The attack program he transformed was completely written in secret text, which was similar to the text on Lu Jinglei's talisman.

Constructing an unprecedented form of programming, almost coming from a more advanced civilization, was an eye-opener for Xu Yang.

He immediately copied it for reference and thought it would help optimize his own code.

...What a rare opportunity!

Previously, Xu Yang worked for Gaoge Jiuzhou. Completely different from Tianshu, Gaoge Jiuzhou locked up and destroyed all ancient books, fully embraced the great future of information technology and all-category industrialization, and drove out all practitioners, so he did not understand this.

It is a mystery, and we only know roughly that Tianshu Zhuwu accepted it.

Liu Tianshi had only heard that technologically advanced companies were using brand-new network systems and knew nothing about their specific conditions.

Xu Yang and Liu Tianshi both believed that contact was beneficial and did not attack each other for a while.

In reality, after getting rid of Liu Tianshi's invasion, Linyin continued to communicate with Lu Jing using an anonymous number.

"Good boy?" Linyin tentatively sent her a message, "What are you doing now? Has something really happened?"

"I'm sorry." Lu Jing quickly replied and apologized to Linyin, "I'm fine, I just don't know what to do."

"As long as it's your own decision."

"Okay." Lu Jing sighed and replied quickly.

"Can we still drink together?" Linyin asked again.

"We'll know tomorrow." Lu Jing wanted to hide, but she felt empty in her heart.

"It's fine." Linyin finally sent the message, "What I hope most is that you are safe. I don't want anyone I care about to die inexplicably or turn into something else."

Lu Jing really wanted to cry.

Returning to the underground dojo, Shi Qing looked at Liu Tianshi's radiant face, which seemed to be more energetic than before. At this time, he had left the Sea of ​​Hillis, and felt that his mind was vast, even more than before, and the misty world seemed to be nothing.

"We believe you can protect Xia." Shi Qing turned around and used a different method of persuasion to Lu Jing.

"...You should practice with a pure heart until you gain insight into the true knowledge and all the upright immortal techniques can be passed on..." Liu Tianshi said to Lu Jing that when he didn't want to speak, he would use the electronic broadcast unit around his neck to speak, which sounded particularly special.


That's right. He can also modify his digital mind. Lu Jing suddenly understood. He has both magical power and digital power, just like Milaya, but stronger than her, because Milaya is not trusted by anyone, and Lu Jing is a giant

Enterprise focus training.

Lu Jing can either run away, be wanted and become a super bad boy; or he can turn around and accept the teachings of Shi Qing, Miss Lu and Liu Tianshi.

"I'll give you an answer tomorrow." Lu Jing said softly.

She went back to her dormitory and lay down, feeling empty all over.

Linyin actually came to the office for Lu Jing's safety. She was really bold. It must be fun to follow her as a bad boy.

Tianshi Liu was able to teach Lu Jing all the magic skills, including how to create powerful treasures like the life-protecting jade pendant. He would not treat Miss Lu unfairly. He would protect one side in the future and protect the people of Xia.

No matter what... no matter what...

None of this was what Lu Jing wanted to do from the bottom of his heart.

Hazy, Lu Jing fell asleep. Her mind had never been so tired as it was today.

In her clean and pure dream, she felt herself defenseless and falling deeper and deeper.

Gradually, she saw a witch with a mysterious brilliance walking towards her, which made Lu Jing feel confused.

So great, solemn, and noble.

It seems like the best way for witches to survive.

"Who are you?" Lu Jing asked.

"It's a long story." Falosa smiled and looked at Lu Jing, "Tell me, do you have any wishes? Oh, I want you to do one thing first... I want you to face your true feelings.

Love from your heart, to the depths of your own chest.”

"If I listen to you, will you help me?"

"Everything." Falosa smiled, "All your troubles and all your dilemmas will be solved by me."

Lu Jing held her breath. She was surprised to find that this was the dream she was most willing to indulge in, the destination she most longed for. Ah...is she this kind of person? It's strange, but also scary.

The past seems so far away.

This chapter has been completed!
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