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Chapter 52 Tanaka Intelligence

After the call, Katsuragi Asa said that the company director would come out soon.

Xu Yang thought he would have to wait a long time at first, but soon, an eyeball robot emitting light blue light slowly emerged from the ventilation duct of the factory. It also had a spherical body, but was larger than other small eyeball robots.

It is much larger, about as wide as a road. There are four sets of propellers behind it humming to provide power, emitting light blue tail flames, and the sound of the engine operation can be heard from a distance.

The so-called eyeball robots are a general term for a type of spherical robots. They usually have no limbs and look like a big eyeball. They are relatively flexible and suitable for various occasions. Falosa has no doubt that they are metal imitations of the underground beholder clan, but

Lost the ability to control people's hearts.

The light blue eyeball robot rotated downward, gradually accelerated, and landed near the shuttle. It seemed to be an auxiliary robot with no combat effectiveness or detection capabilities. Unlike its companions with lasers, it was specially used for reception.

"Sorry to keep you waiting for so long. Welcome to Tanaka Intelligent Robot Company." It made a pleasant voice.

"We have a synthetic man produced by your company here. It's badly damaged. We want to see if we can return it to the factory for repair." Xu Yang said.

A40 was apparently used as a security guard before, but its performance was so poor that it would definitely be dismantled when it was returned. There was no way to find the company it originally belonged to, so we could only go to the manufacturer to check the situation.

"Our company produces the best synthesizers in Aizu City." The light blue eyeballs made a pleasant electronic sound, "No matter what kind of damage it is, we can repair it until it is as good as before."

"Synthetic human?" Falosha didn't understand. "How is it different from the robot you mentioned?"

"Actually, they are robots, but they are specially designed to look like humans." Xu Yang explained, "Most of them are equipped with third-generation artificial intelligence. Compared with first- and second-generation artificial intelligence, third-generation artificial intelligence has the ability to learn independently.

And it has the ability to simulate emotions, although it is not true emotion and wisdom."

Falosa recalled that those wizards who made golems could also make dead things come alive. The Witch Council regarded this as an act of blasphemy. They were accused of daring to overstep the authority to create life, and searched and hunted them on a large scale.


In this era, the creation of artificial life has become commonplace, and human beings continue to advance on the road of offense, becoming more and more rebellious.

But now that I think about it, the Witch Council may be jealous because humans have so many ways to create life.

Falosa couldn't help but touch her lower abdomen. The witch has no ability to give birth to life and can only disappear alone at the end of life, just like a firefly. Only humans can pass it on from generation to generation to this day.

The light blue eyes inspected the parts of the damaged A40. Some pieces of the A40 could not be found. Many of the pieces were scattered all over the sky by Pan Ruiyi and were difficult to retrieve. The A40 in front of him only had about 80% of its original quality. The only good news was that the head of the A40 was missing.

The whole thing is complete, that is, the consciousness chip is still there.

"I'm very, very sorry." After the light blue eyeball was tested, he suddenly began to apologize frequently.

"Can't it be repaired? We can add money." Xu Yang really didn't want the A40 to die. If the A40 hadn't delayed it for long enough, I don't know how the previous conflict would have ended.

"No, no, repair is within our capabilities." The light blue eyeball explained, "But, I am very sorry... This is a defective product. There must be a problem with the quality inspection, causing it to flow into the market. I hope it will

No problems were caused.”

"It fights quite fiercely." Xu Yang thought of the few fast attacks A40 made against Pan Ruiyi. If the opponent was an ordinary fighting witch, he might have been killed by A40, but a very powerful character like Pan Ruiyi was far away.

Beyond the scope of discussion.

"Codenamed 'A40', he was supposed to be a wise, brave and loyal combat-type synthetic human, but in the consciousness chip, the connection piece connecting the social service logic module was damaged, and the values ​​could not be read correctly." The light blue eyeball robot hovered.

Around the wreckage of the A40, "It's a shame and we hope to be compensated for this."

No wonder the behavioral logic of the A40 is difficult to predict.

"That's not necessary, just repair it completely." Xu Yang said.

"Would it want this?" Katsuragi Asa crouched down.

"You mean..." Xu Yang's heart moved.

"Which one is A40?" Katsuragi Asa pointed at the A40's consciousness chip, "The A40 that jumps on everyone, gets scared when shot, doesn't harm civilians, and challenges powerful enemies, or the one after repair, that is wise, brave and loyal

Combat type synthetic robot?”

