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Chapter 532 Disease

The cold rain was falling, as if it were early spring rather than the beginning of summer.

Xu Yang came to the forest of Mingge Mountain. The trees seemed to have their own heartbeat. He could vaguely hear the dim sound because he was also a part of the oath.

The new residents in the forest are those who are willing to follow nature. They have abandoned industrial cities and modern environments. Now they hide behind many phantoms and barriers, and are wary of all visitors. Xu Yang is an exception among them.

These new people in the forest feel even more respected, because there is always a white deer walking in front of him, leading Xu Yang forward. The white deer is the embodiment of the will of the forest, and they are already familiar with this law.

It takes Xu Yang to the most inaccessible place, where the forest blocks almost all sight, and where all the secrets are hidden and no one knows.

The white deer no longer walked, but sat in a clearing in the forest, surrounded by a gurgling stream.

"Before, I heard the news you sent through the wind." Xu Yang looked at the white deer, "You want to see me?"

"Because of the cold wind, a chill is lingering above our heads." A deep voice sounded around, its voice was deep, like an ancient echo before the human century.

"All weather forecasting agencies have declared that the climate is entering the Little Ice Age." Xu Yang understood. In fact, he was also worried about this problem. "Some rivers that never freeze will freeze this winter, and food production will further decline.

, it will be drier and there will be less rainfall...it’s not normal at all.”

"This is because the ice giant god blows his north wind from the polar horn," said the voice in the forest. "My abilities can only be limited to the islands, and even the things I can do are gradually becoming less and less.

You need to find your own fire to keep warm and survive these cold days."

"Do we have a chance to reverse the process?" Xu Yang asked, "What if we negotiate with the mysterious person who released Beifeng, or simply defeat him?"

"...This may be the only way." The voice in the forest slowly narrated, "But Yanduo of the Sun is its brother. Even if you launch the most fearless expedition, Yanduo will become your opponent. Yanduo will not

Will sit back and watch its brothers be killed."

"So we can only find another way out." Xu Yang understood the situation and "find a new supply of energy and heat sources."

"...This is the wisest choice," the voice in the forest elongated, like an infinite echo coming from the bottom of the tree roots. "You must accumulate strength in the coming frost and winter so that you can survive after the winter."

Lift high the harvest in midsummer.”

"Then we have to plan ahead, expand the crop network woven with golden branches, and double the food production." Xu Yang mused, "Not only will it be able to feed the local area, but it will also be exported overseas. In addition, we must ensure the construction of offshore oil and gas drilling platforms.

, providing fuel and heating supplies to people.”

"...Wise choice." The voice in the forest was gentle and changeable, sometimes sounding like a male voice, sometimes like an ethereal girl, "...Ellid's power is not infinite, and the ice age will eventually end. This cold winter

It brings not only destruction and disaster, but also a test... When the frost and wind blow, trees are as susceptible to decay as humans. I hope we can advance and retreat in the same way and survive the winter safely."

Immediately afterwards, the sounds in the forest disappeared, and the white deer strolled away.

Xu Yang returned from the forest and couldn't help but start analyzing.

It's already June, but today it's only 12°C. The cold wave without warning covered the northern and southern hemispheres like a whirlpool. Xu Yang silently clarified the situation. Nisto Company must manage the northern archipelago well, continue to build the economic system, integrate people's hearts, and reorganize the army.

Develop technology and lead everyone through this period of time smoothly, so that Falosa can continue to concentrate on cultivating her strength.

The reduction of resources on a global scale will undoubtedly intensify conflicts.

Once pressure builds, there are only three strategies that can be adopted.

One is to develop virtual joy to reduce stress, fill life with entertainment, divert attention, and reduce the rate of stress accumulation.

The second is to drain the pressure down layer by layer, deliberately making a large number of people pay the price, including enslaving and limiting the meaning of life of some people, manufacturing durable consumables, thereby making other people's lives easier, and declaring war on other external forces is also a form of

, treating other forces as objects of plunder and stealing their resources.

The third is to distribute the benefits to the public, so that people can share the benefits brought by development, so that they can be satisfied and worry-free. People have consumption vitality, the economy can operate normally, and a prosperous market will in turn promote scientific and technological progress.

Model three is the most ideal, and this is also the model adopted by Nisto from the beginning.

share weal and woe.

Nisto has always stood with the majority of people. Its business is not for personal service. All its efforts are to improve the living conditions of its members.

Everyone in the company will be prosperous and suffer losses. No one will occupy ill-gotten wealth, and no one will get something for nothing. We respect rationality and abide by the rules. Even if the current situation is difficult, everyone will work together to tide over the difficulties.

At the same time, Nisto has always refused external financial injections of capital and control. Invitation letters and subscription agreements have been sent one after another from the outside. As long as they sign the contract, they can get nearly 3 trillion in huge funds, which is equivalent to Nisto.

The scale will be expanded 2 to 3 times.

