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Chapter 524: Study hard

When Rinyin usually wears a lot of clothes, it's not obvious how perfect she is, but in fact it's beyond imagination. And Rinyin also got what she wanted, and the missing parts in her life were filled in.

After about half an hour, Linyin gradually woke up.

"..." She said nothing. She saw a comb on the bedside table and combed her hair.

"Here." Xu Yang opened the bedside drawer, which was filled with energy supplements, which were exactly what Linyin needed urgently. She sat up and ate some, and then she felt that her strength had recovered.

Xu Yang held the handheld screen and clicked on it. Linyin turned her head to see.

"...What are you busy with?" she asked in a hoarse voice. She used it too much yesterday, which was unfortunate for her throat. In addition, she felt weak in the back.

"Company matters," Xu Yang looked at various invitations and contracts, "many other cities have prayed for our protection and are willing to further cooperate with us."

"So you were busy with this yesterday?"

"Otherwise, I would have come back long ago."

"As long as I'm here from now on," Linyin turned over and sat up, putting on translucent stockings on her long legs, "you don't have to call other people over at night."

"It depends." Xu Yang can't make promises. The world is full of emergencies. Lila sometimes feels lonely, Ye Zi sometimes feels uneasy, and Pan Ruiyi often takes vacations or is lazy.

Linyin felt subtle changes taking place between herself and Xu Yang, but she still couldn't describe it in words. Her modified body couldn't bear the pressure, and she fainted several times due to loss of strength. Until now, she knew that Xu Yang still had some strength left.

The feeling was so wonderful that it was hard to describe. She confirmed one thing, there was no woman that Xu Yang couldn't handle.

"No wonder you can make them listen to you." Linyin smoked a cigarette, "Once there is a first time, there will be a second time."

"There is no shirking the responsibility." Xu Yang's mission is to take good care of them and make them satisfied.

They stayed close to each other for a while. Because they had undergone too many modifications, Linyin actually did not have the body temperature of a normal person and was as cold as ice. Linyin kissed him frivolously, and Xu Yang pinched her and patted her body. She took advantage of the situation.

Get off the bed.

This is a rare opportunity. Linyin rummaged through boxes and cabinets. This was the first time Linyin got to know the room in depth. There were detergents, rubber products, mats, sheets, waterproof bedding, night lights, electric products, paper products and folding products everywhere.

It is an automatic cleaning robot with a wall that can switch between four modes: full-view mirror, smart screen, ambient light and projection screen.

"You didn't even tell me about these." Linyin looked back at Xu Yang.

"Now you know."

"I should have known earlier." Linyin felt that life had opened a new door, "I think it's not too late now, just lie down there."

In the afternoon, Xu Yang and Lin Yin went out for a meal. Lin Yin's taste was developed on the west coast. At that time, she could only watch rich people coming in and out of expensive restaurants.

Parking their luxury shuttle. Now she can experience this feeling herself. When she got off the Zifeng with Xu Yang, someone immediately drove the shuttle to the hangar on their behalf.

She specially selected foods that she had never heard of before. For the first time in her life, she ate some food from a professional chef. She tasted truffles, endives, roasted snails, lobsters, lobster dumplings and duck liver mousse, and applied them to every meal.

Using complex technology, it is not the original ingredients mentioned in the original name, but all the ingredients are subdivided and then rebuilt and collaged to form a taste similar to the target food. It seems to be one ingredient, but it is actually hundreds or thousands of other ingredients.

Mixing of food.

Linyin ate quickly. She drank some table wine, then raised her head and told Xu Yang: "I will share good things with you in the future."

"I believe you." Xu Yang nodded.

He looked at Linyin carefully. In Xu Yang's eyes, she was naturally still very young, immature, and not tainted with any evil thoughts or eccentric habits.

Linyin walks alone in the world, her body covered with blood, smoke and responsibility. This harsh world would have easily crushed Linyin in a corner, but now she has not only survived, but also has a new life.

Xu Yang knew that rather than giving it to him, it was better to say that Linyin had fought for it.

She is so lively, brave and unrestrained.

"I want to receive further training." Linyin threw the plates on the table into the rattan recycling basket next to her. "The food here is so delicious that it makes you want to come back."

"You can come at any time." Xu Yang scratched his cash card on the table, completed the checkout, and then took Linyin away. The gift from the restaurant was already placed next to the shuttle.

Rinyin felt that this meal cost five figures, so she secretly kept track of it and prepared to invite him back in the future. She had no habit of owing favors, even in relationships. In Rinyin's opinion, the best relationship is to maintain balance.

