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Chapter 48 Death

Ye Zi was stiff, lowered his head, and sat on his seat, not knowing what to do.

Xu Yang could only sigh secretly. Although Ye Zi's feelings were important, there were more critical things to deal with now.

"Brother, please stay away from what's coming next." Considering that everything that follows is confidential, Xu Yang first eliminated Zuo Hongchen, who was not yet part of the team.

"Okay." Zuo Hongchen was exhausted from the whole day. He had never been so tired in his life. He left the shuttle and went for a walk in the distance.

Others have different feelings about the true identities of Xu Yang and Ye Zi. One is an exile from the company, and the other is a queen from a famous family. However, the current situation is urgent, and they can only hide their thoughts in their hearts.

"Senior, Rosia and I will never betray." Seeing that this seemed like an occasion to show loyalty, Li Xiaomin hurriedly spoke.

"It's okay." Xu Yang shook his head, "Just don't think too much."

After bidding farewell to Zuo Hongchen, Xu Yang first looked back at Lila's broken left arm. Lila looked particularly calm, as if she was relieved as long as Xu Yang was safe. This bond made Xu Yang empathize with her disability.

"Recover her arm." Xu Yang whispered to Falosa, "Please."

"She! Only she can't do it!" Falosa's face was full of hatred, "I can save anyone, except this damn Lila Nestor!"

"Now is not the time to be angry," Xu Yang advised, "hurry up."

"Lila!" Falosa rushed to Lila angrily, "Remember my great kindness!"

"It's just the master's order." Lila said coldly, "Don't forget what you have done! Don't forget the source of all this!"

Falosa was stunned for a moment. Indeed, it was she who deliberately induced Ye Zi to stay away from Xu Yang at the beginning, which led to Ye Zi's behavior. If Ye Zi had been asked to go to Xu Yang and communicate well from the beginning, the current situation would be thousands of times better than before.

hundred times.

Seeing Xu Yang's scrutinizing gaze, Falosa especially didn't want Xu Yang to know the truth, for fear that he would hate her.

It was the first time that Farosha felt like this, and she was actually afraid of being disliked by others... If it were her past self, she would have laughed at this.

"I'm sorry." Falosa waved her hand, releasing the law of recovery and restoring Lila's arm to its previous state.

Xu Yang leaned out from the shuttle door, looked into the distance, glanced at Lila's broken arm and fragments on the ground, and found that they were all gone.

This seems to be part of the distortion of reality. If the damaged parts are restored by magic, the previously destroyed fragments will disappear and return to their restored positions.

People in the cabin were very concerned about Pan Ruiyi's situation.

"So these are the members of the Riot Control Mobile Team." Li Xiaomin was very excited, "I have only seen them on the news before."

"It's so scary." Rosia also joked.

"You two little brats..." Pan Ruiyi never imagined that one day he would be ridiculed by a human with no hair.

Xu Yang took a deep breath.

"Pan Ruiyi," he said, "I hope you understand one thing, I am dead."

"What?" Pan Ruiyi frowned, "What do you want to do?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Farosha looked surprised, "Why are you dead?"

"This is the most correct choice." Only Lila nodded in approval, "You must use your death to clear the wanted file."

"You came to Aizu City," Xu Yang explained, "and found my body. This is what you have to go back and tell them."

"...Then the company and the alliance will no longer pursue you," Pan Ruiyi pondered, "but why should I do this for you."

"Because Ye Zi." Xu Yang said, "You just said that Ye Zi can help you get a promotion, salary increase, annual leave and so on, right?"

"It's Ye Zi's family." Pan Ruiyi said, "——That's it, this is an exchange."

"I've wronged you, Ye Zi," Xu Yang nodded to Ye Zi, "In order to erase my past crimes, I must cooperate with 'die', which means theoretically becoming a dead person."

"I understand." Ye Zi sighed, "Everything happened because of me...I have to do this."

"Can you really do it?" Pan Ruiyi was curious.

"Yes..." Ye Zi nodded lightly, "...I'll tell my family, they will agree, and they... have been looking for me for a long time, and they will thank you."

"Bring Ye Zi back to her family," Xu Yang said, "With the 100-level special guarantee card, Ye Zi's family is definitely the top richest man in the archipelago. With their help, you can get whatever you want."

"It's not just 'rich'." Pan Ruiyi glanced at Ye Zi, "If I guess correctly, her mother is Noriko Honma and her father should be Kojima Yu."

Noriko Honma is a core member of Xisheng Investment Group.

When Xu Yang vaguely guessed about Ye Zi's family before, he had already made a rough estimate of the rich women in Archipelago Island, but it happened to be the most powerful one.

The so-called Xisheng Investment Group is the intercontinental financial capital hidden behind major giant enterprises. If giant enterprises are the shining billboards in the front, then these giant capitals are the real pillars behind them.

As Pan Ruiyi said, from the moment Ye Zi was born, his fate was destined to be impossible to be ordinary. Even if he ran away with his nature and hobbies, it was time to return to the source.

After Pan Ruiyi revealed his true identity, Ye Zi couldn't help but feel sad, tears burst into his eyes, and the great sadness overwhelmed other emotions.

I don’t want to leave my friends on the shuttle, I don’t want to go back to that home, I don’t want to face my mother, I don’t want to see those vicious and powerful brothers and sisters again, I don’t want to work, I don’t want to be rushed.

The only game I loved was regarded as the most shameful plaything in the world in that family.

All is lost.

Ye Zi kept wiping her tears, lowered her head and ran outside the shuttle.

