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Chapter 55 Knowledge

Smart screen desktop is a relatively popular piece of furniture. People are constantly pursuing high resolution and large screens, which ultimately led to the development of smart desktop technology. The entire table is used as a display screen, and the browsing effect is very good.

Falosa stood at the end of the table, intently absorbing all aspects of knowledge. How humans interpret the world in this way! In the explanation on the official encyclopedia page, the sun rises and sets, the stars surge, and the ocean tides rise and fall. These phenomena are not miracles of God, but

It is the result of a series of planetary movements that fascinates Falosa.

Modern "corporations" are really good at deceiving.

If I hadn't seen with my own eyes the Sun Flame rising in the great abyss of the east, I would have really believed this story.

Falosa recalled what she had seen after arriving in the archipelago. The powerful man from the outside race was responsible for managing the movement of the sun in exchange for the qualification to survive in this world. He jumped up and used his own

The heat boils the sea, waves its arms towards the sky, awakens the sun from its idle state, and thus brings a day of light to the world. That is a miracle visible to my naked eyes, but people attribute the sunrise to the rotation of the planets.

Something must have happened. In the past thousand years, in addition to the noble gods themselves, other external races and ancient mystics have also disappeared. Is it just because of the reversal of the witch-human dominance relationship?


Falosa asked Xu Yang how to open the drawing platform, and then started drawing on the screen.

"What is this?" Xu Yang looked at Falosa in confusion as she drew strange symbols on the table.

The symbol roughly looks like four star points from top to bottom.

"Four-star chart." Falosa pointed to the patterns on the image, "What I learned while serving in the church is the foundation that supports the entire world."

Under Falosa's explanation, Xu Yang silently observed the picture.

The entire picture is composed of four star-like patterns.

The star point at the top is the "world of stars", which in Xu Yang's understanding is the universe.

The second star point is "gods". Xu Yang doesn't know much about it. The company has blocked relevant content. Before meeting Falosa, he only knew that the gods were great powers revered in ancient times.

The third star point is "witch", and the fourth star point is "human being".

"The world order is like this," Falosa pointed out. "From top to bottom, we are in a world of stars. Gods are supreme. Witches are qualified to control and inherit magic and control humans. Now it is completely reversed."

"It turns out that human beings are carrying three mountains on their backs, and they should have been climbed over long ago." Xu Yang said.

"What are you talking about? Order is good," Falosa was a little annoyed, and then turned the image over, "Look, it has completely changed now. Human beings are at the top, supreme, suppressing the witches. The witches are in contact with the gods.

Isolation. The bottom is where we live, that is, a star in the world of stars, which is now being interpreted at will by humans."

"We're exploring nature, what's wrong with that?"

"No, the power comes from the sense of mystery." Falosa said, "The less you understand a thing, the more you fear it. And if the sense of mystery disappears, its power will also disappear."

"……I see."

The order is distorted, so everything is collapsing. Falosa thought to herself.

"This is why the Lord of the Forest fled to the distant pole." Falosa looked to the north. "The clearer humans can see, the weaker the power of the ancient mystics. In the interpretation of the scholastic philosophers, this approach is called


"Where does the witch's magic power come from?" Xu Yang thought of another key question.

"I don't believe in human interpretations," Falosa shook her head, "I'll tell you how we understood it at that time - witches shoulder the mission of connecting the world of stars and the earth beneath our feet. The power of each witch is in

There is a star in the sky. Did you know? Each witch's power is unique. Until the last witch dies, and then after years or centuries of waiting, the next witch with the same power will appear.

This is because it takes time for the starlight to shine here again."

Xu Yang then checked modern people's interpretation of magic and said that "there are still many things that modern science cannot interpret."

In comparison, Falosa's statement was actually more detailed.

"The corporate alliance doesn't want us to understand things." Xu Yang said, "They have already given us a preset way of understanding the world."

"That's why we need more." Falosha kept switching pages to learn from it. "The first lesson I learned in church is acceptance, and I need to learn to see things from other people's perspectives."

However, it is obvious that only my understanding is the most correct, Falosa thought to herself. One day I will make everyone else obey me, so why do you think so much?

While surfing the Internet, Falosa accidentally clicked on a video. In a semi-destroyed city, a group of ragged, hungry and cold citizens rushed out waving bricks and pistols, but were attacked by a machine.

Fighter planes bombed and were easily blown to pieces. She noticed that this video had particularly many comments, and more than 90% of the comments were negative.

"What are you talking about?" Falosa was confused.

