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Chapter 488: Three Principles

Linyin and Miying packed their things and prepared to leave.

They replenished supplies for the Anonymous, including fuel rods, batteries, clean water, food, weapons and ammunition, and everything was ready.

Miying suddenly detected an object approaching quickly. She climbed onto the cabin cover and looked into the distance. She saw an expensive red sports shuttle arriving quickly. After passing the key verification, it landed.

A handsome woman wearing a brown canvas denim jacket and black sunglasses walked down and went straight to the office.

"Stranger." Miying couldn't tell.

"Anything that cannot be found in the scan will be identified as Du Qianqian." Linyin watched her leave.

"You doubt her private life, why?" Miying read the original record.

"She was bleeding and injured. That lover must be very bad." Linyin said.

"I did not detect this detail."

"Your attention is all on the weapons and implants." Linyin opened the hatch, assembled his short knife, and then took out a 7mm pistol "Nail Driver" from the weapon cabinet, "Sometimes you have to

Break through the established procedures.”

Miying watched Du Qian move into the house. The other party sat down at the desk and said something to Xu Yang in a stern tone. Xu Yang tried to calm her emotions, which might have some effect.

The woman would deform when she was anxious, and her appearance would change from time to time. Sometimes she was graceful, sometimes thin and wizened, sometimes a man, sometimes a handsome boy, so Du Qianqian's identity was confirmed.

Miying pulled the cabin door hard.

"You don't care?" Linyin observed.

"If it were him, he should be able to soothe Du Qianqian's emotions." Miying said.

"Does everyone trust Mr. Internet Supervisor?" Linyin lowered his head and smiled.

"He brought us out of a desperate situation." Miying said, "He has won our support since then."

The destination of this trip is Niishishiki Town on the western edge of the archipelago, located at the southern foothills of Mingge Mountain. On that stretch of coastline with complex terrain, the colonel will arrive on a small passenger ship.

Linyin read the report and found out that the ship was called "Red Life".

The captain's name is Febbs, a descendant of the colonel's army. He is very aware of the past of his father's generation. After the colonel left, local entrepreneurs reached an agreement with the lighthouse core. They brought an advanced army from New Taipei in the north.

, consisting of drones, space carriers, war witches and killing machines.

With the support of the New Taipei people, the troops left behind by the colonel were wiped out. The company's troops entered every piece of land that the colonel had conquered. The colonel's flag was knocked down and the company's trademark was hung high. Newspapers, publications and media were completely suppressed.

Regulation, public utilities such as water purification, electricity, hospitals and education established by the colonel were packaged and sold and handed over to Intercontinental Capital for operation. They quickly turned into huge profit industries that only the rich were eligible to enjoy. Tequila Island also entered the dark years.

Providing food, minerals, labor and cheap products to other businesses to this day.

Upon hearing the news that the colonel had escaped, Captain Febus dug out his grandfather's epaulettes buried in the soil, and continued with the colonel, driving a small boat on the big river of Tequila Island to convey the news to the jungle residents.

After successfully requesting help from the Nestor Company, Febus determined the route and decided to sail the ship himself across the ocean. He would inevitably escort the weak colonel to the northern archipelago, where he would join like-minded people.

After looking at the landing plan, it was found that due to the storm, it would take at least 40 hours for Febus to reach the shore. They still had time to rest, clean up the landing site, and eliminate potential enemies.

Linyin leaned on the anonymous number and continued to smoke.

"You can't contact Lu Jing about this matter, because she is a company witch." Linyin felt a little weird. She couldn't get along with Lu Jing like before, "Do you have any reinforcements over there?"

"I summoned the reinforcements of the 'disciples' to help me. They are all the most reliable ones. They are Niederrett, Bang Bang Man Hosoda and healer Chiyuki. Chiyuki's brother also wanted to come, but he couldn't make it in time. The other three are here

On the way." Miying responded.

"Let's take a look at who is in this team," Linyin gestured. "The axe-hand Miying, the otaku technician, the gunner, the healer, and the hacker witch. We still lack the kind of versatile characters who can come up with ideas.

Courageous, versatile, able to shoot and drive."

"Yes, we need to find another one." Miying also felt that their team had shortcomings, "Recruiting trustworthy people to help."