Even so, they still clearly maintain their existing position and prohibit banks and financial institutions from getting involved in company operations.

The intercontinental banking system and investment companies are proficient in market manipulation. If Nisto Corporation foolishly steps up to the poker table and accepts this so-called gift, it will only be trapped by the traps and schemes that follow.

If we join in the same trend, the best outcome is to become another giant company and become one of the despicable cowards.

That would not only lose the hearts of the people, but what is even more frightening is that it would lose the legitimacy of calling for global progress.

At every moment, there are overt or covert progressive forces in various places and all walks of life, waiting to join forces and destroy the chains of decay in one fell swoop. Nisto Corporation wants to use the northern archipelago as its source of support to support progressive causes around the world until there is a response.

When a real world war breaks out, Nisto Corporation will find allies around the world!

When an existential crisis comes, the company has no way to reconcile the problem, and the anger of the owner-less will continue to burn, directed at the monopoly itself. Then the real bloody battle will begin, and the fate of the entire civilization is likely to be decided in the next two or three generations.

The dust has settled inside.

Nestor Company, Seven Seals and other giant companies, ancient mystics, interstellar giants... The biting cold wind was like an early warning, prompting them to mobilize their troops. The contradictions between the four parties were irreconcilable, and one of them would surely destroy the other three.

When Xu Yang turned back from the forest to the city, he was thinking in his heart that he would complete the most earth-shattering undertaking in the most calm and prudent way.

It was also at this moment that he heard that something had happened to Linyin.

Xu Yang hurried back to the medical center at Nisto headquarters. Linyin was lying on the medical bed, her eyes closed, and her brain was connected to a health monitor.

He glanced at it and found that all the health readings were stable, which meant that Linyin was in good condition. However, for safety reasons, the medical staff injected her with a pale treatment injection to keep her asleep.

"I brought her here." Pan Ruiyi stood by the door, wearing a helmet. His expression could not be seen, but his voice could tell that he was nervous, "We had a good time yesterday, but today something is wrong."

"Cyber ​​psychosis." Xu Yang checked the consultation log of the medical team. They used sedatives and immunosuppressants for Linyin to suppress the growing tendency of mental dissociation in her brain. The current situation has improved, and initially

It was identified as a sporadic cyberpsychosis outbreak, which happened to be a small-probability event.

"Did we do it?" Pan Ruiyi was shocked, and felt guilty thinking about the small fruit he fed to Linyin yesterday, "Then we...can't do that again."

"Her last record was in the virtual reality cabin, and the doctor determined that she could not accept any consciousness data conversion procedures." Xu Yang observed the medical report and mentioned that virtual reality technology affected Linyin's perception of reality and induced cyberpsychosis.

, "I'm afraid it doesn't have much to do with our affairs. The main thing is that she...she shouldn't be loaded with any virtual reality augmentation technology. Is she receiving virtual combat training here?"

"She is often in the combat simulation cabin at the headquarters." Pan Ruiyi's tone became more urgent, "Is that so? I told her that it can be used for up to 2 hours at a time, so she shouldn't use it indiscriminately."

Xu Yang checked carefully.

"She stayed there for more than 4 hours each time, and the longest time she stayed there was 8 hours." Xu Yang whispered, "She also used hacking techniques to tamper with the alarm mechanism of the technical cabin to avoid being kicked offline."

"...No wonder her skills have developed so quickly." Pan Ruiyi felt desperate for his carelessness. "I thought she was extremely talented! It turns out that she has been torturing herself! After staying in that crazy fighting situation for so long,

No wonder...no wonder it turned out like this."

"She does have talent, but..." Xu Yang said slowly, "She still lacks experience, in various ways."

"I didn't take her seriously!" Pan Ruiyi shouted loudly, extremely anxious, "She...she wants to become stronger as soon as possible, but how can I be so easy to deal with? I should let her go. Even if I lose to her once, she will not

I won’t work so hard anymore!”

People who have been injected with paleness treatment needles will only wake up under extreme external conditions. At this time, Linyin was indeed awakened by Pan Ruiyi.

She opened her eyes, looking weak.

"...I remember I injured a synthesizer." Linyin lowered her voice, "How is it?"

"I've asked someone to send it for repair." Pan Ruiyi came over and explained quickly, "Don't worry."

Linyin adjusted her breathing and turned to look at Xu Yang.

"I'm sorry...Mr. Internet Supervisor..." Linyin apologized tiredly.

"Your current mental difference has increased to 6%." Xu Yang held Linyin's hand to reassure her, "...You can no longer participate in any activities related to virtual reality. You must face the world with all your heart.

This is the world we really live in."

"But I must..." Linyin raised her voice.

"Nothing is necessary... no more virtual battle simulations," Xu Yang warned, "no more virtual games, no courses in Sea of ​​Cyris, and no use of subjective slow-time implants, it's yours

The starting point of falling into mental disparity. Until you complete the treatment, the mental disparity slowly drops back to the original 2%."

