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Chapter 551 Wolf Girl

Inside the Sado City Military Base.

Several soldiers from the Taiya Islands approached the door of the information control room, but did not dare to enter.

They received an order to investigate the company's network security personnel who had not been heard from. Just now, a few sergeants went in to investigate, but after a few screams, there was no movement. They were so frightened that they only dared to wander outside the door.

Even the superior sergeants who were proficient in fighting were killed, and these ordinary soldiers did not dare to investigate in person, as the rifles in their hands did not give them confidence.

They nervously speculated about what happened in the information control room. Have all the network security personnel been killed? Who will handle the base's network attack and defense?

Unconscious thoughts entered their minds. The entire base had been in chaos since the raid. The enemy was extremely powerful and could not be stopped. They had to wait for the Baraya to send the Imperial Guard and the War Witch to support them before they could hope to fight.

These soldiers were recruited from the rainforests of the Taiya Islands. Each of them still retains a weathered appearance and dark brown skin. They are very familiar with each other's tribal totems, family and in-law relationships. After several months of training,

Then he was thrown onto the front line of the Blackfire Revolution.

"We can't just stand here. We must either enter the information control room, run away, or call for help."

"The base has been attacked and no one can be contacted!"

They had no choice but to look at each other. The more cruel and strange the situation before them was, the more the soldiers couldn't help but recall the good times they had on this island.

The Black Fire Revolution never wanted to occupy areas beyond the Taia Islands for a long time, so its attitude towards the occupied areas was to completely destroy them. The soldiers ransacked the city, stuffed their pockets with valuables, and dragged away the wives and daughters of the citizens from their homes.

Those who don't like it will be beaten to death directly, those who dare to resist will be massacred, and then the bodies will be hung in the streets to show authority, just like all thug armies will do.

At that time, they took great pleasure in listening to the cries of the weak and arresting and executing the islanders at will. This once again verified the Blackfire Revolution's declaration that "victory is power."

But now, they dare not enter the information control room. There must be a monster behind that door.

The soldiers were dejected and moved back along the dark metal corridor, preparing to go to the barracks or evacuation station.

The rubber military boots of the five of them clanged on the metal floor, the metal buckles of their clothes rubbed, and their guns clashed. When they approached the intersection of the corridors, they saw several fresh corpses around them, and the sound of walking stopped abruptly.

"There are enemies..." The soldiers were worried.

When Linyin heard that they were approaching, she hung upside down on the ceiling of the corridor to avoid their sight. She reached down and quickly shot out a green single molecular line from her arm.

It slithered through the air like a poisonous snake, as stealthy and sharp as the Hidden Blade, but much faster and more flexible. It passed through their throats in the blink of an eye, killing three; then she threw the flying knife, killing two more.


Blood burst out.

Leaving behind the bodies of the five soldiers, Linyin quickly walked into the information control room.

Ozuki Masosuke was guarding the door. All the Black Fire network security personnel around him were dead, and there were also the corpses of several officers and commando soldiers. It was a bloody scene.

Linyin dragged the technician's body away from the chair, sat in front of the control terminal, issued commands one after another, entered codes, injected virus programs, and tried to seize control of the entire base.

"The Baraya is sending commandos to retake the base." Linyin saw the rapidly exchanged information flow from the information module.

"Are there reinforcements from the enemy?" Ouzue Zengsuke frowned.

He thought of the Invisible Guards. As long as one of the Guards was present, the situation would be extremely difficult. Their combat effectiveness was terrifying.

"Yes... they are coming soon!" Linyin pressed the operation button quickly, constantly seizing control of each anti-aircraft weapon in an attempt to intercept these machines, but it was too late.

Four heavy-duty military shuttles landed in the center of the base. They came from the Baraya and tried to regain the Sado City military base.

"I'll kill them." Ozuki Masuke turned around and left.

"The machine guns and turrets on the road will become our allies, I will help you open the road!" Linyin shouted.