"You're wrong." Cui Junyou shook his head, "A40 is supposed to be a normal combat robot. The previous state was damaged and abnormal. It's like an implant. It always carries a mutilated robot.

What's going on with the implant? It must be repaired seriously!"

"Does Zhan Kuang A40 dream about rich guys being chopped to death?" Li Xiaomin thought of the anime she had watched before.

"If it's the A40," Niederreiter said, "it must be indifferent."

Xu Yang is also confused about this. Between the perfectly restored A40 and the incomplete A40, which one is the synthetic human we know? Unfortunately, it is like this now and cannot make the decision on its own.

However, after thinking about it, Xu Yang still had a plan.

"Repair it completely." Xu Yang said.

"Then..." Katsuragi Asa was confused, "...is it still considered an A40?"

"It is a consciousness chip after all," Xu Yang turned to the wreckage of the A40, "After repairing it, it can still retain the past memories, or files."

"Yes." The blue-eyed robot agreed.

"After everything is restored," Xu Yang nodded, "it will also remember what it did when it was disabled in the past, and then use its new consciousness to evaluate it. At that time, it will decide what kind of A40 it should become."

"Please pay the maintenance fee of 55,000." The blue-eyed robot said, and then printed a work order from underneath its body. It can then transport the intact A40 back according to the instructions on the order.

Xu Yang paid with a cash card. Cash card transactions are still untraceable and anonymous. There is nothing to worry about, but this is the only one he has left. If he wants to apply for a new cash card, he must have a company.

Alliance's archives.

"Last question." Xu Yang looked at the red laser eyeball robot floating inside and outside the factory, "Why is the defense so tight?"

"Because I received a report that the Pianmu District was invaded by rat people," the blue-eyed robot explained, "In order to avoid the spread of the disaster, I have ordered the transfer of industries and equipment and released the inventory of combat robots. Customer, this synthetic robot

People will also be transported to the maintenance center in Anjiu City by us, and they will not be affected underground."

"I see." Xu Yang nodded. The influence of the rat tide was still very obvious, but there was another piece of information in the blue-eyed robot's words that caught his attention. "...What's your order? Brother, your status is quite high."

The blue-eyed robot spun around happily.

"I am Tanaka." It said, "Taro Tanaka, the representative director of this company, please give me your advice."

"Is it consciousness uploading technology?" Xu Yang was curious. In the Xia area, people still value the quality of the physical body and rarely transform themselves into robots. In order to extend life, they pursue the development of drugs to maintain and improve health.

Not looking for technical means.

"No, no, that's too expensive." The blue-eyed robot floated, "Actually, I live inside this robot."

Xu Yang was stunned for a moment. In fact, this robot was indeed a bit too big, and could indeed accommodate a whole person.

"Because I have a disability, I really can't show up to talk to you. I'm very sorry." The blue-eyed robot who calls himself Taro Tanaka explained.

"It's okay." Xu Yang said, "Nice to meet you. If you want to go back to Anjiu City now, is there still only one way to go?"

"Thanks to the nature of the robot, we can return to the ground through the cargo pipeline. If we want to take a normal and smooth route, we need to be inspected at the entrance and exit." Taro Tanaka explained.

It seems that we have to deal with the rat people for a while. In this state, we cannot return to the ground normally. Once we are interrogated, it will be very troublesome.

"Your request has been received, and this synthesizer will be completely restored soon." Taro Tanaka made a circle, used traction magnetic wires to recover the wreckage of the A40 and took it away, then returned along the pipe from which he came, and entered the depths of the factory.


Niederreiter was right when he said that only in such a weird place could an abnormal synthetic human like A40 be created.

A40's previous employer was killed, and he will definitely not be able to work in the previous security company. When the rat tide ends and we can control a company, we can hire it to work. After all, A40 is indeed an extraordinary swordsman.


"Lila," Xu Yang looked at her, "...when will the next rat tide crisis break out?"

"Maybe now, maybe some time later." Lila stepped off the shuttle and stepped lightly on the ground, "Just 25 meters directly below us, 19 ratmen were quietly digging a tunnel for a 10-meter-class

With giant rats crawling, there is no doubt that Huicheng District will be plunged into a bloody storm."

You must strengthen your team's strength.

"Let's find a gun shop first, and then go to Zuo Hongchen's company to settle down." Xu Yang said, "...it's time to get fully armed."

This chapter has been completed!
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