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Chapter 540 Military Exercise

In mid-June, Lila Nestor publicly criticized Blackfire Innovation during an interview with the media.

"When we talk about 'company'," she said in a cold and measured tone, "we are talking about something extremely basic - respecting contracts and maintaining commodity trade. All companies are willing to admit these two points and start their own business based on these principles.

Economic activities. But now there is a giant enterprise that is constantly harming the stability of the Eastern Hemisphere, trying to use war and force to intimidate everyone. Yes, I am referring to the Blackfire Innovation."

"Does this mean that Nestor will take action on the Black Fire Innovation?" the host asked curiously, "Of course, this is not a question with a preset answer."

"We will." Lila replied in a determined tone, "We will conduct an open military exercise and send the fleet to the islands captured by the Blackfire Innovation to declare our company's interests."

"For a company that has just started," the host laughed, "it would be too dangerous to actively provoke Black Fire Innovation and challenge it."

"We defeated New Xisheng in 50 hours." Lila said indifferently, "When we officially declare war on the Blackfire Innovation in the future, please time it carefully."

As soon as this statement came out, people around the world who were afraid of the military pressure of the Black Fire Revolution were greatly relieved.

The news spread like wildfire, and Nisto immediately found new fans around the world.

While other companies export products, technology, software and culture, Blackfire Innovation has only exported arms and wars since its inception.

"Destroy the arms dealers!"

"Half of the corporate wars in the past 50 years were started by Blackfire Innovation..."

"Finally someone is going to deal with the Blackfire Revolution!"

After a half-year integration period, Nisto will take a strategic step forward and hold military exercises.

The members of the disciple team knew that this exercise was to cooperate with their covert operations. At the social level, most of the media criticized Nisto Company's militaristic attitude, and real estate companies and investors doubted Nisto Company's combat effectiveness, fearing that it would trigger Marty again.

Horrible events like the siege of the city by the Ness.

In contrast, citizens of the northern archipelago are full of expectations, and the vast majority of comments under relevant news are positive.

The Black Fire Revolution captured many cities in the southern part of the northern archipelago. The company cities headed by Sado City and Aibo City were all massacred, and they were riddled with blood debts. Even out of simple sympathy for their compatriots, people were eager to expel the Nisto Company.

Defeat the enemy and recover the entire northern archipelago.

Once Nisto can do this, it means that it truly lives up to its status as a security contractor and is not only capable of protecting the peace of the islands, but also of repelling intruders forcefully!

As a result, various cities spontaneously held a number of large and small activities to support this military exercise. Some entrepreneurs also regarded this opportunity as a good opportunity to make friends with Nisto Company and provided financial assistance. In just three days, they donated 27 million yuan in military expenses.

Smaller weapons manufacturers have also placed orders one after another, requesting Nisto to purchase products and increase their firepower.

Surrounding the potential war, various business opportunities emerge. When all investment tracks are exhausted and closed, war and plunder become the last high ground of value.

Both Gaoge Kyushu and Tianshu Manufacturing congratulated Nisto Company on the upcoming military exercise and donated ammunition and supplies worth 75 million. Anyone with diplomatic skills can see that this is by no means a gift from heaven, but a potential gift.

Invitation, hoping that Nisto Company can fully demonstrate its firepower behind Blackfire Innovation, so as to contain Blackfire Innovation's military activities and force it to draw troops from the frontal battlefield.

In line with the principle of the more the better, Nisto Corporation also recently released news that it is happy to accept this large number of artillery shells, rockets and missiles, saying that it will fully demonstrate its military potential in this military exercise.

Under the planning of the publicity department, the campaign work has slowly begun.


"New poster!"


"It's so cool..." Citizens admired the newly released military exercise poster issued by Nisto Company.

On the promotional picture, three aerospace carriers are lined up in sequence, showing a forward-moving posture, completely majestic.

In the center is the Yokozuna. It is indestructible and famous for its specially reinforced armor. It is like an armored golden city that is unstoppable and will never fall. It has terrifying power. It can easily destroy enemy troops by simply pushing it straight in. It can destroy enemy troops to a great extent.

It is immune to all kinds of firepower projections. Its tactics are like a real yokozuna sumo wrestler, running rampant and invincible. At first, in the corporate war, it was difficult for the Nisto Company to intercept this giant airship. Now,

It was officially absorbed by Nisto and became the company's main luxury brand.

On the left is the Konjima. The entire airship is famous for its airborne capacity. As a super large airborne platform, the entire ship is high in the sky like a circular island. There are more than 200 advanced fighter jets accompanying it. Regardless of the Konjima

Parked above any hostile company city, its attached fighter jets can quickly blow the entire city into ashes.