Ouzuki Zou ran outside, and sure enough, the rhythmic churning of small-caliber machine guns and the shouts of Blackfire soldiers being hit could be heard everywhere. The machine gun tower that he had trusted day and night suddenly turned into a deadly killer. This was not a pleasant feeling.

"Go to the courtyard!" Ozuki Masosuke yelled over the team's communication channel, marking them on their indicators.

After A999 dug out Mateo's controller and archive memory chip, he took away his knife, quickly got up, and ran towards the open space in the center of the base.

This area is quite large and should be designed for parking space carriers.

Lu Jing wielded the sword Bafang Zhenjin and had just defeated a group of black fire robots with the Thunder Talisman. Now he heard the order and set off immediately.

After Miying received the order, he just lurked in the shadows and waited for opportunities.

When they arrived at the courtyard, they found at least 200 people rushing down from four shuttles, including 4 invisible guards and 1 war witch.

Such a configuration is too powerful for the disciple team.

Bang bang! Bang!

Concealed machine gun towers rose up from around the open area, firing continuously at the shuttles. Bullets rained down on the armor of these war machines, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of the soldiers, causing the team members to secretly applaud.

But within a moment, the invisible guards locked their targets and opened fire.

The Guards use an extremely advanced super-heavy rifle, codenamed "Huoyu-X50", which can switch between firing 30mm grenades and 10mm rifle rounds, and can also transform into an anti-armor sniper rifle.

It is extremely complex, so it will not be equipped among ordinary soldiers.

Correspondingly, its firepower is also extremely ferocious.

The invisible guards fired grenades at various turrets. They exploded on the barrel of the turret, quickly paralyzing its firepower. The remaining soldiers fired repeatedly, and the turret was completely disabled.

After knocking out these mutinous turrets, they reorganized their formation.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Take back the military base!"

"Kill the infiltrator!"

"Clean it up...leave no further trouble."

The invisible guards coldly led their respective teams forward.

The war witch beside them is particularly eye-catching.

She is tall, has dark brown skin, and is covered with sun marks. Her appearance is handsome and wild, her eyes are dark gold, and she wears tribal-style animal skins. She looks like a primitive person. Only the military identification tag hanging on her chest can prove her.

identity of.

A tropical beast? Lu Jing couldn't help but feel nervous when he saw the witch.

Linyin searched for files in the information control room and had read the other party's report.

"That's the high-ranking war witch of the Black Fire Revolution, the 'Wolf Girl'! She can turn into a monster!" Rinne quickly informed.

"Four Imperial Guards, one evil wolf, we have to retreat." Ogyue Zengsuke stepped back and distanced himself.

"We have a chance of winning if we fight together!" A999 also gave in. It couldn't fight with so many forbidden troops, and the risk assessment exceeded the upper limit of the scale.

"Get together! Retreat first!" Haoyue Zengzhu retreated into the internal passage of the military camp building, and at the same time kept chanting curses in his mouth.

His body and soles of his feet quickly lit up with multiple brilliance of different colors, adding various levels of benefits to it.

The team members first returned to the information control room and observed the enemy's movements from the monitor.

They were tired from fighting until now, so they hurriedly found a place to sit down and used medical injections and supplements to restore their physical strength.

"This is a white treatment needle. You will fall asleep after taking it. Do not use it indiscriminately. This is an ordinary treatment needle. This is a nutritional ointment. This is a sacrificial potion. After taking it, you will become violent and brave, and you can also restore your magic power. This

It's bullets." Miying took out a large amount of supplies from his small backpack and distributed them to his friends.

Lu Jing's eyes slightly flashed with the light of transistors, indicating that the brain implant was operating.

"Who are you contacting?" Haoyue Zengzhu was alert.

"Miss Lu, she should be able to help." Lu Jing used the network module in the information control room to encrypt communications. She used her digital mind with ease.

Is Xia willing to intervene in this war? This question cannot help but arise in the minds of the team members. If the threat can be achieved, the Blackfire Innovation may become a turtle in the urn!

Thinking of this, the way they looked at Lu Jing couldn't help but change a lot. Lu Sizhou's maid in green was a considerate person and might be able to attract strong support.

