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Chapter 50 Breaking the Door

"With a 100-level special guarantee card," Niederreiter lamented, "you will be thousands of times happier when you go home than you were outside."

"But it's not as good as here." Ye Zi glanced at the shuttle one last time, wanting to remember its image and the people around it in his heart. Once the memories are made, they are hard to let go.

Pan Ruiyi picked up the leaves with one hand and flapped the giant wings behind his back into the sky.

"I'll take you back to the airport. No matter what happens here, the rat tide will definitely not cause a big problem." Pan Ruiyi said, then glanced at Xu Yang, "What about you? Do you want me to open the passage and give you special approval?

None of them are here? The small business owners here don’t dare to waste words with me.”

"No need," Xu Yang said, "I need more than just the safety of a few of us."

"Then you...oh." Pan Ruiyi came back to his senses and realized Xu Yang's true intention.

He plans to let everyone pass Junction 1.

"Yi Zi," Xu Yang smiled at Zi Zi, "see you on the ground."

"Well!" Ye Zi nodded vigorously, "See you on the ground!" She turned to the others, "Miss Katsuragi, Miss Nisto, Mr. Cui, Niederreiter, Xiaomin and Rosia. Although it can't hear it, I still want to say A40

,Everyone...we must meet again!"

"Bon voyage." Cui Junyou sighed and said goodbye to Ye Zi seriously.

Ye Zi's eyes were filled with tears.

Then, the steel wings on Pan Ruiyi's back spread out and propelled her away from the scene as fast as lightning.

"The ground is much wider than the underground." Katsuragi Qian looked at Ye Zi and Pan Ruiyi leaving.

"Yes." Xu Yang sighed.

For me, a new chapter in life has begun, and the past has been left behind.

If Ye Zi and Pan Rui Yi go well, Ye Zi will return to her family and ask her family to reward Pan Rui Yi. In exchange, Pan Rui Yi will report my death to the company.

In other words, the engineer and fugitive Xu Yang will die, and I will become a black account of the company alliance. I will not exist in name, and I will not be able to use all services of the company for life. After all, the premise of all services is that there must be a company

Alliance-certified identity profile…

No need to worry.

Go out of the underground and go find the leaves. Then we can talk about old times.

Leaving the small square, Xu Yang went to collect the scrapped remains of the A40.

"Can you save this?" Xu Yang asked.

"I'm tired." Although Falosha still has some energy left, she doesn't want to be a tool who changes jobs and brings the dead back to life, and the target is still A40, who has no bond, so she is definitely better off being lazy.

"...Forget it." The situation in Huicheng District is better than that of Highland 26 and Pianmu District. After arriving there, there must be a place where the A40 can be repaired.

Xu Yang carefully rummaged through the wreckage of the A40. In the lining of the shell, where the mechanical wheels and alloy reinforcements were connected, he saw a trademark called "Tianmu Intelligence". It seemed that as long as he found the location of this company,

You can ask their technicians to repair the A40.

"Let's go." Xu Yang gathered the team.

"Passengers please board the plane." Lila went to the control panel.

They returned to the shuttle. The entire shuttle's lights were on, its engines were humming, and it was getting ready for departure.

Farosa sat on her seat with her feet up, as if nothing had happened; Katsuragi Asa stretched; Cui Junyou cursed the company in a low voice; Lee Hyomin and Rosia kept talking, speculating when the passage would open; Niederreiter was watching the bell

Chuan Jiyi's live broadcast; the last one was Zuo Hongchen. He climbed into the shuttle and closed the cabin door forcefully, panting.

The shuttle slowly sailed towards Highland 26.

People in the square had not noticed that Xu Yang and the others had returned. After Pan Ruiyi left, a major obstacle that hindered their attack had been removed, and their attention returned to the No. 1 connection.

However, if they charge like this, they will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

It's time to take action.

I didn't crack the code before because I was worried about being chased by my identity being exposed. Although this problem has not been eliminated, I can boldly try it after all. After a period of time, when the company's technical staff conducts a review and investigation, they will definitely not expose the suspects.

Put it on Xu Yang, a dead fugitive hacker. On the other hand, if you are cautious enough, you can erase the hacking traces to a minimum.

"Let us pass!"

"Stop trying to stop me!"

"I can't stand it anymore!"

People were yelling and they were extremely angry.

"Everyone, please don't act rashly." The man in the red suit said proudly, "If you don't have the funds, you can consider a joint venture with multiple people for one person to pass. After all, survival is the most important thing."