On the right is the Orochi. It is long and sharp, with green paint. It is younger than the other two ships in terms of service age. The technology it uses is more advanced. It is well-known and ferocious. It is quite outstanding in terms of firepower and speed. It is on the sea

After being shattered, it was rebuilt at a dreamlike speed, as if it had been repaired overnight. The only problem was that Orochi's air force was newly recruited and had insufficient experience. This military exercise also helped Orochi.

The new crew members of the USS received training to enhance the combat skills of the newly recruited fleet.

Under these three aerospace carriers, there are the War Witch troops equipped with steel wings and flying in the sky. The brave and skilled War Witches have lost all kinds of chip control, but have become more loyal. Now they also bring

Bring your own magic power to join the battle.

Their individual combat effectiveness far exceeds that of ordinary troops. If they can develop sophisticated tactics to coordinate with airships and fighter jets, they will be able to excel in future ultra-large-scale corporate wars and become the biggest variable on the battlefield.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! And further below, there is the Nistor Army advancing in formation.

On one side are the "soldiers". As professional military combat synthesizers, they are well-trained and will fight to the death.

On the other side were Nisto armed soldiers, wearing military armor and marching forward in formation, holding main battle rifles in their hands, with a solemn posture.

In the center are the members of the Nisto Legion, arranged in a square formation, full of murderous intent. The so-called "Nisto Legion" currently only has a size of 1,000 people. They are talented people carefully selected from all levels of the company's troops, and the best are chosen.

You, adopting the concept of quality, have experienced war simulations for a long time in the combat training simulation facility at Nisto headquarters, and endured cruel training beyond ordinary people's imagination.

After repeated training and strengthening, the Nistor legionnaires are enthusiastic and brave. They are all strong and muscular giants, and their height alone is obviously much larger than the soldiers and synthetics on both sides. The legionnaires wear armor provided by the Scientific Research Department

The new material super-heavy military armor is specially used to perform anti-armor tasks and arduous fortification destruction operations. Once the war begins, the Nisto Legion will appear in the most intense places.

The ultimate goal of training such a legion is naturally to benchmark against other companies' elite troops, such as Black Fire Innovation's Invisible Guards, Tianshu Creation's Tianque Attendants and other key military organizations.

Behind the poster, the Nisto flag is flying high, and in the background is the entire Eastern Hemisphere.

"As long as chaos, tragedy and injustice persist, it will be necessary for Nisto Corporation to maintain a military presence."

The cold and stern slogans are displayed at the bottom, like a ruthless warning. Although she did not show up, when people see such slogans, they will instantly think of the stern female president.

Friendly and united at home, with heavy blows externally, a poster shows off the military power of Nisto Corporation. All well-known companies are focusing on Nisto Corporation, thinking about what role they will play in the corporate war in the Eastern Hemisphere.


Is what they are going to carry out a military exercise, or are they waiting for an opportunity to intervene in the war, heading south to attack the Taiya Islands, and disrupt the regional hegemony of the Black Fire Revolution.

Blackfire Innovation, the world's largest arms company, now not only has to face Xia's giant enterprise, but also faces the threat of the emerging Nestor Corporation.

"Now everyone understands, it depends on the Black Fire innovation." Xu Yang was in the president's office of Nisto headquarters. This room is more like a huge computer room, connecting Lila's chip to hundreds of servers to facilitate her

Handle vast and complex matters.

"I hope this exercise can go smoothly and prove that we can use intelligent control to solve the coordinated actions of air and ship forces," Lila observed the military report, "That means that everything is under my control, and there is no need to continue to promote air and ship commanders.

It’s a tricky position.”

"The old nobles are able to maintain their existence in the northern archipelago," Xu Yang judged, "largely because they have controlled the Orochi and many airship officers for a long time, which means they have real power in the military."

"Even now, there are still 30% officers of noble origin in the air force," Lila calculated. "If the positions of captains and officers are replaced by sophisticated intelligent joint combat conferences, they will have no choice but to completely withdraw from the stage of history.

Leave the fleet completely under the control of Nisto Company without any hindrance."

"We must be prepared..." Xu Yang nodded, his brows furrowed, and at this time he was also fully focused on the military exercises to be carried out and the potential for war with the Black Fire Revolution.

The path of life and death cannot be ignored.

Whether it is sending the fleet to the open sea for exercises or having the Disciple team destroy the Black Fire stronghold, the purpose is to occupy the oil and gas resources in the target sea area and drive away the remaining forces of the Black Fire Revolution in the northern archipelago.