"There was a struggle 100 years ago," Xu Yang was familiar with this period of history. "In Lundenium, Thailand, people in the whole city responded with one voice and gathered to oppose the 16-hour working day. However, the company was

The troops sent by the alliance were slaughtered. This incident had a great impact, and it was later reformed into the twelve-hour work system that is still in use today. It is called a great charity of the Company Alliance."

Falosa looked down again. As the special effects shots switched, the video content changed from a slaughtered city to a model sketch of an advanced fighter jet, and then the advertising slogan of Blackfire Innovation Company sounded - "Blackfire Innovation, the best in the world."

Arms, the manufacturer of the 'Skymaster T4' that quelled the Lundenim Incident, has now launched the 'Skylord T10', a powerful tool to protect your private assets."

"They are quite proud." Xu Yang shook his head, "The bad reviews are for sure."

"Are you using the history of massacre of mankind as a gimmick?" Falosa felt weird.

"This is the Internet world, everything can be deconstructed," Xu Yang explained. "The most amazing thing about the Internet is that nothing is serious. No matter how serious or sophisticated things are, they will be stripped away once they are online.

Order and rationality have become simplistic and entertaining content, with no lower limit at all, and the bottom line has become the rice line starting line, the middle line, the mermaid line, and the date change line."

"Human resistance... is just like how people broke through the barrier before." Farosha recalled the situation when she broke through the No. 1 junction.

"I am as angry as them," Xu Yang sighed. "I miss my parents, although I have never seen what they look like. The company has destroyed their health and drained their vitality."

"In a literal sense, I want to see the light of day again." Falosa was bored underground, almost fed up, "This is also the fault of the company."

"Because you have no identity and you are a witch, it is best if we have a company under our control and find a way to give you an identity." Xu Yang said, "Otherwise you will never be able to act in the sun."

"There are also those of the same kind who serve the company and are willing to perish." Falosa thought of witches like Pan Rui who kowtow to humans.

"They are not our real enemies. They are bound by their jobs. If we only focus on the witches hired by the company, we will let go of our most dangerous enemy."

"what is that?"

"A monster that is heavily wrapped, and each company is its carapace. What really lives inside is called capital, which is the original driving force for all company actions. Capital aims to increase its own value, so it is like a parasite, urging the host to keep searching.

An opportunity to strengthen yourself.”

Capital will promote scientific and technological progress and will also cause eternal suffering to mankind.

"Slaying such a monster requires a good weapon." Falosa said.

As soon as they finished speaking, they each thought of a handy weapon.

For Xu Yang, that is called "the masses." If a big action that year could change the sixteen-hour work system to twelve hours, would it be possible to win an eight-hour work system again?

For Farosha, that is the "ancient secret". I will provide them with an offer they cannot refuse. There are tens of billions of people in this world, and consuming the blood and souls of one or two billion humans may be able to restore them.

Her power allows them to return to the world stage and wash the world with the blood and fire she likes. Human beings are all in need of care, and it is difficult to remember for a long time.

Moreover, bringing back those huge and ancient beings will make the world more exciting.

After lunch, Xu Yang wanted to check the results of Falosa's online learning, but found that her attention had shifted from understanding the secrets of the world to short videos.

The explosive electronic synthesis music resounded through the room, making Xu Yang's ears hurt, and the melody of the popular song was sung repeatedly.

Falosa shook her body and watched the video content from all over the world with relish.

There are no restrictions, no rules. In order to cater to taste, the short video content is all about men and women fighting hand to hand, otherwise it is some funny content and prank content. Farosha has never heard such rhythmic music, and it always sounds like it to her.

Bang bang bang bang, it is much more shocking than the gentle melody of the simple instruments in the past, and the accompanying video content is also very interesting.

Although she doesn’t quite understand what some of the meme videos are about, and she doesn’t really like those simple male-female content, there are many collections of human failures and earthy clips from around the world, and she can also understand the funny aspects of them.

The platform uses algorithms to guess what Farosha wants to watch next, and it keeps pushing humorous videos that are easy to understand.

With her body bent on the table, Farosha watched one video after another intently, many of which had projection functions. She stood in the corresponding position, as if she was immersed in the scene, and all the living people seemed to be in front of her. She was completely intoxicated.

I even forgot to eat.

"Why do they bang their heads on the ground? Why does the title say 'Don't Laugh Challenge' but the people inside are having fun? Why does everyone inside have such weird expressions? It's so, so funny. I want to record one and post it too." Fa

Rosa couldn't stop brushing anymore.

Xu Yang didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Human beings are really... the best jesters." Falosa said with a smile, and then slid her fingers across the desktop to find the next video. This was the happiest time since she woke up.

So what is the witch who was fooled by the jester? Xu Yang shook his head and could not hurt her self-esteem.

This chapter has been completed!
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