However, they had heard to some extent about Lu Sizhou's cunningness and did not place all their hopes on it.

There were sounds of Blackfire troops moving around and inspecting facilities everywhere outside, and they hadn't entered the information control room yet.

"Their primary goal is to take away or destroy the confidential documents in the archives to prevent the most important information from being leaked." Linyin typed the code, and there were still some of the most hidden documents that had not been disclosed.

She gritted her teeth and simply started to hack in, trying to download the data before they took it away.

After Lu Jing finished sending the message, he looked up at the cracking progress bar on the screen. The files cracked by Linyin were downloaded one by one and transferred to Linyin's brain memory.

There were a total of 22 core confidential modules. Linyin quickly cracked and downloaded 16 of them, covering most of them. However, when she attacked the remaining 6 modules, these confidential files were all physically deleted.

"Deleted by them?" Lu Jing looked at the screen.

"Yes, it has been transferred, and the rest should be the most important. And these..." Linyin quickly checked the documents he had obtained through blackmail, "... mentioned some black fire rituals, their sacred mountain, in Taiya

The heart of the archipelago.”

"So there is really a black flame?" Lu Jing couldn't help but wonder.

"It is said to be very scary." Ozuki Zensuke nodded.

"Hurry up and rest. We fought too fast. They mistakenly thought there were many of us, so they split up. If they knew there were only a few of us, they would definitely come to arrest us." Miying whispered.

At this moment, Linyin keenly heard the sound of unusually heavy footsteps approaching the information control room, just in the corridor outside.

The monster slowly approached.

"Shh..." Linyin gestured to warn everyone to be careful.

The beasts, smelling their scent and hearing their conversation, were crawling towards here. When they heard the movement of the huge beast, they were naturally nervous.

It stopped at the door.


With a heavy blow, the door of the control room was directly broken!

A giant claw covered with hair penetrated the entrance directly, and a huge wolf roared and rushed in!

"Roar!" The giant wolf witch quickly pounced on Lu Jing, who was nearest to her.

Lu Jing waved the Bafang Real Gold to block, and the entire weapon was instantly shot away by the giant wolf! Lu Jing was also shocked to the point where his arms were numb!

"Careful!" Linyin released single molecular threads to cut the giant wolf witch, and it flew away these threads furiously.

"Anti-magic!" Lu Jing seized the opportunity and waved his hand. Boundless, colorful jets of anti-magic quickly roared out and covered the giant wolf.

Immediately afterwards, the giant wolf witch quickly retreated and her body shrank rapidly!

Seeing that the attack was successful, Lu Jing hurriedly continued to release the anti-magic power. Under the illumination and destruction of the colorful magic power, the giant wolf witch's figure quickly changed back to its original shape! The transformation magic power was neutralized and dispelled.

Turn her back into a naked tribal witch!

"Hold her down!"

"Catch someone alive!"

"Don't let her scream!" Everyone tried their best to hold the wolf girl down.

"Ouch——" The wolf girl struggled in fear. Her perception was far superior to that of others, so she came to attack and kill the enemy. She wanted to get the full victory, but she never thought she would end up like this!

Miying inserted the pale treatment needle into the back of the wolf girl's neck and slowly pushed in the liquid. The wolf girl struggled violently for a while, and gradually her movements became weaker and weaker. She felt a heavy sleepiness coming over her, and soon she was almost completely calm.

They breathed a sigh of relief.

"What to do with her?" Lu Jing felt his own anti-magic power. After consuming the wolf girl's transformation magic power, Lu Jing's own magic power was running out.

"Let's go quickly." Ozuki Masuke urged, "She didn't come alone."

"I am very strong, so I can carry her while we sneak away. A captured witch of war is of great value!" Miying picked up the sleeping wolf girl and ran quickly.

Thinking of the achievements, intelligence resources and honor of capturing the witch representative alive, the disciple team became energetic and morale boosted. They quickly contacted the Saba siblings who were responsible for the response and prepared to retreat.

This chapter has been completed!
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