"You said that some rich people are like this," Cui Junyou snorted, "They're so pretentious."

"But she really likes us and really likes to play games." Niederreiter stood up, "Her nature is suitable for here..."

"Suffering here? Waiting to die?" Cui Junyou continued to complain, "Everyone is eager to be the husband or children of Noriko Honma, let alone Xisheng. Every year, countless people want to work for Xisheng as programmers.

and investment consultant, she could have been Xisheng's princess, but she was willing to feed the rats."

"Okay," Xu Yang interrupted the argument, "Pan Ruiyi, Ye Zi will help you, and the premise of the exchange is that you declare my death to the company and the alliance."

"You don't want anything?" Pan Ruiyi stared at Xu Yang, "You will be removed from the company alliance. From any point of view, you will become a completely non-existent person. You cannot register a company, cannot fly, cannot

For online shopping, cash cards cannot be bound.”

The "file" of the corporate alliance is the most important information that proves a person's existence. It is bound to the individual's biological information and cannot be forged in any way. The most sophisticated fake identity can only be used for a short period of time, and it is not effective at all.

Once Xu Yang is proven dead, most doors in the world will be closed to him, and no company or service will be open to a non-existent person.

"Everything else is easy to talk about. As for the cash card, one is enough." Xu Yang nodded, "This is an opportunity for me to completely separate from the past."

Xu Yang is not alone now. He can bear the consequences of this approach, and death has freed him from the biggest trouble - the pursuit of the corporate alliance.

"Hmph... I didn't expect that I would help you do this in the end." Pan Ruiyi shouted to Ye Zi outside, "Hey! Did you hear what he said? He wants to help me transfer my job and apply for a vacation for me, a vacation! You know! I want a lot.


Ye Zi did not respond, and could only vaguely hear her crying.

"Pan Ruiyi has countless lives on his hands." Cui Junyou still can't have a good impression of the corporate alliance's war witch.

"Don't piss me off." Pan Ruiyi was furious.

"No matter what, she can help me delete the past," Xu Yang said, "and let me die on Heights 26."

Xu Yang turned his head and looked around at the other people on the shuttle.

"Everyone," he continued, "please witness this moment. That 'fugitive' Xu Yang is dead."

"Hey." Katsuragi Qian thought of what Nakanoharu showed her that day, and the moment she discovered that Xu Yang was on the reward list, she was almost stunned. Fortunately, Xu Yang is now avoiding danger by feigning death, and the company will no longer pursue him.


She went outside to comfort Ye Zi.

In the cabin, Pan Ruiyi weighed the pros and cons and felt that this was feasible.

"Okay, now that I've fallen into your hands, I'll let you make a lot of money for once." Pan Ruiyi snorted coldly, "Since we've made an agreement, why don't you let me go now!"

"There is one last thing." Xu Yang said, "There is still a risk that Ye Zi helped you, but you failed to fulfill your promise and betrayed me to the company."

"That's inevitable." Pan Ruiyi provoked, "What do you think? Xu Yang, if you do such a thing to me, don't expect me to just let it go."

"We have more secretive things to do next, related to some ancient secrets," Xu Yang turned to look at the others, "...please leave the shuttle for the time being. I'm very sorry. This does not mean that I don't trust you.

Make sure this is for everyone's safety."

"Let's go, let's go." Cui Junyou waved his hand, "No matter how bad it is, you won't be able to go back and work as a dog for the company, right?"

"I won't." Xu Yang smiled bitterly.

Among our group of people, Lao Cui is unique in his prejudice against the company.

"Not even me? I understand." Lila said. Judging from Xu Yang's intention, she probably just wanted to stay with Farosa and Pan Ruiyi.

"Now you know who's status is high and low?" Farosha was extremely arrogant now.

"Forget it...you stay too." Xu Yang kept Lila. Anyway, with Lila's perception, there was no secret that could be hidden from her.

Lila showed a victorious expression to Falosa. She closed all the shuttle doors and windows. Everything inside was dark except for a few aircraft lights that shone faintly.

"If you have anything to show me, hurry up!" Pan Ruiyi urged.

"Summoning Oath." Xu Yang signaled to Falosa.

Falosa still valued the oath. She nodded solemnly and slowly recited the ancient secret message, a language spread among a few tribes and mystics.

The light was swallowed up and darkness enveloped the cabin. Then, a golden mark appeared out of thin air, with two marks rotating on it, one shaped like a cat and the other shaped like a flying bird.

"Through the ceremony," Falosha whispered, "you will become one of those who cannot betray you. You will share our interests and become our partner, who can never betray you."

"Why are there small animals?" Pan Ruiyi was curious, "What kind of projector?"

"This is a 'miracle'. The power inherited from the gods and ancient mystics has been forgotten by the witches of this generation." Falosa whispered, "Touch it, and then you will see the person who best suits your temperament.


Pan Ruiyi had never heard of the so-called miracle. She reached out and touched the light of the oath, and her fate was bound to the other two under the witness of the forest lord. The third line of the oath took shape, gradually forming an animal.


"Why am I a dog!" Pan Ruiyi was furious.

Xu Yang looked carefully and saw that it was a ferocious dog with an upturned tail, or it looked more like a wolf.

"The incarnation of loyalty." Falosa pointed her finger at Pan Ruiyi's forehead, "Pan Ruiyi, I want to rebuild the Witch Council in this boring and twisted era, be loyal to me, and become the first knight under my command!"

This chapter has been completed!
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