Xu Yang looked out, saw all the chaos, and made up his mind.

The past is gone, and in the future, maybe I can become a "changer" and a role that is outside the company's order. In other words, I can help those who are oppressed, assist those who are unwilling, and gather those who share the same goals.

At the same time, we must fight against the existing unfair world and find and establish a new system that can replace corporatism.

"The innocent citizens here are also entitled to safety." He leaned against the cabin door, his digital mind running at full speed, "It's time to completely remove these man-made obstacles."

"What can senior do?" Li Xiaomin looked carefully. In his eyes, although Xu Yang was an exile from the company and a dangerous person, he was the only hope that could keep them alive in this situation.

"Look." Xu Yang closed his eyes and controlled it in his heart.

He hacked into the broadcast system at Connection 1, adjusted the sound signal, and recorded what he wanted to say, but played it back using its own voice module to avoid voiceprint identification.

"Dear citizens, the road ahead will be opened soon." The voice of the radio echoed over Highland 26.

"Huh?" The man in the red suit was stunned, and quickly lowered his head to contact other staff members, wanting to know what happened.

"How can people's lives be clearly marked with a price tag? If the company is unwilling to provide safety, then try your best to get it yourself." The radio continued to play the recording, "We live in an era where technology is unprecedentedly advanced and human life is extremely cheap. This is wrong.


The sound stopped suddenly, and someone in the background directly pulled out the broadcast wire.

No problem.

Xu Yang continues to use his digital mind to crack and control.

The searchlights were turned off one after another, the machine gun towers were shut down one after another, the hum of equipment being powered off and offline was heard, the roadblocks were put down, the electromagnetic interception towers were shut down, all electronic equipment was exhausted like the organs of a dead man, and no means could be used

Restore life.

"Ah yeah!"


"it's over!"


"I think I can get there!"

"How come it's open?"

"Run!" People realized that the obstacle had been cleared and ran towards Huicheng District.

The movements of large groups of people are like earthquakes and thunder.

"No, no!" the man in the red suit shouted, "You want to buy services! Buy them! Don't go there! Don't go all the way! They are still preparing for war over there...ah——"

Several gunshots were fired, and the man in the red suit fell in a pool of blood.

More than 10,000 people who were blocked at Junction 1 mustered up the courage to draw their guns and shoot at the riot control robots of the Aizu Citizen Service Company. These robots formed the last line of defense.


A single person can only wait for death when facing these 24 riot control robots. A dozen people can fight with them, causing death and injury to each other, and hundreds of people will feel afraid in front of them.

But for thousands of people, the situation is completely different.

In this regard, the human tide is similar to the rat tide. Just like a pack of rats devouring human lives, they swarm over and easily break through the company's remaining robot defenses.

Forward, forward!

Noisy, roaring, extremely angry, being played by the company, waiting for more than ten hours, now turned into the purest anger.

"Wow..." Li Xiaomin leaned out half of his body. The once arrogant company's defense line was now easily torn to pieces, the terrifying defense facilities were silent, and the once feared machine security was now blown into scrap metal.

Facing such a surging crowd, several security companies watching from behind the No. 1 junction were also dumbfounded.

Unprecedented power.

They were unable to stop them and could only send some personnel and shuttles to observe the situation. Although they received orders to prevent residents from passing through, they did not dare to take action against such a surging crowd to avoid causing public opinion problems, so they had to let them pass by.

People lead to Huicheng District, to light, safety and hope.

A hero, an unknown hero, dominates all of this. People can faintly detect it, otherwise they cannot explain these situations.

After breaking into Huicheng District, and after the signal was restored, they dispersed and sought shelter in suitable company areas according to their financial resources. Those who had no money went to shops and squares to rest.

"Cyberghost saved our lives"

"Reality manipulators broke down the defense line of Aizu Citizen Services Corporation"

“Internet monsters give us advice”

"New computer virus speaks human language"

New posts continued to appear in the city forum, conveying to the citizens of Aizu City what they saw and heard at Connection 1. Soon, the text that Xu Yang had previously conveyed through the radio voice was recorded, copied and passed on.

All the thoughts that had been suppressed for a long time were released, and the ideas conveyed by Xu Yang on the radio spread like wildfire. Although there were big filters that kept deleting posts, those who were lucky enough to see them had already memorized the content and endured it.

Keep sharing it with others.

——"We live in an era where technology is unprecedentedly advanced and life is extremely low-grade. This is wrong."

This chapter has been completed!
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