The Witch Division of Nisto Company has worked hard on the front line, but now as a hidden front, they need to be careful at all times and unite with their partners to complete the mission and guard the flanks and rear of Nisto Company.

Lin Yin piloted the Anonymous, and the northern archipelago was a narrow area. He maneuvered quickly from the air and arrived at his destination in a short time.

She descended the anonymous number and stopped in a dense forest.

"The woods here are really strange." Linyin stepped out of the shuttle.

The surrounding trees are thick with leaves and trees, and the forest from here to Mingge Mountain is covered with trees.

"The forest needs protection and respect, so don't throw away garbage, don't play with fire, and if someone calls you, don't look back." Miying reread the content in the instruction manual.

Miying looked around. The forest was deep and dark, as if it were haunted by ghosts. Nature has entered a long recovery cycle in the northern archipelago. Although scary methods will be used, this is a necessary strategy. Humans have destroyed the environment too seriously before.

"It's the same as a ghost story." Linyin didn't take it seriously.

She didn't seem afraid. When she reached the edge of the forest, Linyin heard someone calling her softly from behind. She really didn't dare to look back.

Sainishishin Town is a settlement located on the poor edge of the island, with a population of about 100,000.

There is a hotel on the edge of the town. People who go to Mingge Mountain frequently stay in this hotel. There are many cars jammed in the parking shed outside.

Opposite it is a row of electrical appliance stores, groceries, bars, prosthetic clinics, automated doctors and other infrastructure. Further away is the Nisto Community Center, with Nisto security personnel in orange-red uniforms patrolling nearby, providing a unique

a sense of peace of mind.

After entering the hotel, the owner of the hotel was helping them check in behind the counter. He was a pleasant and talkative young man. He took out a black room card from under the counter and gave it to them.

"Thank you very much, please feel free to visit the hotel." The owner of the hotel said easily.

"What's the history of Nishikin Town?" Rinne turned the card in his hand.

"Machi is a castle town, a village built around the daimyo's castle tower." The hotel owner took them to the window and pointed to the hills in the distance, with a newly built furniture factory on it. "Nishinishiki town used to provide soldiers and supplies to the daimyo.

Rice, now the nobles have died out, and the castle tower has been turned into a factory, but the fields and the descendants of the villagers are still there, as is the hotel. The hotel has been running for more than 190 years and has always been located here. To me, it is a family business.


"But it looks very new." Linyin looked around. It seemed that it had been renovated in the past week, and all the facilities were brand new.

"That's a long story." The hotel owner nodded.

"Anyone who runs a hotel must have a lot of stories to tell." Linyin observed him.

"Of course," the hotel owner agreed. "Last fall, I hosted a masked man and a woman in black. They were going to the shrine. Soon after that, I heard that the Yama guarding the shrine was released. I

I really can’t imagine the connection between the two. Later, I entertained a Type A synthesizer and a woman in white, and the synthesizer killed 60 thugs in Nishikin Town. Okay, now I’ll entertain you.”

"It's best not to tell anyone about us." Linyin chuckled.

"I know the rules." The innkeeper shrugged, "Just like I actually have more anecdotes in my heart, but I won't talk about them."

Linyin saw a very well-behaved monkey coming over with a plate and providing them with tissues. It was wearing a fat and heavy red nylon fiber space suit. It was very funny and did not wear a helmet.

"A walking monkey." Miying looked at it, not knowing how to face it.

"I performed a brain upgrade surgery on it." The hotel owner is accustomed to explaining his monkey to guests. "You see, it is now popular to perform operations on idiots to make disabled people independent. Or on a child who loves to learn.

Surgery, tell him to absorb knowledge faster. Then it makes sense to perform surgery on my beloved monkey, implant a smart chip, expand the brain capacity, and make it smart and decent."

Linyin laughed and stretched out his hand.

The monkey climbed up happily and squatted on Linyin's head. It was very clean and never used saliva to clean its hair, but used mint-flavored shower gel.

"This hotel has also become the property of Nisto Company?" Miying saw the logo of Nisto Company in the house.

"Of course, the Nisto Community Center is nearby." The hotel owner explained, "Most residents have joined the community committee and work according to Nisto's three principles."

