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Chapter 509: Reconstruction from scratch

After finishing the matter with A40, Linyin went to Cui's Prosthetic Clinic and presented the discount code provided by Xu Yang to undergo further prosthetic modification and upgrade surgery.

Cui Junyou was busy helping an important customer debug the technical eyeballs. The customer was a rich second-generation animation geek. The pair of eyeballs he installed, "Klass 305-'Animation Supreme'", were very precise and were top-notch implants with built-in drawing AI.

Tampering with the user's field of view, no matter who the customer sees, the AI ​​will redraw the other person into a two-dimensional beautiful girl, with a synchronization rate of 100% and 0 delay. The customer was very satisfied until he failed to correctly distinguish his wife from his mother-in-law.

So Cui Junyou was asked to re-debug the artificial intelligence.

Before the operation ended, Linyin took a stroll in the diagnosis and treatment center. The surrounding area had been renovated and expanded. With the support of Nisto Corporation, this place has become the most famous and largest prosthetic research and development and treatment center in the northern archipelago. It is led by Legend Prosthetics.

Doctor Cui Junyou is in charge.

Since the defeat of Xin Xisheng, Cui Junyou has also hired a large number of professional prosthetists who previously worked for Xisheng. Now the entire diagnosis and treatment center has a luxurious lineup and sufficient manpower. No matter how high-end and complex implant surgeries are, it can be easily performed at Cui's Center


Thinking that with a discount code, she could get advanced surgery without queuing, Linyin was excited, but also nervous. She had been to too many shady clinics in her life, for fear that Cui Junyou would point fingers at her.

Half an hour later, the guidance robot took Linyin into Cui Junyou's operating room. She saw an elderly man cleaning surgical instruments. He turned his head, his face was full of wrinkles and he had a bad temper.

"Hurry up." Cui Junyou urged, "How did you get that discount code?"

"Mr. Internet Supervisor sent me here." Linyin climbed onto the operating chair and sat down. The shadowless lamp automatically moved over and illuminated her body. She saw that the surrounding display racks were covered with brand-new implants, covering all aspects of surgery.

Physical and mental transformation.

"Oh, Xiao Xu's people." Cui Junyou finished cleaning and approached Linyin with the scanner and scalpel.

"Are you familiar with Mr. Internet Supervisor?" Linyin was a little surprised.

"I hit Xiao Xu on the forehead," Cui Junyou said, proud of this friendship. "A friend in need is a true friend."

"Mr. Internet Supervisor is a good man and has helped me a lot." Linyin adjusted her posture on the operating chair. This chair was so comfortable to sit on. I feel that the operating chair alone is worth about 100,000. This place may be the most beautiful place in the world.

A first-class prosthetic clinic. In the past, Linyin could only sit on a dirty and broken chair and accept the transformation of the black-hearted prosthetic doctor. Now that she came to such an exquisite and clean place, she couldn't help but feel her heart surge.

"He is a decent man and an excellent person." Cui Junyou praised Xu Yang fiercely, and also boasted about himself, "We have had a long and hard road to get to where we are today. You can't imagine how we struggled all the way in the early days."

"...Anyway, I want to carry out more advanced transformations." Linyin closed her eyes, "This way I can better help Mr. Internet Supervisor."

Cui Junyou pulled a stool over, first asked her to turn off all the anti-scanning suite, and then used the advanced equipment at hand to scan Linyin to get a rough judgment on her condition.

——Scan record——

Name: Linyin


Race: Witch

Mental difference: 2%

Implant rejection reading: 10.99%

Magic circuit integrity: 70.05%


Brain: Huiyue-140 (brain processor and neurotechnology link kit, manufactured by Nemesis Group, providing first-class computing power)

Brain: Desert Safari-80 (brain memory, manufactured by Nemesis Group, provides brain data storage unit)

Behind the right ear: Dream Start-44 (brain-computer interface, manufactured by Nemesis Group, has extremely high transmission efficiency, is compatible with all communication protocols, and allows data wiring between the human brain and the device)

Spine: Unnamed military prototype (subjective slow-time implant, manufactured by lighthouse core, greatly improves action efficiency by activating nerve centers)

Spine: Phoenix Meridian-3rd Generation (Bionic Circuit Bundle, manufactured by Nanosis Group, which greatly improves the synergy and power supply efficiency of whole-body implants)

Right rib: Soul Core-8th generation (energy storage unit, manufactured by Nemesis Group, provides power for all implants, and regulating the voltage can affect the operating performance of the implant)