So, facing the advancement of Nisto Corporation, will Blackfire Innovation fight back?

With the ferocity of the Black Fire Innovation, they may take desperate measures to drag down the Nestor Company, and they will definitely continue to fight until winter. By then, the Nestor Company will not only be involved in a tug-of-war militarily, but the territory will also be devoured by frosty weather.

Everything was lost, and the whole business collapsed.

And if we do not seize oil and gas resources to provide fuel for cold protection measures, when winter arrives, we will also be on the road to destruction.

The strategic game at the corporate level is changing rapidly.

According to Xu Yang's repeated considerations, it was the optimal solution to send regular troops to the front for deterrence, and small teams to the hidden front for destruction, and prepare both hands.

Now that I think about it, I am filled with emotion. Xu Yang secretly thought that his side has actually grown to the point where it can threaten the Black Fire Revolution. Compared with the original conflicts in Aizu City, it is really different.

How much effort did everyone put in during this? How many people worked day and night, how many people shed blood and sacrificed their lives, thinking exhaustively, just to build a better tomorrow, so that both people and witches can live with dignity


The news spread further.

This incident has attracted the attention of interested companies. Various news media and community portals have rushed to report the relevant situation. The visibility of Nisto has once again increased globally.

"The background of the poster is the entire Eastern Hemisphere." At an executive exchange meeting, a minister from Kyushu expressed his opinion, "Doesn't this mean that Nisto will compete with Xia for supremacy in the future? How does Tianshu Pharmaceuticals view it?


"As long as I'm here, this kind of thing won't happen." Lu Sizhou's expression was impeccable, "We have an agent in Nisto Company."

Seeing her guarantee, the executives present also had their own thoughts.

Recently they have heard some hints, and according to the most obscure revelations, Lu Sizhou may intend to move her position higher in the group.

The transfer of power at this level is already a murky and unpredictable realm. Even if they have a plan in mind, they will never take sides.

On the other side, the Black Fire Innovation Headquarters is located in Baraya on the Taia Islands. This is a black tower-like building standing in the center of a huge city. There are almost no windows and ventilation holes open to the outside world. The whole building is like a black pillar.

Rising from the ground, countless orders were issued from it, directing the company's troops to continuously advance one military operation after another.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Looking at the eternally burning dark flames, the wasp pressed its face against the glass and couldn't help imagining what it would be like to be in it.

"Hiss... Huh... Nisto Company was insignificant at the time," Rollo stood beside her, his black mask pressed against the glass, looking at the burning flames as well, "...now it has five islands and three ships.


"I can kill the God of Witches." Wasp looked at the flames, "Killing the God of Witches is only six words, right? I can say six words now."

"The black flame... is the fire that revolutionizes the world..." Rollo murmured, his attention completely absorbed by the black fire in front of him, "...and this flame will never go out."

Seeing that she couldn't talk to him, the hornet turned around and leaned against the glass, letting the flames crackle and burn behind her.

Kill the God of Witches, kill the God of Witches. Wasp chanted silently.

The most powerful witch in the world is a wasp. Who is the God of Witches who commands reality?

"We were transferred back because of the synth." Wasp said dully, "Is that synth A40?"

"Do you have the ability to make A40 turn against you?" Rollo looked at the hornet, "...if you let Nisto kill A40..."

"If I want the A40 to do something it doesn't want to do! I might as well die!" Wasp suddenly screamed and hissed at Rollo crazily.

Rollo stood beside her and listened patiently to her roar.

On the other side, on the beach outside Anjiu City, the members of the disciple team were ready. They all put on their diving suits and stood on the beach waiting for their transportation to arrive.

"Are you coming too?" Linyin looked at Lu Jing, "If you are discovered, it will be very troublesome."

"I will keep a low profile." Lu Jing took off his Tsing Yi and rolled it up into a ball.

"What means of transportation are you talking about?" Ozuki Masusuke couldn't help but ask. He had been waiting for a long time and had not seen any shuttles or ships arriving.

Gradually, the waves became rough and the sound of waves approached, and they all turned their attention to the sea.

"Klarus II." Miying nodded, watching a huge shadow in the sea approaching quickly, "We will hide under its belly, smuggle it to Sado City, and give the Black Fire Innovation a fatal blow."

"The Black Fire Revolution is arrogant and kills innocent people indiscriminately," Lu Jing said with a righteous heart and a serious tone, "Now it's our turn to punish them."

"Okay, kill." A999 nodded fiercely, unable to restrain his desire to kill, "Destroy all the enemies!"

This chapter has been completed!
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