"What community?" Linyin didn't understand what it meant, "What three principles?"

"First of all, Nisto won the battle," the hotel owner explained. "Companies everywhere got out. After they took over the factory, the rights and interests were distributed to the people who actually worked. This is the premise."

"I know." Linyin nodded, "Those huge Nisto communities, new manufacturing and agriculture." She looked at the small commodities around her, and most of them were printed with the logo of Nisto Company, which is the company name.

Silver artistic font.

"Then, the community is the neighborhood committee, and the three principles are 'fairness, unity, and progress'." The hotel owner gestured, "Except for big cities like Shangjing, the farmland and factories in the suburbs have basically been re-coordinated and organized, and a new system has been established.

The community, with Nisto's industrial employees as the core, also includes other diaspora workers who are willing to join, as well as individual merchants like me who are willing to cooperate."

"What's the use?" Linyin was a little curious. It reminded her of the homeless community outside the city on the west coast. People gathered in families in the suburbs and made a living by picking up high-tech garbage from companies.

"The company went bankrupt and left." The hotel owner saw that they were interested in chatting and poured them drinks. "Left behind were a bunch of machines, farmland, a rotten environment, scavengers and the unemployed. Every day, people came for clean water and

There was a fight for food, there were almost no children or normal women, and bloodshed and violence were the norm."

"From this perspective, it's just as bad whether the company is here or not." Linyin drank some juice.

"Under the leadership of Nisto Company, the committee was re-established," the hotel owner explained. "If you are a member of the community, as long as you contribute to the community, the community will take care of you. This is probably the logic, and you will take care of the plants.

To take care of plants, those who can make electrical appliances will make electrical appliances. Those who can go to the assembly line will be doctors and run clinics. If you are a freelancer, in addition to doing your own work, you must also do some free work for the community. You cannot enjoy it in vain.


"Where's Big Bang Bang?" Miying asked.

"Only Little Bang Bang." The hotel owner took out his pistol from under the counter. "I have a community militia card. Sometimes I take monkeys out to drive away cyber psychos, gangsters and knife-wielding rogues. If I can't beat them, I'll kill them all."

The call will bring the magic weapon of Nisto Company from heaven."

"So the people here are very united?" Linyin thought thoughtfully.

"If we don't do this, it will continue to rot." The hotel owner explained, "The community has become the most basic joint unit. There were no basic roads here before. The company was only willing to invest in big cities. Nishinishiki Town is a forgotten and degraded place.

Where the rules of primitive society have become the same as the law of the jungle in comics, the strong crush the weak. Now people gather together and do their best. You see, after gathering the resources, knowledge and skills of each 'little man', this

The place has its own garbage dump and roads, as well as a new hospital and network base station. We don’t have the money to move into Beijing in our lifetime, but we can build our own small place."

Linyin thought seriously for a while.

This world has not only company cities, but also small shabby villages and small towns. The company cities have built high walls of wealth, and in the vast villages outside the walls, Nisto Company is repairing and reorganizing people's living conditions, uniting

human heart.

How wonderful...a powerful intervention that reunited the chaotic fragments and brought civilization, informatization, unity and arms.

"So the Nisto Principle is a principle for rebuilding the basic order." Linyin said.

"It's not the basic order, it's the underlying order." The hotel owner said with a smile, "The basic order of this world is still the same, which is called profit first. It will definitely be profitable for Nisto Company to do this, otherwise they themselves will go bankrupt first."

"You are quite eloquent." Linyin nodded.

"I have also studied, but the company doesn't want me." The hotel owner said easily, "I think my education is not high enough. I have been to Shangjing, but the big city can't accommodate me, so I will go back to Nishikin Town to continue running the hotel and take care of my family.


"The company is very cruel..." Linyin's eyes darkened.

"Of course, I actually know that most companies don't treat us people as human beings," the hotel owner said easily, "because people in Nishikin-cho can't squeeze out profits, and they don't spend money outside the plan."

Ability, we are a burden that slows down the development of society, but we have to live our lives. If the company looks down on us, should we just wait to die? Are we not qualified to work, get married, and take care of our offspring like the most basic human beings? Even monkeys can do it

Do these three things.”

"Quack." The monkey said confidently.

This chapter has been completed!
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