Back of right hand: Don’t look at me No. 5 (anti-scanning kit, no-name brand, can only resist common scanning equipment)

Upper right arm: Juneng device (human body memory, no-name brand, garbage workmanship, capacity 0.5 liters)

Left forearm/right forearm: Night City Golden Lord (single molecular line, innovatively manufactured by Blackfire, highly efficient melee killing weapon)

Abdomen: King of Bad Food (artificial stomach, second-tier brand, converts eaten food into energy, immunizes against toxins and acidic substances, enhances food storage and digestion capabilities, and improves nutrient absorption efficiency)

Abdomen: Yueyue Wuyou (medical implant, off-brand, prevents bleeding from the inner membrane, used by her as a prop to reduce internal bleeding, special version for the witch)

Nose: Selina (breathing filter, off-brand, eliminates respiratory air pollution, toxins and suspended matter)

Lungs: super organ-lungs (artificial lung, no-name, provides adjustable gas exchange, metabolic and endocrine functions)

Bone Marrow: Little Guardian of the Body-Platinum Edition (micro-sized blood anti-virus cleaner, off-brand, enhances human immunity)

Upper eyelids: rainbow every day (color contact lens changer, no-name brand, can change different color lenses every day)

Legs: Master Set-Hurdle Champion (artificial muscle fiber, no-name brand, slightly enhances the jumping ability and mobility of the legs)

Feet: LIMBO (deodorant, off-brand, absorbs odor)

——Scan ends——

"You have changed too many messy things!" Cui Junyou criticized after reading it, "And they are all rubbish among rubbish. Only doctors from black clinics will recommend these inexplicable, outdated and backward brand-name products to you.

How did you install so many inferior products on yourself...don't you feel uncomfortable!"

"I had no money before." Linyin sat up on the operating chair.

"But your basic implants... all your technical kits are produced by the Nemesis Group!" Cui Junyou shouted, "That is a famous company in Taixi Province, what does it have to do with you?"

"How...how did you find out?" Linyin was stunned for a moment.

"Oh, you're telling me this?" Cui Junyou sneered, "The scanner is connected to the database of my clinic, which I personally maintain. I don't know exactly what each company has. The hacker witch of the Nemesis Group,

How did you get in?"

"I escaped from the company." Linyin knew that Cui Junyou knew everything, and it was difficult to cover it up, "...I...I was originally trained as a hacker witch at the Nemesis Group. Mr. Internet Supervisor...he was willing to let

I'm starting a new life here. So, I hope you can help me continue to transform and make me...become stronger, please."

After saying this, Linyin lowered his head and said nothing.

"Forget it," Cui Junyou said angrily, "Since you are sent by Xiao Xu, I will reinstall you from the beginning to the end. Your foundation is so good. You are all the most powerful elites in the company. I really don't know what you are doing.

If you don’t have the heart to use those goods sold by the pound in the wholesale market to match them, forget it, let me change you to a monomolecular line first and choose it yourself. Your original Night City Golden Master has black fire technology, and I won’t enter it here.”

Cui Junyou gave Linyin different single molecular wires to choose from.

"Blood Bride" is produced by Scarlet Transformation Company. It has high lethality and the strongest explosive power at close range. It is popular among high-level mercenaries.

"Winter Ice Spike-T5" is manufactured by Northern Military Industrial Company. It is good at attacking quickly. Repeated attacks can quickly weaken the target's protection.

"Butterfly" is designed by Suweihui Metal Company. It attacks quickly and can also extend the attack distance. It is a two-way molecular line used in the middle distance.

Considering that she already had four dragon knives, Linyin chose the "Butterfly" single molecular line to enhance the mid-range combat capability of the agility system.

Cui Junyou read the report again at the same time.

"Um...your subjective slow-time implant..." He frowned, "Where did you get it? The latest model has not yet entered the commercial launch process."

"It was ripped off a dead person." Linyin explained, "I know it's very unstable."

"And if you greatly increase your mental separation, you will become a cyberpsychopath." Cui Junyou said simply, "There is no turning back for this kind of thing. It can only be improved but not completely cured. Are you sure? If you are willing to truly

I can tear it down to start a new life."

"This is my trump card." Linyin shook his head, "My souvenir, the 'legacy' I got, I will not tear it down no matter what, I will use it to fight."

"Lie down." Cui Junyou sighed. People are very stubborn these days. "I will remodel you from scratch and replace you with the best products. In this way, you can be regarded as a real 'new person'."

Everything is brand new from the factory and of the highest quality.”

Linyin closed her eyes, knowing that she would be a new person when she woke up.

This chapter has been completed!
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