After returning to the Solid Gold Building, Xu Yang checked Linyin's learning progress and found that she had mastered all the necessary knowledge, so they dived simultaneously again.

This time it was much smoother than the previous two times, because their synchronization rate had increased, and Xu Yang was able to carry it smoothly, helping Linyin convert consciousness into digital signals, enter the Sea of ​​Hillis system, and become the entire network

Part of the fortress.

The deeper she dives, the greater the effort she has to make and the higher the risks she takes. Xu Yang is always monitoring Linyin's condition. Once she is in danger of being annihilated in the Sea of ​​Hillis, he will help her.

Linyin's consciousness travels through the Sea of ​​Hillis. Now this network security system has been strengthened and expanded, protecting Nisto's campus equipment and network systems distributed across the northern archipelago, ensuring that Nisto's assets are strongly protected.

, to avoid risks.

Just as Linyin had come into contact with before, there were always overt and covert opponents in the northern archipelago who were intent on stealing the assets of Nisto Company. She silently observed each device, entering different cameras one after another, circulating among various terminals.

Sometimes she would stop and hide in the equipment and factories, transforming into an electronic ghost-like existence, and seeing many wonderful things. She observed a Nisto assembly line employee who was annoyed by the boring work and was tired of driving screws.

So he applied to be transferred to another workshop and became another assembly line employee who dyed clothes. He felt there was no difference, but he was too lazy to learn additional skills, so he simply continued like this.

She saw an army training. Soldiers and security personnel were going cross-country in complex terrain to train the efficiency of the combat chip in calculating paths. They ran forward, crawled and shouted "Where is the enemy!", and sometimes shouted "Where is the enemy!"

Suddenly, they all turned to the instructor next to them, as if they hated this guy for letting the elite soldiers receive training instead of killing the enemy in actual combat. The instructor was deeply annoyed. He gave feedback that synthetics and humans should be trained completely separately. This data flow was in Lin

As the music passed by her, she let it pass and watched how it was uploaded step by step. This experience was really wonderful.

Linyin saw another female employee drafting a report in the information terminal. The woman's worried eyes moved on the screen, looking at the text she entered. It was a report - she was pregnant, but she didn't know who the biological father was.

She went too far when she acted wildly at the department fraternity. She applied to have her child raised by Nisto Company, so that the child could receive public education from the company, grow up in a community support center, and become part of the company in the future. She

I hope that I won’t get married and won’t need to find a biological father for my child. I will only be responsible for giving birth to the child and leave everything else to the company.

There are interesting things everywhere, Linyin wanders around and looks around.

Linyin shuttled between various terminals connected to the Sea of ​​Hillis. For a long time, she slowly returned, trying to recover the fragments of her consciousness from the areas she had "drifted" through. This was Xu Yang's advance warning, she could not

Throwing your thoughts and subconscious into the online world is tantamount to littering, which is extremely harmful and may even give rise to spiritual clones.

Memories, thoughts, and observations, Linyin's deep dive this time has penetrated into the details of the Sea of ​​Hillis, just like a flame burning on a giant tree, it can now burn to its outermost branches.

She patiently rolled back her running process and transferred her consciousness files, and was horrified to find that the amount of data in them was too huge, far beyond what she could bear.

Linyin slowly woke up from the technical cabin. She opened her eyes and breathed heavily.

"...You have mastered 70%." Xu Yang stood up from his cabin and was satisfied with Linyin's progress. "It's amazing that you can move and travel in the data world. This is the Sea of ​​Hillis."

Basic working principle.”

"..." Linyin did not reply. Only she knew how big a mistake she had made. She covered her painful head and her thoughts drifted randomly in the Sea of ​​Hillis. She had seen too much and now she is not processing it.

Returning to the original body naturally carries a massive amount of information.

Her brain was almost boiling. The brain processor was desperately trying to record and retrieve this information. It was powerless to deal with the huge amount of data, and then fell into a state of near shutdown!

Xu Yang had to hack into Linyin's processor, cut off the data processing process, and streamline the redundant data in batches for her. Most of it was because Linyin was too curious and looked around, so it was of little value.

Linyin cried because of the pain. She sat next to the technical cabin, her mind blank for a while, and her vision slowly returned to color. She regained control of the basic functions of the body - breathing, movement, and thinking.

Come to life.

"...It should be much better now." Xu Yang helped rescue Lin Yin from danger to prevent her brain from overloading. He explained slowly, "You should always be careful. New technologies have many secrets that are difficult for you to control.


Thank you. Linyin said in her heart. She did not actually say it out loud, but chose to repay with actions. "... Let us have a higher synchronization rate." She stood up and lifted her hair.

This chapter has been completed!
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