"...I'm like a useless person." Linyin laughed at herself, "I can't even withstand a little class. Any 14-year-old child can play virtual games, but I will be induced by cyberpsychosis by this kind of thing."

"This is not your fault, it was done by others. The company has left a psychological shadow on everyone, including me!" Pan Ruiyi almost jumped onto the bed. She hugged Linyin and almost squeezed her. Fortunately, Pan Ruiyi

Release your hands immediately.

Linyin remained silent, burying her face in her hands.

"I still..." She looked up, "...I still want to help and do something useful. But now I can't do anything?"

"There must be, there are many things that can be solved without intubation." Xu Yang adjusted the thermostat and raised the temperature in the room, "You can rest here for a while, others will come soon."

Linyin looked out the window and felt that it was far away.

She knew that the way to overcome her ultimate fear was to personally defeat Enomoto Bank, but she was banned from training due to early signs of cyberpsychosis.

Not long after, Miying and the others came, bringing with them Hosoda Yoshiyuki, who had suffered from cyberpsychosis for 10 years.

He frowned and looked at the lost Rinyin.

"You must have a lot of experience in resisting cyberpsychosis." Miying hurriedly said to Hosoda Yoshiyuki, "...you can help Linyin."

Rinne looked up at Hosoda Yoshiyuki.

"The best way? That is to pretend that you are not sick." Yoshiyuki Hosoda sneered, "You will become a madman in the eyes of others, but you will also embrace your true self. Cyberpsychosis cannot be eradicated. When you start digging

When empty flesh is filled with metal, the roots of cyberpsychosis are already planted. This is a long process, and you will eventually throw away 'moderation' and become a 'devil'."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "I can reverse all of this." Linyin whispered.

"You can't." Yoshiyuki Hosoda said contemptuously, "How could you?"

Linyin said nothing.

Later in the evening, the visitors left one after another.

At midnight, Linyin quietly left the ward. She came to the core level of Nisto headquarters and passed through the checkpoint.

She pushed the door open hard, and the images of stars swayed in front of her.

The golden thread stretched under Linyin's feet, twisting and turning to various roads among the stars.

All you need to do is embrace the power that restores everything, and all you need to do is offer your loyalty to "Lord Falosa".

Linyin looked at the floating recovery star, and the drifting power slowly rotated in it, almost forming a vortex.

Lord Falosha, Lord Falosha. Linyin silently recited this sacred name while walking forward along the golden thread. She needed to maintain her balance to avoid falling to both sides.

She walked towards the sacred path of a witch.

Standing just a stone's throw away from the recovery star, Linyin still clearly remembers how far away it is to be captured by the law of recovery.

She squatted down, almost half-kneeling on the ground, and was only a hair away from being covered by the light of recovery.

Lord Falosha!

Linyin almost jumped up and used the rhythm of recovery to heal her physical and mental scars.

Her body leaned forward, but immediately stiffened, her expression in pain.

think carefully……

What is the difference between surrendering to the company or surrendering to Lord Farosha?

Linyin gave up her desperate thoughts, looked around at the sea of ​​​​stars, and quickly returned along the path she came from.

And the starry sky was obviously angry at Linyin's lack of cooperation! More stars exploded in the distance, and even the door began to close on its own.

Falosa will never tolerate anyone who refuses to obey.

Linyin drove the subjective slow-time implant and jumped over in an instant.


Escaped. Linyin looked back at the closed door, bursts of red light coming from it.

The door was locked behind her, as if Linyin was never welcome to join.

Linyin wiped the sweat from her forehead, and the things in front of her began to split and overlap.

Another subjective slowdown implant, damn it!

She knew that she should really listen to Mr. Internet Supervisor's words. I'm afraid that a small piece of her fragile nerve cells had been destroyed now.

Linyin struggled to maintain her balance and walked unsteadily along the corridor, each step being very laborious.

So hard...

If this continues, she will not be able to return to the ward normally. She will fall to the ground in shame and be discovered by other employees, and then everyone will know where Rinyin went privately.

She clung to one wall, unable to see anything at all, and her mind was buzzing.

Just then, she suddenly heard the patter of brisk footsteps.

A small hand held Linyin and shook it gently, so that she could still distinguish the road even though her vision was separated.

Linyin felt relieved.

She closed her eyes and let the little hand lead her back to the elevator. In the elevator, the young witch grabbed Rinyin's hospital gown and climbed onto her shoulders, so that she could press the floor numbers and take Rinyin back to the hospital.

In the ward of the center.

It's safe...

Linyin was exhausted and fell down on the hospital bed, preparing to fall asleep.

"Thank you, Xu Cheng..." Linyin closed her eyes and waited for sleep to come.

"Meow." When little Falosa heard this, she just meowed, then left and closed the door of the ward.

This chapter has been completed!
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